geometry        120x120-0+0

background      #000020
foreground      #0000ff

secondColor     #efc669
minuteColor   	#7766aa
hourColor       #cc3333

dayColor        #7766aa
AMPMColor       #7766aa
dateColor       #7766aa

drawSecondHand  1
drawDayDate     1
drawAMPM        1
drawTicks       1
drawAllTicks    1
drawForeground  0

floatSeconds    1
thinSeconds     0
handThickness   70
outThickness    1

fancyHands      1
outlinedHands   0
neonHands       1

execProg        "xterm +sb -bg "#303030" -fg "#20b2aa" -geometry 80x50 -T top -n top -e top &"
withdrawn       0
iconic          0
standout        0
shift           0
title           astime

# the next three lines are commented out, so that we don't surprise you... ;)
#at   22:30:00   "xterm -bg red &"
#at   22:30:15   "xterm -bg green &"
#at   22:30:30   "xterm -bg blue &"