diff --git a/emper/io/IoContext.cpp b/emper/io/IoContext.cpp
index bc5300f8b6cd81bc4c5ac4c8bb3079070eb8a9b2..473f8924ee2c4956e9fad2d54e0d4408ba225ab7 100644
--- a/emper/io/IoContext.cpp
+++ b/emper/io/IoContext.cpp
@@ -133,13 +133,18 @@ void IoContext::submit(Future &future) {
 	// Because we submit every Future right away multiple prepared sqes can only
 	// occur for Future chains.
 	// If we could not submit the whole chain cancel all non submitted Futures
-	// because we can not guaranty the soundness of the chain and invalidate their
-	// prepared sqe
+	// because we can not guaranty the soundness of the chain have to invalidate
+	// non submitted but prepared sqes
 	// req1 -> invalid_req -> req3
 	// will submit only 2 instead of all 3 prepared sqes leaving a sqe for req3
 	// in the SQ but unsubmitted
 	// See: https://github.com/axboe/liburing/issues/186
 	// https://github.com/axboe/liburing/issues/92
+	//
+	// Since kernel commit cf10960426515 io_uring does no longer submit parts of a
+	// broken chains. This means that all sqes in a chain except the broken one will
+	// result in cqes with result -ECANCELD and the invalid one will
+	// generate a cqe with the appropriate error code
 	if (unlikely(static_cast<unsigned>(submitted) < prepared)) {
 		unsigned unsubmitted = io_uring_sq_ready(&ring);
 		Future *unsubmittedFuture = &future;
diff --git a/tests/io/LinkFutureTest.cpp b/tests/io/LinkFutureTest.cpp
index 14c15cb0c272ca62b6757e48bc84039c604ddc79..94291c21af6eeef1ee696c9f155ee0a227d6f410 100644
--- a/tests/io/LinkFutureTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/io/LinkFutureTest.cpp
@@ -119,7 +119,10 @@ static void failureChainCorInvCor() {
 	assert(res == -EBADF);
 	res = correctFuture1.wait();
-	assert(res == (int32_t)buf.size());
+	// Since the kernel commit cf10960426515 io_uring does not
+	// submit broken links and completes any request before a
+	// invalid one as canceled.
+	assert(res == -ECANCELED || res == (int32_t)buf.size());