diff --git a/emper/sleep_strategy/AbstractIoSleepStrategy.cpp b/emper/sleep_strategy/AbstractIoSleepStrategy.cpp
index 3a804ea33b56d1d5e6abdb848bb5c097a6b857be..971c1a26532f437b5219e1f1ded13ce02712f6e2 100644
--- a/emper/sleep_strategy/AbstractIoSleepStrategy.cpp
+++ b/emper/sleep_strategy/AbstractIoSleepStrategy.cpp
@@ -20,64 +20,56 @@
 using emper::io::IoContext;
 using emper::lib::TaggedPtr;
+// TODO: Remove when liburing supports IORING_OP_MSG_RING
+static void io_uring_prep_msg_ring(struct io_uring_sqe* sqe, int ring_fd, void* user_data,
+																	 uint32_t res) {
+	io_uring_prep_nop(sqe);
+	sqe->opcode = IORING_OP_MSG_RING;
+	sqe->fd = ring_fd;
+	sqe->off = (uint64_t)user_data;
+	sqe->len = res;
 namespace emper::sleep_strategy {
-thread_local AbstractIoSleepStrategy::SleepState AbstractIoSleepStrategy::sleepState;
-thread_local int AbstractIoSleepStrategy::specificEvfd;
+thread_local bool AbstractIoSleepStrategy::readingGlobal = false;
 AbstractIoSleepStrategy::AbstractIoSleepStrategy(Runtime& runtime, workerid_t workerCount)
-		: workerCount(workerCount), stats(runtime) {
+		: workerCount(workerCount), stats(runtime), runtime(runtime) {
 	sleepers.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-	sleepStates = new SleepState*[workerCount];
-	evfds = new int[workerCount];
-	runtime.addNewWorkerHook([this](workerid_t workerId) {
-		specificEvfd = eventfd(0, 0);
-		if (specificEvfd == -1) {
-			DIE_MSG_ERRNO("Creating worker specific notification eventfd failed");
-		}
-		evfds[workerId] = specificEvfd;
-		sleepStates[workerId] = &sleepState;
-	});
+	sleepStates = new (std::align_val_t(CACHE_LINE_SIZE)) std::atomic<SleeperState>[workerCount];
 AbstractIoSleepStrategy::~AbstractIoSleepStrategy() { delete[] sleepStates; }
-auto AbstractIoSleepStrategy::prepareSleep(IoContext& io,
-																					 const std::function<bool(void)>& customLogic) -> bool {
-	{
-		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(sleepState.lock);
-		// Check if we were notified specifically and should skip the sleep attempt
-		if (sleepState.isNotified()) {
-			sleepState.markRunning();
-			LOGD("Reset notified state to running -> skip sleeping");
-			return false;
-		}
-		if (!sleepState.readingGlobal) {
-			const bool shouldSleep = customLogic();
-			if (!shouldSleep) return false;
-			sleepState.readingGlobal = true;
-		}
-		if (!sleepState.isSleeping()) {
-			sleepState.markSleeping();
+auto AbstractIoSleepStrategy::prepareSleep(const std::function<bool(void)>& customLogic) -> bool {
+	const workerid_t workerId = Worker::getCurrentWorkerId();
+	std::atomic<SleeperState>& sleepState = sleepStates[workerId];
+	// Check if we were notified specifically and should skip the sleep attempt
+	const SleeperState oldState = sleepState.exchange(SleeperState::Sleeping);
+	// Someone has notified us specifically -> skip sleeping.
+	if (oldState == SleeperState::Notified) {
+		sleepState.store(SleeperState::Running, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+		LOGD("State was notified -> reset notified state to running and skip sleeping");
+		return false;
+	}
-			struct io_uring_sqe* sqe = io.getSqe();
-			io_uring_prep_read(sqe, specificEvfd, &specificReadBuf, sizeof(specificReadBuf), 0);
+	// Me must have been running.
