diff --git a/zygote.te b/zygote.te
index 67fd621c00e0080be2c95e65f6a87ff350cf43c6..22558048a66e2d50e12714ef265fd475432d9ad2 100644
--- a/zygote.te
+++ b/zygote.te
@@ -80,6 +80,28 @@ userdebug_or_eng(`
   allow zygote method_trace_data_file:file { create w_file_perms };
+### A/B OTA
+# The zygote is responsible for detecting A/B OTA artifacts and moving them into
+# the actual dalvik-cache.
+# Allow zygote access to files in /data/ota.
+# This includes reading symlinks in /data/ota/dalvik-cache. This is required for PIC mode boot
+# images, where the oat file is symlinked to the original file in /system.
+r_dir_file(zygote, ota_data_file)
+# The zygote renames the OTA dalvik-cache to the regular dalvik-cache.
+allow zygote ota_data_file:dir { rw_dir_perms rename reparent };
+# And needs to relabel the entries, so as to have the dalvikcache_data_file label.
+allow zygote ota_data_file:{ dir file } relabelfrom;
+allow zygote dalvikcache_data_file:{ dir file } relabelto;
+# The zygote also cleans up the now-empty dalvik-cache directory after an OTA.
+allow zygote ota_data_file:dir rmdir;
 ### neverallow rules