diff --git a/Android.mk b/Android.mk
index ccb66e5236711a200145cc598e1b4373be1edae9..c990d4ddbca61cb591ab4a67acd14e294a895bed 100644
--- a/Android.mk
+++ b/Android.mk
@@ -192,7 +192,8 @@ LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += \
     secilc \
     nonplat_file_contexts \
     plat_file_contexts \
-    plat_sepolicy_vers.txt
+    plat_sepolicy_vers.txt \
+    treble_sepolicy_tests
 # Include precompiled policy, unless told otherwise
@@ -1136,6 +1137,27 @@ nonplat_mac_perms_keys.tmp :=
 all_nonplat_mac_perms_files :=
+ifeq ($(PRODUCT_FULL_TREBLE),true)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+# For Treble builds run tests verifying that processes are properly labeled and
+# permissions granted do not violate the treble model.
+LOCAL_MODULE := treble_sepolicy_tests
+include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/base_rules.mk
+treble_sepolicy_tests := $(intermediates)/treble_sepolicy_tests
+$(treble_sepolicy_tests): PRIVATE_PLAT_FC := $(built_plat_fc)
+$(treble_sepolicy_tests): PRIVATE_NONPLAT_FC := $(built_nonplat_fc)
+$(treble_sepolicy_tests): PRIVATE_SEPOLICY := $(built_sepolicy)
+$(treble_sepolicy_tests): $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/treble_sepolicy_tests.py \
+$(built_plat_fc) $(built_nonplat_fc) $(built_sepolicy)
+	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	$(hide) python $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/treble_sepolicy_tests.py -l $(HOST_OUT)/lib64 -f $(PRIVATE_PLAT_FC) -f $(PRIVATE_NONPLAT_FC) -p $(PRIVATE_SEPOLICY)
+	$(hide) touch $@
+endif # ($(PRODUCT_FULL_TREBLE),true)
 add_nl :=
 build_device_policy :=
diff --git a/tests/Android.bp b/tests/Android.bp
index 87afab831a3a1a12966ca787048d003bc39d1e83..2c70f363f7adc9c2fa5b8ccf3f8e91b9a326faf2 100644
--- a/tests/Android.bp
+++ b/tests/Android.bp
@@ -5,3 +5,17 @@ cc_library_host_shared {
     cflags: ["-Wall", "-Werror",],
     export_include_dirs: ["include"],
+cc_prebuilt_binary {
+    name: "policy.py",
+    srcs: ["policy.py"],
+    host_supported: true,
+    required: ["libsepolwrap"],
+cc_prebuilt_binary {
+    name: "treble_sepolicy_tests.py",
+    srcs: ["treble_sepolicy_tests.py"],
+    host_supported: true,
+    required: ["policy.py"],
diff --git a/tests/policy.py b/tests/policy.py
index 480faa23777e132d69381d016fe5f09af0e7d558..74a8ef70da7c4bc95f8e56e0f71ffa3ef850f10c 100644
--- a/tests/policy.py
+++ b/tests/policy.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 from ctypes import *
 import re
 import os
+import sys
 class TERule:
     def __init__(self, rule):
@@ -28,15 +29,17 @@ class Policy:
     # Return all attributes associated with a type if IsAttr=False or
     # all types associated with an attribute if IsAttr=True
     def QueryTypeAttribute(self, Type, IsAttr):
-        TypeIterP = self.__libsepolwrap.init_type_iter(self.__policydbP,
-                create_string_buffer(Type), c_bool(IsAttr))
+        init_type_iter = self.__libsepolwrap.init_type_iter
+        init_type_iter.restype = c_void_p
+        TypeIterP = init_type_iter(c_void_p(self.__policydbP),
+                        create_string_buffer(Type), c_bool(IsAttr))
         if (TypeIterP == None):
             sys.exit("Failed to initialize type iterator")
         buf = create_string_buffer(2048)
         while True:
             ret = self.__libsepolwrap.get_type(buf, c_int(2048),
-                    self.__policydbP, TypeIterP)
+                    c_void_p(self.__policydbP), c_void_p(TypeIterP))
             if ret == 0:
                 yield buf.value
@@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ class Policy:
