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herkulessi / Kaffeekasse
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
fsv-tech / techfak-sommerfest-homepage
Apache License 2.0Website for the TechFak Sommerfest 2017
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Lehrstuhl für Informatik 4 (Systemsoftware) / PASST / ds1820tousb
GNU General Public License v2.0 or lateroriginal design & software: http://www.poempelfox.de/ds1820tousb/
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It is a software developed for interpolating large datasets generated by simulations or experiments that consist of various scalar and vector fields from an Unstructured grid To a Structured grid(UTS) using the Paraview Python libraries
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Website for the journey to the end of the night in Erlangen
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Evaluation Tools for my master's thesis.
DEPRECATED: These tools are now part of my fork of quic-interop-runner.
Archived 0Updated -
AGFD / wisski-distillery
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Archived 0Updated -
Die neue, viel bessere version von ChiefSend.
geschrieben in Go und VueJS
Archived 0Updated -
Web Applikation für das Corpus des bagnards et leurs proches (FAU Romanistik)
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sedrubal / Masterarbeit / quic-interop-runner
Apache License 2.0This is a fork of the official quic-interop-runner extended with a satellite test case and custom scripts.
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My presentation for the seminar "Blockchain" 2017/18. Subject: Privacy by Design https://user.fablab.fau.de/~ev80uhys/blockchain-presentation-privacy-by-design
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Kleines Tool zum Schreiben von E-Klausuren über den Webbrowser.