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+# Adversarial Defense Methods
+This repository contains implementations of various adversarial defense methods, including **AIR**, **Vanilla Adversarial Training (AT)**, **LFL**, **EWC**, **Feat. Extraction** and **Joint Training**.
+The code also allows training on multiple tasks (attacks) sequentially, with automatic defense method selection from the configuration file.
+## Setup & Installation
+### Prerequisites
+To run this code, you’ll need to install the following dependencies:
+1. **Python 3.x**
+2. **PyTorch** (for training models)
+3. **NumPy** (for numerical computations)
+4. **torchvision** (for image transformations and datasets)
+5. **Matplotlib** (for plotting and visualization)
+6. **scikit-learn** (for t-SNE visualization)
+### Step-by-step setup
+1. **Clone the repository:**
+   First, clone the repository to your local machine:
+   ```bash
+   git clone https://gitlab.cs.fau.de/ex55aveq/defense-without-forgetting-reproduction.git
+   cd src
+   ```
+2. **Create and activate a virtual environment:**
+   It's recommended to use a virtual environment to isolate the dependencies.
+   ```bash
+   python -m venv venv
+   source venv/bin/activate
+   ```
+3. **Install dependencies:**
+   Install the necessary dependencies using `pip`:
+   ```bash
+   pip install -r requirements.txt
+   ```
+4. **Configure the environment:**
+   Set up the configuration file (`Config`) in the Python code to specify your training parameters, dataset, and attack/defense methods.
+## Usage Instructions
+### Running the code
+After setting up the environment, you can start training your model using the following command:
+python main.py
+This will start training on the dataset and attacks specified in the `Config` class, which is located in `utils/config.py`. You can modify the config file to specify different training parameters, attack methods, defense methods, and dataset.
+### Configuration Options
+The configuration options can be found in `utils/config.py`. Some of the key parameters you can adjust include:
+- **Dataset**: Choose between `MNIST`, `CIFAR10`, and `CIFAR100`.
+- **Attack Methods**: Specify the sequence of attacks you want to train on (e.g., `FGSM`, `PGD`, or `None`).
+- **Defense Methods**: Choose a defense method like `AIR`, `LFL`, `JointTraining`,`VanillaAT`, `FeatExtraction`,`EWC`, etc.
+- **Training Parameters**: You can adjust `epochs`, `batch_size`, `learning_rate`, and other parameters as needed.
+### Configuration Example
+Below is an example of the configuration you might define in `config.py`:
+class Config:
+    # General
+    seed: int = 42
+    device: str = "cuda"
+    # Training
+    epochs: int = 30
+    batch_size: int = 128
+    learning_rate: float = 0.1
+    momentum: float = 0.9
+    weight_decay: float = 5e-4
+    # Attack params
+    epsilon: float = 8 / 255
+    alpha: float = 2 / 255
+    num_steps: int = 10
+    random_init: bool = True
+    # Defense selection
+    defense_method: str = "AIR"
+    # AIR parameters
+    lambda_SD: float = 1.0
+    lambda_IR: float = 1.0
+    lambda_AR: float = 1.0
+    lambda_Reg: float = 1.0
+    alpha_range: tuple = (0.3, 0.7)
+    use_rdrop: bool = True
+    # Isotropic replay augmentations
+    iso_noise_std: float = 0.01
+    iso_clamp_min: float = 0.0
+    iso_clamp_max: float = 1.0
+    iso_p_flip: float = 0.5
+    iso_flip_dim: int = 3
+    iso_p_rotation: float = 0.5
+    iso_max_rotation: int = 10
+    iso_p_crop: float = 0.5
+    iso_p_erase: float = 0.5
+    # Dataset
+    dataset: str = "MNIST"
+    data_root: str = "./data"
+    num_workers: int = 2
+    # LFL
+    lambda_lfl: float = 1.0
+    feature_lambda: float = 1.0
+    freeze_classifier: bool = True
+    # JointTraining
+    joint_lambda: float = 0.5
+    # VanillaAT
+    adv_lambda: float = 1.0
+    # FeatExtraction
+    feat_lambda: float = 1.0
+    noise_std: float = 0.01
+    # EWC
+    lambda_ewc: float = 100.0
+    # Multi-task or multi-attack scenario
+    attack_sequence: tuple = ("FGSM", "PGD")
+You can modify `attack_sequence` and `defense_method` as per your needs.
+## Results
+After training, the results will be saved and displayed. You can see:
+- **Clean Accuracy**: Accuracy on the test dataset without any attack.
+- **Robust Accuracy**: Accuracy under adversarial attacks (e.g., PGD, FGSM).
+- **Losses**: Both clean and adversarial losses.
+## Dependencies
+- **PyTorch**: For deep learning and model training.
+- **torchvision**: For image processing and dataset utilities.
+- **NumPy**: For numerical computations.
+- **matplotlib**: For plotting training and evaluation results.
+- **scikit-learn**: For t-SNE visualization.
+## Author
+- **Mina Moshfegh**
+### Notes:
+- This README provides clear setup instructions, usage details, configuration, and dependency installation steps.
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