diff --git a/src/coalg/coalg.ml b/src/coalg/coalg.ml
index d04436e5bbadafce21dfc613dfcae25ef3166294..0938cbe689554269e4532fe655129af09b0e6f54 100644
--- a/src/coalg/coalg.ml
+++ b/src/coalg/coalg.ml
@@ -155,18 +155,18 @@ let choicePrint () =
     with End_of_file -> ()
 let choiceNom2fix () =
-	try
-		while true do
-			let input = read_line () in
-			if not (GenAndComp.isEmptyString input) then
-				let f = CoAlgFormula.importFormula input in
-				let str = CoAlgFormula.exportFormula f in
-				incr counter;
-				print_string("\nFormula " ^ (string_of_int !counter) ^ ": " ^ str ^ "\n");
-				flush stdout;
-			else ()
-		done
-	with End_of_file -> ()
+  try
+    while true do
+      let input = read_line () in
+      if not (GenAndComp.isEmptyString input) then
+        let f = CoAlgFormula.importFormula input in
+        let str = CoAlgFormula.exportFormula f in
+        incr counter;
+        print_string("\nFormula " ^ (string_of_int !counter) ^ ": " ^ str ^ "\n");
+        flush stdout;
+      else ()
+    done
+  with End_of_file -> ()
 let choiceNNF () =