diff --git a/public/gatekeeperd.te b/public/gatekeeperd.te
index e842cd26cac4691fae27a7b8dca02a1ad170e736..94fb2b93702401c70d0ce1e08e35bfa878b08a86 100644
--- a/public/gatekeeperd.te
+++ b/public/gatekeeperd.te
@@ -1,18 +1,26 @@
 type gatekeeperd, domain;
-# normally uses HAL; implements HAL in pass-through mode only
-hal_impl_domain(gatekeeperd, hal_gatekeeper)
 type gatekeeperd_exec, exec_type, file_type;
 # gatekeeperd
+### Rules needed when Gatekeeper HAL runs inside gatekeeperd process.
+### These rules should eventually be granted only when needed.
+allow gatekeeperd tee_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;
+allow gatekeeperd ion_device:chr_file r_file_perms;
+# Load HAL implementation
+allow gatekeeperd system_file:dir r_dir_perms;
+### Rules needed when Gatekeeper HAL runs outside of gatekeeperd process.
+### These rules should eventually be granted only when needed.
 # need to find KeyStore and add self
 add_service(gatekeeperd, gatekeeper_service)
-# Scan through /system/lib64/hw looking for installed HALs
-allow gatekeeperd system_file:dir r_dir_perms;
 # Need to add auth tokens to KeyStore
 allow gatekeeperd keystore:keystore_key { add_auth };