+	assert(oldState == SleeperState::Running);
-			const auto tag = static_cast<uint16_t>(IoContext::PointerTags::NewWorkNotification);
-			// Tag the sqe with a marked new work notification to reset the specific state
-			// when reaping the resulting cqe.
-			io_uring_sqe_set_data(sqe, TaggedPtr((void*)nullptr, tag, true));
+	if (!readingGlobal) {
+		const bool shouldSleep = customLogic();
+		if (!shouldSleep) return false;
-			io.trackReqsInUring(1);
-			LOGD("prepared specificEvfd read");
-		}
+		readingGlobal = true;
 	return true;
@@ -105,6 +97,22 @@ void AbstractIoSleepStrategy::prepareSleepRead(IoContext& io, int fd, uint8_t sq
+void AbstractIoSleepStrategy::sendSpecificNotification(workerid_t workerId) {
+	stats.addNotifications(1);
+	emper::assertInRuntime();
+	auto& io = *IoContext::getWorkerIo();
+	struct io_uring_sqe* sqe = io.getSqe();
+	TaggedPtr tag((void*)nullptr, static_cast<uint16_t>(IoContext::PointerTags::NewWorkNotification),
+								true);
+	io_uring_prep_msg_ring(sqe, runtime.ioContexts[workerId]->ring.ring_fd, tag, 0);
+	io.trackReqsInUring(1);
+	io.submitPreparedSqesAndWait<CallerEnvironment::EMPER>(0);
 template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
 void AbstractIoSleepStrategy::onNewWorkNotification(IoContext& io,
 																										const emper::lib::TaggedPtr& data) {
@@ -114,20 +122,21 @@ void AbstractIoSleepStrategy::onNewWorkNotification(IoContext& io,
 	assert(data.getTag() == static_cast<uint16_t>(IoContext::PointerTags::NewWorkNotification));
+	stats.incWakeupDueToNotify();
+	std::atomic<SleeperState>& sleepState = sleepStates[io.worker->getWorkerId()];
 	if (data.isMarked()) {
-		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(sleepState.lock);
 		LOGD("Got specific notification");
-		stats.incWakeupDueToNotify();
-		// Reset specific and notified flag to indicate that a new specific notification
-		// was consumed, a new specific read must be prepared and other notifySpecific
-		// calls must notify again.
-		sleepState.markRunning();
+		ATTR_UNUSED auto oldState =
+				sleepState.exchange(SleeperState::Running, std::memory_order_release);
+		assert(oldState == SleeperState::Notified);
 	} else {
 		LOGD("Got new work notification");
-		stats.incWakeupDueToNotify();
+		sleepState.store(SleeperState::Running, std::memory_order_release);
 		// Reset global flag to indicate that a new sleep cqe must be prepared
-		sleepState.readingGlobal = false;
+		readingGlobal = false;
diff --git a/emper/sleep_strategy/AbstractIoSleepStrategy.hpp b/emper/sleep_strategy/AbstractIoSleepStrategy.hpp
index 8c495d4b8549c9ab58ee2c45167d4103be85a71a..bab7e299664a3676c1645e17a685af8668021678 100644
--- a/emper/sleep_strategy/AbstractIoSleepStrategy.hpp
+++ b/emper/sleep_strategy/AbstractIoSleepStrategy.hpp
@@ -49,21 +49,17 @@ namespace emper::sleep_strategy {
  *             sleepers count
  *     Per worker:
  *             dispatch hint buffer
- *             specific IO object
- *             lockable sleep state
+ *             readingGlobal flag
+ *             atomic sleep state
  * PrepareSleep(customLogic):
- *     Lock state
- *     Defer unlock state
- *     If state is notified
+ *     Exchange state with sleeping
+ *     If state was notified
  *         Reset to running
  *         Return
- *     If stats not reading global
+ *     If not readingGlobal
  *         Return false if customLogic returns false
- *         Set state reading global
- *     If state is not sleeping
- *         Mark state sleeping
- *         Prepare read from specificEvfd
+ *         Set readingGlobal
  *     Return true
  * WriteNotifications : implementation specific
@@ -90,17 +86,14 @@ namespace emper::sleep_strategy {
  * NotifySpecific(w):
  *    Get w's state
- *    Lock state
- *    Defer unlock state
- *    Return if already notified
- *    Mark state notified
- *    If state was sleeping
- *        Write specific notification
+ *    Relaxed exchange with notified
+ *    Return w was sleeping
+ *        Send specific notification
  * onNewWorkCompletion(data):
+ *     Release state to running
  *     If data is marked
- *         lock state
- *         Mark state running
+ *         assert was notified
  *     Else
  *         Reset readingGlobal
@@ -213,35 +206,8 @@ class AbstractIoSleepStrategy : public Logger<LogSubsystem::SLEEP_S> {
 		return static_cast<uint64_t>(toWakeup);
-	/**
-	 * @brief State of a worker
-	 */
-	class SleepState {
-		friend class AbstractIoSleepStrategy;
-		bool readingGlobal = false;
-		std::mutex lock;
-		emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState s = emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Running;
-		auto markNotified() -> bool {
-			auto oldS = s;
-			s = emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Notified;
-			return oldS == emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Sleeping;
-		}
-		void markSleeping() { s = emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Sleeping; }
-		void markRunning() { s = emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Running; }
-		auto isNotified() const -> bool { return s == emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Notified; }
-		auto isSleeping() const -> bool { return s == emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Sleeping; }
-	};
-	SleepState** sleepStates;
-	static thread_local SleepState sleepState;
-	int* evfds;
-	static thread_local int specificEvfd;
-	// Buff used by all specirfic reads since their results are meaningless
-	uint64_t specificReadBuf;
+	static thread_local bool readingGlobal;
+	std::atomic<SleeperState>* sleepStates;
 	// Make sure the shared counter lives in an exclusive cache line
 	CACHE_LINE_EXCLUSIVE(std::atomic<int64_t>, sleepers);
@@ -249,34 +215,27 @@ class AbstractIoSleepStrategy : public Logger<LogSubsystem::SLEEP_S> {
 	workerid_t workerCount;
 	Stats stats;
+	const Runtime& runtime;
 	AbstractIoSleepStrategy(Runtime& runtime, workerid_t workerCount);
 	virtual ~AbstractIoSleepStrategy();
 	virtual void writeNotificationsFromEmper(emper::FiberHint hint, unsigned count) = 0;
 	virtual void writeNotificationsFromAnywhere(emper::FiberHint hint, unsigned count) = 0;
-	void writeSpecificNotification(workerid_t workerId) {
-		stats.addNotifications(1);
-		const uint64_t b = 1;
-		ssize_t res = write(evfds[workerId], &b, sizeof(b));
-		if (unlikely(res) < 0) {
-			DIE_MSG_ERRNO("writing to the worker " << workerId << " evfd failed");
-		}
-	}
+	void sendSpecificNotification(workerid_t workerId);
 	using CustomLogic = std::function<bool(void)>;
 	 * @brief Prepare everything to sleep until new work is available
-	 * @param io The IoContext used to sleep
 	 * @param customLogic Code specific to the actual IO sleep strategy. Reads are only prepared
 	 *                    if customLogic returns true.
 	 * @return True if any read was prepared and IO completions should be awaited
-	auto prepareSleep(emper::io::IoContext& io, const CustomLogic& customLogic) -> bool;
+	auto prepareSleep(const CustomLogic& customLogic) -> bool;
 	 * @brief prepare a new work notification read request
@@ -322,21 +281,15 @@ class AbstractIoSleepStrategy : public Logger<LogSubsystem::SLEEP_S> {
 	template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
 	void notifySpecificInternal(workerid_t workerId) {
-		auto& specificState = *sleepStates[workerId];
-		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(specificState.lock);
+		auto& specificState = sleepStates[workerId];
 		LOGD("Specifically notify  worker " << workerId << " from " << callerEnvironment);
-		if (specificState.isNotified()) {
-			LOGD(workerId << " already marked notified");
-			return;
-		}
-		const bool isSleeping = specificState.markNotified();
-		if (isSleeping) {
-			LOGD(workerId << " has specific read -> write notification");
-			writeSpecificNotification(workerId);
+		auto oldState = specificState.exchange(SleeperState::Notified, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+		// We are responsible to wake the futex
+		if (oldState == SleeperState::Sleeping) {
+			LOGD(workerId << " was sleeping send notification");
+			sendSpecificNotification(workerId);
diff --git a/emper/sleep_strategy/PipeSleepStrategy.cpp b/emper/sleep_strategy/PipeSleepStrategy.cpp
index 1328dfdf5100b66bc1ed582cbaf8a0b740354cf2..cf1d9bcb22c36c10bdbd0a7068f02c768bcdf5e2 100644
--- a/emper/sleep_strategy/PipeSleepStrategy.cpp
+++ b/emper/sleep_strategy/PipeSleepStrategy.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ void PipeSleepStrategy::sleep() {
 		return true;
-	const bool shouldSleep = prepareSleep(io, customSleepLogic);
+	const bool shouldSleep = prepareSleep(customSleepLogic);
 	if (!shouldSleep) return;
diff --git a/emper/sleep_strategy/WaitfdSleepStrategy.cpp b/emper/sleep_strategy/WaitfdSleepStrategy.cpp
index 605ce494c6307bd6649eb9e9098f4c182772e8d8..2e221254db8da860f0cc33155e67a95d136de184 100644
--- a/emper/sleep_strategy/WaitfdSleepStrategy.cpp
+++ b/emper/sleep_strategy/WaitfdSleepStrategy.cpp
@@ -49,11 +49,7 @@ WaitfdSleepStrategy::WaitfdSleepStrategy(Runtime& runtime, workerid_t workerCoun
-WaitfdSleepStrategy::~WaitfdSleepStrategy() {
-	for (unsigned i = 0; i < workerCount; ++i) close(evfds[i]);
-	delete[] evfds;
-	close(waitfd);
+WaitfdSleepStrategy::~WaitfdSleepStrategy() { close(waitfd); }
 void WaitfdSleepStrategy::sleep() {
 	IoContext& io = *IoContext::getWorkerIo();
@@ -67,7 +63,7 @@ void WaitfdSleepStrategy::sleep() {
 		LOGD("prepared waitfd read");
 		return true;
-	const bool shouldSleep = prepareSleep(io, customLogic);
+	const bool shouldSleep = prepareSleep(customLogic);
 	if (!shouldSleep) return;
diff --git a/tests/ScheduleOnTest.cpp b/tests/ScheduleOnTest.cpp
index 5f7507fb8511221a5f6e26278f57816f7baa8e0e..3ed34f19bf7771443f00f80de2c4664d40c3a197 100644
--- a/tests/ScheduleOnTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/ScheduleOnTest.cpp
@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@
 #include "Fiber.hpp"
 #include "Runtime.hpp"
 #include "Worker.hpp"
+#include "emper-config.h"
 #include "emper.hpp"
 #include "fixtures/assert.hpp"
+#include "lib/LinuxVersion.hpp"	 // IWYU pragma: keep
 // static const unsigned ITERATIONS = 100;
 static const unsigned ITERATIONS = 2;
@@ -42,4 +44,10 @@ static void scheduleOnTest() {
-void emperTest() { scheduleOnTest(); }
+void emperTest() {
+	// io_uring supports IORING_OP_MSG_RING since Linux 5.18
+	if (EMPER_LINUX_LT("5.18")) exit(77);
+	scheduleOnTest();