             # We should never get here.
             sys.exit("Failed to import policy")
-        self.__libsepolwrap.destroy_type_iter(TypeIterP)
+        self.__libsepolwrap.destroy_type_iter(c_void_p(TypeIterP))
     # Return all TERules that match:
     # (any scontext) or (any tcontext) or (any tclass) or (any perms),
@@ -79,7 +82,8 @@ class Policy:
         buf = create_string_buffer(2048)
         ret = 0
         while True:
-            ret = self.__libsepolwrap.get_allow_rule(buf, c_int(2048), policydbP, avtabIterP)
+            ret = self.__libsepolwrap.get_allow_rule(buf, c_int(2048),
+                        c_void_p(policydbP), c_void_p(avtabIterP))
             if ret == 0:
                 Rule = TERule(buf.value)
@@ -90,20 +94,29 @@ class Policy:
             sys.exit("Failed to import policy")
     def __InitTERules(self):
-        avtabIterP = self.__libsepolwrap.init_avtab(self.__policydbP)
+        init_avtab = self.__libsepolwrap.init_avtab
+        init_avtab.restype = c_void_p
+        avtabIterP = init_avtab(c_void_p(self.__policydbP))
         if (avtabIterP == None):
             sys.exit("Failed to initialize avtab")
         self.__GetTERules(self.__policydbP, avtabIterP)
-        self.__libsepolwrap.destroy_avtab(avtabIterP)
-        avtabIterP = self.__libsepolwrap.init_cond_avtab(self.__policydbP)
+        self.__libsepolwrap.destroy_avtab(c_void_p(avtabIterP))
+        init_cond_avtab = self.__libsepolwrap.init_cond_avtab
+        init_cond_avtab.restype = c_void_p
+        avtabIterP = init_cond_avtab(c_void_p(self.__policydbP))
         if (avtabIterP == None):
             sys.exit("Failed to initialize conditional avtab")
         self.__GetTERules(self.__policydbP, avtabIterP)
-        self.__libsepolwrap.destroy_avtab(avtabIterP)
+        self.__libsepolwrap.destroy_avtab(c_void_p(avtabIterP))
     # load ctypes-ified libsepol wrapper
-    def __InitLibsepolwrap(self):
-        self.__libsepolwrap = CDLL("libsepolwrap.so")
+    def __InitLibsepolwrap(self, LibPath):
+        if "linux" in sys.platform:
+            self.__libsepolwrap = CDLL(LibPath + "/libsepolwrap.so")
+        elif "darwin" in sys.platform:
+            self.__libsepolwrap = CDLL(LibPath + "/libsepolwrap.dylib")
+        else:
+            sys.exit("only Linux and Mac currrently supported")
     # load file_contexts
     def __InitFC(self, FcPaths):
@@ -128,15 +141,17 @@ class Policy:
     # load policy
     def __InitPolicy(self, PolicyPath):
-        self.__policydbP = self.__libsepolwrap.load_policy(create_string_buffer(PolicyPath))
+        load_policy = self.__libsepolwrap.load_policy
+        load_policy.restype = c_void_p
+        self.__policydbP = load_policy(create_string_buffer(PolicyPath))
         if (self.__policydbP is None):
             sys.exit("Failed to load policy")
-    def __init__(self, PolicyPath, FcPaths):
-        self.__InitLibsepolwrap()
+    def __init__(self, PolicyPath, FcPaths, LibPath):
+        self.__InitLibsepolwrap(LibPath)
     def __del__(self):
         if self.__policydbP is not None:
-            self.__libsepolwrap.destroy_policy(self.__policydbP)
+            self.__libsepolwrap.destroy_policy(c_void_p(self.__policydbP))
diff --git a/tests/treble.py b/tests/treble_sepolicy_tests.py
similarity index 87%
rename from tests/treble.py
rename to tests/treble_sepolicy_tests.py
index 901f7020997d919f87bc3c98797974b0fc3656f9..3d6a4805f537438519d4c90e6f0fa60bc5225a74 100644
--- a/tests/treble.py
+++ b/tests/treble_sepolicy_tests.py
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import policy
 import re
 import sys
 Use file_contexts and policy to verify Treble requirements
 are not violated.
@@ -47,18 +49,20 @@ class scontext:
         self.entrypoints = []
         self.entrypointpaths = []
-def PrintScontext(domain, sctx):
-    print domain
-    print "\tcoredomain="+str(sctx.coredomain)
-    print "\tappdomain="+str(sctx.appdomain)
-    print "\tfromSystem="+str(sctx.fromSystem)
-    print "\tfromVendor="+str(sctx.fromVendor)
-    print "\tattributes="+str(sctx.attributes)
-    print "\tentrypoints="+str(sctx.entrypoints)
-    print "\tentrypointpaths="
-    if sctx.entrypointpaths is not None:
-        for path in sctx.entrypointpaths:
-            print "\t\t"+str(path)
+def PrintScontexts():
+    for d in sorted(alldomains.keys()):
+        sctx = alldomains[d]
+        print d
+        print "\tcoredomain="+str(sctx.coredomain)
+        print "\tappdomain="+str(sctx.appdomain)
+        print "\tfromSystem="+str(sctx.fromSystem)
+        print "\tfromVendor="+str(sctx.fromVendor)
+        print "\tattributes="+str(sctx.attributes)
+        print "\tentrypoints="+str(sctx.entrypoints)
+        print "\tentrypointpaths="
+        if sctx.entrypointpaths is not None:
+            for path in sctx.entrypointpaths:
+                print "\t\t"+str(path)
 alldomains = {}
 coredomains = set()
@@ -150,7 +154,10 @@ def GetDomainEntrypoints(pol):
         # so skip the lookup.
         if x.tctx == "postinstall_file":
-        alldomains[x.sctx].entrypointpaths = pol.QueryFc(x.tctx)
+        entrypointpath = pol.QueryFc(x.tctx)
+        if not entrypointpath:
+            continue
+        alldomains[x.sctx].entrypointpaths.extend(entrypointpath)
 # Get attributes associated with each domain
@@ -227,11 +234,18 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     parser.add_option("-f", "--file_contexts", dest="file_contexts",
             metavar="FILE", action="extend", type="string")
     parser.add_option("-p", "--policy", dest="policy", metavar="FILE")
+    parser.add_option("-l", "--library-path", dest="libpath", metavar="FILE")
     parser.add_option("-t", "--test", dest="test", action="extend",
             help="Test options include "+str(Tests))
     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    if not options.libpath:
+        sys.exit("Must specify path to host libraries\n" + parser.usage)
+    if not os.path.exists(options.libpath):
+        sys.exit("Error: library-path " + options.libpath + " does not exist\n"
+                + parser.usage)
     if not options.policy:
         sys.exit("Must specify monolithic policy file\n" + parser.usage)
     if not os.path.exists(options.policy):
@@ -245,9 +259,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
             sys.exit("Error: File_contexts file " + f + " does not exist\n" +
-    pol = policy.Policy(options.policy, options.file_contexts)
+    pol = policy.Policy(options.policy, options.file_contexts, options.libpath)
+    if DEBUG:
+        PrintScontexts()
     results = ""
     # If an individual test is not specified, run all tests.
     if options.test is None or "CoredomainViolations" in options.tests: