diff --git a/Android.mk b/Android.mk
index ea53887ca3d1972989c99121551cd6fdf909d94d..c023783626bb9f7075b1eb5b5414aa8843b28923 100644
--- a/Android.mk
+++ b/Android.mk
@@ -62,24 +62,11 @@ LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_ROOT_OUT)
 include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/base_rules.mk
 sepolicy_policy.conf := $(intermediates)/policy.conf
-# Build up the list of policy files (the order matters, since they will all be
-# cat'd together)
-POLICY_DEPENDS := $(call build_policy, security_classes initial_sids access_vectors global_macros mls_macros mls policy_capabilities te_macros attributes *.te)
-# Add extra policy for "su", but only for eng and userdebug builds
-ifneq (,$(filter userdebug eng,$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)))
-POLICY_DEPENDS += $(wildcard $(addprefix $(LOCAL_PATH)/conditional/, su.te))
-# Add in the rest of the policy
-POLICY_DEPENDS += $(call build_policy, roles users initial_sid_contexts fs_use genfs_contexts port_contexts)
 $(sepolicy_policy.conf): PRIVATE_MLS_SENS := $(MLS_SENS)
 $(sepolicy_policy.conf): PRIVATE_MLS_CATS := $(MLS_CATS)
-$(sepolicy_policy.conf) : $(POLICY_DEPENDS)
+$(sepolicy_policy.conf) : $(call build_policy, security_classes initial_sids access_vectors global_macros mls_macros mls policy_capabilities te_macros attributes *.te roles users initial_sid_contexts fs_use genfs_contexts port_contexts)
 	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
-	$(hide) m4 -D mls_num_sens=$(PRIVATE_MLS_SENS) -D mls_num_cats=$(PRIVATE_MLS_CATS) -s $(POLICY_DEPENDS) > $@
+	$(hide) m4 -D mls_num_sens=$(PRIVATE_MLS_SENS) -D mls_num_cats=$(PRIVATE_MLS_CATS) -s $^ > $@
 $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) : $(sepolicy_policy.conf) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/checkpolicy
 	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
diff --git a/conditional/su.te b/su.te
similarity index 100%
rename from conditional/su.te
rename to su.te