From 54543cf2506577f77e93443de3d5ba86d5f773c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: siflfran <siflfran>
Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 22:05:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] draw_dial() neu implementiert

 01_git/astime_x.c                   | 275 +++++++++++-----------------
 01_git/autoconf/ |   4 +-
 01_git/beo.astimerc                 |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)

diff --git a/01_git/astime_x.c b/01_git/astime_x.c
index ab1666f..ce63be7 100644
--- a/01_git/astime_x.c
+++ b/01_git/astime_x.c
@@ -117,8 +117,13 @@ void draw_sunriset(Window win,
 		float size,
 		int type);
 void draw_window(Window win);
+/* convert the position on 0-60 scale into xy coordinates */
 inline float convert2x(float tim);
 inline float convert2y(float tim);
+/* convert time units to degrees * 64  */
+inline short hour_to_deg64(unsigned short hour);
+inline short min_to_deg64(unsigned short hour);
+inline short sec_to_deg64(unsigned short hour);
 void constants(void);
 void calculate_hands(void);
 void refresh(void);
@@ -472,7 +477,6 @@ void draw_window(Window win)
-/* convert the position on 0-60 scale into xy coordinates */
 inline float convert2x(float tim)
 	return cos(M_PI * (((tim - 15)) * 6) / 180);
@@ -482,6 +486,25 @@ inline float convert2y(float tim)
 	return sin(M_PI * (((tim - 15)) * 6) / 180);
+inline short hour_to_deg64(unsigned short hour)
+	if (state.twentyfour) {
+		return (hour * 960) % 23040;
+	} else {
+		return (hour * 1920) % 23040;
+	}
+inline short min_to_deg64(unsigned short min)
+	return min * 384;
+inline short sec_to_deg64(unsigned short sec)
+	return sec * 384;
 float hwidth[3];
 float hlength[3];
 float hback[3];
@@ -719,132 +742,41 @@ void update(void)
 void draw_dial(void)
-	float tmp, tinc;
-	struct coordinates tmp_coord;
+	short base_size, i;
 	float xrate, yrate;
-	mainGCV.foreground = fore_pix;
-	XChangeGC(mainDisplay, mainGC, GCForeground, &mainGCV);
-	switch (state.tprop) {
-	case 2:
-		tinc = 1.0;
-		break;
-	case 1:
-		if (state.twentyfour) {
-			tinc = 2.5;
-		} else {
-			tinc = 5.0;
-		}
-		break;
-	case 0:
-		tinc = 60.0;
-		break;
-	default:
-		tinc = 1.0;
-		break;
-	}
-	if (state.tprop) {
-		for (tmp = 0.0; tmp < 60.0; tmp += tinc) {
-			xrate = convert2x(tmp);
-			yrate = convert2y(tmp);
-			tmp_coord.x = rint((watch_size.x + 1) * xrate) + center.x;
-			tmp_coord.y = rint((watch_size.y + 1) * yrate) + center.y;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			printf("dot at %d %d\n", tmp_coord.x, tmp_coord.y);
-			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-					backgroundWindow, 
-					mainGC, 
-					tmp_coord.x, 
-					tmp_coord.y);
+	XPoint coord;
+	base_size = 5 * fmin(watch_size.x, watch_size.y) / 397;
+	for (i = 0; i < 120; i++) {
+		int size;
+		if (state.twentyfour ? i % 15 == 0 : i % 30 == 0) {
+			mainGCV.foreground = pix[8];
+			size = fmax(base_size * 3, 6);
+		} else if (state.twentyfour ? i % 5 == 0 : i % 10 == 0) {
+			mainGCV.foreground = pix[7];
+			size = fmax(base_size * 2, 4);
+		} else if (i % 2 == 0) {
 			if (state.tprop == 2) {
-				if (!((int) tmp % 5)) {
-					XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-							backgroundWindow, 
-							mainGC, 
-							tmp_coord.x, 
-							tmp_coord.y + 1);
-					XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-							backgroundWindow, 
-							mainGC, 
-							tmp_coord.x + 1, 
-							tmp_coord.y);
-					XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-							backgroundWindow, 
-							mainGC, 
-							tmp_coord.x, tmp_coord.y - 1);
-					XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-							backgroundWindow, 
-							mainGC, 
-							tmp_coord.x - 1, 
-							tmp_coord.y);
-				}
+				mainGCV.foreground = pix[6];
+				size = base_size;
+			} else {
+				continue;
+		} else {
+			continue;
-		if (state.tprop == 1) {
-			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-					backgroundWindow, 
-					mainGC, 
-					center.x - watch_size.x - 1, 
-					center.y - 1);
-			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-					backgroundWindow, 
-					mainGC, 
-					center.x - watch_size.x - 1, 
-					center.y + 1);
-			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-					backgroundWindow, 
-					mainGC, 
-					center.x - watch_size.x, 
-					center.y);
-			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-					backgroundWindow, 
-					mainGC, 
-					center.x + watch_size.x + 1, 
-					center.y - 1);
-			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-					backgroundWindow, 
-					mainGC, 
-					center.x + watch_size.x + 1, 
-					center.y + 1);
-			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-					backgroundWindow, 
-					mainGC, 
-					center.x + watch_size.x, 
-					center.y);
-			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-					backgroundWindow, 
-					mainGC, 
-					center.x - 1, 
-					center.y - watch_size.y - 1);
-			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-					backgroundWindow, 
-					mainGC, 
-					center.x + 1, 
-					center.y - watch_size.y - 1);
-			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-					backgroundWindow, 
-					mainGC, 
-					center.x, 
-					center.y - watch_size.y);
-			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-					backgroundWindow, 
-					mainGC, 
-					center.x - 1, 
-					center.y + watch_size.y + 1);
-			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-					backgroundWindow, 
-					mainGC, 
-					center.x + 1, 
-					center.y + watch_size.y + 1);
-			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, 
-					backgroundWindow, 
-					mainGC, 
-					center.x, 
-					center.y + watch_size.y);
+		XChangeGC(mainDisplay, mainGC, GCForeground, &mainGCV);
+		xrate = convert2x(i / 2.0);
+		yrate = convert2y(i / 2.0);
+		coord.x = center.x + rint((watch_size.x + 1) * xrate);
+		coord.y = center.y + rint((watch_size.y + 1) * yrate);
+		if (size < 4 || size == base_size) {
+			XDrawPoint(mainDisplay, backgroundWindow, mainGC, coord.x, coord.y);
+		} else {
+			FillTriangle(mainDisplay, backgroundWindow, mainGC, 
+					coord.x, coord.y, size, rint(.5 * size), 
+					sec_to_deg64(60 - i / 2.0));
@@ -1286,54 +1218,8 @@ void initialize(int argc, char **argv,
 		  state.total_size.y - 1
-	/* Finish up the background (the dial) */
-	draw_dial();
-	status = XSetCommand(mainDisplay, mainWindow, argv, argc);
-	/* Set up the event for quitting the window */
-	wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(mainDisplay,
-				"WM_DELETE_WINDOW",	/* atom_name */
-				False			/* only_if_exists */
-	    );
-	wm_protocols = XInternAtom(mainDisplay,
-				"WM_PROTOCOLS",		/* atom_name */
-				False			/* only_if_exists */
-	    );
-	status = XSetWMProtocols(mainDisplay,
-				 mainWindow,
-				 &wm_delete_window,
-				 1
-	    );
-	status = XSetWMProtocols(mainDisplay,
-				 iconWindow,
-				 &wm_delete_window,
-				 1
-	    );
-	WmHints.flags = StateHint | IconWindowHint;
-	WmHints.initial_state =
-	    withdrawn ? WithdrawnState :
-	    iconic ? IconicState : NormalState;
-	WmHints.icon_window = iconWindow;
-	if (withdrawn) {
-		WmHints.window_group = mainWindow;
-		WmHints.flags |= WindowGroupHint;
-	}
-	if (iconic || withdrawn) {
-		WmHints.icon_x = SizeHints.x;
-		WmHints.icon_y = SizeHints.y;
-		WmHints.flags |= IconPositionHint;
-	}
-	XSetWMHints(mainDisplay,
-		    mainWindow,
-		    &WmHints);
-	/* Finally show the window */
-	status = XMapWindow(mainDisplay, mainWindow);
-	/* Get colors while waiting for Expose */
+	/* Get colors */
 	if (state.neon) {
 		pix[0] = DarkenColor(state.seccolor, 1.8, mainDisplay, Root);
 		pix[1] = DarkenColor(state.mincolor, 1.8, mainDisplay, Root);
@@ -1379,6 +1265,53 @@ void initialize(int argc, char **argv,
 	/* Get the label color */
 	label_pix = GetColor(state.label_color, mainDisplay, Root);
+	/* Finish up the background (the dial) */
+	if (state.tprop) {
+		draw_dial();
+	}
+	status = XSetCommand(mainDisplay, mainWindow, argv, argc);
+	/* Set up the event for quitting the window */
+	wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(mainDisplay,
+				"WM_DELETE_WINDOW",	/* atom_name */
+				False			/* only_if_exists */
+	    );
+	wm_protocols = XInternAtom(mainDisplay,
+				"WM_PROTOCOLS",		/* atom_name */
+				False			/* only_if_exists */
+	    );
+	status = XSetWMProtocols(mainDisplay,
+				 mainWindow,
+				 &wm_delete_window,
+				 1
+	    );
+	status = XSetWMProtocols(mainDisplay,
+				 iconWindow,
+				 &wm_delete_window,
+				 1
+	    );
+	WmHints.flags = StateHint | IconWindowHint;
+	WmHints.initial_state =
+	    withdrawn ? WithdrawnState :
+	    iconic ? IconicState : NormalState;
+	WmHints.icon_window = iconWindow;
+	if (withdrawn) {
+		WmHints.window_group = mainWindow;
+		WmHints.flags |= WindowGroupHint;
+	}
+	if (iconic || withdrawn) {
+		WmHints.icon_x = SizeHints.x;
+		WmHints.icon_y = SizeHints.y;
+		WmHints.flags |= IconPositionHint;
+	}
+	XSetWMHints(mainDisplay,
+		    mainWindow,
+		    &WmHints);
+	/* Finally show the window */
+	status = XMapWindow(mainDisplay, mainWindow);
 	/* try to read the time */
 	curTime = time(0);
 	last_time = curTime;
diff --git a/01_git/autoconf/ b/01_git/autoconf/
index 226488e..4f23495 100644
--- a/01_git/autoconf/
+++ b/01_git/autoconf/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 CC		= @CC@
-CCFLAGS         = @CFLAGS@ -std=c99 -DNDEBUG -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -Wall -Werror -pedantic-errors
+CCFLAGS         = @CFLAGS@ -std=c99 -DNDEBUG -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_ISO99_SOURCE -Wall -Werror -pedantic-errors
 #CCFLAGS += -W -Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wno-variadic-macros -Wold-style-definition 
 AR		= ar clq
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ LIBS_JPEG	= @JPEG_LIB@
 LIBS_M		= -lm
 AFTER_BIN_DIR	= @bindir@
 AFTER_MAN_DIR	= @mandir@/man1
diff --git a/01_git/beo.astimerc b/01_git/beo.astimerc
index 23e5536..9aa0385 100644
--- a/01_git/beo.astimerc
+++ b/01_git/beo.astimerc
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ title           astime
 twentyfourHour	1
 sunriset		1
-sunrisetDay		green
+sunrisetDay		orange
 sunrisetNight	black
 latitude		11.05
 longitude		49.6972222