diff --git a/domain.te b/domain.te
index de00ac1dfecf64e672af23dbc81dc24d656b04c2..f0201059e7eef9f5de8da308e1445af800b046a5 100644
--- a/domain.te
+++ b/domain.te
@@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ neverallow { domain -init } kernel:security setsecparam;
 # Only init, ueventd and system_server should be able to access HW RNG
 neverallow { domain -init -system_server -ueventd } hw_random_device:chr_file *;
-# Ensure that all entrypoint executables are in exec_type.
-neverallow * { file_type -exec_type }:file entrypoint;
+# Ensure that all entrypoint executables are in exec_type or postinstall_file.
+neverallow * { file_type -exec_type -postinstall_file }:file entrypoint;
 # Ensure that nothing in userspace can access /dev/mem or /dev/kmem
 neverallow { domain -kernel -ueventd -init } kmem_device:chr_file *;
diff --git a/file.te b/file.te
index b789e36e53fa436aff0506c750754a70681aaa28..833e41a4f2dbd905019348b8dbca3382edbe0360 100644
--- a/file.te
+++ b/file.te
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ type storage_stub_file, file_type;
 # /postinstall: Mount point used by update_engine to run postinstall.
 type postinstall_mnt_dir, file_type;
 # Files inside the /postinstall mountpoint are all labeled as postinstall_file.
-type postinstall_file, file_type, exec_type;
+type postinstall_file, file_type;
 # /data/misc subdirectories
 type adb_keys_file, file_type, data_file_type;
diff --git a/postinstall.te b/postinstall.te
index 8afc56128dd7acf783f2b9c5f3c247d52e6ee92e..938fcd23f6065b10a6c73b8adb8888280001a2b1 100644
--- a/postinstall.te
+++ b/postinstall.te
@@ -18,3 +18,7 @@ allow postinstall postinstall_file:dir r_dir_perms;
 allow postinstall shell_exec:file rx_file_perms;
 allow postinstall system_file:file rx_file_perms;
 allow postinstall toolbox_exec:file rx_file_perms;
+# No domain other than update_engine should transition to postinstall, as it is
+# only meant to run during the update.
+neverallow { domain -update_engine } postinstall:process { transition dyntransition };