diff --git a/_oasis b/_oasis
index 707258ad5d3999092020f6af8b711e11b5852a64..f68d16d6c46edb07cffdc13979539ca4637f7fb4 100644
--- a/_oasis
+++ b/_oasis
@@ -25,48 +25,9 @@ Library libcool
   ByteOpt:        -cc g++
   CCOpt: -std=c++98 -x c++
   # TODO: activate glpk_stub.c again
-  CSources:         gmlmip_stub.c,
-                    minisat_stub.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/sizefunctions.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/setofconclusions.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/PML_premise.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/valuation.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/node.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/premise.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/radixtree.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/GML_premise.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-parser.tab.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-driver.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/parser/lex.yy.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/GML_formula.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/rational.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/formula.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/satisfyingassignment.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/PML_formula.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/onestep.c,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/onestep.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/premise.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/node.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/radixtree.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/setofconclusions.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/valuation.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/PML_premise.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/sizefunctions.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/rules/GML_premise.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/parser/stack.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-driver.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-parser.tab.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/parser/lex.yy.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/parser/location.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/parser/position.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/satisfyingassignment.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/GML_formula.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/formula.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/PML_formula.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/rational.h,
-                    GMLMIP-0.1/satisfyingstack.h
+  CSources:         minisat_stub.c
   InternalModules:  ALCFormula, ALCGraph, ALCMisc, CoAlgLogicUtils,
-                    CoAlgLogics, HashConsing, MiscSolver, AltGenlex, Gmlmip,
+                    CoAlgLogics, HashConsing, MiscSolver, AltGenlex,
   Modules:          CoAlgMisc,
diff --git a/src/coalg/coalg.ml b/src/coalg/coalg.ml
index 30f4ec3a0d94466609ec0b2834704f752422fae0..2bfbf206c16f339affdb9ead83fd1fa5522404e6 100644
--- a/src/coalg/coalg.ml
+++ b/src/coalg/coalg.ml
@@ -53,14 +53,12 @@ let printUsage () =
   print_endline "                      CoalitionLogic (or equivalently CL)";
   print_endline "                      Const id1 ... idn (or equivalently Constant id1 ... idn)";
   print_endline "                      Id (or equivalently Identity)";
-  print_endline "                      PML";
-  print_endline "                      GML";
   print_endline "                    }";
   print_endline "                 where you can compose functors by:";
   print_endline "                    <functor> + <functor> (weakest precedence)";
   print_endline "                 or <functor> * <functor>";
   print_endline "                 or <functor> . <functor> (binds strongest)";
-  print_endline "                 (so K+KD.CL*PML stand for (K + ((KD.CL) * PML)))";
+  print_endline "                 (so K+KD.CL*Id stand for (K + ((KD.CL) * Id)))";
   print_endline "       <flags> = a list of the following items";
   print_endline "           --agents AGLIST";
   print_endline "             expects the next argument AGLIST to be a list of integers";
@@ -78,7 +76,6 @@ let printUsage () =
   print_endline "    @ ident' (satisfaction operator)";
   print_endline "    [R], <R> (universal/existential restrictions along role R";
   print_endline "    [{ aglist }], <{ aglist }> (aglist can force / cannot avoid)";
-  print_endline "    {<= n}, {>= n}, {< n}, {> n} (number / probability of successors)";
   print_endline "    =ident (constant value)";
   print_endline "    O (identity operator)";
   print_endline "    _ + _ (choice)";
@@ -97,6 +94,9 @@ let verbose = ref false
 let choiceSat () =
     let verb = !verbose in
     let sorts = (FE.sortTableFromString Sys.argv.(2)) in
+    if Array.exists (fun (func,_) -> func == CM.GML || func == CM.PML) sorts then
+      raise (CF.CoAlgException "GML and PML are currently not supported")
+    else ();
     let printRes sat =
       if not verb then
         print_endline (if sat then "satisfiable\n" else "unsatisfiable\n")
diff --git a/src/lib/CoAlgLogics.ml b/src/lib/CoAlgLogics.ml
index fd46280ae2faeba53026db0dc5be8ff2cccccaf3..4b899652462f15b70b303de0f6de64c4d1f5450a 100644
--- a/src/lib/CoAlgLogics.ml
+++ b/src/lib/CoAlgLogics.ml
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 open CoAlgMisc
 open CoolUtils
 open CoAlgLogicUtils
-open Gmlmip
 module S = MiscSolver
@@ -463,99 +462,16 @@ let mkRule_CL sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
   lazylistFromList rules
+(* PML and GML are currently disabled, because they required GMLMIP, which
+   complicated the build process and had issues.
+  The implementation can still be found in the git history.
+ *)
 let mkRule_GML sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
-  assert (List.length sl = 1);
-  let defer1 = bsetMake () in (* TODO: track deferrals *)
-  let s1 = List.hd sl in (* [s1] = List.hd sl *)
-  let diamonds = bsetFilter bs (fun f -> lfGetType sort f = MoreThanF) in
-  let boxes = bsetFilter bs (fun f -> lfGetType sort f = MaxExceptF) in
-  let roles = S.makeBS () in
-  (* step 1: for each diamond/box add R *)
-  let addRole formula =
-      ignore (S.addBSNoChk roles (lfGetDest3 sort formula))
-  in
-  bsetIter addRole boxes;
-  bsetIter addRole diamonds;
-  let addRule role acc =
-      let premise: (bool*int*int) list =
-        let modality isDiamond m acc =
-            if lfGetDest3 sort m = role
-            then (isDiamond,lfGetDestNum sort m,lfToInt (lfGetDest1 sort m))::acc
-            else acc
-        in
-        List.append
-            (bsetFold (modality true) diamonds [])
-            (bsetFold (modality false) boxes [])
-      in
-      let conclusion = gml_rules premise in
-      (* conclusion is a set of rules, *each* of the form \/ /\ lit *)
-      let handleRuleConcl rc acc =
-        let handleConjunction conj =
-            let res = bsetMake () in
-            List.iter (fun (f,positive) ->
-                        let f = lfFromInt f in
-                        let f = if positive then f else
-                                    match lfGetNeg sort f with
-                                    | Some nf -> nf
-                                    | None -> raise (CoAlgFormula.CoAlgException ("Negation of formula missing"))
-                                    in
-                        bsetAdd res f)
-                      conj;
-            (s1,res, defer1)
-        in
-        let rc = List.map handleConjunction rc in
-        ((fun bs1 -> bs),lazylistFromList rc)::acc
-      in List.fold_right handleRuleConcl conclusion acc
-  in
-  let rules = S.foldBS addRule roles [] in
-  lazylistFromList rules
+  raise (CoAlgFormula.CoAlgException "GML is currently not implemented.")
 let mkRule_PML sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
-  assert (List.length sl = 1);
-  let defer1 = bsetMake () in (* TODO: track deferrals *)
-  let s1 = List.hd sl in (* [s1] = List.hd sl *)
-  let diamonds = bsetFilter bs (fun f -> lfGetType sort f = AtLeastProbF) in
-  let boxes = bsetFilter bs (fun f -> lfGetType sort f = LessProbFailF) in
-  let premise: (bool*int*int*int) list =
-    let modality isDiamond m acc =
-        let nominator   = lfGetDestNum sort m in
-        let denominator = lfGetDestNum2 sort m in
-        let nestedFormula = lfToInt (lfGetDest1 sort m) in
-        (*print_endline ("putting formula "^(string_of_int nestedFormula)); *)
-        (isDiamond,nominator,denominator,nestedFormula)::acc
-    in
-    List.append
-        (bsetFold (modality true) diamonds [])
-        (bsetFold (modality false) boxes [])
-  in
-  let conclusion = pml_rules premise in
-  let error message = raise (CoAlgFormula.CoAlgException message) in
-  (* conclusion is a set of rules, *each* of the form \/ /\ lit *)
-  let handleRuleConcl rc acc =
-    let handleConjunction conj =
-        let res = bsetMake () in
-        let handleLiteral = fun (f_int,positive) -> begin
-                    let f = lfFromInt f_int in
-                    let f = if positive
-                            then f
-                            else begin
-                                (*print_endline ("getting "^(string_of_int f_int)); *)
-                                match lfGetNeg sort f with
-                                 | Some nf -> nf
-                                 | None -> error ("Negation of formula missing")
-                            end
-                            in
-                    bsetAdd res f
-                    end
-        in
-        List.iter handleLiteral conj;
-        (s1,res, defer1)
-    in
-    let rc = List.map handleConjunction rc in
-    ((fun bs1 -> bs),lazylistFromList rc)::acc
-  in
-  let rules = List.fold_right handleRuleConcl conclusion [] in
-  lazylistFromList rules
+  raise (CoAlgFormula.CoAlgException "PML is currently not implemented.")
 (* constant functor *)
 let mkRule_Const colors sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/.gitignore b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index bc7e2fddd40691c8f790a1872dd29c364c1f6507..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/README.txt b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f31b51f625a5240f816b238c73d54c3cb3cd79ea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-Author: William Snell
-Check http://project.williamsnell.co.uk for future updates.
-GNU LPK, Flex, Bison, Googlesparsehash package, BuDDy BDD package.
-(Extensively tested with GNU-LPK 4.38)
-To compile you will need to edit the makefiles in the sub-folders and this folder to point to the location of your compiler/bison/flex. 
-Also need to edit the include directory and linking directories in all 4 make files to point to where you have installed GLPK, sparsehash and BuDDy. If you install these properly in /bin /usr (unlike the lab set-up) you should be able to just remove these parts and have it compile fine.
-Then if you run the compile.sh script, everything should compile properly for you.
-Input is written in a separate file and then this file is is passed as an argument on the command line.
-./main input
-You can use the -v flag for output. At each step of the top level tableau calculus algorithm it tells you how many satisfying assignments and how many rules it has found.
-Included is Dmitry V Golovashkin's timeout script. The following would run the program on the input file with a timeout of 300 seconds.
-./timeoutwrapper.sh -t 300 ./src/main input
-Input file specification:
-First we specify which logic then use the following notation:
-<a> GML diamond ('more than a successors ...')
-[a] GML box     ('fails at most a times ...')
-<a/b> PML diamond
-[a/b] PML box
-~ not
-v or
-& and
-<1/2>p0 & ~<1/4>p2 v [1/8]p3
-<1>p0 & <1>(p0 v p0)
-Known Issues & Notes:
-1) The following warning is generated by the C code generated by flex.
-	position.hh:136: warning: suggest parentheses around ‘&&’ within ‘||’
-2) Use of deprecated header <ext/hash_map>.
-3) You may need to alter the line "using __gnu_cxx::hash;" line in formula.h depending on your compiler. 
-4) I received "./main: error while loading shared libraries: libbdd.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" errors. 
-Fixed by adding "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/lib/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" to my .bashrc file. Where ~/lib/lib is where I locally installed the required libraries. (No root access for lab machines.)
-5) If you receive error "BDD error: unknown variable" you have not declared enough variables in the BDD initialisation in main.cpp. The line "bdd_setvarnum(int)" needs increasing. 
-6) What report describes as TruthAssignment class is implemented as Valuation.
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/config.mk b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/config.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b5d1ab09da6e141d8d07225fa3ec4abf8dd22b2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/config.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-BISON = bison
-LEX = flex
-GCC = g++
-GCCFLAGS = -Wall -Wno-deprecated
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/GML_formula.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/GML_formula.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fc45b47ada7a65239bd308748c2159f67006d9a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/GML_formula.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#include "GML_formula.h"
-bdd GML_Formula::modal(bdd *b, int n, int m){
-	return modal_var(b, n);
-void GML_Formula::load_linear_program(glp_prob* problem, Premise<int>& prem){
-	int n = prem.get_n();
-	int m = prem.get_m();
-	int no_of_valuations = prem.get_total_valuations();
-	//glp_set_obj_dir(sc, GLP_MIN);
-	glp_add_rows(problem, no_of_valuations+1);
-	glp_add_cols(problem, n+m);
-	for(int i = 1; i < no_of_valuations+1; i++)
-		glp_set_row_bnds(problem, i, GLP_UP, 0.0, 0.0); // <= 0
-	// Set row bounds for side condition
-	glp_set_row_bnds(problem, no_of_valuations+1, GLP_LO, 1.0, 0.0); // >= 1
-	for(int i=1; i < (n+m+1); i++){
-		glp_set_col_kind(problem, i, GLP_IV); //integer variables
-		glp_set_col_bnds(problem, i, GLP_LO, 0, 0); // r_i, s_i >= 0
-	}
-	// Arrays for inputting into glpk
-	const int size = (no_of_valuations+1)*(n+m);
-	double ar[size+1];
-	int ia[size+1];
-	int ja[size+1];
-	// Recall GLKP takes arrays with 1 - size not 0 - size-1.
-	for(int i=0; i < size; i++){
-   		ia[i+1] = (i / (n+m)) + 1;
-   		ja[i+1] = (i % (n+m)) + 1;	
-   	}
- 	int counter=1;
-	// Load all valuations
-	for(int i=0; i < no_of_valuations; i++){
-		int temp = i;
-		for(int j=0; j < n; j++){
-			ar[counter] = temp & 1;
-			temp >>= 1;
-			counter++;
-		}
-		for(int j=0; j < m; j++){
-			ar[counter] = -(temp & 1);
-			temp >>= 1;
-			counter++;
-		}
-	}
-	// Load side condition at the bottom
-	for(int i=0; i < n; i++){
-		ar[counter]= prem.get_a_i(i)+1;
-		counter++;
-	}
-	for(int j=0; j < m; j++){
-		ar[counter]= -(prem.get_b_i(j));
-		counter++;
-	}
-	/*
-	for(int i=1; i < size+1; i++)
-		cout << ia[i] << " ";
-	cout << endl;
-	for(int i=1; i < size+1; i++)
-		cout << ja[i] << " ";
-	cout << endl << endl;	
-	for(int i=1; i < size+1; i++)
-		cout << ar[i] << " ";
-	cout << endl;
-	*/
-	glp_load_matrix(problem, size, ia, ja, ar);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/GML_formula.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/GML_formula.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a24a13b74cba0677258f271facce1a5096e348ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/GML_formula.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include "formula.h"
-class GML_Formula : public Formula<int> {
-	private:
-		void load_linear_program(glp_prob* problem, Premise<int>& prem);
-	public:
-		bdd modal(bdd *b, int n, int m);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/PML_formula.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/PML_formula.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c4c04ab4c11b508e5771fe6a1376f4f5b3071fd1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/PML_formula.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#include "PML_formula.h"
-bdd PML_Formula::modal(bdd *b, int n, int m){
-	if(n > m){
-		cout << "error: " << n << "/" << m << " is not in [0,1]" << endl;
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	Rational r(n,m);
-	return modal_var(b, r);
-void PML_Formula::load_linear_program(glp_prob* problem, Premise<Rational>& prem) {
-	int n = prem.get_n();
-	int m = prem.get_m();
-	int no_of_valuations = prem.get_total_valuations();
-	// Additional 2 for side condition and requirements that at least one r_i,s_j is non zero	
-	glp_add_rows(problem, no_of_valuations+2);
-	// Additional column for k
-	glp_add_cols(problem, n+m+1);
-	for(int i = 1; i < no_of_valuations+1; i++)
-		glp_set_row_bnds(problem, i, GLP_UP, 0.0, 0.0); // <= 0
-	// Set row bounds for side condition - recall we have -k in the extra column.
-	if(m==0)
-	glp_set_row_bnds(problem, no_of_valuations+1, GLP_LO, 1.0, 0.0); // >= 1	
-	else
-	glp_set_row_bnds(problem, no_of_valuations+1, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0); // >= 0	
-	// Set row bounds for additional constraint
-	glp_set_row_bnds(problem, no_of_valuations+2, GLP_LO, 1.0, 0.0); // >= 1	
-	// Set variable bounds
-	for(int i=1; i < (n+m+1); i++){
-		glp_set_col_kind(problem, i, GLP_IV); //integer variables
-		glp_set_col_bnds(problem, i,  GLP_LO, 0, 0); // r_i, s_i >= 0
-	}
-	// K is positive integer
-	glp_set_col_kind(problem, n+m+1, GLP_IV); //integer k
-	glp_set_col_bnds(problem, n+m+1, GLP_LO, 1.0, 0.0); // k >= 1
-	// Arrays for inputting into glpk
-	const int size = (no_of_valuations+2)*(n+m+1);
-	double ar[size+1];
-	int ia[size+1];
-	int ja[size+1];
-	// Recall GLKP takes arrays with 1 - size not 0 - size-1.
-	for(int i=0; i < size; i++){
-   		ia[i+1] = (i / (n+m+1)) + 1;
-   		ja[i+1] = (i % (n+m+1)) + 1;	
-   	}
-   	int counter=1;
-   	// Load all valuations
-	for(int i=0; i < no_of_valuations; i++){
-		int temp = i;
-		for(int j=0; j < n; j++){
-			ar[counter] = temp & 1;
-			temp >>= 1;
-			counter++;
-		}
-		for(int j=0; j < m; j++){
-			ar[counter] = -(temp & 1);
-			temp >>= 1;
-			counter++;
-		}
-		ar[counter] = -1; // - k on each valuation.
-		counter++;
-	}
-	// Load side condition
-	for(int i=0; i < n; i++){
-		ar[counter] = prem.get_a_i(i).get();
-		counter++;
-	}
-	for(int j=0; j < m; j++){
-		ar[counter]= -(prem.get_b_i(j).get());
-		counter++;
-	}
-	//side condition has coefficent k of -1
-	ar[counter] = -1;
-	counter++;
-	//Finally load condition that one must be nonzero.
-	for(int i=0; i < n+m; i++){
-		ar[counter] = 1;
-		counter++;
-	}
-	// k coefficient here is zero
-	ar[counter] = 0;
-	glp_load_matrix(problem, size, ia, ja, ar);
-	//glp_write_lp(problem, NULL, "testy.txt");		
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/PML_formula.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/PML_formula.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e04b3fed720d5f4b466d87852c35f9d938c6ace..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/PML_formula.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include "formula.h"
-class PML_Formula : public Formula<Rational> {
-	private:
-		void load_linear_program(glp_prob* problem, Premise<Rational>& prem);
-	public:
-		bdd modal(bdd *b, int n, int m);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/formula.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/formula.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 06bd40c0e81478cccf78f23ee002c8a2ccc82e42..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/formula.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-#include "formula.h"
-#include <set>
-#include <cassert>
-IFormula::~IFormula() {
-template<class ModalValueType>
-	number_of_variables = 0;
-	variables.set_empty_key(-1);            //
-	variables_back.set_empty_key(-1);       //
-	data d;
-	modal_variables.set_empty_key(d); 
-	modal_variables_back.set_empty_key(-1); //
-	Premise<ModalValueType> p;
-	rule_cache.set_empty_key(p);
-template<class ModalValueType>
-bdd Formula<ModalValueType>::variable(int n){
-	if(variables.count(n) == 0){
-		variables[n] = number_of_variables;
-		variables_back[number_of_variables] = n;
-		number_of_variables++;
-	}
-	return bdd_ithvarpp(variables[n]);
-template<class ModalValueType>
-bdd Formula<ModalValueType>::modal_var(bdd *b, ModalValueType &n){
-	data d(n, b);
-	if(modal_variables.count(d) == 0){
-		modal_variables[d] = number_of_variables;
-		modal_variables_back[number_of_variables] = d;
-		number_of_variables++;
-	}
-	return bdd_ithvarpp(modal_variables[d]);
-template<class ModalValueType>
-void Formula<ModalValueType>::print_back_vars(){
-	cout << setw(10) << "BDD number   " << setw(10) << "Input Number" << endl;
-	for(int i=0; i < 1000; i++)
-		if(variables_back.count(i) > 0 )
-			cout <<  setw(10) << i << setw(10) << variables_back[i] << endl;
-	cout << endl;
-vector<SatisfyingAssignment> gatherer_stack;
-void sat_handler_gatherer(char *varset, int size){
-	SatisfyingAssignment s(size, varset);
-	gatherer_stack.push_back(s);
-template<class ModalValueType>
-set<set<int> > Formula<ModalValueType>::gatherRules(bdd b) {
-	bdd_allsat(b, sat_handler_gatherer);
-	vector<SatisfyingAssignment> sat_ass = gatherer_stack;
-	gatherer_stack.clear();
-	set<set<int> > disj;
-	for (vector<SatisfyingAssignment>::iterator it = sat_ass.begin();
-		it != sat_ass.end(); ++it)
-	{
-		set<int> conj;
-		SatisfyingAssignment& sat = *it;
-		for (int v = 0; v < sat.get_size(); v++) {
-			if (sat.get_array_i(v) != 1 && sat.get_array_i(v) != 0) continue;
-			if (!variables_back.count(v)) continue;
-			int sgn = ((sat.get_array_i(v)==1) ? 1 : (-1));
-			conj.insert(variables_back[v] * sgn);
-		}
-		disj.insert(conj);
-	}
-	return disj;
-void sat_handler(char *varset, int size){
-	SatisfyingAssignment s(size, varset);
-	sat_ass_stack.push_back(s);
-template<class ModalValueType>
-RuleCollection Formula<ModalValueType>::check_satisfiability(bdd b){
-	//bdd_printdot(b);
-	bdd_allsat(b, sat_handler); // pushes satisfying assignment onto stack
-	vector<SatisfyingAssignment> sat_ass = sat_ass_stack; 
-	sat_ass_stack.clear();	
-	// it might be zero if already on the syntactic level there is something like A /\ ~A
-	assert(sat_ass.size() <= 1);
-	if (sat_ass.size() == 1) {
-		return apply_rules(sat_ass[0]);
-	} else {
-		// TODO: return {} or { {} }?
-		// the secound one would mean { False }
-		return set<set<set<int> > >();
-	}
-template<class ModalValueType>
-RuleCollection Formula<ModalValueType>::apply_rules(SatisfyingAssignment& sat){
-	RuleCollection result;
-	int no_of_positive = 0;
-	int no_of_negative = 0;
-	bdd **underlying_formulae;
-	ModalValueType *positive_modal_indices, *negative_modal_indices;
-	// We first find the size of the required arrays.
-	for(int v=0; v < sat.get_size(); v++){
-		if(sat.get_array_i(v)==1 && modal_variables_back.count(v)) // if true and represents a modal formula.
-			no_of_positive++;
-		else if(sat.get_array_i(v)==0 && modal_variables_back.count(v)) // if false and ...
-			no_of_negative++;
-	}
-	// cout << no_of_positive + no_of_negative << endl;
-	if(no_of_positive + no_of_negative > 0){
-		// We then initialize our new arrays.
-		underlying_formulae = new bdd* [no_of_positive+no_of_negative];
-		positive_modal_indices = new ModalValueType[no_of_positive];
-		negative_modal_indices = new ModalValueType[no_of_negative];
-		// We then fill our underlying formulae and modal value arrays.
-		int i=0, j=0;
-		for(int v=0; v < sat.get_size(); v++){
-			if(sat.get_array_i(v)==1 && modal_variables_back.count(v)){
-				underlying_formulae[i] = (modal_variables_back[v]).argument;
-				positive_modal_indices[i] = (modal_variables_back[v]).value;
-				i++;
-			}
-			else if(sat.get_array_i(v)==0 && modal_variables_back.count(v)){ //if false and represents a modal formula.
-				underlying_formulae[no_of_positive+j] = (modal_variables_back[v]).argument;
-				negative_modal_indices[j] = (modal_variables_back[v]).value;
-				j++;
-			}
-		}
-		// Construct a GML premise
-		Premise<ModalValueType> premise(no_of_positive, no_of_negative, positive_modal_indices, negative_modal_indices);
-		// Check the rule cache
-		if(rule_cache.count(premise)){ // if in cache
-			SetOfConclusions concs = rule_cache[premise];
-			for(int i = 0; i < concs.number_of_conclusions(); i++){
-				bdd b = concs.get_jth_conclusion(underlying_formulae, i);
-				result.insert(gatherRules(b));
-			}
-		} else {
-			RuleCollection r = enumerate_rules(premise, underlying_formulae);
-			result.insert(r.begin(), r.end());
-		}
-		delete [] underlying_formulae;
-		delete [] positive_modal_indices;
-		delete [] negative_modal_indices; 
-	}
-	return result;
-template<class ModalValueType>
-RuleCollection Formula<ModalValueType>::enumerate_rules(Premise<ModalValueType>& prem, bdd** underlying_formulae){
-	RuleCollection result;
-	vector<vector<bool> > valid_nodes;
-	vector<pair<vector<bool>, int> > anti_nodes;
-	vector<vector<bool> > node_queue;
-	int total_valuations = prem.get_total_valuations();
-	glp_prob *problem = glp_create_prob();
-	// Parameters while solving with glpk
-	glp_iocp* parameters = new glp_iocp;
-	glp_init_iocp(parameters);
-	parameters->presolve = GLP_ON;
-	parameters->msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ERR;
-	//parameters->msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ALL;
-	load_linear_program(problem, prem);
-	vector<bool> zero(total_valuations, false);
-	if (run_solver(problem, parameters, false, zero, -1)) {
-		if (run_solver(problem, parameters, true, zero, 0)) {
-		} else {
-			node_queue.push_back(zero);
-			//int i = 0;
-			while(node_queue.size()) {
-				//cout << "outer space: " << i++ << "  runs: " << test_counter << "  queue: " << node_queue.size() << "  sols: " << valid_nodes.size() << "  antisols: " << anti_nodes.size() << endl;
-				RuleCollection r = enum_rules_intern(problem, parameters, prem, underlying_formulae, node_queue, valid_nodes, anti_nodes);
-				result.insert(r.begin(), r.end());
-			}
-			if (!rule_cache.count(prem)) {
-				rule_cache[prem] = SetOfConclusions(prem.get_n() + prem.get_m(), valid_nodes);
-			}
-			//cout << "runs: " << test_counter << "  sols: " << valid_nodes.size() << "  antisols: " << anti_nodes.size() << endl;
-		}
-	}
-	//Clean-up
-	delete parameters;
-	glp_delete_prob(problem);
-	return result;
-template<class ModalValueType>
-RuleCollection Formula<ModalValueType>::enum_rules_intern(glp_prob* problem, glp_iocp* parameters, Premise<ModalValueType>& prem, bdd** underlying_formulae,
-												vector<vector<bool> >& node_queue, vector<vector<bool> >& valid_nodes, vector<pair<vector<bool>, int> >& anti_nodes){
-	RuleCollection result;
-	vector<vector<bool> > new_node_queue;
-	int total_valuations = prem.get_total_valuations();
-	for (unsigned int k = 0; k < node_queue.size(); k++) {
-		vector<bool> current_node = node_queue[k];
-		int power = total_valuations-1;
-		while(power >= 0 && !current_node[power])
-			power--;
-		for(int i = power+1; i < total_valuations; i++){
-			vector<bool> new_node(current_node);
-			new_node[i] = true;
-			// Check node isn't superset of something already valid
-			bool isSubnode = false;
-			for(unsigned int i1=0; i1 < valid_nodes.size() && !isSubnode; i1++){
-				bool isSub = true;
-				for(int j1=0; j1 < total_valuations; j1++){
-					if (valid_nodes[i1][j1] && !new_node[j1]) {
-						isSub = false;
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-				if (isSub) isSubnode = true;
-			}
-			// Check node isn't superset of something of an anti-solution
-			for(unsigned int i1=0; i1 < anti_nodes.size() && !isSubnode; i1++){
-				bool isSub = true;
-				int idx = anti_nodes[i1].second;
-				vector<bool> antinode = anti_nodes[i1].first;
-				for(int j1=0; j1 < total_valuations; j1++){
-					if ((j1 <= idx && antinode[j1] != new_node[j1]) || (j1 > idx && antinode[j1] && !new_node[j1])) {
-						isSub = false;
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-				if (isSub) isSubnode = true;
-			}
-			if (!isSubnode) {
-				if (run_solver(problem, parameters, false, new_node, i)) {
-					if (run_solver(problem, parameters, true, new_node, 0)) {
-						valid_nodes.push_back(new_node);
-						//cout << "solution found " << valid_nodes.size() << endl;
-						//for (int l = 0; l < total_valuations; l++)
-						//	cout << "   " << new_node[l] << endl;
-						vector<vector<bool> > singleton;
-						singleton.push_back(new_node);
-						SetOfConclusions temp = SetOfConclusions(prem.get_n() + prem.get_m(), singleton);
-						bdd b = temp.get_jth_conclusion(underlying_formulae, 0);
-						result.insert(gatherRules(b));
-					} else {
-						new_node_queue.push_back(new_node);
-					}
-				}
-				else {
-					pair<vector<bool>, int> antipair = pair<vector<bool>, int>(new_node, i);
-					anti_nodes.push_back(antipair);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	node_queue = new_node_queue;
-	return result;
-template<class ModalValueType>
-bool Formula<ModalValueType>::run_solver(glp_prob *problem, glp_iocp* parameters, bool strict, vector<bool> current_node, int index){
-	test_counter++;
-	// Modify glp problem to match node
-	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < current_node.size(); i++){
-		if(current_node[i])
-			glp_set_row_bnds(problem, i+1, GLP_LO, 1.0, 0.0); // > 0
-			//+1 since valuations go zero to 2^(n+m)-1, glpk rows go 1 to 2^(n+m).
-		else if (strict || static_cast<int>(i) <= index)
-			glp_set_row_bnds(problem, i+1, GLP_UP, 0.0, 0.0); // leq 0
-		else
-			glp_set_row_bnds(problem, i+1, GLP_FR, 0.0, 0.0); // don't care
-	}
-	if (!strict) {
-		parameters->tm_lim = 1000;
-	} else {
-		parameters->tm_lim = 1000000000;
-	}
-	// Solve the LP
-	int result = glp_intopt(problem, parameters);
-	if(result == 0 || result == GLP_ENOPFS) { //if no errors from solver or a relaxtion feasibility error
-		if(glp_mip_status(problem)==GLP_OPT || glp_mip_status(problem)==GLP_FEAS){ // if feasible
-			return true;
-		}
-		else {
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	else if (!strict && result == GLP_ETMLIM) { // if the solver timed out for non-strict problems
-		//cout << "timeout" << endl;
-		return true;
-	} else { // if error but not a feasibility error
-		cout << "glpk error: " << result << endl;
-		exit(1);
-	}
-template class Formula<int>;
-template class Formula<Rational>;
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/formula.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/formula.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e7a50c40173a128afda7a8b55f9399a84d888c2b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/formula.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef FORMULA_HH
-#define FORMULA_HH
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <set>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "bdd.h"
-#include "glpk.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <utility>
-#include "google/dense_hash_map"
-#include <ext/hash_map>
-/* will become #include <unordered_set> */
-#include "rational.h"
-#include "../rules/premise.h"
-#include "../rules/setofconclusions.h"
-#include "../satisfyingstack.h"
-using namespace std;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-using std::vector;
-using google::dense_hash_map;
-using __gnu_cxx::hash;
-typedef set<set<set<int> > > RuleCollection;
-// Formula interface so we can have abstract template class pointers.
-class IFormula {
-	public:
-		virtual ~IFormula();
-		virtual bdd variable(int n)=0;
-		virtual void set_bdd(bdd &b)=0;
-		virtual bdd get_bdd()=0;
-		virtual bdd modal(bdd *b, int n, int m)=0;
-		virtual bool satisfiability(int option)=0;
-		virtual void clear_maps()=0;
-		virtual RuleCollection onestep() = 0;
-		virtual int get_variables_back(int bddvar) = 0;
-template<class ModalValueType>
-class Formula : public IFormula{
-	protected:
-		class data {
-			public:
-				ModalValueType value;
-				bdd* argument;
-				data() : value(-1) {argument = NULL; };
-				data(ModalValueType v, bdd* arg) : value(v){ argument = arg; };
-				~data(){ if(argument) delete argument; };
-				data& operator=(const data& other){
-					if (this!=&other){
-						if(argument) 
-							delete argument;
-						value = other.value;
-						argument = NULL;
-						if(other.argument)
-							argument = new bdd(*(other.argument));
-						}
-					return *this;
-				};
-				data(const data& other){
-					value = other.value;
-					argument = NULL;
-					if(other.argument)
-						argument = new bdd(*(other.argument));
-				};
-		};
-		// Required for dense_hash_map - how to compare keys.
-		struct eqkey {
-			bool operator()(const string s1, const string s2) const{
-				return s1 == s2;
-			}
-			bool operator()(const int s1, const int s2) const{
-				return (s1 == s2);
-			}
-			bool operator()(const data& d1, const data& d2) const{
-				return ((d1.value == d2.value) && ((d1.argument==d2.argument) || (d1.argument && d2.argument && (*(d1.argument) == *(d2.argument)))));
-			}
-		};		
-		// Number of variables. Set to zero by constructor and
-		// incremented as variables and modal variables are added.
-		// (Used for building the hash_maps).	
-		int number_of_variables;
-		// Map of parsed variable numbers to BDD package numbers
-		dense_hash_map<int, int, hash<int>, eqkey> variables;
-		// Map of BDD package numbers to input numbers
-		dense_hash_map<int, int, hash<int>, eqkey> variables_back;	
-		// How to hash data items.
-		struct datahash {
-			hash <const char*> charhash;
-			hash <int> inthash;
-			size_t operator ()(const data& d) const {
-				stringstream ss;
-				string s;
-				ss << d.value << " " << *d.argument << '\0';
-				s = ss.str();
-				char buf[s.size()+1];
-				for(unsigned int i=0; i < s.size(); i++)
-					buf[i] = s[i];
-				buf[s.size()]='\0';
-				return charhash(buf);
-			}	
-		};
-		dense_hash_map<data, int, datahash, eqkey> modal_variables;
-		dense_hash_map<int, data, hash<int>, eqkey> modal_variables_back;
-		dense_hash_map<Premise<ModalValueType>, SetOfConclusions, typename Premise<ModalValueType>::Premise_hash, typename Premise<ModalValueType>::Premise_equal> rule_cache;
-		int test_counter;
-		RuleCollection check_satisfiability(bdd b);
-		RuleCollection apply_rules(SatisfyingAssignment& sat);
-		RuleCollection enumerate_rules(Premise<ModalValueType>& prem, bdd** underlying_formulae);
-		RuleCollection enum_rules_intern(glp_prob* problem, glp_iocp* parameters, Premise<ModalValueType>& prem, bdd** underlying_formulae, vector<vector<bool> >& node_queue, vector<vector<bool> >& valid_nodes, vector<pair<vector<bool>, int> >& anti_nodes);
-		bool run_solver(glp_prob *problem, glp_iocp* parameters, bool strict, vector<bool> current_node, int index);
-		virtual void load_linear_program(glp_prob* problem, Premise<ModalValueType>& prem)=0;
-	public:
-		Formula();
-		// The parsed formula
-		bdd bdd_rep;
-		// Used by the driver to set bdd_rep
-		void set_bdd(bdd &b){ bdd_rep=b; };
-		bdd get_bdd(){ return bdd_rep;};
-		// Called by parser to construct variable or modal variable.
-		// Also constructs appropriate data structures. 
-		bdd variable(int n);
-		bdd modal_var(bdd *b, ModalValueType &n);
-		void print_back_vars();
-		//virtual void print_back_modal()=0;
-		int get_variables_back(int bddvar) { return variables_back[bddvar]; }
-		set<set<int> > gatherRules(bdd b);
-		bool satisfiability(int option){ assert(0=="patched GMLMIP\n"); return true;};
-		RuleCollection onestep() { return check_satisfiability(bdd_rep); };
-		void clear_maps(){ 
-			variables.clear();
-			variables_back.clear();
-			modal_variables.clear();
-			modal_variables_back.clear();
-			rule_cache.clear(); };
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/makefile b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f2465b1a0a23f29f993a8f8708f71b55175569f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-include ../config.mk
-all: formula.o PML_formula.o GML_formula.o rational.o satisfyingassignment.o
-satisfyingassignment.o: satisfyingassignment.h satisfyingassignment.cpp
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c satisfyingassignment.cpp
-formula.o: formula.h formula.cpp
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c formula.cpp
-PML_formula.o: formula.h rational.h PML_formula.cpp PML_formula.h ../rules/PML_premise.h ../rules/setofconclusions.h
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c PML_formula.cpp
-GML_formula.o: formula.h GML_formula.cpp GML_formula.h ../rules/GML_premise.h ../rules/setofconclusions.h
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c GML_formula.cpp
-rational.o: rational.h rational.cpp
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c rational.cpp
-	rm -rf *~ *.o test
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/rational.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/rational.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a0b5a1022c50f976cc6e2c1e05e4ce7a4ddfab77..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/rational.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#include "rational.h"
-Rational::Rational(int i){
-	if(i==-1){ //For empty key in hash maps
-		top = 0;
-		bottom = 0;
-	}
-	else{
-	top = i;
-	bottom = 1;
-	}
-double Rational::get(){ 
-	return (static_cast<double>(top)/bottom);
-ostream& operator<<(ostream &o, const Rational &r){
-	o << r.top << "/" << r.bottom;
-	return o;
-bool operator==(const Rational &r1, const Rational &r2){
-	return((r1.top*r2.bottom) == (r2.top*r1.bottom));
-bool operator!=(const Rational &r1, const Rational &r2){
-	return !(r1==r2);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/rational.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/rational.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e41dd433a31d340aa66c824443d7545246fea92..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/rational.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef RATIONAL_H
-#define RATIONAL_H
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-class Rational {
-	private:
-		int top;
-		int bottom;
-	public:
-		Rational(){ top=0; bottom=0; };
-		Rational(int i);
-		Rational(int t, int b){top=t; bottom=b;};
-		int get_top(){ return top;};
-		int get_bot(){ return bottom;};
-		double get();
-		friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &o, const Rational &r);
-		friend bool operator==(const Rational &r1, const Rational &r2);
-		friend bool operator!=(const Rational &r1, const Rational &r2);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/satisfyingassignment.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/satisfyingassignment.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f9b1b050f6c0590606e789a96b3c7c0762f1573..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/satisfyingassignment.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#include "satisfyingassignment.h"
-SatisfyingAssignment::SatisfyingAssignment(int _size, char* _array){
-	size = _size;
-	if(size)
-		array = new char [size];
-	else
-		array = NULL;
-	for(int i=0; i < size; i++)
-		array[i]=_array[i];
-SatisfyingAssignment::SatisfyingAssignment(const SatisfyingAssignment& a){
-	size = a.size;
-	if(size)
-		array = new char [size];
-	else
-		array = NULL;
-	for(int i=0; i < size; i++)
-		array[i]=a.array[i];
-SatisfyingAssignment& SatisfyingAssignment::operator=(const SatisfyingAssignment& a){
-	if(this != &a){
-		if(array)
-			delete [] array;
-		size = a.size;
-		if(size)
-			array = new char [size];
-		else
-			array = NULL;
-		for(int i=0; i < size; i++)
-			array[i]=a.array[i];
-	}
-	return *this;
-	if(array)
-		delete [] array;
-char SatisfyingAssignment::get_array_i(int i){
-	if(array)
-		return array[i];
-	return '\0';
-bool SatisfyingAssignment::operator==(const SatisfyingAssignment& other) const{
-		if(size == other.size){
-			for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
-				if(array[i]!=other.array[i])
-					return false;
-			return true;
-		}
-		return false;
-		}
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/satisfyingassignment.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/satisfyingassignment.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ad55650722760a69481739f9ab34ba0ed054369..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/formulas/satisfyingassignment.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-class SatisfyingAssignment {
-	private:
-		int size;
-		char* array;
-	public:
-		SatisfyingAssignment(){ size = 0; array = NULL; };
-		SatisfyingAssignment(int _size, char* _array);
-		SatisfyingAssignment(const SatisfyingAssignment& a);
-		SatisfyingAssignment& operator=(const SatisfyingAssignment& a);
-		~SatisfyingAssignment();
-		bool operator==(const SatisfyingAssignment& other) const;
-		int get_size(){ return size;};
-		char get_array_i(int i);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/input b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/input
deleted file mode 100644
index 66bbf4fa593e43fca7a83b7d7f3c30ecd3d4adef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/input
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-<3>p0 & <3>~p0 & ~<5>true
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/main.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 219c05539b0d7d21a9673edf774a5681242bdeb7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "./parser/mlf-driver.h"
-#include "./formulas/formula.h"
-#include "./formulas/satisfyingassignment.h"
-#include "satisfyingstack.h"
-#include "bdd.h"
-using namespace std;
-vector<SatisfyingAssignment> sat_ass_stack;
-/* Error handler for running out of BDD nodes */
-void error_handler(int errorcode){
-	if(errorcode==BDD_VAR)
-		bdd_extvarnum(1000); 
-	else
-		cout << "BDD package error number " << errorcode << endl;
-void parse(IFormula* &formula, int argc, char *argv[], int& verbose);
-int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
-	clock_t total_time = clock();
-	IFormula* f = NULL;
-	int verbose = 0;	
-	//initalize buddy
-	bdd_init(100000, 10000);
-	bdd_setvarnum(100); // Minimum is two.
-	bdd_error_hook(error_handler);
-	parse(f, argc, argv, verbose);
-	if(f){
-		// bdd_varblockall();
-		// bdd_reorder(BDD_REORDER_WIN3ITE);
-		// bdd_printdot((driver.formula)->bdd_rep);
-		//bdd_printset(f->get_bdd());
-		//cout << endl;
-		//(driver.formula)->print_back_vars();
-		fprintf(stderr,"Cannot check satisfiability due to patched GMLMIP\n");
-		//if(f->satisfiability(verbose))
-		//	cout << "Satisfiable" << endl;
-		//else
-		//	cout << "Unsatisfiable" << endl;
-		f->clear_maps();
-		delete f;
-	}
-	bdd_done();
-	total_time = clock() - total_time;
-	cout << "Total Time: " << static_cast<float>(total_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
-	return 0;
-void parse(IFormula* &formula, int argc, char *argv[], int& option){
-	mlf_driver driver;
-	for (++argv; argv[0]; ++argv)
-		if (*argv == std::string ("-p"))
-			driver.trace_parsing = true;
-		else if (*argv == std::string ("-v"))
-			option = 1;
-		else if (*argv == std::string ("-t"))
-			option = 2;
-		else if (*argv == std::string ("-s"))
-			driver.trace_scanning = true;
-		else if (!driver.parse (*argv))
-			driver.extract_formula(formula);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/makefile b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 934e0e7a2eaefa0ffff0a9122059b6d56afa3842..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-include config.mk
-POBJS = ./parser/lex.yy.o ./parser/mlf-parser.tab.o ./parser/mlf-driver.o
-FOBJS = ./formulas/formula.o ./formulas/GML_formula.o ./formulas/PML_formula.o ./formulas/rational.o ./formulas/satisfyingassignment.o
-ROBJS = ./rules/premise.o ./rules/GML_premise.o ./rules/PML_premise.o ./rules/valuation.o ./rules/setofconclusions.o ./rules/sizefunctions.o ./rules/radixtree.o
-HEADERS = parser/mlf-parser.tab.h \
-parser/mlf-driver.h     \
-formulas/formula.h      \
-formulas/satisfyingassignment.h \
-.PHONY: all clean parser/% formulas/% rules/%
-all: main onestep-example onestep.o
-.PHONY: phony
-# don't do anything here
-	@:
-parser/%: phony
-	@make --no-print-directory -C parser/ $(@:parser/%=%)
-formulas/%: phony
-	@make --no-print-directory -C formulas/ $(@:formulas/%=%)
-rules/%: phony
-	@make --no-print-directory -C rules/ $(@:rules/%=%)
-main: main.o $(POBJS) $(FOBJS) $(ROBJS)
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) $(POBJS) $(FOBJS) $(ROBJS) -lbdd -lm -lglpk $< -o $@
-onestep-example: onestep-example.o $(POBJS) $(FOBJS) $(ROBJS) onestep.o
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) $(POBJS) $(FOBJS) $(ROBJS) onestep.o -lbdd -lm -lglpk $< -o $@
-main.o: main.cpp $(HEADERS)
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
-onestep-example.o: onestep-example.cpp $(HEADERS)
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c $<
-onestep.o: onestep.cpp $(HEADERS)
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c $<
-clean: parser/clean formulas/clean rules/clean
-	rm -rf *.o main
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/onestep-example.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/onestep-example.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3283733cc50733ff89e8e894f4f5846e74d97118..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/onestep-example.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "bdd.h"
-#include "./formulas/formula.h"
-#include "./formulas/GML_formula.h"
-#include "./formulas/PML_formula.h"
-#include "./formulas/rational.h"
-#include "./formulas/satisfyingassignment.h"
-#include "satisfyingstack.h"
-#include "./parser/mlf-driver.h"
-#include "onestep.h"
-using namespace std;
-int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
-	clock_t total_time = clock();
-	IFormula* f = NULL;
-    // this turns into an endless loop
-	//bdd b = bdd_and(f->modal(new bdd(f->variable(0)), 4, 0),
-	//                bdd_not(f->modal(new bdd(f->variable(0)), 6, 0)));
-	if (true) {
-		mlf_driver driver;
-		driver.set_formula_gml();
-		if (!driver.parse ("-")) {
-			driver.extract_formula(f);
-		}
-	} else {
-		f = new GML_Formula;
-		bdd b = bdd_and(bdd_and(f->modal(new bdd(f->variable(8)), 4, 0),
-					   bdd_not(f->modal(new bdd(bdd_not(f->variable(7))), 3, 0))),
-					   bdd_not(f->modal(new bdd(bdd_not(f->variable(9))), 3, 0)));
-		f->set_bdd(b);
-	}
-	// bdd_varblockall();
-	// bdd_reorder(BDD_REORDER_WIN3ITE);
-	// bdd_printdot((driver.formula)->bdd_rep);
-	//bdd_printset(f->get_bdd());
-	//cout << endl;
-	//(driver.formula)->print_back_vars();
-	//vector<RuleChild> res = f->onestep_rules(b);
-	//cout << res.size() << " childs" << endl;
-	//for (unsigned int r = 0; r < res.size(); r++) {
-	//	RuleChild& rc = res[r];
-	//	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rc.size(); i++) {
-	//		cout << "\\/ (";
-	//		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < rc[i].size(); j++) {
-	//			pair<bool,int>& p = rc[i][j];
-	//			if (j != 0) cout << ", ";
-	//			if (!p.first) cout << "~";
-	//			cout << p.second;
-	//		}
-	//		cout << ")";
-	//	}
-	//	cout << endl;
-	//}
-	if (f) {
-		RuleCollection vsa = f->onestep();
-		printRuleCollection(vsa);
-		f->clear_maps();
-		delete f;
-	}
-	total_time = clock() - total_time;
-	cout << "Total Time: " << static_cast<float>(total_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
-	return 0;
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/onestep.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/onestep.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ddc0e8b8153a9afa96aeccc09f48d7ec953a79ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/onestep.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "onestep.h"
-#include "bdd.h"
-#include "./formulas/formula.h"
-#include "./formulas/GML_formula.h"
-#include "./formulas/PML_formula.h"
-#include "./formulas/rational.h"
-#include "./formulas/satisfyingassignment.h"
-#include "./rules/setofconclusions.h"
-#include "satisfyingstack.h"
-using namespace std;
-vector<SatisfyingAssignment> sat_ass_stack;
-/* Error handler for running out of BDD nodes */
-static void error_handler(int errorcode){
-    if(errorcode==BDD_VAR)
-        bdd_extvarnum(1000);
-    else
-        cerr << "BDD package error number " << errorcode << endl;
-// use C++-Magic to initialize and destroy bdd library
-class BDDInitializer { public:
-    BDDInitializer() {
-        bdd_init(100000, 10000);
-        bdd_setvarnum(100); // Minimum is two.
-        bdd_error_hook(error_handler);
-    };
-    ~BDDInitializer() {
-        bdd_done();
-    };
-BDDInitializer initializeBddLibrary;
- */
-// some utils
-static bdd tupleModality2Bdd_GML(IFormula* f, const pair<pair<bool,int>,int>& t) {
-    if (t.first.first) {
-        /* diamond */
-        bdd* b = new bdd(f->variable(t.second));
-        return f->modal(b, t.first.second, 0);
-    } else {
-        /* box */
-        bdd* b = new bdd(bdd_not(f->variable(t.second)));
-        return bdd_not(f->modal(b, t.first.second, 0));
-    }
-GMLConclusion gmlmip_onestep_gml(GMLPremise modvec) {
-    IFormula* f = NULL;
-    if (modvec.size() <= 0) {
-        // Nothing to do -> no rules
-        GMLConclusion rulevec;
-        return rulevec;
-    } else {
-        f = new GML_Formula;
-        bdd b = tupleModality2Bdd_GML(f, modvec[0]);
-        for (unsigned int i = 1; i < modvec.size(); i++) {
-            b = bdd_and(b, tupleModality2Bdd_GML(f, modvec[i]));
-        }
-        f->set_bdd(b);
-        RuleCollection vsa = f->onestep();
-        f->clear_maps();
-        delete f;
-        return vsa;
-    }
- */
-static bdd tupleModality2Bdd_PML(IFormula* f, const pair<pair<bool,pair<int,int> >,int>& t) {
-    if (t.first.first) {
-        /* diamond */
-        bdd* b = new bdd(f->variable(t.second));
-        return f->modal(b, t.first.second.first, t.first.second.second);
-    } else {
-        /* box */
-        bdd* b = new bdd(bdd_not(f->variable(t.second)));
-        return bdd_not(f->modal(b, t.first.second.first, t.first.second.second));
-    }
-GMLConclusion gmlmip_onestep_pml(PMLPremise modvec) {
-    IFormula* f = NULL;
-    if (modvec.size() <= 0) {
-        // Nothing to do -> no rules
-        GMLConclusion rulevec;
-        return rulevec;
-    } else {
-        f = new PML_Formula;
-        bdd b = tupleModality2Bdd_PML(f, modvec[0]);
-        for (unsigned int i = 1; i < modvec.size(); i++) {
-            b = bdd_and(b, tupleModality2Bdd_PML(f, modvec[i]));
-        }
-        f->set_bdd(b);
-        RuleCollection vsa = f->onestep();
-        f->clear_maps();
-        delete f;
-        return vsa;
-    }
- * Debug output:
- */
-void printRuleCollection(const RuleCollection& rc) {
-    cout << rc.size() << " rules\n";
-    for (RuleCollection::iterator it = rc.begin(); it != rc.end(); ++it) {
-        const set<set<int> > &r = *it;
-        bool first = true;
-        cout << "(\\/ ";
-        for (set<set<int> >::iterator jt = r.begin(); jt != r.end(); ++jt) {
-            const set<int>& clause = *jt;
-            if (first) first = false; else cout << "\n    ";
-            cout << "(/\\";
-            for (set<int>::iterator kt = clause.begin(); kt != clause.end(); ++kt) {
-                int v = *kt;
-                if (v > 0) {
-                    cout << "  p" << v;
-                } else {
-                    cout << " ¬p" << (-v);
-                }
-            }
-            cout << " )";
-        }
-        cout << ")";
-        cout << endl << endl;
-    }
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/onestep.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/onestep.h
deleted file mode 100644
index efefbe0776d8fb3efe5a3f4d9b4e9b6f196bf716..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/onestep.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __GMLMIP_ONESTEP_H_
-#define __GMLMIP_ONESTEP_H_
-#include <vector>
-#include <set>
-#include <utility> // for pair
-#include "formulas/formula.h"
-/* transforms list of gml formulas (diamond?,number,formula)
-   to list of consequences (formula,positive?),
-   here positive? means that the formula must be true in order to make the
-   given conjunct of modalities true
-typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<bool,int>,int> > GMLPremise;
- * For PML, the premise is a list of modal formulas:
- *      ((diamond?,(nominator,denominator)),formula)
- */
-typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<bool,std::pair<int,int> >,int> > PMLPremise;
- * The Conclusion is the same for PML and GML:
- * It is a set of rule conclusions. One rule conclusions is of the form \/ /\ lit
- * where lit is encoded by: (formula,positive?)
- */
-typedef std::set<std::set<std::set<int> > > GMLConclusion;
-GMLConclusion gmlmip_onestep_gml(GMLPremise modvec);
-GMLConclusion gmlmip_onestep_pml(PMLPremise modvec);
-void printRuleCollection(const RuleCollection& rc);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/lex.yy.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/lex.yy.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f5d55a4d8890f64e4dd13997f729326b382ae7d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/lex.yy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2233 +0,0 @@
-#line 3 "lex.yy.c"
-#define  YY_INT_ALIGNED short int
-/* A lexical scanner generated by flex */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %if-not-reentrant */
-/* %endif */
-/* %endif */
-/* %ok-for-header */
-#define FLEX_BETA
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %endif */
-/* First, we deal with  platform-specific or compiler-specific issues. */
-/* begin standard C headers. */
-/* %if-c-only */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-tables-serialization */
-/* %endif */
-/* end standard C headers. */
-/* %if-c-or-c++ */
-/* flex integer type definitions */
-#ifndef FLEXINT_H
-#define FLEXINT_H
-/* C99 systems have <inttypes.h>. Non-C99 systems may or may not. */
-#if defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
-/* C99 says to define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS before including stdint.h,
- * if you want the limit (max/min) macros for int types. 
- */
-#define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS 1
-#include <inttypes.h>
-typedef int8_t flex_int8_t;
-typedef uint8_t flex_uint8_t;
-typedef int16_t flex_int16_t;
-typedef uint16_t flex_uint16_t;
-typedef int32_t flex_int32_t;
-typedef uint32_t flex_uint32_t;
-typedef signed char flex_int8_t;
-typedef short int flex_int16_t;
-typedef int flex_int32_t;
-typedef unsigned char flex_uint8_t; 
-typedef unsigned short int flex_uint16_t;
-typedef unsigned int flex_uint32_t;
-/* Limits of integral types. */
-#ifndef INT8_MIN
-#define INT8_MIN               (-128)
-#ifndef INT16_MIN
-#define INT16_MIN              (-32767-1)
-#ifndef INT32_MIN
-#define INT32_MIN              (-2147483647-1)
-#ifndef INT8_MAX
-#define INT8_MAX               (127)
-#ifndef INT16_MAX
-#define INT16_MAX              (32767)
-#ifndef INT32_MAX
-#define INT32_MAX              (2147483647)
-#ifndef UINT8_MAX
-#define UINT8_MAX              (255U)
-#ifndef UINT16_MAX
-#define UINT16_MAX             (65535U)
-#ifndef UINT32_MAX
-#define UINT32_MAX             (4294967295U)
-#endif /* ! C99 */
-#endif /* ! FLEXINT_H */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-/* The "const" storage-class-modifier is valid. */
-#define YY_USE_CONST
-#else	/* ! __cplusplus */
-/* C99 requires __STDC__ to be defined as 1. */
-#if defined (__STDC__)
-#define YY_USE_CONST
-#endif	/* defined (__STDC__) */
-#endif	/* ! __cplusplus */
-#ifdef YY_USE_CONST
-#define yyconst const
-#define yyconst
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* Returned upon end-of-file. */
-#define YY_NULL 0
-/* %ok-for-header */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* Promotes a possibly negative, possibly signed char to an unsigned
- * integer for use as an array index.  If the signed char is negative,
- * we want to instead treat it as an 8-bit unsigned char, hence the
- * double cast.
- */
-#define YY_SC_TO_UI(c) ((unsigned int) (unsigned char) c)
-/* %ok-for-header */
-/* %if-reentrant */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-not-reentrant */
-/* %endif */
-/* Enter a start condition.  This macro really ought to take a parameter,
- * but we do it the disgusting crufty way forced on us by the ()-less
- * definition of BEGIN.
- */
-#define BEGIN (yy_start) = 1 + 2 *
-/* Translate the current start state into a value that can be later handed
- * to BEGIN to return to the state.  The YYSTATE alias is for lex
- * compatibility.
- */
-#define YY_START (((yy_start) - 1) / 2)
-/* Action number for EOF rule of a given start state. */
-#define YY_STATE_EOF(state) (YY_END_OF_BUFFER + state + 1)
-/* Special action meaning "start processing a new file". */
-#define YY_NEW_FILE yyrestart(yyin  )
-/* Size of default input buffer. */
-#ifndef YY_BUF_SIZE
-#define YY_BUF_SIZE 16384
-/* The state buf must be large enough to hold one state per character in the main buffer.
- */
-#define YY_STATE_BUF_SIZE   ((YY_BUF_SIZE + 2) * sizeof(yy_state_type))
-typedef struct yy_buffer_state *YY_BUFFER_STATE;
-typedef size_t yy_size_t;
-/* %if-not-reentrant */
-extern yy_size_t yyleng;
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %if-not-reentrant */
-extern FILE *yyin, *yyout;
-/* %endif */
-/* %endif */
-#define EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE 1
-    #define YY_LESS_LINENO(n)
-    #define YY_LINENO_REWIND_TO(ptr)
-/* Return all but the first "n" matched characters back to the input stream. */
-#define yyless(n) \
-	do \
-		{ \
-		/* Undo effects of setting up yytext. */ \
-        int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
-        YY_LESS_LINENO(yyless_macro_arg);\
-		*yy_cp = (yy_hold_char); \
-		(yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp = yy_bp + yyless_macro_arg - YY_MORE_ADJ; \
-		YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION; /* set up yytext again */ \
-		} \
-	while ( 0 )
-#define unput(c) yyunput( c, (yytext_ptr)  )
-struct yy_buffer_state
-	{
-/* %if-c-only */
-	FILE *yy_input_file;
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-	char *yy_ch_buf;		/* input buffer */
-	char *yy_buf_pos;		/* current position in input buffer */
-	/* Size of input buffer in bytes, not including room for EOB
-	 * characters.
-	 */
-	yy_size_t yy_buf_size;
-	/* Number of characters read into yy_ch_buf, not including EOB
-	 * characters.
-	 */
-	yy_size_t yy_n_chars;
-	/* Whether we "own" the buffer - i.e., we know we created it,
-	 * and can realloc() it to grow it, and should free() it to
-	 * delete it.
-	 */
-	int yy_is_our_buffer;
-	/* Whether this is an "interactive" input source; if so, and
-	 * if we're using stdio for input, then we want to use getc()
-	 * instead of fread(), to make sure we stop fetching input after
-	 * each newline.
-	 */
-	int yy_is_interactive;
-	/* Whether we're considered to be at the beginning of a line.
-	 * If so, '^' rules will be active on the next match, otherwise
-	 * not.
-	 */
-	int yy_at_bol;
-    int yy_bs_lineno; /**< The line count. */
-    int yy_bs_column; /**< The column count. */
-	/* Whether to try to fill the input buffer when we reach the
-	 * end of it.
-	 */
-	int yy_fill_buffer;
-	int yy_buffer_status;
-#define YY_BUFFER_NEW 0
-	/* When an EOF's been seen but there's still some text to process
-	 * then we mark the buffer as YY_EOF_PENDING, to indicate that we
-	 * shouldn't try reading from the input source any more.  We might
-	 * still have a bunch of tokens to match, though, because of
-	 * possible backing-up.
-	 *
-	 * When we actually see the EOF, we change the status to "new"
-	 * (via yyrestart()), so that the user can continue scanning by
-	 * just pointing yyin at a new input file.
-	 */
-	};
-/* %if-c-only Standard (non-C++) definition */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %if-not-reentrant */
-/* Stack of input buffers. */
-static size_t yy_buffer_stack_top = 0; /**< index of top of stack. */
-static size_t yy_buffer_stack_max = 0; /**< capacity of stack. */
-static YY_BUFFER_STATE * yy_buffer_stack = 0; /**< Stack as an array. */
-/* %endif */
-/* %ok-for-header */
-/* %endif */
-/* We provide macros for accessing buffer states in case in the
- * future we want to put the buffer states in a more general
- * "scanner state".
- *
- * Returns the top of the stack, or NULL.
- */
-#define YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ( (yy_buffer_stack) \
-                          ? (yy_buffer_stack)[(yy_buffer_stack_top)] \
-                          : NULL)
-/* Same as previous macro, but useful when we know that the buffer stack is not
- * NULL or when we need an lvalue. For internal use only.
- */
-#define YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE (yy_buffer_stack)[(yy_buffer_stack_top)]
-/* %if-c-only Standard (non-C++) definition */
-/* %if-not-reentrant */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* yy_hold_char holds the character lost when yytext is formed. */
-static char yy_hold_char;
-static yy_size_t yy_n_chars;		/* number of characters read into yy_ch_buf */
-yy_size_t yyleng;
-/* Points to current character in buffer. */
-static char *yy_c_buf_p = (char *) 0;
-static int yy_init = 0;		/* whether we need to initialize */
-static int yy_start = 0;	/* start state number */
-/* Flag which is used to allow yywrap()'s to do buffer switches
- * instead of setting up a fresh yyin.  A bit of a hack ...
- */
-static int yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof;
-/* %ok-for-header */
-/* %endif */
-void yyrestart (FILE *input_file  );
-void yy_switch_to_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer  );
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_create_buffer (FILE *file,int size  );
-void yy_delete_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b  );
-void yy_flush_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b  );
-void yypush_buffer_state (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer  );
-void yypop_buffer_state (void );
-static void yyensure_buffer_stack (void );
-static void yy_load_buffer_state (void );
-static void yy_init_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b,FILE *file  );
-#define YY_FLUSH_BUFFER yy_flush_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER )
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_buffer (char *base,yy_size_t size  );
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string (yyconst char *yy_str  );
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_bytes (yyconst char *bytes,yy_size_t len  );
-/* %endif */
-void *yyalloc (yy_size_t  );
-void *yyrealloc (void *,yy_size_t  );
-void yyfree (void *  );
-#define yy_new_buffer yy_create_buffer
-#define yy_set_interactive(is_interactive) \
-	{ \
-	if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ){ \
-        yyensure_buffer_stack (); \
-            yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE ); \
-	} \
-	YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_is_interactive = is_interactive; \
-	}
-#define yy_set_bol(at_bol) \
-	{ \
-	if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ){\
-        yyensure_buffer_stack (); \
-            yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE ); \
-	} \
-	YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol = at_bol; \
-	}
-#define YY_AT_BOL() (YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol)
-/* %% [1.0] yytext/yyin/yyout/yy_state_type/yylineno etc. def's & init go here */
-/* Begin user sect3 */
-#define yywrap() 1
-#define FLEX_DEBUG
-typedef unsigned char YY_CHAR;
-FILE *yyin = (FILE *) 0, *yyout = (FILE *) 0;
-typedef int yy_state_type;
-extern int yylineno;
-int yylineno = 1;
-extern char *yytext;
-#define yytext_ptr yytext
-/* %% [1.5] DFA */
-/* %if-c-only Standard (non-C++) definition */
-static yy_state_type yy_get_previous_state (void );
-static yy_state_type yy_try_NUL_trans (yy_state_type current_state  );
-static int yy_get_next_buffer (void );
-static void yy_fatal_error (yyconst char msg[]  );
-/* %endif */
-/* Done after the current pattern has been matched and before the
- * corresponding action - sets up yytext.
- */
-	(yytext_ptr) = yy_bp; \
-/* %% [2.0] code to fiddle yytext and yyleng for yymore() goes here \ */\
-	(yytext_ptr) -= (yy_more_len); \
-	yyleng = (size_t) (yy_cp - (yytext_ptr)); \
-	(yy_hold_char) = *yy_cp; \
-	*yy_cp = '\0'; \
-/* %% [3.0] code to copy yytext_ptr to yytext[] goes here, if %array \ */\
-	(yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp;
-/* %% [4.0] data tables for the DFA and the user's section 1 definitions go here */
-#define YY_NUM_RULES 21
-#define YY_END_OF_BUFFER 22
-/* This struct is not used in this scanner,
-   but its presence is necessary. */
-struct yy_trans_info
-	{
-	flex_int32_t yy_verify;
-	flex_int32_t yy_nxt;
-	};
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_accept[60] =
-    {   0,
-        0,    0,   22,   20,    1,    1,    6,   16,   17,   20,
-       20,   20,   20,   20,   20,   20,   13,   14,    1,    7,
-        0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   15,    0,    8,    0,    9,
-        0,    0,   10,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   18,
-       11,    0,   12,   19,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-        0,    0,    0,    0,    2,    3,    4,    5,    0
-    } ;
-static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_ec[256] =
-    {   0,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    2,    3,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    4,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    5,    1,    6,
-        7,    1,    1,    1,    8,    1,    9,   10,   10,   10,
-       10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   11,    1,   12,
-        1,   13,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-       14,    1,    1,    1,    1,   15,   16,    1,    1,   17,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-       18,    1,   19,    1,    1,    1,   20,    1,   21,    1,
-       22,   23,   24,    1,   25,    1,    1,   26,    1,    1,
-       27,   28,    1,   29,   30,   31,   32,   33,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,   34,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1
-    } ;
-static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_meta[35] =
-    {   0,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1
-    } ;
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_base[60] =
-    {   0,
-        0,    0,   88,   89,   33,   36,   89,   89,   89,   74,
-       33,   59,   75,   64,   73,   53,   89,   89,   42,   89,
-       68,   38,   56,   40,   53,   68,   45,   89,   66,   89,
-       50,   64,   89,   43,   50,   42,   50,   43,   48,   89,
-       89,   58,   89,   89,   50,   43,   52,   50,   49,   47,
-       46,   43,   41,   27,   89,   89,   89,   89,   89
-    } ;
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_def[60] =
-    {   0,
-       59,    1,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,
-       59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,
-       59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,
-       59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,
-       59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,
-       59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,    0
-    } ;
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_nxt[124] =
-    {   0,
-        4,    5,    6,    5,    7,    8,    9,   10,    4,    4,
-        4,   11,    4,    4,   12,    4,    4,   13,    4,    4,
-        4,    4,   14,    4,    4,    4,    4,   15,    4,    4,
-       16,    4,   17,   18,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,
-       21,   58,   22,   19,   19,   19,   29,   22,   32,   24,
-       30,   36,   38,   46,   41,   57,   49,   56,   33,   50,
-       55,   43,   54,   47,   53,   52,   48,   51,   45,   44,
-       42,   40,   39,   38,   37,   36,   35,   26,   34,   31,
-       28,   27,   26,   25,   24,   23,   20,   59,    3,   59,
-       59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,
-       59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,
-       59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,
-       59,   59,   59
-    } ;
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_chk[124] =
-    {   0,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-        1,    1,    1,    1,    5,    5,    5,    6,    6,    6,
-       11,   54,   11,   19,   19,   19,   22,   22,   24,   24,
-       22,   36,   38,   45,   36,   53,   46,   52,   24,   46,
-       51,   38,   50,   45,   49,   48,   45,   47,   42,   39,
-       37,   35,   34,   32,   31,   29,   27,   26,   25,   23,
-       21,   16,   15,   14,   13,   12,   10,    3,   59,   59,
-       59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,
-       59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,
-       59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,
-       59,   59,   59
-    } ;
-static yy_state_type yy_last_accepting_state;
-static char *yy_last_accepting_cpos;
-extern int yy_flex_debug;
-int yy_flex_debug = 1;
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_rule_linenum[21] =
-    {   0,
-       49,   50,   51,   52,   53,   54,   55,   56,   57,   64,
-       71,   86,  100,  101,  102,  103,  104,  105,  106,  107
-    } ;
-/* The intent behind this definition is that it'll catch
- * any uses of REJECT which flex missed.
- */
-#define REJECT reject_used_but_not_detected
-static int yy_more_flag = 0;
-static int yy_more_len = 0;
-#define yymore() ((yy_more_flag) = 1)
-#define YY_MORE_ADJ (yy_more_len)
-char *yytext;
-#line 1 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-#line 2 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-# include <cstdlib>
-# include <errno.h>
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <string>
-# include "mlf-driver.h"
-# include "mlf-parser.tab.h"
-/* Added since it fixes compile errors */
-#define YY_NEW_FILE yyrestart(yyin  )
-	(yytext_ptr) = yy_bp; \
-/* %% [2.0] code to fiddle yytext and yyleng for yymore() goes here \ */\
-	yyleng = (size_t) (yy_cp - yy_bp); \
-	(yy_hold_char) = *yy_cp; \
-	*yy_cp = '\0'; \
-/* %% [3.0] code to copy yytext_ptr to yytext[] goes here, if %array \ */\
-	(yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp;
-/* ----------------------- */
-/* Work around an incompatibility in flex (at least versions
-   2.5.31 through 2.5.33): it generates code that does
-   not conform to C89.  See Debian bug 333231
-   <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=333231>.  */
-# undef yywrap
-# define yywrap() 1
-/* By default yylex returns int, we use token_type.
-   Unfortunately yyterminate by default returns 0, which is
-   not of token_type.  */
-#define yyterminate() return token::END
-#line 40 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-# define YY_USER_ACTION  yylloc->columns (yyleng);
-#line 44 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-  typedef yy::mlf_parser::token token;
-#line 628 "lex.yy.c"
-#define INITIAL 0
-#ifndef YY_NO_UNISTD_H
-/* Special case for "unistd.h", since it is non-ANSI. We include it way
- * down here because we want the user's section 1 to have been scanned first.
- * The user has a chance to override it with an option.
- */
-/* %if-c-only */
-#include <unistd.h>
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-#ifndef YY_EXTRA_TYPE
-#define YY_EXTRA_TYPE void *
-/* %if-c-only Reentrant structure and macros (non-C++). */
-/* %if-reentrant */
-/* %if-c-only */
-static int yy_init_globals (void );
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-reentrant */
-/* %endif */
-/* %endif End reentrant structures and macros. */
-/* Accessor methods to globals.
-   These are made visible to non-reentrant scanners for convenience. */
-int yylex_destroy (void );
-int yyget_debug (void );
-void yyset_debug (int debug_flag  );
-YY_EXTRA_TYPE yyget_extra (void );
-void yyset_extra (YY_EXTRA_TYPE user_defined  );
-FILE *yyget_in (void );
-void yyset_in  (FILE * in_str  );
-FILE *yyget_out (void );
-void yyset_out  (FILE * out_str  );
-yy_size_t yyget_leng (void );
-char *yyget_text (void );
-int yyget_lineno (void );
-void yyset_lineno (int line_number  );
-/* %if-bison-bridge */
-/* %endif */
-/* Macros after this point can all be overridden by user definitions in
- * section 1.
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" int yywrap (void );
-extern int yywrap (void );
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %ok-for-header */
-/* %endif */
-#ifndef yytext_ptr
-static void yy_flex_strncpy (char *,yyconst char *,int );
-static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * );
-#ifndef YY_NO_INPUT
-/* %if-c-only Standard (non-C++) definition */
-/* %not-for-header */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-static int yyinput (void );
-static int input (void );
-/* %ok-for-header */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %endif */
-/* Amount of stuff to slurp up with each read. */
-#define YY_READ_BUF_SIZE 8192
-/* Copy whatever the last rule matched to the standard output. */
-#ifndef ECHO
-/* %if-c-only Standard (non-C++) definition */
-/* This used to be an fputs(), but since the string might contain NUL's,
- * we now use fwrite().
- */
-#define ECHO do { if (fwrite( yytext, yyleng, 1, yyout )) {} } while (0)
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only C++ definition */
-/* %endif */
-/* Gets input and stuffs it into "buf".  number of characters read, or YY_NULL,
- * is returned in "result".
- */
-#ifndef YY_INPUT
-#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
-/* %% [5.0] fread()/read() definition of YY_INPUT goes here unless we're doing C++ \ */\
-	if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_is_interactive ) \
-		{ \
-		int c = '*'; \
-		size_t n; \
-		for ( n = 0; n < max_size && \
-			     (c = getc( yyin )) != EOF && c != '\n'; ++n ) \
-			buf[n] = (char) c; \
-		if ( c == '\n' ) \
-			buf[n++] = (char) c; \
-		if ( c == EOF && ferror( yyin ) ) \
-			YY_FATAL_ERROR( "input in flex scanner failed" ); \
-		result = n; \
-		} \
-	else \
-		{ \
-		errno=0; \
-		while ( (result = fread(buf, 1, max_size, yyin))==0 && ferror(yyin)) \
-			{ \
-			if( errno != EINTR) \
-				{ \
-				YY_FATAL_ERROR( "input in flex scanner failed" ); \
-				break; \
-				} \
-			errno=0; \
-			clearerr(yyin); \
-			} \
-		}\
-/* %if-c++-only C++ definition \ */\
-/* %endif */
-/* No semi-colon after return; correct usage is to write "yyterminate();" -
- * we don't want an extra ';' after the "return" because that will cause
- * some compilers to complain about unreachable statements.
- */
-#ifndef yyterminate
-#define yyterminate() return YY_NULL
-/* Number of entries by which start-condition stack grows. */
-/* Report a fatal error. */
-/* %if-c-only */
-#define YY_FATAL_ERROR(msg) yy_fatal_error( msg )
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-tables-serialization structures and prototypes */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %ok-for-header */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %tables-yydmap generated elements */
-/* %endif */
-/* end tables serialization structures and prototypes */
-/* %ok-for-header */
-/* Default declaration of generated scanner - a define so the user can
- * easily add parameters.
- */
-#ifndef YY_DECL
-#define YY_DECL_IS_OURS 1
-/* %if-c-only Standard (non-C++) definition */
-extern int yylex (void);
-#define YY_DECL int yylex (void)
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only C++ definition */
-/* %endif */
-#endif /* !YY_DECL */
-/* Code executed at the beginning of each rule, after yytext and yyleng
- * have been set up.
- */
-/* Code executed at the end of each rule. */
-#ifndef YY_BREAK
-#define YY_BREAK break;
-/* %% [6.0] YY_RULE_SETUP definition goes here */
-#define YY_RULE_SETUP \
-/* %not-for-header */
-/** The main scanner function which does all the work.
- */
-	register yy_state_type yy_current_state;
-	register char *yy_cp, *yy_bp;
-	register int yy_act;
-	if ( !(yy_init) )
-		{
-		(yy_init) = 1;
-#ifdef YY_USER_INIT
-		if ( ! (yy_start) )
-			(yy_start) = 1;	/* first start state */
-		if ( ! yyin )
-/* %if-c-only */
-			yyin = stdin;
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-		if ( ! yyout )
-/* %if-c-only */
-			yyout = stdout;
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-		if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ) {
-			yyensure_buffer_stack ();
-				yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE );
-		}
-		yy_load_buffer_state( );
-		}
-	{
-/* %% [7.0] user's declarations go here */
-#line 48 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-#line 905 "lex.yy.c"
-	while ( 1 )		/* loops until end-of-file is reached */
-		{
-/* %% [8.0] yymore()-related code goes here */
-		(yy_more_len) = 0;
-		if ( (yy_more_flag) )
-			{
-			(yy_more_len) = (yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr);
-			(yy_more_flag) = 0;
-			}
-		yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
-		/* Support of yytext. */
-		*yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
-		/* yy_bp points to the position in yy_ch_buf of the start of
-		 * the current run.
-		 */
-		yy_bp = yy_cp;
-/* %% [9.0] code to set up and find next match goes here */
-		yy_current_state = (yy_start);
-		do
-			{
-			register YY_CHAR yy_c = yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)] ;
-			if ( yy_accept[yy_current_state] )
-				{
-				(yy_last_accepting_state) = yy_current_state;
-				(yy_last_accepting_cpos) = yy_cp;
-				}
-			while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
-				{
-				yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
-				if ( yy_current_state >= 60 )
-					yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
-				}
-			yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
-			++yy_cp;
-			}
-		while ( yy_current_state != 59 );
-		yy_cp = (yy_last_accepting_cpos);
-		yy_current_state = (yy_last_accepting_state);
-/* %% [10.0] code to find the action number goes here */
-		yy_act = yy_accept[yy_current_state];
-/* %% [11.0] code for yylineno update goes here */
-do_action:	/* This label is used only to access EOF actions. */
-/* %% [12.0] debug code goes here */
-		if ( yy_flex_debug )
-			{
-			if ( yy_act == 0 )
-				fprintf( stderr, "--scanner backing up\n" );
-			else if ( yy_act < 21 )
-				fprintf( stderr, "--accepting rule at line %ld (\"%s\")\n",
-				         (long)yy_rule_linenum[yy_act], yytext );
-			else if ( yy_act == 21 )
-				fprintf( stderr, "--accepting default rule (\"%s\")\n",
-				         yytext );
-			else if ( yy_act == 22 )
-				fprintf( stderr, "--(end of buffer or a NUL)\n" );
-			else
-				fprintf( stderr, "--EOF (start condition %d)\n", YY_START );
-			}
-		switch ( yy_act )
-	{ /* beginning of action switch */
-/* %% [13.0] actions go here */
-			case 0: /* must back up */
-			/* undo the effects of YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION */
-			*yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
-			yy_cp = (yy_last_accepting_cpos);
-			yy_current_state = (yy_last_accepting_state);
-			goto yy_find_action;
-case 1:
-/* rule 1 can match eol */
-#line 49 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-/*eat white space*/
-case 2:
-#line 50 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ return token::GML; }
-case 3:
-#line 51 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ return token::PML; }
-case 4:
-#line 52 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ return token::GML; }
-case 5:
-#line 53 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ return token::PML; }
-case 6:
-#line 54 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ return token::AND; }
-case 7:
-#line 55 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ return token::IMP; }
-case 8:
-#line 56 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ return token::IFF; }
-case 9:
-#line 57 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{	if(driver.get_logic()!='g')
-     							driver.error(*yylloc, "Invalid operator type for specified logic!");
-     						else {
-     							yylval->number = atoi(yytext + 1); 
-     							return token::GMDIA; 
-     						}
-     					}
-case 10:
-#line 64 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{	if(driver.get_logic()!='g')
-     							driver.error(*yylloc, "Invalid operator type for specified logic!");
-     						else {
-     							yylval->number = atoi(yytext + 1); 
-     							return token::GMBOX; 
-     						}
-     					}
-case 11:
-#line 71 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ 	if(driver.get_logic()!='p')
-     							driver.error(*yylloc, "Invalid operator type for specified logic!");
-     						else {
-       							(yylval->fraction).numerator = atoi(yytext + 1);
-     							/*TODO: find more elegant way to perform this - skipping through until "/" */
-								int a = 1;
-								int b = atoi(yytext + 1);
-								while(b > 0){
-									b = b/10;
-									a++;
-								}
-     							(yylval->fraction).denominator = atoi(yytext + a + 1);
-     							return token::PMDIA;
-     						}
-     					}
-case 12:
-#line 86 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ 	if(driver.get_logic()!='p')
-     							driver.error(*yylloc, "Invalid operator type for specified logic!");
-     						else {
-     							(yylval->fraction).numerator = atoi(yytext + 1);
-								int a = 1;
-								int b = atoi(yytext + 1);
-								while(b > 0){
-									b = b/10;
-									a++;
-								}
-     							(yylval->fraction).denominator = atoi(yytext + a + 1);
-     							return token::PMBOX;
-     						}
-     					}
-case 13:
-#line 100 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ return token::OR; }
-case 14:
-#line 101 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ return token::NOT; }
-case 15:
-#line 102 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ yylval->binarydd = driver.variable(atoi(yytext + 1)); return token::PVAR; }
-case 16:
-#line 103 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ return token::LPAREN; }
-case 17:
-#line 104 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ return token::RPAREN; }
-case 18:
-#line 105 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ return token::TRUE; }
-case 19:
-#line 106 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-{ return token::FALSE; }
-case 20:
-#line 107 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-driver.error (*yylloc, "invalid character!");
-case 21:
-#line 108 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-#line 1132 "lex.yy.c"
-	yyterminate();
-		{
-		/* Amount of text matched not including the EOB char. */
-		int yy_amount_of_matched_text = (int) (yy_cp - (yytext_ptr)) - 1;
-		/* Undo the effects of YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION. */
-		*yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
-		if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buffer_status == YY_BUFFER_NEW )
-			{
-			/* We're scanning a new file or input source.  It's
-			 * possible that this happened because the user
-			 * just pointed yyin at a new source and called
-			 * yylex().  If so, then we have to assure
-			 * consistency between YY_CURRENT_BUFFER and our
-			 * globals.  Here is the right place to do so, because
-			 * this is the first action (other than possibly a
-			 * back-up) that will match for the new input source.
-			 */
-			(yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars;
-			YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_input_file = yyin;
-			}
-		/* Note that here we test for yy_c_buf_p "<=" to the position
-		 * of the first EOB in the buffer, since yy_c_buf_p will
-		 * already have been incremented past the NUL character
-		 * (since all states make transitions on EOB to the
-		 * end-of-buffer state).  Contrast this with the test
-		 * in input().
-		 */
-		if ( (yy_c_buf_p) <= &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] )
-			{ /* This was really a NUL. */
-			yy_state_type yy_next_state;
-			(yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + yy_amount_of_matched_text;
-			yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state(  );
-			/* Okay, we're now positioned to make the NUL
-			 * transition.  We couldn't have
-			 * yy_get_previous_state() go ahead and do it
-			 * for us because it doesn't know how to deal
-			 * with the possibility of jamming (and we don't
-			 * want to build jamming into it because then it
-			 * will run more slowly).
-			 */
-			yy_next_state = yy_try_NUL_trans( yy_current_state );
-			yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
-			if ( yy_next_state )
-				{
-				/* Consume the NUL. */
-				yy_cp = ++(yy_c_buf_p);
-				yy_current_state = yy_next_state;
-				goto yy_match;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-/* %% [14.0] code to do back-up for compressed tables and set up yy_cp goes here */
-				yy_cp = (yy_last_accepting_cpos);
-				yy_current_state = (yy_last_accepting_state);
-				goto yy_find_action;
-				}
-			}
-		else switch ( yy_get_next_buffer(  ) )
-			{
-				{
-				(yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 0;
-				if ( yywrap( ) )
-					{
-					/* Note: because we've taken care in
-					 * yy_get_next_buffer() to have set up
-					 * yytext, we can now set up
-					 * yy_c_buf_p so that if some total
-					 * hoser (like flex itself) wants to
-					 * call the scanner after we return the
-					 * YY_NULL, it'll still work - another
-					 * YY_NULL will get returned.
-					 */
-					(yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
-					yy_act = YY_STATE_EOF(YY_START);
-					goto do_action;
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					if ( ! (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) )
-						YY_NEW_FILE;
-					}
-				break;
-				}
-				(yy_c_buf_p) =
-					(yytext_ptr) + yy_amount_of_matched_text;
-				yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state(  );
-				yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
-				yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
-				goto yy_match;
-				(yy_c_buf_p) =
-				&YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)];
-				yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state(  );
-				yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
-				yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
-				goto yy_find_action;
-			}
-		break;
-		}
-	default:
-			"fatal flex scanner internal error--no action found" );
-	} /* end of action switch */
-		} /* end of scanning one token */
-	} /* end of user's declarations */
-} /* end of yylex */
-/* %ok-for-header */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %ok-for-header */
-/* %endif */
-/* yy_get_next_buffer - try to read in a new buffer
- *
- * Returns a code representing an action:
- *	EOB_ACT_CONTINUE_SCAN - continue scanning from current position
- *	EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE - end of file
- */
-/* %if-c-only */
-static int yy_get_next_buffer (void)
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-    	register char *dest = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf;
-	register char *source = (yytext_ptr);
-	register int number_to_move, i;
-	int ret_val;
-	if ( (yy_c_buf_p) > &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars) + 1] )
-		"fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missed" );
-	if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_fill_buffer == 0 )
-		{ /* Don't try to fill the buffer, so this is an EOF. */
-		if ( (yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr) - YY_MORE_ADJ == 1 )
-			{
-			/* We matched a single character, the EOB, so
-			 * treat this as a final EOF.
-			 */
-			return EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			/* We matched some text prior to the EOB, first
-			 * process it.
-			 */
-			return EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH;
-			}
-		}
-	/* Try to read more data. */
-	/* First move last chars to start of buffer. */
-	number_to_move = (int) ((yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr)) - 1;
-	for ( i = 0; i < number_to_move; ++i )
-		*(dest++) = *(source++);
-		/* don't do the read, it's not guaranteed to return an EOF,
-		 * just force an EOF
-		 */
-		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars) = 0;
-	else
-		{
-			yy_size_t num_to_read =
-			YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size - number_to_move - 1;
-		while ( num_to_read <= 0 )
-			{ /* Not enough room in the buffer - grow it. */
-			/* just a shorter name for the current buffer */
-			int yy_c_buf_p_offset =
-				(int) ((yy_c_buf_p) - b->yy_ch_buf);
-			if ( b->yy_is_our_buffer )
-				{
-				yy_size_t new_size = b->yy_buf_size * 2;
-				if ( new_size <= 0 )
-					b->yy_buf_size += b->yy_buf_size / 8;
-				else
-					b->yy_buf_size *= 2;
-				b->yy_ch_buf = (char *)
-					/* Include room in for 2 EOB chars. */
-					yyrealloc((void *) b->yy_ch_buf,b->yy_buf_size + 2  );
-				}
-			else
-				/* Can't grow it, we don't own it. */
-				b->yy_ch_buf = 0;
-			if ( ! b->yy_ch_buf )
-				"fatal error - scanner input buffer overflow" );
-			(yy_c_buf_p) = &b->yy_ch_buf[yy_c_buf_p_offset];
-			num_to_read = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size -
-						number_to_move - 1;
-			}
-		if ( num_to_read > YY_READ_BUF_SIZE )
-			num_to_read = YY_READ_BUF_SIZE;
-		/* Read in more data. */
-		YY_INPUT( (&YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[number_to_move]),
-			(yy_n_chars), num_to_read );
-		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
-		}
-	if ( (yy_n_chars) == 0 )
-		{
-		if ( number_to_move == YY_MORE_ADJ )
-			{
-			ret_val = EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE;
-			yyrestart(yyin  );
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			ret_val = EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH;
-			YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buffer_status =
-			}
-		}
-	else
-	if ((yy_size_t) ((yy_n_chars) + number_to_move) > YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size) {
-		/* Extend the array by 50%, plus the number we really need. */
-		yy_size_t new_size = (yy_n_chars) + number_to_move + ((yy_n_chars) >> 1);
-		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf = (char *) yyrealloc((void *) YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf,new_size  );
-		if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf )
-			YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_get_next_buffer()" );
-	}
-	(yy_n_chars) += number_to_move;
-	YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
-	YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars) + 1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
-	(yytext_ptr) = &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[0];
-	return ret_val;
-/* yy_get_previous_state - get the state just before the EOB char was reached */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %not-for-header */
-    static yy_state_type yy_get_previous_state (void)
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-	register yy_state_type yy_current_state;
-	register char *yy_cp;
-/* %% [15.0] code to get the start state into yy_current_state goes here */
-	yy_current_state = (yy_start);
-	for ( yy_cp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ; yy_cp < (yy_c_buf_p); ++yy_cp )
-		{
-/* %% [16.0] code to find the next state goes here */
-		register YY_CHAR yy_c = (*yy_cp ? yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)] : 1);
-		if ( yy_accept[yy_current_state] )
-			{
-			(yy_last_accepting_state) = yy_current_state;
-			(yy_last_accepting_cpos) = yy_cp;
-			}
-		while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
-			{
-			yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
-			if ( yy_current_state >= 60 )
-				yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
-			}
-		yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
-		}
-	return yy_current_state;
-/* yy_try_NUL_trans - try to make a transition on the NUL character
- *
- * synopsis
- *	next_state = yy_try_NUL_trans( current_state );
- */
-/* %if-c-only */
-    static yy_state_type yy_try_NUL_trans  (yy_state_type yy_current_state )
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-	register int yy_is_jam;
-    /* %% [17.0] code to find the next state, and perhaps do backing up, goes here */
-	register char *yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
-	register YY_CHAR yy_c = 1;
-	if ( yy_accept[yy_current_state] )
-		{
-		(yy_last_accepting_state) = yy_current_state;
-		(yy_last_accepting_cpos) = yy_cp;
-		}
-	while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
-		{
-		yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
-		if ( yy_current_state >= 60 )
-			yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
-		}
-	yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
-	yy_is_jam = (yy_current_state == 59);
-		return yy_is_jam ? 0 : yy_current_state;
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only */
-#ifndef YY_NO_INPUT
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-    static int yyinput (void)
-    static int input  (void)
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-	int c;
-	*(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
-	if ( *(yy_c_buf_p) == YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR )
-		{
-		/* yy_c_buf_p now points to the character we want to return.
-		 * If this occurs *before* the EOB characters, then it's a
-		 * valid NUL; if not, then we've hit the end of the buffer.
-		 */
-		if ( (yy_c_buf_p) < &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] )
-			/* This was really a NUL. */
-			*(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0';
-		else
-			{ /* need more input */
-			yy_size_t offset = (yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr);
-			++(yy_c_buf_p);
-			switch ( yy_get_next_buffer(  ) )
-				{
-					/* This happens because yy_g_n_b()
-					 * sees that we've accumulated a
-					 * token and flags that we need to
-					 * try matching the token before
-					 * proceeding.  But for input(),
-					 * there's no matching to consider.
-					 * So convert the EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH
-					 * to EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE.
-					 */
-					/* Reset buffer status. */
-					yyrestart(yyin );
-				case EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE:
-					{
-					if ( yywrap( ) )
-						return EOF;
-					if ( ! (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) )
-						YY_NEW_FILE;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-					return yyinput();
-					return input();
-					}
-					(yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + offset;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	c = *(unsigned char *) (yy_c_buf_p);	/* cast for 8-bit char's */
-	*(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0';	/* preserve yytext */
-	(yy_hold_char) = *++(yy_c_buf_p);
-/* %% [19.0] update BOL and yylineno */
-	return c;
-/* %if-c-only */
-#endif	/* ifndef YY_NO_INPUT */
-/* %endif */
-/** Immediately switch to a different input stream.
- * @param input_file A readable stream.
- * 
- * @note This function does not reset the start condition to @c INITIAL .
- */
-/* %if-c-only */
-    void yyrestart  (FILE * input_file )
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-        yyensure_buffer_stack ();
-            yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE );
-	}
-	yy_init_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER,input_file );
-	yy_load_buffer_state( );
-/** Switch to a different input buffer.
- * @param new_buffer The new input buffer.
- * 
- */
-/* %if-c-only */
-    void yy_switch_to_buffer  (YY_BUFFER_STATE  new_buffer )
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-	/* TODO. We should be able to replace this entire function body
-	 * with
-	 *		yypop_buffer_state();
-	 *		yypush_buffer_state(new_buffer);
-     */
-	yyensure_buffer_stack ();
-	if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER == new_buffer )
-		return;
-		{
-		/* Flush out information for old buffer. */
-		*(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
-		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos = (yy_c_buf_p);
-		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
-		}
-	yy_load_buffer_state( );
-	/* We don't actually know whether we did this switch during
-	 * EOF (yywrap()) processing, but the only time this flag
-	 * is looked at is after yywrap() is called, so it's safe
-	 * to go ahead and always set it.
-	 */
-	(yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
-/* %if-c-only */
-static void yy_load_buffer_state  (void)
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-    	(yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars;
-	(yytext_ptr) = (yy_c_buf_p) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos;
-	yyin = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_input_file;
-	(yy_hold_char) = *(yy_c_buf_p);
-/** Allocate and initialize an input buffer state.
- * @param file A readable stream.
- * @param size The character buffer size in bytes. When in doubt, use @c YY_BUF_SIZE.
- * 
- * @return the allocated buffer state.
- */
-/* %if-c-only */
-    YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_create_buffer  (FILE * file, int  size )
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-	b = (YY_BUFFER_STATE) yyalloc(sizeof( struct yy_buffer_state )  );
-	if ( ! b )
-		YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()" );
-	b->yy_buf_size = size;
-	/* yy_ch_buf has to be 2 characters longer than the size given because
-	 * we need to put in 2 end-of-buffer characters.
-	 */
-	b->yy_ch_buf = (char *) yyalloc(b->yy_buf_size + 2  );
-	if ( ! b->yy_ch_buf )
-		YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()" );
-	b->yy_is_our_buffer = 1;
-	yy_init_buffer(b,file );
-	return b;
-/** Destroy the buffer.
- * @param b a buffer created with yy_create_buffer()
- * 
- */
-/* %if-c-only */
-    void yy_delete_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE  b )
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-	if ( ! b )
-		return;
-	if ( b == YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ) /* Not sure if we should pop here. */
-	if ( b->yy_is_our_buffer )
-		yyfree((void *) b->yy_ch_buf  );
-	yyfree((void *) b  );
-/* Initializes or reinitializes a buffer.
- * This function is sometimes called more than once on the same buffer,
- * such as during a yyrestart() or at EOF.
- */
-/* %if-c-only */
-    static void yy_init_buffer  (YY_BUFFER_STATE  b, FILE * file )
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-	int oerrno = errno;
-	yy_flush_buffer(b );
-	b->yy_input_file = file;
-	b->yy_fill_buffer = 1;
-    /* If b is the current buffer, then yy_init_buffer was _probably_
-     * called from yyrestart() or through yy_get_next_buffer.
-     * In that case, we don't want to reset the lineno or column.
-     */
-    if (b != YY_CURRENT_BUFFER){
-        b->yy_bs_lineno = 1;
-        b->yy_bs_column = 0;
-    }
-/* %if-c-only */
-        b->yy_is_interactive = file ? (isatty( fileno(file) ) > 0) : 0;
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-	errno = oerrno;
-/** Discard all buffered characters. On the next scan, YY_INPUT will be called.
- * @param b the buffer state to be flushed, usually @c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER.
- * 
- */
-/* %if-c-only */
-    void yy_flush_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE  b )
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-    	if ( ! b )
-		return;
-	b->yy_n_chars = 0;
-	/* We always need two end-of-buffer characters.  The first causes
-	 * a transition to the end-of-buffer state.  The second causes
-	 * a jam in that state.
-	 */
-	b->yy_ch_buf[0] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
-	b->yy_ch_buf[1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
-	b->yy_buf_pos = &b->yy_ch_buf[0];
-	b->yy_at_bol = 1;
-	b->yy_buffer_status = YY_BUFFER_NEW;
-	if ( b == YY_CURRENT_BUFFER )
-		yy_load_buffer_state( );
-/* %if-c-or-c++ */
-/** Pushes the new state onto the stack. The new state becomes
- *  the current state. This function will allocate the stack
- *  if necessary.
- *  @param new_buffer The new state.
- *  
- */
-/* %if-c-only */
-void yypush_buffer_state (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer )
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-    	if (new_buffer == NULL)
-		return;
-	yyensure_buffer_stack();
-	/* This block is copied from yy_switch_to_buffer. */
-		{
-		/* Flush out information for old buffer. */
-		*(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
-		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos = (yy_c_buf_p);
-		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
-		}
-	/* Only push if top exists. Otherwise, replace top. */
-		(yy_buffer_stack_top)++;
-	/* copied from yy_switch_to_buffer. */
-	yy_load_buffer_state( );
-	(yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-or-c++ */
-/** Removes and deletes the top of the stack, if present.
- *  The next element becomes the new top.
- *  
- */
-/* %if-c-only */
-void yypop_buffer_state (void)
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-		return;
-	yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
-	if ((yy_buffer_stack_top) > 0)
-		--(yy_buffer_stack_top);
-		yy_load_buffer_state( );
-		(yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
-	}
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-or-c++ */
-/* Allocates the stack if it does not exist.
- *  Guarantees space for at least one push.
- */
-/* %if-c-only */
-static void yyensure_buffer_stack (void)
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-	yy_size_t num_to_alloc;
-	if (!(yy_buffer_stack)) {
-		/* First allocation is just for 2 elements, since we don't know if this
-		 * scanner will even need a stack. We use 2 instead of 1 to avoid an
-		 * immediate realloc on the next call.
-         */
-		num_to_alloc = 1;
-		(yy_buffer_stack) = (struct yy_buffer_state**)yyalloc
-								(num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*)
-								);
-		if ( ! (yy_buffer_stack) )
-			YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yyensure_buffer_stack()" );
-		memset((yy_buffer_stack), 0, num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*));
-		(yy_buffer_stack_max) = num_to_alloc;
-		(yy_buffer_stack_top) = 0;
-		return;
-	}
-	if ((yy_buffer_stack_top) >= ((yy_buffer_stack_max)) - 1){
-		/* Increase the buffer to prepare for a possible push. */
-		int grow_size = 8 /* arbitrary grow size */;
-		num_to_alloc = (yy_buffer_stack_max) + grow_size;
-		(yy_buffer_stack) = (struct yy_buffer_state**)yyrealloc
-								((yy_buffer_stack),
-								num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*)
-								);
-		if ( ! (yy_buffer_stack) )
-			YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yyensure_buffer_stack()" );
-		/* zero only the new slots.*/
-		memset((yy_buffer_stack) + (yy_buffer_stack_max), 0, grow_size * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*));
-		(yy_buffer_stack_max) = num_to_alloc;
-	}
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/** Setup the input buffer state to scan directly from a user-specified character buffer.
- * @param base the character buffer
- * @param size the size in bytes of the character buffer
- * 
- * @return the newly allocated buffer state object. 
- */
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_buffer  (char * base, yy_size_t  size )
-	if ( size < 2 ||
-	     base[size-2] != YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR ||
-	     base[size-1] != YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR )
-		/* They forgot to leave room for the EOB's. */
-		return 0;
-	b = (YY_BUFFER_STATE) yyalloc(sizeof( struct yy_buffer_state )  );
-	if ( ! b )
-		YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_buffer()" );
-	b->yy_buf_size = size - 2;	/* "- 2" to take care of EOB's */
-	b->yy_buf_pos = b->yy_ch_buf = base;
-	b->yy_is_our_buffer = 0;
-	b->yy_input_file = 0;
-	b->yy_n_chars = b->yy_buf_size;
-	b->yy_is_interactive = 0;
-	b->yy_at_bol = 1;
-	b->yy_fill_buffer = 0;
-	b->yy_buffer_status = YY_BUFFER_NEW;
-	yy_switch_to_buffer(b  );
-	return b;
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/** Setup the input buffer state to scan a string. The next call to yylex() will
- * scan from a @e copy of @a str.
- * @param yystr a NUL-terminated string to scan
- * 
- * @return the newly allocated buffer state object.
- * @note If you want to scan bytes that may contain NUL values, then use
- *       yy_scan_bytes() instead.
- */
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string (yyconst char * yystr )
-	return yy_scan_bytes(yystr,strlen(yystr) );
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/** Setup the input buffer state to scan the given bytes. The next call to yylex() will
- * scan from a @e copy of @a bytes.
- * @param yybytes the byte buffer to scan
- * @param _yybytes_len the number of bytes in the buffer pointed to by @a bytes.
- * 
- * @return the newly allocated buffer state object.
- */
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_bytes  (yyconst char * yybytes, yy_size_t  _yybytes_len )
-	char *buf;
-	yy_size_t n;
-	yy_size_t i;
-	/* Get memory for full buffer, including space for trailing EOB's. */
-	n = _yybytes_len + 2;
-	buf = (char *) yyalloc(n  );
-	if ( ! buf )
-		YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_bytes()" );
-	for ( i = 0; i < _yybytes_len; ++i )
-		buf[i] = yybytes[i];
-	buf[_yybytes_len] = buf[_yybytes_len+1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
-	b = yy_scan_buffer(buf,n );
-	if ( ! b )
-		YY_FATAL_ERROR( "bad buffer in yy_scan_bytes()" );
-	/* It's okay to grow etc. this buffer, and we should throw it
-	 * away when we're done.
-	 */
-	b->yy_is_our_buffer = 1;
-	return b;
-/* %endif */
-#define YY_EXIT_FAILURE 2
-/* %if-c-only */
-static void yy_fatal_error (yyconst char* msg )
-    	(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", msg );
-	exit( YY_EXIT_FAILURE );
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-/* Redefine yyless() so it works in section 3 code. */
-#undef yyless
-#define yyless(n) \
-	do \
-		{ \
-		/* Undo effects of setting up yytext. */ \
-        int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
-        YY_LESS_LINENO(yyless_macro_arg);\
-		yytext[yyleng] = (yy_hold_char); \
-		(yy_c_buf_p) = yytext + yyless_macro_arg; \
-		(yy_hold_char) = *(yy_c_buf_p); \
-		*(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0'; \
-		yyleng = yyless_macro_arg; \
-		} \
-	while ( 0 )
-/* Accessor  methods (get/set functions) to struct members. */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %if-reentrant */
-/* %endif */
-/** Get the current line number.
- * 
- */
-int yyget_lineno  (void)
-    return yylineno;
-/** Get the input stream.
- * 
- */
-FILE *yyget_in  (void)
-        return yyin;
-/** Get the output stream.
- * 
- */
-FILE *yyget_out  (void)
-        return yyout;
-/** Get the length of the current token.
- * 
- */
-yy_size_t yyget_leng  (void)
-        return yyleng;
-/** Get the current token.
- * 
- */
-char *yyget_text  (void)
-        return yytext;
-/* %if-reentrant */
-/* %endif */
-/** Set the current line number.
- * @param line_number
- * 
- */
-void yyset_lineno (int  line_number )
-    yylineno = line_number;
-/** Set the input stream. This does not discard the current
- * input buffer.
- * @param in_str A readable stream.
- * 
- * @see yy_switch_to_buffer
- */
-void yyset_in (FILE *  in_str )
-        yyin = in_str ;
-void yyset_out (FILE *  out_str )
-        yyout = out_str ;
-int yyget_debug  (void)
-        return yy_flex_debug;
-void yyset_debug (int  bdebug )
-        yy_flex_debug = bdebug ;
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-reentrant */
-/* %if-bison-bridge */
-/* %endif */
-/* %endif if-c-only */
-/* %if-c-only */
-static int yy_init_globals (void)
-        /* Initialization is the same as for the non-reentrant scanner.
-     * This function is called from yylex_destroy(), so don't allocate here.
-     */
-    (yy_buffer_stack) = 0;
-    (yy_buffer_stack_top) = 0;
-    (yy_buffer_stack_max) = 0;
-    (yy_c_buf_p) = (char *) 0;
-    (yy_init) = 0;
-    (yy_start) = 0;
-/* Defined in main.c */
-#ifdef YY_STDINIT
-    yyin = stdin;
-    yyout = stdout;
-    yyin = (FILE *) 0;
-    yyout = (FILE *) 0;
-    /* For future reference: Set errno on error, since we are called by
-     * yylex_init()
-     */
-    return 0;
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only SNIP! this currently causes conflicts with the c++ scanner */
-/* yylex_destroy is for both reentrant and non-reentrant scanners. */
-int yylex_destroy  (void)
-    /* Pop the buffer stack, destroying each element. */
-		yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER  );
-		yypop_buffer_state();
-	}
-	/* Destroy the stack itself. */
-	yyfree((yy_buffer_stack) );
-	(yy_buffer_stack) = NULL;
-    /* Reset the globals. This is important in a non-reentrant scanner so the next time
-     * yylex() is called, initialization will occur. */
-    yy_init_globals( );
-/* %if-reentrant */
-/* %endif */
-    return 0;
-/* %endif */
- * Internal utility routines.
- */
-#ifndef yytext_ptr
-static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n )
-	register int i;
-	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-		s1[i] = s2[i];
-static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s )
-	register int n;
-	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
-		;
-	return n;
-void *yyalloc (yy_size_t  size )
-	return (void *) malloc( size );
-void *yyrealloc  (void * ptr, yy_size_t  size )
-	/* The cast to (char *) in the following accommodates both
-	 * implementations that use char* generic pointers, and those
-	 * that use void* generic pointers.  It works with the latter
-	 * because both ANSI C and C++ allow castless assignment from
-	 * any pointer type to void*, and deal with argument conversions
-	 * as though doing an assignment.
-	 */
-	return (void *) realloc( (char *) ptr, size );
-void yyfree (void * ptr )
-	free( (char *) ptr );	/* see yyrealloc() for (char *) cast */
-/* %if-tables-serialization definitions */
-/* %define-yytables   The name for this specific scanner's tables. */
-#define YYTABLES_NAME "yytables"
-/* %endif */
-/* %ok-for-header */
-#line 108 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-void mlf_driver::scan_begin (){
-  yy_flex_debug = trace_scanning;
-  if (file == "-")
-    yyin = stdin;
-  else if (!(yyin = fopen (file.c_str (), "r")))
-    {
-      error (std::string ("cannot open ") + file);
-      exit (1);
-    }
-void mlf_driver::scan_end (){
-  fclose (yyin);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/lex.yy.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/lex.yy.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ed75b0e02cfe09bf3e505955a172ab0478736366..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/lex.yy.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef yyHEADER_H
-#define yyHEADER_H 1
-#define yyIN_HEADER 1
-#line 6 "lex.yy.h"
-#define  YY_INT_ALIGNED short int
-/* A lexical scanner generated by flex */
-/* %not-for-header */
-#define FLEX_BETA
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %endif */
-/* First, we deal with  platform-specific or compiler-specific issues. */
-/* begin standard C headers. */
-/* %if-c-only */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-tables-serialization */
-/* %endif */
-/* end standard C headers. */
-/* %if-c-or-c++ */
-/* flex integer type definitions */
-#ifndef FLEXINT_H
-#define FLEXINT_H
-/* C99 systems have <inttypes.h>. Non-C99 systems may or may not. */
-#if defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
-/* C99 says to define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS before including stdint.h,
- * if you want the limit (max/min) macros for int types. 
- */
-#define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS 1
-#include <inttypes.h>
-typedef int8_t flex_int8_t;
-typedef uint8_t flex_uint8_t;
-typedef int16_t flex_int16_t;
-typedef uint16_t flex_uint16_t;
-typedef int32_t flex_int32_t;
-typedef uint32_t flex_uint32_t;
-typedef signed char flex_int8_t;
-typedef short int flex_int16_t;
-typedef int flex_int32_t;
-typedef unsigned char flex_uint8_t; 
-typedef unsigned short int flex_uint16_t;
-typedef unsigned int flex_uint32_t;
-/* Limits of integral types. */
-#ifndef INT8_MIN
-#define INT8_MIN               (-128)
-#ifndef INT16_MIN
-#define INT16_MIN              (-32767-1)
-#ifndef INT32_MIN
-#define INT32_MIN              (-2147483647-1)
-#ifndef INT8_MAX
-#define INT8_MAX               (127)
-#ifndef INT16_MAX
-#define INT16_MAX              (32767)
-#ifndef INT32_MAX
-#define INT32_MAX              (2147483647)
-#ifndef UINT8_MAX
-#define UINT8_MAX              (255U)
-#ifndef UINT16_MAX
-#define UINT16_MAX             (65535U)
-#ifndef UINT32_MAX
-#define UINT32_MAX             (4294967295U)
-#endif /* ! C99 */
-#endif /* ! FLEXINT_H */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-/* The "const" storage-class-modifier is valid. */
-#define YY_USE_CONST
-#else	/* ! __cplusplus */
-/* C99 requires __STDC__ to be defined as 1. */
-#if defined (__STDC__)
-#define YY_USE_CONST
-#endif	/* defined (__STDC__) */
-#endif	/* ! __cplusplus */
-#ifdef YY_USE_CONST
-#define yyconst const
-#define yyconst
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %if-reentrant */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-not-reentrant */
-/* %endif */
-/* Size of default input buffer. */
-#ifndef YY_BUF_SIZE
-#define YY_BUF_SIZE 16384
-typedef struct yy_buffer_state *YY_BUFFER_STATE;
-typedef size_t yy_size_t;
-/* %if-not-reentrant */
-extern yy_size_t yyleng;
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %if-not-reentrant */
-extern FILE *yyin, *yyout;
-/* %endif */
-/* %endif */
-struct yy_buffer_state
-	{
-/* %if-c-only */
-	FILE *yy_input_file;
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-	char *yy_ch_buf;		/* input buffer */
-	char *yy_buf_pos;		/* current position in input buffer */
-	/* Size of input buffer in bytes, not including room for EOB
-	 * characters.
-	 */
-	yy_size_t yy_buf_size;
-	/* Number of characters read into yy_ch_buf, not including EOB
-	 * characters.
-	 */
-	yy_size_t yy_n_chars;
-	/* Whether we "own" the buffer - i.e., we know we created it,
-	 * and can realloc() it to grow it, and should free() it to
-	 * delete it.
-	 */
-	int yy_is_our_buffer;
-	/* Whether this is an "interactive" input source; if so, and
-	 * if we're using stdio for input, then we want to use getc()
-	 * instead of fread(), to make sure we stop fetching input after
-	 * each newline.
-	 */
-	int yy_is_interactive;
-	/* Whether we're considered to be at the beginning of a line.
-	 * If so, '^' rules will be active on the next match, otherwise
-	 * not.
-	 */
-	int yy_at_bol;
-    int yy_bs_lineno; /**< The line count. */
-    int yy_bs_column; /**< The column count. */
-	/* Whether to try to fill the input buffer when we reach the
-	 * end of it.
-	 */
-	int yy_fill_buffer;
-	int yy_buffer_status;
-	};
-/* %if-c-only Standard (non-C++) definition */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only Standard (non-C++) definition */
-/* %if-not-reentrant */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %endif */
-void yyrestart (FILE *input_file  );
-void yy_switch_to_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer  );
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_create_buffer (FILE *file,int size  );
-void yy_delete_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b  );
-void yy_flush_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b  );
-void yypush_buffer_state (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer  );
-void yypop_buffer_state (void );
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_buffer (char *base,yy_size_t size  );
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string (yyconst char *yy_str  );
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_bytes (yyconst char *bytes,yy_size_t len  );
-/* %endif */
-void *yyalloc (yy_size_t  );
-void *yyrealloc (void *,yy_size_t  );
-void yyfree (void *  );
-/* %% [1.0] yytext/yyin/yyout/yy_state_type/yylineno etc. def's & init go here */
-/* Begin user sect3 */
-#define yywrap() 1
-#define FLEX_DEBUG
-extern int yylineno;
-extern char *yytext;
-#define yytext_ptr yytext
-/* %if-c-only Standard (non-C++) definition */
-/* %endif */
-#define INITIAL 0
-#ifndef YY_NO_UNISTD_H
-/* Special case for "unistd.h", since it is non-ANSI. We include it way
- * down here because we want the user's section 1 to have been scanned first.
- * The user has a chance to override it with an option.
- */
-/* %if-c-only */
-#include <unistd.h>
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %endif */
-#ifndef YY_EXTRA_TYPE
-#define YY_EXTRA_TYPE void *
-/* %if-c-only Reentrant structure and macros (non-C++). */
-/* %if-reentrant */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-reentrant */
-/* %endif */
-/* %endif End reentrant structures and macros. */
-/* Accessor methods to globals.
-   These are made visible to non-reentrant scanners for convenience. */
-int yylex_destroy (void );
-int yyget_debug (void );
-void yyset_debug (int debug_flag  );
-YY_EXTRA_TYPE yyget_extra (void );
-void yyset_extra (YY_EXTRA_TYPE user_defined  );
-FILE *yyget_in (void );
-void yyset_in  (FILE * in_str  );
-FILE *yyget_out (void );
-void yyset_out  (FILE * out_str  );
-yy_size_t yyget_leng (void );
-char *yyget_text (void );
-int yyget_lineno (void );
-void yyset_lineno (int line_number  );
-/* %if-bison-bridge */
-/* %endif */
-/* Macros after this point can all be overridden by user definitions in
- * section 1.
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" int yywrap (void );
-extern int yywrap (void );
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %endif */
-#ifndef yytext_ptr
-static void yy_flex_strncpy (char *,yyconst char *,int );
-static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * );
-#ifndef YY_NO_INPUT
-/* %if-c-only Standard (non-C++) definition */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %endif */
-/* Amount of stuff to slurp up with each read. */
-#define YY_READ_BUF_SIZE 8192
-/* Number of entries by which start-condition stack grows. */
-/* %if-tables-serialization structures and prototypes */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* Default declaration of generated scanner - a define so the user can
- * easily add parameters.
- */
-#ifndef YY_DECL
-#define YY_DECL_IS_OURS 1
-/* %if-c-only Standard (non-C++) definition */
-extern int yylex (void);
-#define YY_DECL int yylex (void)
-/* %endif */
-/* %if-c++-only C++ definition */
-/* %endif */
-#endif /* !YY_DECL */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %if-c++-only */
-/* %not-for-header */
-/* %endif */
-/* yy_get_previous_state - get the state just before the EOB char was reached */
-/* %if-c-only */
-/* %not-for-header */
-#undef YY_NEW_FILE
-#undef yy_set_bol
-#undef yy_new_buffer
-#undef yy_set_interactive
-#undef YY_DECL
-#line 108 "mlf-scanner.ll"
-#line 431 "lex.yy.h"
-#undef yyIN_HEADER
-#endif /* yyHEADER_H */
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/location.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/location.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c05741cfbd8cd4502f0c50b556d4e76884b0784..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/location.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.0.2.
-// Locations for Bison parsers in C++
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-// As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
-// part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
-// under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
-// parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
-// as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
-// the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
-// special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
-// Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
-// License without this special exception.
-// This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
-// version 2.2 of Bison.
- ** \file location.hh
- ** Define the yy::location class.
- */
-# include "position.h"
-namespace yy {
-#line 46 "location.h" // location.cc:291
-  /// Abstract a location.
-  class location
-  {
-  public:
-    /// Construct a location from \a b to \a e.
-    location (const position& b, const position& e)
-      : begin (b)
-      , end (e)
-    {
-    }
-    /// Construct a 0-width location in \a p.
-    explicit location (const position& p = position ())
-      : begin (p)
-      , end (p)
-    {
-    }
-    /// Construct a 0-width location in \a f, \a l, \a c.
-    explicit location (std::string* f,
-                       unsigned int l = 1u,
-                       unsigned int c = 1u)
-      : begin (f, l, c)
-      , end (f, l, c)
-    {
-    }
-    /// Initialization.
-    void initialize (std::string* f = YY_NULLPTR,
-                     unsigned int l = 1u,
-                     unsigned int c = 1u)
-    {
-      begin.initialize (f, l, c);
-      end = begin;
-    }
-    /** \name Line and Column related manipulators
-     ** \{ */
-  public:
-    /// Reset initial location to final location.
-    void step ()
-    {
-      begin = end;
-    }
-    /// Extend the current location to the COUNT next columns.
-    void columns (int count = 1)
-    {
-      end += count;
-    }
-    /// Extend the current location to the COUNT next lines.
-    void lines (int count = 1)
-    {
-      end.lines (count);
-    }
-    /** \} */
-  public:
-    /// Beginning of the located region.
-    position begin;
-    /// End of the located region.
-    position end;
-  };
-  /// Join two location objects to create a location.
-  inline location operator+ (location res, const location& end)
-  {
-    res.end = end.end;
-    return res;
-  }
-  /// Change end position in place.
-  inline location& operator+= (location& res, int width)
-  {
-    res.columns (width);
-    return res;
-  }
-  /// Change end position.
-  inline location operator+ (location res, int width)
-  {
-    return res += width;
-  }
-  /// Change end position in place.
-  inline location& operator-= (location& res, int width)
-  {
-    return res += -width;
-  }
-  /// Change end position.
-  inline location operator- (const location& begin, int width)
-  {
-    return begin + -width;
-  }
-  /// Compare two location objects.
-  inline bool
-  operator== (const location& loc1, const location& loc2)
-  {
-    return loc1.begin == loc2.begin && loc1.end == loc2.end;
-  }
-  /// Compare two location objects.
-  inline bool
-  operator!= (const location& loc1, const location& loc2)
-  {
-    return !(loc1 == loc2);
-  }
-  /** \brief Intercept output stream redirection.
-   ** \param ostr the destination output stream
-   ** \param loc a reference to the location to redirect
-   **
-   ** Avoid duplicate information.
-   */
-  template <typename YYChar>
-  inline std::basic_ostream<YYChar>&
-  operator<< (std::basic_ostream<YYChar>& ostr, const location& loc)
-  {
-    unsigned int end_col = 0 < loc.end.column ? loc.end.column - 1 : 0;
-    ostr << loc.begin// << "(" << loc.end << ") "
-    if (loc.end.filename
-        && (!loc.begin.filename
-            || *loc.begin.filename != *loc.end.filename))
-      ostr << '-' << loc.end.filename << ':' << loc.end.line << '.' << end_col;
-    else if (loc.begin.line < loc.end.line)
-      ostr << '-' << loc.end.line << '.' << end_col;
-    else if (loc.begin.column < end_col)
-      ostr << '-' << end_col;
-    return ostr;
-  }
-} // yy
-#line 187 "location.h" // location.cc:291
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/makefile b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 041bff3f9f9efa7b6dc00ef84f04ff721560f579..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-include ../config.mk
-.PHONY: all clean
-all: parser lex.yy.o mlf-parser.tab.o mlf-driver.o
-	make -C ../formulas/ $(@:../formulas/%=%)
-lex.yy.o: lex.yy.h lex.yy.c
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c lex.yy.c
-mlf-parser.tab.o: mlf-parser.tab.h mlf-parser.tab.cc ../formulas/GML_formula.h ../formulas/PML_formula.h lex.yy.h
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c mlf-parser.tab.cc
-mlf-driver.o: mlf-driver.h mlf-driver.cpp mlf-parser.tab.h lex.yy.h ../formulas/formula.h
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c mlf-driver.cpp
-mlf-parser.tab.h: mlf-parser.yy
-	$(BISON) --defines=mlf-parser.tab.h mlf-parser.yy
-lex.yy.h: mlf-scanner.ll
-	$(LEX) --header-file=lex.yy.h mlf-scanner.ll
-parser: mlf-parser.tab.h lex.yy.h ../formulas/formula.h
-test: parser lex.yy.o mlf-parser.tab.o mlf-driver.o test.o 
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) test.o lex.yy.o mlf-parser.tab.o mlf-driver.o -o test
-test.o: test.cpp mlf-driver.h
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c test.cpp
-	rm -rf *~ *.o location.hh stack.hh mlf-parser.tab.h mlf-parser.tab.cc position.hh lex.yy.c lex.yy.h test
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-driver.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-driver.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 09279c6b4c46b667c9ce59576322aa6e5f8986ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-driver.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#include "mlf-driver.h"
-#include "mlf-parser.tab.h"
-mlf_driver::mlf_driver() : trace_scanning (false), trace_parsing (false){
-	formula = NULL;
-int mlf_driver::parse (const std::string &f){
-	file = f;
-	scan_begin ();
-	yy::mlf_parser parser (*this);
-	parser.set_debug_level (trace_parsing);
-	int res = parser.parse ();
-	scan_end ();
-	return res;
-void mlf_driver::error (const yy::location& l, const std::string& m){
-	std::cerr << l << ": " << m << std::endl;
-void mlf_driver::error (const std::string& m){
-	std::cerr << m << std::endl;
-bdd mlf_driver::variable(int n){
-	if(!formula){
-		cout << "driver.formula was null!" << endl;
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	return formula->variable(n);
-bdd mlf_driver::modal(bdd *b, int n, int m){
-	if(!formula){
-		cout << "driver.formula was null!" << endl;
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	return formula->modal(b, n, m);
-void mlf_driver::set_formula_bdd(bdd b){
-	if(!formula){
-		cout << "driver.formula was null!" << endl;
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	formula->set_bdd(b);
-void mlf_driver::extract_formula(IFormula* &ptr){
-	ptr = formula;
-	formula = NULL;
-	if(formula!=NULL)
-		delete formula;
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-driver.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-driver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c6666c32d4a982eb03e7dcff78c6366fcea3c7d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-driver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef MLF_DRIVER_HH
-#define MLF_DRIVER_HH
-#include <string>
-#include "mlf-parser.tab.h"
-#include "lex.yy.h"
-#include "../formulas/formula.h"
-using namespace std;
-//Tell Flex the lexer's prototype:
-# define YY_DECL                                        \
-	yy::mlf_parser::token_type                         \
-yylex (yy::mlf_parser::semantic_type* yylval,      \
-		yy::mlf_parser::location_type* yylloc,      \
-		mlf_driver& driver)
-// ... and declare it for the parser's sake.
-class mlf_driver{
-	public:
-		mlf_driver();
-		~mlf_driver();
-		// The parsed formula object will be construced here
-		IFormula* formula;
-	private:		
-		char logic;
-	public:
-		char get_logic(){ return logic; };
-		void set_formula_bdd(bdd b);
-		void set_formula_gml(){ logic='g'; formula = new GML_Formula; };
-		void set_formula_pml(){ logic='p'; formula = new PML_Formula; };
-		/* Calls formula->variable and formula->modal respectively
-		 requires ints to be pre-loaded into upper and lower. In the
-		 case of only one integer being required we load it into n.*/
-		bdd variable(int n);
-		bdd modal(bdd *b, int n, int m);
-		// Extract the formula object
-		void extract_formula(IFormula* &ptr);		
-		// Handling the scanner.
-		void scan_begin ();
-		void scan_end ();
-		bool trace_scanning;
-		// Run the parser.  Return 0 on success.
-		int parse (const std::string& f);
-		std::string file;
-		bool trace_parsing;
-		// Error handling.
-		void error (const yy::location& l, const std::string& m);
-		void error (const std::string& m);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-parser.tab.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-parser.tab.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d3c4317d4b2126b673b89247a90873cdae8c1b1a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-parser.tab.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1148 +0,0 @@
-// A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.0.2.
-// Skeleton implementation for Bison LALR(1) parsers in C++
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-// As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
-// part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
-// under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
-// parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
-// as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
-// the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
-// special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
-// Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
-// License without this special exception.
-// This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
-// version 2.2 of Bison.
-// First part of user declarations.
-#line 37 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:399
-# ifndef YY_NULLPTR
-#  if defined __cplusplus && 201103L <= __cplusplus
-#   define YY_NULLPTR nullptr
-#  else
-#   define YY_NULLPTR 0
-#  endif
-# endif
-#include "mlf-parser.tab.h"
-// User implementation prologue.
-#line 51 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:407
-// Unqualified %code blocks.
-#line 44 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:408
-	#include "mlf-driver.h"
-#line 57 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:408
-#ifndef YY_
-#   include <libintl.h> // FIXME: INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE.
-#   define YY_(msgid) dgettext ("bison-runtime", msgid)
-#  endif
-# endif
-# ifndef YY_
-#  define YY_(msgid) msgid
-# endif
-#define YYRHSLOC(Rhs, K) ((Rhs)[K].location)
-/* YYLLOC_DEFAULT -- Set CURRENT to span from RHS[1] to RHS[N].
-   If N is 0, then set CURRENT to the empty location which ends
-   the previous symbol: RHS[0] (always defined).  */
-#  define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N)                               \
-    do                                                                  \
-      if (N)                                                            \
-        {                                                               \
-          (Current).begin  = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).begin;                   \
-          (Current).end    = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).end;                     \
-        }                                                               \
-      else                                                              \
-        {                                                               \
-          (Current).begin = (Current).end = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).end;      \
-        }                                                               \
-    while (/*CONSTCOND*/ false)
-# endif
-// Suppress unused-variable warnings by "using" E.
-#define YYUSE(E) ((void) (E))
-// Enable debugging if requested.
-// A pseudo ostream that takes yydebug_ into account.
-# define YYCDEBUG if (yydebug_) (*yycdebug_)
-# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Symbol)         \
-  do {                                          \
-    if (yydebug_)                               \
-    {                                           \
-      *yycdebug_ << Title << ' ';               \
-      yy_print_ (*yycdebug_, Symbol);           \
-      *yycdebug_ << std::endl;                  \
-    }                                           \
-  } while (false)
-# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule)          \
-  do {                                  \
-    if (yydebug_)                       \
-      yy_reduce_print_ (Rule);          \
-  } while (false)
-# define YY_STACK_PRINT()               \
-  do {                                  \
-    if (yydebug_)                       \
-      yystack_print_ ();                \
-  } while (false)
-#else // !YYDEBUG
-# define YYCDEBUG if (false) std::cerr
-# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Symbol)  YYUSE(Symbol)
-# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule)           static_cast<void>(0)
-# define YY_STACK_PRINT()                static_cast<void>(0)
-#endif // !YYDEBUG
-#define yyerrok         (yyerrstatus_ = 0)
-#define yyclearin       (yyempty = true)
-#define YYACCEPT        goto yyacceptlab
-#define YYABORT         goto yyabortlab
-#define YYERROR         goto yyerrorlab
-#define YYRECOVERING()  (!!yyerrstatus_)
-namespace yy {
-#line 143 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:474
-  /* Return YYSTR after stripping away unnecessary quotes and
-     backslashes, so that it's suitable for yyerror.  The heuristic is
-     that double-quoting is unnecessary unless the string contains an
-     apostrophe, a comma, or backslash (other than backslash-backslash).
-     YYSTR is taken from yytname.  */
-  std::string
-  mlf_parser::yytnamerr_ (const char *yystr)
-  {
-    if (*yystr == '"')
-      {
-        std::string yyr = "";
-        char const *yyp = yystr;
-        for (;;)
-          switch (*++yyp)
-            {
-            case '\'':
-            case ',':
-              goto do_not_strip_quotes;
-            case '\\':
-              if (*++yyp != '\\')
-                goto do_not_strip_quotes;
-              // Fall through.
-            default:
-              yyr += *yyp;
-              break;
-            case '"':
-              return yyr;
-            }
-      do_not_strip_quotes: ;
-      }
-    return yystr;
-  }
-  /// Build a parser object.
-  mlf_parser::mlf_parser (mlf_driver& driver_yyarg)
-    :
-      yydebug_ (false),
-      yycdebug_ (&std::cerr),
-      driver (driver_yyarg)
-  {}
-  mlf_parser::~mlf_parser ()
-  {}
-  /*---------------.
-  | Symbol types.  |
-  `---------------*/
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::syntax_error::syntax_error (const location_type& l, const std::string& m)
-    : std::runtime_error (m)
-    , location (l)
-  {}
-  // basic_symbol.
-  template <typename Base>
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::basic_symbol<Base>::basic_symbol ()
-    : value ()
-  {}
-  template <typename Base>
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::basic_symbol<Base>::basic_symbol (const basic_symbol& other)
-    : Base (other)
-    , value ()
-    , location (other.location)
-  {
-    value = other.value;
-  }
-  template <typename Base>
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::basic_symbol<Base>::basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, const semantic_type& v, const location_type& l)
-    : Base (t)
-    , value (v)
-    , location (l)
-  {}
-  /// Constructor for valueless symbols.
-  template <typename Base>
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::basic_symbol<Base>::basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t, const location_type& l)
-    : Base (t)
-    , value ()
-    , location (l)
-  {}
-  template <typename Base>
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::basic_symbol<Base>::~basic_symbol ()
-  {
-  }
-  template <typename Base>
-  inline
-  void
-  mlf_parser::basic_symbol<Base>::move (basic_symbol& s)
-  {
-    super_type::move(s);
-    value = s.value;
-    location = s.location;
-  }
-  // by_type.
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::by_type::by_type ()
-     : type (empty)
-  {}
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::by_type::by_type (const by_type& other)
-    : type (other.type)
-  {}
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::by_type::by_type (token_type t)
-    : type (yytranslate_ (t))
-  {}
-  inline
-  void
-  mlf_parser::by_type::move (by_type& that)
-  {
-    type = that.type;
-    that.type = empty;
-  }
-  inline
-  int
-  mlf_parser::by_type::type_get () const
-  {
-    return type;
-  }
-  // by_state.
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::by_state::by_state ()
-    : state (empty)
-  {}
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::by_state::by_state (const by_state& other)
-    : state (other.state)
-  {}
-  inline
-  void
-  mlf_parser::by_state::move (by_state& that)
-  {
-    state = that.state;
-    that.state = empty;
-  }
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::by_state::by_state (state_type s)
-    : state (s)
-  {}
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::symbol_number_type
-  mlf_parser::by_state::type_get () const
-  {
-    return state == empty ? 0 : yystos_[state];
-  }
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::stack_symbol_type::stack_symbol_type ()
-  {}
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::stack_symbol_type::stack_symbol_type (state_type s, symbol_type& that)
-    : super_type (s, that.location)
-  {
-    value = that.value;
-    // that is emptied.
-    that.type = empty;
-  }
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::stack_symbol_type&
-  mlf_parser::stack_symbol_type::operator= (const stack_symbol_type& that)
-  {
-    state = that.state;
-    value = that.value;
-    location = that.location;
-    return *this;
-  }
-  template <typename Base>
-  inline
-  void
-  mlf_parser::yy_destroy_ (const char* yymsg, basic_symbol<Base>& yysym) const
-  {
-    if (yymsg)
-      YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (yymsg, yysym);
-    // User destructor.
-    switch (yysym.type_get ())
-    {
-            case 19: // "identifier"
-#line 68 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:599
-        { delete &(yysym.value); }
-#line 362 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:599
-        break;
-      default:
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-  template <typename Base>
-  void
-  mlf_parser::yy_print_ (std::ostream& yyo,
-                                     const basic_symbol<Base>& yysym) const
-  {
-    std::ostream& yyoutput = yyo;
-    YYUSE (yyoutput);
-    symbol_number_type yytype = yysym.type_get ();
-    yyo << (yytype < yyntokens_ ? "token" : "nterm")
-        << ' ' << yytname_[yytype] << " ("
-        << yysym.location << ": ";
-    YYUSE (yytype);
-    yyo << ')';
-  }
-  inline
-  void
-  mlf_parser::yypush_ (const char* m, state_type s, symbol_type& sym)
-  {
-    stack_symbol_type t (s, sym);
-    yypush_ (m, t);
-  }
-  inline
-  void
-  mlf_parser::yypush_ (const char* m, stack_symbol_type& s)
-  {
-    if (m)
-      YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (m, s);
-    yystack_.push (s);
-  }
-  inline
-  void
-  mlf_parser::yypop_ (unsigned int n)
-  {
-    yystack_.pop (n);
-  }
-  std::ostream&
-  mlf_parser::debug_stream () const
-  {
-    return *yycdebug_;
-  }
-  void
-  mlf_parser::set_debug_stream (std::ostream& o)
-  {
-    yycdebug_ = &o;
-  }
-  mlf_parser::debug_level_type
-  mlf_parser::debug_level () const
-  {
-    return yydebug_;
-  }
-  void
-  mlf_parser::set_debug_level (debug_level_type l)
-  {
-    yydebug_ = l;
-  }
-#endif // YYDEBUG
-  inline mlf_parser::state_type
-  mlf_parser::yy_lr_goto_state_ (state_type yystate, int yysym)
-  {
-    int yyr = yypgoto_[yysym - yyntokens_] + yystate;
-    if (0 <= yyr && yyr <= yylast_ && yycheck_[yyr] == yystate)
-      return yytable_[yyr];
-    else
-      return yydefgoto_[yysym - yyntokens_];
-  }
-  inline bool
-  mlf_parser::yy_pact_value_is_default_ (int yyvalue)
-  {
-    return yyvalue == yypact_ninf_;
-  }
-  inline bool
-  mlf_parser::yy_table_value_is_error_ (int yyvalue)
-  {
-    return yyvalue == yytable_ninf_;
-  }
-  int
-  mlf_parser::parse ()
-  {
-    /// Whether yyla contains a lookahead.
-    bool yyempty = true;
-    // State.
-    int yyn;
-    /// Length of the RHS of the rule being reduced.
-    int yylen = 0;
-    // Error handling.
-    int yynerrs_ = 0;
-    int yyerrstatus_ = 0;
-    /// The lookahead symbol.
-    symbol_type yyla;
-    /// The locations where the error started and ended.
-    stack_symbol_type yyerror_range[3];
-    /// The return value of parse ().
-    int yyresult;
-    // FIXME: This shoud be completely indented.  It is not yet to
-    // avoid gratuitous conflicts when merging into the master branch.
-    try
-      {
-    YYCDEBUG << "Starting parse" << std::endl;
-    // User initialization code.
-    #line 36 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:725
-	// Initialize the initial location.
-	yyla.location.begin.filename = yyla.location.end.filename = &driver.file;
-#line 499 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:725
-    /* Initialize the stack.  The initial state will be set in
-       yynewstate, since the latter expects the semantical and the
-       location values to have been already stored, initialize these
-       stacks with a primary value.  */
-    yystack_.clear ();
-    yypush_ (YY_NULLPTR, 0, yyla);
-    // A new symbol was pushed on the stack.
-  yynewstate:
-    YYCDEBUG << "Entering state " << yystack_[0].state << std::endl;
-    // Accept?
-    if (yystack_[0].state == yyfinal_)
-      goto yyacceptlab;
-    goto yybackup;
-    // Backup.
-  yybackup:
-    // Try to take a decision without lookahead.
-    yyn = yypact_[yystack_[0].state];
-    if (yy_pact_value_is_default_ (yyn))
-      goto yydefault;
-    // Read a lookahead token.
-    if (yyempty)
-      {
-        YYCDEBUG << "Reading a token: ";
-        try
-          {
-            yyla.type = yytranslate_ (yylex (&yyla.value, &yyla.location, driver));
-          }
-        catch (const syntax_error& yyexc)
-          {
-            error (yyexc);
-            goto yyerrlab1;
-          }
-        yyempty = false;
-      }
-    YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yyla);
-    /* If the proper action on seeing token YYLA.TYPE is to reduce or
-       to detect an error, take that action.  */
-    yyn += yyla.type_get ();
-    if (yyn < 0 || yylast_ < yyn || yycheck_[yyn] != yyla.type_get ())
-      goto yydefault;
-    // Reduce or error.
-    yyn = yytable_[yyn];
-    if (yyn <= 0)
-      {
-        if (yy_table_value_is_error_ (yyn))
-          goto yyerrlab;
-        yyn = -yyn;
-        goto yyreduce;
-      }
-    // Discard the token being shifted.
-    yyempty = true;
-    // Count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error status.
-    if (yyerrstatus_)
-      --yyerrstatus_;
-    // Shift the lookahead token.
-    yypush_ ("Shifting", yyn, yyla);
-    goto yynewstate;
-  /*-----------------------------------------------------------.
-  | yydefault -- do the default action for the current state.  |
-  `-----------------------------------------------------------*/
-  yydefault:
-    yyn = yydefact_[yystack_[0].state];
-    if (yyn == 0)
-      goto yyerrlab;
-    goto yyreduce;
-  /*-----------------------------.
-  | yyreduce -- Do a reduction.  |
-  `-----------------------------*/
-  yyreduce:
-    yylen = yyr2_[yyn];
-    {
-      stack_symbol_type yylhs;
-      yylhs.state = yy_lr_goto_state_(yystack_[yylen].state, yyr1_[yyn]);
-      /* If YYLEN is nonzero, implement the default value of the
-         action: '$$ = $1'.  Otherwise, use the top of the stack.
-         Otherwise, the following line sets YYLHS.VALUE to garbage.
-         This behavior is undocumented and Bison users should not rely
-         upon it.  */
-      if (yylen)
-        yylhs.value = yystack_[yylen - 1].value;
-      else
-        yylhs.value = yystack_[0].value;
-      // Compute the default @$.
-      {
-        slice<stack_symbol_type, stack_type> slice (yystack_, yylen);
-        YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yylhs.location, slice, yylen);
-      }
-      // Perform the reduction.
-      YY_REDUCE_PRINT (yyn);
-      try
-        {
-          switch (yyn)
-            {
-  case 2:
-#line 75 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    {driver.set_formula_bdd((yystack_[0].value.binarydd)); }
-#line 613 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 3:
-#line 79 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    {driver.set_formula_gml();}
-#line 619 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 4:
-#line 80 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    {driver.set_formula_pml();}
-#line 625 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 5:
-#line 85 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    { (yylhs.value.binarydd) = bdd_biimp((yystack_[2].value.binarydd),(yystack_[0].value.binarydd)); }
-#line 631 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 6:
-#line 86 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    { (yylhs.value.binarydd) = bdd_imp((yystack_[2].value.binarydd),(yystack_[0].value.binarydd)); }
-#line 637 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 7:
-#line 87 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    { (yylhs.value.binarydd) = bdd_or((yystack_[2].value.binarydd),(yystack_[0].value.binarydd)); }
-#line 643 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 8:
-#line 88 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    { (yylhs.value.binarydd) = bdd_and((yystack_[2].value.binarydd),(yystack_[0].value.binarydd)); }
-#line 649 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 9:
-#line 90 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    { bdd* b = new bdd((yystack_[0].value.binarydd)); (yylhs.value.binarydd) = driver.modal(b, (yystack_[1].value.number), 0); }
-#line 655 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 10:
-#line 91 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    { bdd* b = new bdd(bdd_not((yystack_[0].value.binarydd))); (yylhs.value.binarydd) = bdd_not(driver.modal(b, (yystack_[1].value.number), 0)); }
-#line 661 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 11:
-#line 93 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    { bdd* b = new bdd((yystack_[0].value.binarydd)); (yylhs.value.binarydd) = driver.modal(b, (yystack_[1].value.fraction).numerator, (yystack_[1].value.fraction).denominator); }
-#line 667 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 12:
-#line 94 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    { bdd* b = new bdd(bdd_not((yystack_[0].value.binarydd))); (yylhs.value.binarydd) = bdd_not(driver.modal(b, (yystack_[1].value.fraction).numerator, (yystack_[1].value.fraction).denominator)); }
-#line 673 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 13:
-#line 96 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    { (yylhs.value.binarydd) = bdd_not((yystack_[0].value.binarydd)); }
-#line 679 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 14:
-#line 97 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    { (yylhs.value.binarydd) = (yylhs.value.binarydd); }
-#line 685 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 15:
-#line 98 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    { (yylhs.value.binarydd) = bdd_true(); }
-#line 691 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 16:
-#line 99 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    { (yylhs.value.binarydd) = bdd_false(); }
-#line 697 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-  case 17:
-#line 100 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:847
-    { (yylhs.value.binarydd) = (yystack_[1].value.binarydd); }
-#line 703 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-    break;
-#line 707 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:847
-            default:
-              break;
-            }
-        }
-      catch (const syntax_error& yyexc)
-        {
-          error (yyexc);
-          YYERROR;
-        }
-      YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("-> $$ =", yylhs);
-      yypop_ (yylen);
-      yylen = 0;
-      YY_STACK_PRINT ();
-      // Shift the result of the reduction.
-      yypush_ (YY_NULLPTR, yylhs);
-    }
-    goto yynewstate;
-  /*--------------------------------------.
-  | yyerrlab -- here on detecting error.  |
-  `--------------------------------------*/
-  yyerrlab:
-    // If not already recovering from an error, report this error.
-    if (!yyerrstatus_)
-      {
-        ++yynerrs_;
-        error (yyla.location, yysyntax_error_ (yystack_[0].state,
-                                           yyempty ? yyempty_ : yyla.type_get ()));
-      }
-    yyerror_range[1].location = yyla.location;
-    if (yyerrstatus_ == 3)
-      {
-        /* If just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an
-           error, discard it.  */
-        // Return failure if at end of input.
-        if (yyla.type_get () == yyeof_)
-          YYABORT;
-        else if (!yyempty)
-          {
-            yy_destroy_ ("Error: discarding", yyla);
-            yyempty = true;
-          }
-      }
-    // Else will try to reuse lookahead token after shifting the error token.
-    goto yyerrlab1;
-  /*---------------------------------------------------.
-  | yyerrorlab -- error raised explicitly by YYERROR.  |
-  `---------------------------------------------------*/
-  yyerrorlab:
-    /* Pacify compilers like GCC when the user code never invokes
-       YYERROR and the label yyerrorlab therefore never appears in user
-       code.  */
-    if (false)
-      goto yyerrorlab;
-    yyerror_range[1].location = yystack_[yylen - 1].location;
-    /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule whose action triggered
-       this YYERROR.  */
-    yypop_ (yylen);
-    yylen = 0;
-    goto yyerrlab1;
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------------.
-  | yyerrlab1 -- common code for both syntax error and YYERROR.  |
-  `-------------------------------------------------------------*/
-  yyerrlab1:
-    yyerrstatus_ = 3;   // Each real token shifted decrements this.
-    {
-      stack_symbol_type error_token;
-      for (;;)
-        {
-          yyn = yypact_[yystack_[0].state];
-          if (!yy_pact_value_is_default_ (yyn))
-            {
-              yyn += yyterror_;
-              if (0 <= yyn && yyn <= yylast_ && yycheck_[yyn] == yyterror_)
-                {
-                  yyn = yytable_[yyn];
-                  if (0 < yyn)
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-          // Pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token.
-          if (yystack_.size () == 1)
-            YYABORT;
-          yyerror_range[1].location = yystack_[0].location;
-          yy_destroy_ ("Error: popping", yystack_[0]);
-          yypop_ ();
-          YY_STACK_PRINT ();
-        }
-      yyerror_range[2].location = yyla.location;
-      YYLLOC_DEFAULT (error_token.location, yyerror_range, 2);
-      // Shift the error token.
-      error_token.state = yyn;
-      yypush_ ("Shifting", error_token);
-    }
-    goto yynewstate;
-    // Accept.
-  yyacceptlab:
-    yyresult = 0;
-    goto yyreturn;
-    // Abort.
-  yyabortlab:
-    yyresult = 1;
-    goto yyreturn;
-  yyreturn:
-    if (!yyempty)
-      yy_destroy_ ("Cleanup: discarding lookahead", yyla);
-    /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule whose action triggered
-       this YYABORT or YYACCEPT.  */
-    yypop_ (yylen);
-    while (1 < yystack_.size ())
-      {
-        yy_destroy_ ("Cleanup: popping", yystack_[0]);
-        yypop_ ();
-      }
-    return yyresult;
-  }
-    catch (...)
-      {
-        YYCDEBUG << "Exception caught: cleaning lookahead and stack"
-                 << std::endl;
-        // Do not try to display the values of the reclaimed symbols,
-        // as their printer might throw an exception.
-        if (!yyempty)
-          yy_destroy_ (YY_NULLPTR, yyla);
-        while (1 < yystack_.size ())
-          {
-            yy_destroy_ (YY_NULLPTR, yystack_[0]);
-            yypop_ ();
-          }
-        throw;
-      }
-  }
-  void
-  mlf_parser::error (const syntax_error& yyexc)
-  {
-    error (yyexc.location, yyexc.what());
-  }
-  // Generate an error message.
-  std::string
-  mlf_parser::yysyntax_error_ (state_type yystate, symbol_number_type yytoken) const
-  {
-    std::string yyres;
-    // Number of reported tokens (one for the "unexpected", one per
-    // "expected").
-    size_t yycount = 0;
-    // Its maximum.
-    // Arguments of yyformat.
-    char const *yyarg[YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM];
-    /* There are many possibilities here to consider:
-       - If this state is a consistent state with a default action, then
-         the only way this function was invoked is if the default action
-         is an error action.  In that case, don't check for expected
-         tokens because there are none.
-       - The only way there can be no lookahead present (in yytoken) is
-         if this state is a consistent state with a default action.
-         Thus, detecting the absence of a lookahead is sufficient to
-         determine that there is no unexpected or expected token to
-         report.  In that case, just report a simple "syntax error".
-       - Don't assume there isn't a lookahead just because this state is
-         a consistent state with a default action.  There might have
-         been a previous inconsistent state, consistent state with a
-         non-default action, or user semantic action that manipulated
-         yyla.  (However, yyla is currently not documented for users.)
-       - Of course, the expected token list depends on states to have
-         correct lookahead information, and it depends on the parser not
-         to perform extra reductions after fetching a lookahead from the
-         scanner and before detecting a syntax error.  Thus, state
-         merging (from LALR or IELR) and default reductions corrupt the
-         expected token list.  However, the list is correct for
-         canonical LR with one exception: it will still contain any
-         token that will not be accepted due to an error action in a
-         later state.
-    */
-    if (yytoken != yyempty_)
-      {
-        yyarg[yycount++] = yytname_[yytoken];
-        int yyn = yypact_[yystate];
-        if (!yy_pact_value_is_default_ (yyn))
-          {
-            /* Start YYX at -YYN if negative to avoid negative indexes in
-               YYCHECK.  In other words, skip the first -YYN actions for
-               this state because they are default actions.  */
-            int yyxbegin = yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0;
-            // Stay within bounds of both yycheck and yytname.
-            int yychecklim = yylast_ - yyn + 1;
-            int yyxend = yychecklim < yyntokens_ ? yychecklim : yyntokens_;
-            for (int yyx = yyxbegin; yyx < yyxend; ++yyx)
-              if (yycheck_[yyx + yyn] == yyx && yyx != yyterror_
-                  && !yy_table_value_is_error_ (yytable_[yyx + yyn]))
-                {
-                  if (yycount == YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM)
-                    {
-                      yycount = 1;
-                      break;
-                    }
-                  else
-                    yyarg[yycount++] = yytname_[yyx];
-                }
-          }
-      }
-    char const* yyformat = YY_NULLPTR;
-    switch (yycount)
-      {
-#define YYCASE_(N, S)                         \
-        case N:                               \
-          yyformat = S;                       \
-        break
-        YYCASE_(0, YY_("syntax error"));
-        YYCASE_(1, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s"));
-        YYCASE_(2, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s"));
-        YYCASE_(3, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s"));
-        YYCASE_(4, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s"));
-        YYCASE_(5, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s or %s"));
-#undef YYCASE_
-      }
-    // Argument number.
-    size_t yyi = 0;
-    for (char const* yyp = yyformat; *yyp; ++yyp)
-      if (yyp[0] == '%' && yyp[1] == 's' && yyi < yycount)
-        {
-          yyres += yytnamerr_ (yyarg[yyi++]);
-          ++yyp;
-        }
-      else
-        yyres += *yyp;
-    return yyres;
-  }
-  const signed char mlf_parser::yypact_ninf_ = -12;
-  const signed char mlf_parser::yytable_ninf_ = -1;
-  const signed char
-  mlf_parser::yypact_[] =
-  {
-     -11,   -12,   -12,     4,    16,   -12,    16,    16,    16,    16,
-     -12,    16,   -12,   -12,    16,    29,   -12,   -12,   -12,   -12,
-     -12,     6,    16,    16,    16,    16,   -12,    33,     9,    14,
-     -12
-  };
-  const unsigned char
-  mlf_parser::yydefact_[] =
-  {
-       0,     3,     4,     0,     0,     1,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-      14,     0,    15,    16,     0,     2,     9,    10,    11,    12,
-      13,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    17,     5,     6,     7,
-       8
-  };
-  const signed char
-  mlf_parser::yypgoto_[] =
-  {
-     -12,   -12,   -12,    -6
-  };
-  const signed char
-  mlf_parser::yydefgoto_[] =
-  {
-      -1,     3,     4,    15
-  };
-  const signed char
-  mlf_parser::yytable_[] =
-  {
-      16,    17,    18,    19,     5,    20,     1,     2,    21,    22,
-      23,    24,    25,    23,    24,    25,    27,    28,    29,    30,
-      25,     0,    26,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,    11,    12,
-      13,    14,    22,    23,    24,    25,    -1,    23,    24,    25
-  };
-  const signed char
-  mlf_parser::yycheck_[] =
-  {
-       6,     7,     8,     9,     0,    11,    17,    18,    14,     3,
-       4,     5,     6,     4,     5,     6,    22,    23,    24,    25,
-       6,    -1,    16,     7,     8,     9,    10,    11,    12,    13,
-      14,    15,     3,     4,     5,     6,     3,     4,     5,     6
-  };
-  const unsigned char
-  mlf_parser::yystos_[] =
-  {
-       0,    17,    18,    21,    22,     0,     7,     8,     9,    10,
-      11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    23,    23,    23,    23,    23,
-      23,    23,     3,     4,     5,     6,    16,    23,    23,    23,
-      23
-  };
-  const unsigned char
-  mlf_parser::yyr1_[] =
-  {
-       0,    20,    21,    22,    22,    23,    23,    23,    23,    23,
-      23,    23,    23,    23,    23,    23,    23,    23
-  };
-  const unsigned char
-  mlf_parser::yyr2_[] =
-  {
-       0,     2,     2,     1,     1,     3,     3,     3,     3,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     1,     1,     1,     3
-  };
-  // YYTNAME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM.
-  // First, the terminals, then, starting at \a yyntokens_, nonterminals.
-  const char*
-  const mlf_parser::yytname_[] =
-  {
-  "\"end of file\"", "error", "$undefined", "IFF", "IMP", "OR", "AND",
-  "LPAREN", "RPAREN", "GML", "PML", "\"identifier\"", "$accept", "input",
-  "spec", "formula", YY_NULLPTR
-  };
-  const unsigned char
-  mlf_parser::yyrline_[] =
-  {
-       0,    74,    74,    79,    80,    85,    86,    87,    88,    90,
-      91,    93,    94,    96,    97,    98,    99,   100
-  };
-  // Print the state stack on the debug stream.
-  void
-  mlf_parser::yystack_print_ ()
-  {
-    *yycdebug_ << "Stack now";
-    for (stack_type::const_iterator
-           i = yystack_.begin (),
-           i_end = yystack_.end ();
-         i != i_end; ++i)
-      *yycdebug_ << ' ' << i->state;
-    *yycdebug_ << std::endl;
-  }
-  // Report on the debug stream that the rule \a yyrule is going to be reduced.
-  void
-  mlf_parser::yy_reduce_print_ (int yyrule)
-  {
-    unsigned int yylno = yyrline_[yyrule];
-    int yynrhs = yyr2_[yyrule];
-    // Print the symbols being reduced, and their result.
-    *yycdebug_ << "Reducing stack by rule " << yyrule - 1
-               << " (line " << yylno << "):" << std::endl;
-    // The symbols being reduced.
-    for (int yyi = 0; yyi < yynrhs; yyi++)
-      YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("   $" << yyi + 1 << " =",
-                       yystack_[(yynrhs) - (yyi + 1)]);
-  }
-#endif // YYDEBUG
-  // Symbol number corresponding to token number t.
-  inline
-  mlf_parser::token_number_type
-  mlf_parser::yytranslate_ (int t)
-  {
-    static
-    const token_number_type
-    translate_table[] =
-    {
-     0,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
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-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     1,     2,     3,     4,
-       5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,    11,    12,    13,    14,
-      15,    16,    17,    18,    19
-    };
-    const unsigned int user_token_number_max_ = 274;
-    const token_number_type undef_token_ = 2;
-    if (static_cast<int>(t) <= yyeof_)
-      return yyeof_;
-    else if (static_cast<unsigned int> (t) <= user_token_number_max_)
-      return translate_table[t];
-    else
-      return undef_token_;
-  }
-} // yy
-#line 1138 "mlf-parser.tab.cc" // lalr1.cc:1155
-#line 102 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:1156
-void yy::mlf_parser::error (const yy::mlf_parser::location_type& l, const std::string& m){
-	driver.error (l, m);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-parser.tab.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-parser.tab.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 41d3982aed80a295f90793365496880014bef101..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-parser.tab.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-// A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.0.2.
-// Skeleton interface for Bison LALR(1) parsers in C++
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-// As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
-// part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
-// under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
-// parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
-// as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
-// the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
-// special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
-// Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
-// License without this special exception.
-// This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
-// version 2.2 of Bison.
- ** \file mlf-parser.tab.h
- ** Define the yy::parser class.
- */
-// C++ LALR(1) parser skeleton written by Akim Demaille.
-// //                    "%code requires" blocks.
-#line 6 "mlf-parser.yy" // lalr1.cc:372
-	#include <string>
-	#include "bdd.h"
-	#include "../formulas/GML_formula.h"
-	#include "../formulas/PML_formula.h"
-	#include "../formulas/rational.h"
-	using namespace std;
-	class mlf_driver;
-	#define YYSTYPE ParserType
-	struct ParserType
-	int number;
-	struct fraction {
-		int numerator;
-		int denominator;
-	} fraction;
-	bdd binarydd;
-#line 67 "mlf-parser.tab.h" // lalr1.cc:372
-# include <vector>
-# include <iostream>
-# include <stdexcept>
-# include <string>
-# include "stack.h"
-# include "location.h"
-# if (defined __GNUC__                                               \
-      && (2 < __GNUC__ || (__GNUC__ == 2 && 96 <= __GNUC_MINOR__)))  \
-     || defined __SUNPRO_C && 0x5110 <= __SUNPRO_C
-#  define YY_ATTRIBUTE(Spec) __attribute__(Spec)
-# else
-#  define YY_ATTRIBUTE(Spec) /* empty */
-# endif
-# define YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE   YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__pure__))
-# define YY_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__unused__))
-#if !defined _Noreturn \
-     && (!defined __STDC_VERSION__ || __STDC_VERSION__ < 201112)
-# if defined _MSC_VER && 1200 <= _MSC_VER
-#  define _Noreturn __declspec (noreturn)
-# else
-#  define _Noreturn YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__noreturn__))
-# endif
-/* Suppress unused-variable warnings by "using" E.  */
-#if ! defined lint || defined __GNUC__
-# define YYUSE(E) ((void) (E))
-# define YYUSE(E) /* empty */
-#if defined __GNUC__ && 407 <= __GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__
-/* Suppress an incorrect diagnostic about yylval being uninitialized.  */
-    _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic push") \
-    _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wuninitialized\"")\
-    _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wmaybe-uninitialized\"")
-    _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic pop")
-# define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value) Value
-# define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value) /* Nothing. */
-/* Debug traces.  */
-#ifndef YYDEBUG
-# define YYDEBUG 1
-namespace yy {
-#line 138 "mlf-parser.tab.h" // lalr1.cc:372
-  /// A Bison parser.
-  class mlf_parser
-  {
-  public:
-#ifndef YYSTYPE
-    /// Symbol semantic values.
-    typedef YYSTYPE semantic_type;
-    /// Symbol locations.
-    typedef location location_type;
-    /// Syntax errors thrown from user actions.
-    struct syntax_error : std::runtime_error
-    {
-      syntax_error (const location_type& l, const std::string& m);
-      location_type location;
-    };
-    /// Tokens.
-    struct token
-    {
-      enum yytokentype
-      {
-        END = 0,
-        IFF = 258,
-        IMP = 259,
-        OR = 260,
-        AND = 261,
-        GMDIA = 262,
-        GMBOX = 263,
-        PMDIA = 264,
-        PMBOX = 265,
-        PVAR = 266,
-        NOT = 267,
-        TRUE = 268,
-        FALSE = 269,
-        LPAREN = 270,
-        RPAREN = 271,
-        GML = 272,
-        PML = 273
-      };
-    };
-    /// (External) token type, as returned by yylex.
-    typedef token::yytokentype token_type;
-    /// Internal symbol number.
-    typedef int symbol_number_type;
-    /// Internal symbol number for tokens (subsumed by symbol_number_type).
-    typedef unsigned char token_number_type;
-    /// A complete symbol.
-    ///
-    /// Expects its Base type to provide access to the symbol type
-    /// via type_get().
-    ///
-    /// Provide access to semantic value and location.
-    template <typename Base>
-    struct basic_symbol : Base
-    {
-      /// Alias to Base.
-      typedef Base super_type;
-      /// Default constructor.
-      basic_symbol ();
-      /// Copy constructor.
-      basic_symbol (const basic_symbol& other);
-      /// Constructor for valueless symbols.
-      basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t,
-                    const location_type& l);
-      /// Constructor for symbols with semantic value.
-      basic_symbol (typename Base::kind_type t,
-                    const semantic_type& v,
-                    const location_type& l);
-      ~basic_symbol ();
-      /// Destructive move, \a s is emptied into this.
-      void move (basic_symbol& s);
-      /// The semantic value.
-      semantic_type value;
-      /// The location.
-      location_type location;
-    private:
-      /// Assignment operator.
-      basic_symbol& operator= (const basic_symbol& other);
-    };
-    /// Type access provider for token (enum) based symbols.
-    struct by_type
-    {
-      /// Default constructor.
-      by_type ();
-      /// Copy constructor.
-      by_type (const by_type& other);
-      /// The symbol type as needed by the constructor.
-      typedef token_type kind_type;
-      /// Constructor from (external) token numbers.
-      by_type (kind_type t);
-      /// Steal the symbol type from \a that.
-      void move (by_type& that);
-      /// The (internal) type number (corresponding to \a type).
-      /// -1 when this symbol is empty.
-      symbol_number_type type_get () const;
-      /// The token.
-      token_type token () const;
-      enum { empty = 0 };
-      /// The symbol type.
-      /// -1 when this symbol is empty.
-      token_number_type type;
-    };
-    /// "External" symbols: returned by the scanner.
-    typedef basic_symbol<by_type> symbol_type;
-    /// Build a parser object.
-    mlf_parser (mlf_driver& driver_yyarg);
-    virtual ~mlf_parser ();
-    /// Parse.
-    /// \returns  0 iff parsing succeeded.
-    virtual int parse ();
-    /// The current debugging stream.
-    std::ostream& debug_stream () const YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE;
-    /// Set the current debugging stream.
-    void set_debug_stream (std::ostream &);
-    /// Type for debugging levels.
-    typedef int debug_level_type;
-    /// The current debugging level.
-    debug_level_type debug_level () const YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE;
-    /// Set the current debugging level.
-    void set_debug_level (debug_level_type l);
-    /// Report a syntax error.
-    /// \param loc    where the syntax error is found.
-    /// \param msg    a description of the syntax error.
-    virtual void error (const location_type& loc, const std::string& msg);
-    /// Report a syntax error.
-    void error (const syntax_error& err);
-  private:
-    /// This class is not copyable.
-    mlf_parser (const mlf_parser&);
-    mlf_parser& operator= (const mlf_parser&);
-    /// State numbers.
-    typedef int state_type;
-    /// Generate an error message.
-    /// \param yystate   the state where the error occurred.
-    /// \param yytoken   the lookahead token type, or yyempty_.
-    virtual std::string yysyntax_error_ (state_type yystate,
-                                         symbol_number_type yytoken) const;
-    /// Compute post-reduction state.
-    /// \param yystate   the current state
-    /// \param yysym     the nonterminal to push on the stack
-    state_type yy_lr_goto_state_ (state_type yystate, int yysym);
-    /// Whether the given \c yypact_ value indicates a defaulted state.
-    /// \param yyvalue   the value to check
-    static bool yy_pact_value_is_default_ (int yyvalue);
-    /// Whether the given \c yytable_ value indicates a syntax error.
-    /// \param yyvalue   the value to check
-    static bool yy_table_value_is_error_ (int yyvalue);
-    static const signed char yypact_ninf_;
-    static const signed char yytable_ninf_;
-    /// Convert a scanner token number \a t to a symbol number.
-    static token_number_type yytranslate_ (int t);
-    // Tables.
-  // YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing
-  // STATE-NUM.
-  static const signed char yypact_[];
-  // YYDEFACT[STATE-NUM] -- Default reduction number in state STATE-NUM.
-  // Performed when YYTABLE does not specify something else to do.  Zero
-  // means the default is an error.
-  static const unsigned char yydefact_[];
-  static const signed char yypgoto_[];
-  static const signed char yydefgoto_[];
-  // YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]] -- What to do in state STATE-NUM.  If
-  // positive, shift that token.  If negative, reduce the rule whose
-  // number is the opposite.  If YYTABLE_NINF, syntax error.
-  static const signed char yytable_[];
-  static const signed char yycheck_[];
-  // YYSTOS[STATE-NUM] -- The (internal number of the) accessing
-  // symbol of state STATE-NUM.
-  static const unsigned char yystos_[];
-  // YYR1[YYN] -- Symbol number of symbol that rule YYN derives.
-  static const unsigned char yyr1_[];
-  // YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols on the right hand side of rule YYN.
-  static const unsigned char yyr2_[];
-    /// Convert the symbol name \a n to a form suitable for a diagnostic.
-    static std::string yytnamerr_ (const char *n);
-    /// For a symbol, its name in clear.
-    static const char* const yytname_[];
-  // YYRLINE[YYN] -- Source line where rule number YYN was defined.
-  static const unsigned char yyrline_[];
-    /// Report on the debug stream that the rule \a r is going to be reduced.
-    virtual void yy_reduce_print_ (int r);
-    /// Print the state stack on the debug stream.
-    virtual void yystack_print_ ();
-    // Debugging.
-    int yydebug_;
-    std::ostream* yycdebug_;
-    /// \brief Display a symbol type, value and location.
-    /// \param yyo    The output stream.
-    /// \param yysym  The symbol.
-    template <typename Base>
-    void yy_print_ (std::ostream& yyo, const basic_symbol<Base>& yysym) const;
-    /// \brief Reclaim the memory associated to a symbol.
-    /// \param yymsg     Why this token is reclaimed.
-    ///                  If null, print nothing.
-    /// \param yysym     The symbol.
-    template <typename Base>
-    void yy_destroy_ (const char* yymsg, basic_symbol<Base>& yysym) const;
-  private:
-    /// Type access provider for state based symbols.
-    struct by_state
-    {
-      /// Default constructor.
-      by_state ();
-      /// The symbol type as needed by the constructor.
-      typedef state_type kind_type;
-      /// Constructor.
-      by_state (kind_type s);
-      /// Copy constructor.
-      by_state (const by_state& other);
-      /// Steal the symbol type from \a that.
-      void move (by_state& that);
-      /// The (internal) type number (corresponding to \a state).
-      /// "empty" when empty.
-      symbol_number_type type_get () const;
-      enum { empty = 0 };
-      /// The state.
-      state_type state;
-    };
-    /// "Internal" symbol: element of the stack.
-    struct stack_symbol_type : basic_symbol<by_state>
-    {
-      /// Superclass.
-      typedef basic_symbol<by_state> super_type;
-      /// Construct an empty symbol.
-      stack_symbol_type ();
-      /// Steal the contents from \a sym to build this.
-      stack_symbol_type (state_type s, symbol_type& sym);
-      /// Assignment, needed by push_back.
-      stack_symbol_type& operator= (const stack_symbol_type& that);
-    };
-    /// Stack type.
-    typedef stack<stack_symbol_type> stack_type;
-    /// The stack.
-    stack_type yystack_;
-    /// Push a new state on the stack.
-    /// \param m    a debug message to display
-    ///             if null, no trace is output.
-    /// \param s    the symbol
-    /// \warning the contents of \a s.value is stolen.
-    void yypush_ (const char* m, stack_symbol_type& s);
-    /// Push a new look ahead token on the state on the stack.
-    /// \param m    a debug message to display
-    ///             if null, no trace is output.
-    /// \param s    the state
-    /// \param sym  the symbol (for its value and location).
-    /// \warning the contents of \a s.value is stolen.
-    void yypush_ (const char* m, state_type s, symbol_type& sym);
-    /// Pop \a n symbols the three stacks.
-    void yypop_ (unsigned int n = 1);
-    // Constants.
-    enum
-    {
-      yyeof_ = 0,
-      yylast_ = 39,     ///< Last index in yytable_.
-      yynnts_ = 4,  ///< Number of nonterminal symbols.
-      yyempty_ = -2,
-      yyfinal_ = 5, ///< Termination state number.
-      yyterror_ = 1,
-      yyerrcode_ = 256,
-      yyntokens_ = 20  ///< Number of tokens.
-    };
-    // User arguments.
-    mlf_driver& driver;
-  };
-} // yy
-#line 493 "mlf-parser.tab.h" // lalr1.cc:372
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-parser.yy b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-parser.yy
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a2b9e0ac110a7e579510b2c7bf03bf664791968..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-parser.yy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-%skeleton "lalr1.cc"
-%require "2.4"
-%define parser_class_name "mlf_parser"
-%code requires {
-	#include <string>
-	#include "bdd.h"
-	#include "../formulas/GML_formula.h"
-	#include "../formulas/PML_formula.h"
-	#include "../formulas/rational.h"
-	using namespace std;
-	class mlf_driver;
-	#define YYSTYPE ParserType
-	struct ParserType
-	int number;
-	struct fraction {
-		int numerator;
-		int denominator;
-	} fraction;
-	bdd binarydd;
-// Parsing context
-%parse-param { mlf_driver& driver}
-%lex-param { mlf_driver& driver}
-%initial-action {
-	// Initialize the initial location.
-	@$.begin.filename = @$.end.filename = &driver.file;
-%code {
-	#include "mlf-driver.h"
-/* operators and precendences */
-     %nonassoc  IFF
-     %right  IMP
-     %left  OR
-     %left  AND
-     %nonassoc <number> GMDIA GMBOX 
-     %nonassoc <fraction> PMDIA PMBOX 
-     %nonassoc <binarydd> PVAR
-     %nonassoc NOT TRUE FALSE
-     /* auxiliary */
-     %token END			0	"end of file"
-     %token LPAREN		
-     %token RPAREN
-     %token GML
-     %token PML
-     //%token PMLI
-    // %printer    { debug_stream () << $$; } "identifier"
-     %destructor { delete &$$; } "identifier"
-	%type <binarydd> formula
-	spec
- 	formula {driver.set_formula_bdd($2); }
-	;
-	GML {driver.set_formula_gml();}
-	| PML {driver.set_formula_pml();} 
-	//| PMLI {}
-	;
-       formula IFF formula { $$ = bdd_biimp($1,$3); }
-     | formula IMP formula { $$ = bdd_imp($1,$3); }
-     | formula  OR formula { $$ = bdd_or($1,$3); } 
-     | formula AND formula { $$ = bdd_and($1,$3); }
-     | GMDIA formula      { bdd* b = new bdd($2); $$ = driver.modal(b, $1, 0); } 
-     | GMBOX formula      { bdd* b = new bdd(bdd_not($2)); $$ = bdd_not(driver.modal(b, $1, 0)); } // box is not-dia-not 
-     | PMDIA formula      { bdd* b = new bdd($2); $$ = driver.modal(b, $1.numerator, $1.denominator); } 
-     | PMBOX formula      { bdd* b = new bdd(bdd_not($2)); $$ = bdd_not(driver.modal(b, $1.numerator, $1.denominator)); }
-     | NOT formula         { $$ = bdd_not($2); }
-     | PVAR                { $$ = $$; }
-	 | TRUE                { $$ = bdd_true(); }
-	 | FALSE               { $$ = bdd_false(); }
-     | LPAREN formula RPAREN { $$ = $2; }
-     ;
-void yy::mlf_parser::error (const yy::mlf_parser::location_type& l, const std::string& m){
-	driver.error (l, m);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-scanner.ll b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-scanner.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index acdf0ada9818dd1a26f72cd2a4640d268cb4c19b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/mlf-scanner.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# include <cstdlib>
-# include <errno.h>
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <string>
-# include "mlf-driver.h"
-# include "mlf-parser.tab.h"
-/* Added since it fixes compile errors */
-#define YY_NEW_FILE yyrestart(yyin  )
-	(yytext_ptr) = yy_bp; \
-/* %% [2.0] code to fiddle yytext and yyleng for yymore() goes here \ */\
-	yyleng = (size_t) (yy_cp - yy_bp); \
-	(yy_hold_char) = *yy_cp; \
-	*yy_cp = '\0'; \
-/* %% [3.0] code to copy yytext_ptr to yytext[] goes here, if %array \ */\
-	(yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp;
-/* ----------------------- */
-/* Work around an incompatibility in flex (at least versions
-   2.5.31 through 2.5.33): it generates code that does
-   not conform to C89.  See Debian bug 333231
-   <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=333231>.  */
-# undef yywrap
-# define yywrap() 1
-/* By default yylex returns int, we use token_type.
-   Unfortunately yyterminate by default returns 0, which is
-   not of token_type.  */
-#define yyterminate() return token::END
-%option noyywrap nounput batch debug
-# define YY_USER_ACTION  yylloc->columns (yyleng);
-  typedef yy::mlf_parser::token token;
-[ \t\n]+ /*eat white space*/
-"Logic:GML"				{ return token::GML; }
-"Logic:PML"				{ return token::PML; }
-"Logic: GML"			{ return token::GML; }
-"Logic: PML"			{ return token::PML; }
-"&" 					{ return token::AND; }
-"->"   					{ return token::IMP; }
-"<->"					{ return token::IFF; }
-"<"[0-9]+">"			{	if(driver.get_logic()!='g')
-     							driver.error(*yylloc, "Invalid operator type for specified logic!");
-     						else {
-     							yylval->number = atoi(yytext + 1); 
-     							return token::GMDIA; 
-     						}
-     					}
-"["[0-9]+"]"			{	if(driver.get_logic()!='g')
-     							driver.error(*yylloc, "Invalid operator type for specified logic!");
-     						else {
-     							yylval->number = atoi(yytext + 1); 
-     							return token::GMBOX; 
-     						}
-     					}
-"<"[0-9]+"/"[0-9]+">"	{ 	if(driver.get_logic()!='p')
-     							driver.error(*yylloc, "Invalid operator type for specified logic!");
-     						else {
-       							(yylval->fraction).numerator = atoi(yytext + 1);
-     							/*TODO: find more elegant way to perform this - skipping through until "/" */
-								int a = 1;
-								int b = atoi(yytext + 1);
-								while(b > 0){
-									b = b/10;
-									a++;
-								}
-     							(yylval->fraction).denominator = atoi(yytext + a + 1);
-     							return token::PMDIA;
-     						}
-     					}
-"["[0-9]+"/"[0-9]+"]"	{ 	if(driver.get_logic()!='p')
-     							driver.error(*yylloc, "Invalid operator type for specified logic!");
-     						else {
-     							(yylval->fraction).numerator = atoi(yytext + 1);
-								int a = 1;
-								int b = atoi(yytext + 1);
-								while(b > 0){
-									b = b/10;
-									a++;
-								}
-     							(yylval->fraction).denominator = atoi(yytext + a + 1);
-     							return token::PMBOX;
-     						}
-     					}
-"v"						{ return token::OR; }
-"~"						{ return token::NOT; }
-p[0-9]+					{ yylval->binarydd = driver.variable(atoi(yytext + 1)); return token::PVAR; }
-"("						{ return token::LPAREN; }
-")"						{ return token::RPAREN; }
-"true"					{ return token::TRUE; }
-"false"					{ return token::FALSE; }
-.          driver.error (*yylloc, "invalid character!");
-void mlf_driver::scan_begin (){
-  yy_flex_debug = trace_scanning;
-  if (file == "-")
-    yyin = stdin;
-  else if (!(yyin = fopen (file.c_str (), "r")))
-    {
-      error (std::string ("cannot open ") + file);
-      exit (1);
-    }
-void mlf_driver::scan_end (){
-  fclose (yyin);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/position.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/position.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 107d8e11d504fde109cf019002c302e09f51c15a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/position.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-// A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.0.2.
-// Positions for Bison parsers in C++
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-// As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
-// part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
-// under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
-// parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
-// as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
-// the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
-// special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
-// Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
-// License without this special exception.
-// This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
-// version 2.2 of Bison.
- ** \file position.hh
- ** Define the yy::position class.
- */
-# include <algorithm> // std::max
-# include <iostream>
-# include <string>
-# ifndef YY_NULLPTR
-#  if defined __cplusplus && 201103L <= __cplusplus
-#   define YY_NULLPTR nullptr
-#  else
-#   define YY_NULLPTR 0
-#  endif
-# endif
-namespace yy {
-#line 56 "position.hh" // location.cc:291
-  /// Abstract a position.
-  class position
-  {
-  public:
-    /// Construct a position.
-    explicit position (std::string* f = YY_NULLPTR,
-                       unsigned int l = 1u,
-                       unsigned int c = 1u)
-      : filename (f)
-      , line (l)
-      , column (c)
-    {
-    }
-    /// Initialization.
-    void initialize (std::string* fn = YY_NULLPTR,
-                     unsigned int l = 1u,
-                     unsigned int c = 1u)
-    {
-      filename = fn;
-      line = l;
-      column = c;
-    }
-    /** \name Line and Column related manipulators
-     ** \{ */
-    /// (line related) Advance to the COUNT next lines.
-    void lines (int count = 1)
-    {
-      if (count)
-        {
-          column = 1u;
-          line = add_ (line, count, 1);
-        }
-    }
-    /// (column related) Advance to the COUNT next columns.
-    void columns (int count = 1)
-    {
-      column = add_ (column, count, 1);
-    }
-    /** \} */
-    /// File name to which this position refers.
-    std::string* filename;
-    /// Current line number.
-    unsigned int line;
-    /// Current column number.
-    unsigned int column;
-  private:
-    /// Compute max(min, lhs+rhs) (provided min <= lhs).
-    static unsigned int add_ (unsigned int lhs, int rhs, unsigned int min)
-    {
-      return (0 < rhs || -static_cast<unsigned int>(rhs) < lhs
-              ? rhs + lhs
-              : min);
-    }
-  };
-  /// Add and assign a position.
-  inline position&
-  operator+= (position& res, int width)
-  {
-    res.columns (width);
-    return res;
-  }
-  /// Add two position objects.
-  inline position
-  operator+ (position res, int width)
-  {
-    return res += width;
-  }
-  /// Add and assign a position.
-  inline position&
-  operator-= (position& res, int width)
-  {
-    return res += -width;
-  }
-  /// Add two position objects.
-  inline position
-  operator- (position res, int width)
-  {
-    return res -= width;
-  }
-  /// Compare two position objects.
-  inline bool
-  operator== (const position& pos1, const position& pos2)
-  {
-    return (pos1.line == pos2.line
-            && pos1.column == pos2.column
-            && (pos1.filename == pos2.filename
-                || (pos1.filename && pos2.filename
-                    && *pos1.filename == *pos2.filename)));
-  }
-  /// Compare two position objects.
-  inline bool
-  operator!= (const position& pos1, const position& pos2)
-  {
-    return !(pos1 == pos2);
-  }
-  /** \brief Intercept output stream redirection.
-   ** \param ostr the destination output stream
-   ** \param pos a reference to the position to redirect
-   */
-  template <typename YYChar>
-  inline std::basic_ostream<YYChar>&
-  operator<< (std::basic_ostream<YYChar>& ostr, const position& pos)
-  {
-    if (pos.filename)
-      ostr << *pos.filename << ':';
-    return ostr << pos.line << '.' << pos.column;
-  }
-} // yy
-#line 180 "position.hh" // location.cc:291
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/stack.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/stack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 87d8f3ef36b53013ca6a34f86c8df53dbf57988d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/stack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-// A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.0.2.
-// Stack handling for Bison parsers in C++
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-// As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
-// part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
-// under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
-// parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
-// as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
-// the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
-// special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
-// Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
-// License without this special exception.
-// This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
-// version 2.2 of Bison.
- ** \file stack.hh
- ** Define the yy::stack class.
- */
-# include <vector>
-namespace yy {
-#line 46 "stack.hh" // stack.hh:133
-  template <class T, class S = std::vector<T> >
-  class stack
-  {
-  public:
-    // Hide our reversed order.
-    typedef typename S::reverse_iterator iterator;
-    typedef typename S::const_reverse_iterator const_iterator;
-    stack ()
-      : seq_ ()
-    {
-    }
-    stack (unsigned int n)
-      : seq_ (n)
-    {
-    }
-    inline
-    T&
-    operator[] (unsigned int i)
-    {
-      return seq_[seq_.size () - 1 - i];
-    }
-    inline
-    const T&
-    operator[] (unsigned int i) const
-    {
-      return seq_[seq_.size () - 1 - i];
-    }
-    /// Steal the contents of \a t.
-    ///
-    /// Close to move-semantics.
-    inline
-    void
-    push (T& t)
-    {
-      seq_.push_back (T());
-      operator[](0).move (t);
-    }
-    inline
-    void
-    pop (unsigned int n = 1)
-    {
-      for (; n; --n)
-        seq_.pop_back ();
-    }
-    void
-    clear ()
-    {
-      seq_.clear ();
-    }
-    inline
-    typename S::size_type
-    size () const
-    {
-      return seq_.size ();
-    }
-    inline
-    const_iterator
-    begin () const
-    {
-      return seq_.rbegin ();
-    }
-    inline
-    const_iterator
-    end () const
-    {
-      return seq_.rend ();
-    }
-  private:
-    stack (const stack&);
-    stack& operator= (const stack&);
-    /// The wrapped container.
-    S seq_;
-  };
-  /// Present a slice of the top of a stack.
-  template <class T, class S = stack<T> >
-  class slice
-  {
-  public:
-    slice (const S& stack, unsigned int range)
-      : stack_ (stack)
-      , range_ (range)
-    {
-    }
-    inline
-    const T&
-    operator [] (unsigned int i) const
-    {
-      return stack_[range_ - i];
-    }
-  private:
-    const S& stack_;
-    unsigned int range_;
-  };
-} // yy
-#line 157 "stack.hh" // stack.hh:133
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/test.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8679303fec8ae6a8b649ed03497cf3bb9ebdbbb1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/parser/test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include "mlf-driver.h"
-int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
-	mlf_driver driver;
-	for (++argv; argv[0]; ++argv)
-		if (*argv == std::string ("-p"))
-			driver.trace_parsing = true;
-		else if (*argv == std::string ("-s"))
-			driver.trace_scanning = true;
-		else if (!driver.parse (*argv)){
-			std::cout << driver.result << std::endl;
-			std::cout << (driver.formula)->logic << std::endl;
-		}
-	return 0;
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rand.pl b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rand.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c54e91ab6ebc081793177af7c9d0cf85c517533..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rand.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-use Switch;
-$size = 25;
-$prefix = "test";
-$num_formulas = 1000;
-$num_propvars = 5;
-$max_index = 100;
-for ($i = 0; $i < $num_formulas; $i++) {
-  $factfilename = "size" . $size . $prefix . $i . ".fact";
-	$willfilename = "size" . $size . $prefix . $i . ".will";
-  open FACT, ">", $factfilename;
-	# satisfy fact syntax
-	  print FACT "(equal_c SAT ";
-	open WILL, ">", $willfilename;
-	# satisfy will syntax
-	  print WILL "Logic: GML\n";
-	random_formula($size);
-	print FACT ")\n";
-	close FACT;
-	close WILL;
-sub random_formula {
-  local ($size) = $_[0];
-	# terminate on size 1 and return prop variable
-	if ($size == 1) {
-	  $num = int(rand($num_propvars));
-	  print FACT "p" . $num . " ";
-	  print WILL "p" . $num . " ";;
-	} 
-	if ($size == 2) { 
-	# guess unary connective
-	  $conn = int(rand(2));
-		switch ($conn) {
-		  case 0 { 
-			  print WILL "(~"; 
-				print FACT "(not ";
-			  random_formula(1);
-				print WILL ")";
-				print FACT ")"; 
-			}
-			case 1  {
-			  $n = int(rand($max_index));
-			  print WILL  "(<" . $n . ">";
-				print FACT "(min " . ($n+1) . " r ";
-				random_formula(1);
-				print WILL ")";
-				print FACT ")";
-		  }
-		}
-	} 
-	if ($size > 2) {
-    # guess a connective
-	  $conn = int(rand(4));
-	  switch ($conn) {
-      case 0 { 
-		    $split = 1 + int(rand($size - 2));
-				print WILL "(";
-				print FACT "(and ";
-				random_formula($split);
-				print WILL " & ";
-				random_formula ($size - $split - 1);
-				print WILL ")";
-				print FACT ")";
-		  }
-      case 1 { 
-		    $split = 1 + int(rand($size - 2));
-				print WILL "(";
-				print FACT "(or ";
-				random_formula($split);
-				print WILL " v ";
-				random_formula ($size - $split - 1);
-				print WILL ")";
-				print FACT ")";
-		  }
-	  	case 2 { 
-			  print WILL "(~";
-				print FACT "(not ";
-				random_formula ($size -1);
-				print WILL ")";
-				print FACT ")";
-      }
-	  	case 3 { 
-			  $n = int(rand($max_index));
-			  print WILL  "(<" . $n . ">";
-				print FACT "(min " . ($n+1) . " r ";
-				random_formula($size-1);
-				print WILL ")";
-				print FACT ")";
-      }
-	  }
-	}
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/GML_premise.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/GML_premise.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c24658f34a728b063637640d0803d839c97d59b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/GML_premise.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-#include "GML_premise.h"
-GML_Premise::GML_Premise() : Premise<int>(){
-GML_Premise::GML_Premise(int _n, int _m, int* _a, int *_b) : Premise<int>(_n,_m,_a,_b){
-//test_counter = 0;
-/* Deprecated Functions which searched for solutions to the side condition first.
-vector<Conclusion> GML_Premise::construct_conclusions(){
-	double limit = bound();
-	vector<Conclusion> set;
-	glp_prob *side_condition = glp_create_prob();
-	// Parameters while solving with glpk
-	glp_iocp* parameters = new glp_iocp;
-	glp_init_iocp(parameters);
-	parameters->presolve = GLP_ON;
-	parameters->msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ERR;
-	// Load numbers into LP
-	load_side_condition(side_condition, limit);
-	// output for testing.
-	//glp_write_lp(side_condition, NULL, "output.txt");
-	// Solve depth first	
-	solve_side_condition(side_condition, parameters, 0, 0, 0, limit, set);
-	//Clean-up
-	delete parameters;
-	glp_delete_prob(side_condition);
-	return set;
-void GML_Premise::load_side_condition(glp_prob* sc, double limit){
-	glp_set_obj_dir(sc, GLP_MIN);
-	glp_add_rows(sc, 1);
-	glp_set_row_bnds(sc, 1, GLP_LO, 1.0, 0.0);
-	glp_add_cols(sc, n+m);
-	for(int i=1; i < (n+m+1); i++){
-		glp_set_col_kind(sc, i, GLP_IV); //integer variables
-		glp_set_col_bnds(sc, i,  GLP_DB, 0, limit);
-	}
-	// Arrays for inputting into glpk
-	double ar[n+m+1];
-	int ia[n+m+1];
-	int ja[n+m+1];
-	for(int i=1; i < n+m+1; i++){
-   		ia[i]=1;
-     	ja[i]=i;
-     }
-    int counter=1;	
-	for(int i=0; i < n; i++){
-		ar[counter]= a[i]+1;
-		counter++;
-	}
-	for(int j=0; j < m; j++){
-		ar[counter]=(-b[j]);
-		counter++;
-	}
-	// Set objective function	
-	for(int i=1; i < n+m+1; i++)
-		glp_set_obj_coef(sc, i, ar[i]);
-	glp_load_matrix(sc, n+m, ia, ja, ar);
-void GML_Premise::solve_side_condition(glp_prob* sc, glp_iocp* parameters, int r_or_s, int index, int new_bound, double limit, vector<Conclusion>& set){
-	int r[n];
-	int s[m];
-	int old_bound;
-	Conclusion conc;
-	if(r_or_s == 1){
-		if(new_bound < 1)
-			return;
-		// add r_i < bound    
-		old_bound = glp_get_col_ub(sc, index+1);
-		if(new_bound == 1)
-			glp_set_col_bnds(sc, index+1,  GLP_FX, 0, 0);
-		else			
-			glp_set_col_bnds(sc, index+1,  GLP_DB, 0, new_bound-1); // Minus once since need strictly less than. Glpk is less or equal.
-	}
-	if(r_or_s == 2){
-		if(new_bound+1 > limit)
-			return;
-		// add bound s_j > bound
-		old_bound = glp_get_col_lb(sc, index+n+1);
-		if(new_bound+1 == limit)
-			glp_set_col_bnds(sc, index+n+1,  GLP_FX, limit, limit);
-		else
-			glp_set_col_bnds(sc, index+n+1,  GLP_DB, new_bound+1, limit);
-	}
-	//Test output 
-	//char str[15];
-	//sprintf(str, "output%d.txt", test_counter);
-	//glp_write_lp(sc, NULL, str);	
-	//test_counter++;
-	// Solve
-	int result = glp_intopt(sc, parameters);
-	if(result == 0) { //if no errors from solver
-		if(glp_mip_status(sc)==GLP_OPT || glp_mip_status(sc)==GLP_FEAS){ // if feasible
-		// Load r and s from solution
-		for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
-			r[i] = static_cast<int>(glp_mip_col_val(sc, i+1));
-		for(int j=0; j < m; j++)
-			s[j] = static_cast<int>(glp_mip_col_val(sc, j+n+1));
- 		// do all valuations
- 		all_valuations(parameters, r, s, conc);
- 		//if result isnt in list of conclusions then add it
- 		bool already_have = false;
- 		for(unsigned int i=0; i < set.size(); i++)
- 			if( conc == set[i])
- 				already_have = true;
- 		if(!already_have)
-			set.push_back(conc);
-		// Recursively branch and solve the others - depth first
-		for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
-			solve_side_condition(sc, parameters, 1, i, r[i], limit, set);
-		for(int j=0; j < m; j++)
-			solve_side_condition(sc, parameters, 2, j, s[j], limit, set);
-		}
-	}
-	else if (result != GLP_ENOPFS) { // if not a feasibility error
-		cout << "glpk error: " << result << endl;
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	//remove bounds (go back up before branching down again).
-	if(r_or_s == 1)
-		glp_set_col_bnds(sc, index+1,  GLP_DB, 0, old_bound);
-	if(r_or_s == 2)
-		glp_set_col_bnds(sc, index+n+1,  GLP_DB, old_bound, limit);
-void GML_Premise::all_valuations(glp_iocp* parameters, int* r, int* s, Conclusion& result){
-//Testing output
-cout << "====================" << endl;
-	for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
-		cout << "r[" << i << "] = " << r[i] << endl;
-	for(int j=0; j < m; j++)
-		cout << "s[" << j << "] = " << s[j] << endl;
-glp_prob *conclusion = glp_create_prob();
-glp_set_obj_dir(conclusion, GLP_MIN);
-glp_add_rows(conclusion, 2);
-glp_set_row_bnds(conclusion, 1, GLP_LO, 1, 0); // strictly greater than zero
-glp_add_cols(conclusion, n+m);
-for(int i=1; i < (n+m+1); i++)
-	glp_set_col_kind(conclusion, i, GLP_BV);
-// Arrays for inputting into glpk
-	double ar[2*(n+m)+1];
-	int ia[2*(n+m)+1];
-	int ja[2*(n+m)+1];
-	for(int i=1; i < n+m+1; i++){
-   		ia[i]=1;
-   		ia[n+m+i]=2;
-     	ja[i]=i;
-     	ja[n+m+i]=i;
-     }
-    int counter=1;	
-	for(int i=0; i < n; i++){
-		ar[counter]= r[i];
-		counter++;
-	}
-	for(int j=0; j < m; j++){
-		ar[counter]=(-s[j]);
-		counter++;
-	}
-	for(int i=0; i < n+m; i++){
-		ar[counter]=pow(2,i);
-		counter++;
-	}
-	// Set objective function	
-	for(int i=1; i < n+m+1; i++)
-		glp_set_obj_coef(conclusion, i, pow(2,i-1));
-	glp_load_matrix(conclusion, 2*(n+m), ia, ja, ar);
-		glp_set_row_bnds(conclusion, 2, GLP_LO, 0, 0);
-	// output for testing
-	//glp_write_lp(conclusion, NULL, "valuations.txt");	
-	solve_conclusion_lp(conclusion, parameters, 0, result);
-	glp_delete_prob(conclusion);
-void GML_Premise::solve_conclusion_lp(glp_prob* conclusion, glp_iocp* parameters, int min_limit, Conclusion& conc){
-	glp_set_row_bnds(conclusion, 2, GLP_LO, min_limit, 0);
-	int result = glp_intopt(conclusion, parameters);
-	if(result == 0){//if no errors from solver
-		if(glp_mip_status(conclusion)==GLP_OPT || glp_mip_status(conclusion)==GLP_FEAS){ // if feasible
-			int p[n+m];
-			for(int i=0; i<n+m; i++)
-				p[i]=glp_mip_col_val(conclusion, i+1);
-				//cout << glp_mip_col_val(conclusion, i+1);
-			Clause c(n+m,p);
-			conc.push_back(c);
-			solve_conclusion_lp(conclusion, parameters, glp_mip_obj_val(conclusion)+1, conc);
-		}
-	}
-	else if (result != GLP_ENOPFS) { // if not a feasibility error
-		cout << "glpk error: " << result << endl;
-		exit(1);	
-	}
-double GML_Premise::bound(){
-	return 2;
-	//return pow(2,6 * sizeoflp(n, m, a, b) * (n+m) * (n+m) * (n+m));
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/GML_premise.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/GML_premise.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 513012f130819640d3b44b61669fdc1838940e71..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/GML_premise.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef GML_PREMISE_H
-#define GML_PREMISE_H
-#include <cmath>
-#include <vector>
-#include "premise.h"
-#include "sizefunctions.h"
-#include "setofconclusions.h"
-class GML_Premise : public Premise<int>{
-	private:
-		/* Deprecated Functions which searched for solutions to the side condition first.
-		void load_side_condition(glp_prob* sc, double limit);
-		void solve_side_condition(glp_prob* side_condition, glp_iocp* parameters, int r_or_s, int index, int new_bound, double limit, vector<Conclusion>& set);
-		//r_or_s = 0 for neither, 1 for r, 2 for 2.
-		void all_valuations(glp_iocp* parameters, int* r, int* s, Conclusion& result);
-		void solve_conclusion_lp(glp_prob* conclusion, glp_iocp* parameters, int min_limit, Conclusion& conc);
-		*/
-		// for testing
-		//int test_counter;
-	public:
-		GML_Premise();
-		GML_Premise(int _n, int _m, int* _a, int *_b);
-		//double bound(); // Deprecated.
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/PML_premise.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/PML_premise.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 307c6fc838faf5f7a141a9abc90c1e8ab195bad0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/PML_premise.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#include "PML_premise.h"
-PML_Premise::PML_Premise() : Premise<Rational>(){
-PML_Premise::PML_Premise(int _n, int _m, Rational* _a, Rational* _b) : Premise<Rational>(_n,_m,_a,_b){
-//test_counter = 0;
-/* Deprecated function 
-double PML_Premise::bound(){
-	return pow(2,6 * (sizeoflp(n, m, a, b) + 1) * (n+m+1) * (n+m+1) * (n+m+1));
-	// +1 for the free k.
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/PML_premise.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/PML_premise.h
deleted file mode 100644
index acdf0c0b130b894eba9b7eaaa9b51de6786d465f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/PML_premise.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PML_PREMISE_H
-#define PML_PREMISE_H
-#include <cmath>
-#include <vector>
-#include "premise.h"
-#include "sizefunctions.h"
-class PML_Premise : public Premise<Rational>{
-	private:
-		/* Deprecated function
-		double bound();
-		*/
-		// for testing
-		//int test_counter;
-	public:
-		PML_Premise();
-		PML_Premise(int _n, int _m, Rational* _a, Rational* _b);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/makefile b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a1891feb73bb5e74bafd6ee30a3f57b26730c9a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-include ../config.mk
-all: premise.o GML_premise.o PML_premise.o valuation.o setofconclusions.o sizefunctions.o radixtree.o
-sizefunctions.o: sizefunctions.h sizefunctions.cpp
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c sizefunctions.cpp
-premise.o: premise.h premise.cpp
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c premise.cpp
-GML_premise.o: sizefunctions.h premise.h GML_premise.h GML_premise.cpp
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c GML_premise.cpp
-PML_premise.o: sizefunctions.h premise.h PML_premise.h PML_premise.cpp
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c PML_premise.cpp
-valuation.o: valuation.h valuation.cpp
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c valuation.cpp
-setofconclusions.o: setofconclusions.h valuation.h premise.h setofconclusions.cpp
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c setofconclusions.cpp
-radixtree.o: radixtree.h radixtree.cpp
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c radixtree.cpp
-test: all test.o
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -lglpk -lbdd ../formulas/rational.o test.o premise.o GML_premise.o PML_premise.o valuation.o setofconclusions.o sizefunctions.o -o test
-test.o: test.cpp GML_premise.h valuation.h
-	$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c test.cpp
-	rm -rf *~ *.o test *.txt
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/node.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/node.c
deleted file mode 100644
index aac26a7e80961d7fe51d1ffa633d73140baa9029..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/node.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#include "node.h"
-void Node::allow(int a){
-	valuations[a] = 1;
-void Node::disallow(int d){
-	valuations[d] = 0;
-Node::Node(int no_of_atoms) : size (static_cast<int>(pow(2, no_of_atoms))), valuations(size, 0){
-	//valuations.resize(size, 0);
-	// needs to be replaced with actually initing the stuff
-	//for(int i=0; i < size; i++)
-		//valuations[i]=0;
-bool Node::operator==(const Node& other) const{
-	if(size == other.size){
-		for(int i=0; i < size; i++)
-			if(valuations[i] != other.valuations[i])
-				return false;
-		return true;
-	}
-	return false;
-bool Node::operator<(const Node& other) const{
-	if(size == other.size){
-		for(int i=0; i < size; i++)
-			if(valuations[i]==1 && other.valuations[i]==0)
-				return false;
-	return true;
-	}
-	cout << "you checked for supersets with nodes of different sizes - you probably didn't mean to do this..." << endl;
-	return false;
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Node& n){
-	out << n.size << endl;
-	for(int i=0; i < n.size; i++)
-		out << n.valuations[i] << " ";
-	out << endl;
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/node.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/node.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 55d6ec751e26690116682bd7fb2166e95f55738b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/node.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NODE_H
-#define NODE_H
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <vector>
-using namespace std;
-class Node {
-	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Node& n);
-	private:
-		//size comes from the premise. Premise with n literals gives 2^n size.
-		int size;
-		// bit vector: 0 = valuation not admitted, 1 = valuation is.
-		vector<bool> valuations;
-	public:
-		Node(){size = 0;};
-		Node(int no_of_atoms);
-		void allow(int a);
-		void disallow(int d);
-		//Copyable, assignable and comparable for use in STL
-		bool operator==(const Node& other) const;		
-		// For checking supersets.
-		bool operator<(const Node& other) const;
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/premise.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/premise.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0db48b35c2422ac5f3e8bd4a9f6aa87c95e2cea9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/premise.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#include "premise.h"
-template<class T>
-	n = 0;
-	m = 0;
-	total_valuations = 1 << (n+m);
-	a = NULL;
-	b = NULL;
-template<class T>
-Premise<T>::Premise(int _n, int _m, T* _a, T* _b){
-	n =_n;
-	m =_m;
-	if (n+m > 30) {
-		cout << "Too many (>30) modal formulae in node." << endl;
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	total_valuations = 1 << (n+m);
-	if(n)
-		a = new T [n];
-	else
-		a = NULL;
-	if(m)
-		b = new T [m];
-	else
-		b = NULL;
-	for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
-		a[i]=_a[i];
-	for(int j=0; j < m; j++)
-		b[j]=_b[j];
-template<class T>
-Premise<T>::Premise(const Premise<T>& p){
-	n = p.n;
-	m = p.m;
-	total_valuations = p.total_valuations;
-	if(n)
-		a = new T [n];
-	else
-		a = NULL;
-	if(m)
-		b = new T [m];
-	else
-		b = NULL;
-	for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
-		a[i]=p.a[i];
-	for(int j=0; j < m; j++)
-		b[j]=p.b[j];
-template<class T>
-Premise<T>& Premise<T>::operator=(const Premise<T>& p){
-	if(this != &p){
-		if(a) 
-			delete [] a;
-		if(b)
-			delete [] b;
-		n = p.n;
-		m = p.m;
-		total_valuations = p.total_valuations;
-		if(n)
-			a = new T [n];
-		else
-			a = NULL;
-		if(m)
-			b = new T [m];
-		else
-			b = NULL;
-		for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
-			a[i]=p.a[i];
-		for(int j=0; j < m; j++)
-			b[j]=p.b[j];
-	}
-	return *this;
-template<class T>
-	if(a)
-		delete [] a;
-	if(b)
-		delete [] b;
-template<class T>
-T Premise<T>::get_a_i(int i){
-	if(a)
-		return a[i];
-	return -1;
-template<class T>
-T Premise<T>::get_b_i(int i){
-	if(b)
-		return b[i];
-	return -1;
-template class Premise<int>;
-template class Premise<Rational>;
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/premise.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/premise.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f2882f97c90efb6d3f629cc96b5f77b7db58987..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/premise.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PREMISE_HH
-#define PREMISE_HH
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <ext/hash_map>
-#include "../formulas/rational.h"
-using __gnu_cxx::hash;
-using namespace std;
-template<class T>
-class Premise {
-	protected:
-		// Naming follows from the names of the rules - kept as one letter for succinctness.
-		int n; // number of positive
-		int m; // number of negative
-		int total_valuations;
-		T* a;  // modal indicies - positive
-		T* b;  // modal indicies - negative
-	public:
-		Premise();
-		Premise(int _n, int _m, T* _a, T* _b);		
-		Premise(const Premise<T>& p);
-		Premise<T>& operator=(const Premise<T>& p);
-		~Premise();
-		int get_n(){ return n; };
-		int get_m(){ return m; };
-		int get_total_valuations(){ return total_valuations; };
-		T get_a_i(int i);
-		T get_b_i(int i);
-		struct Premise_hash {
-			hash <const char*> charhash;
-			size_t operator ()(const Premise<T>& p) const {
-				stringstream ss;
-				string s;
-				ss << p.n << " " << p.m << " ";
-				for(int i=0; i < p.n; i++)
-					ss << p.a[i] << " ";
-				for(int j=0; j < p.m; j++)
-					ss << p.b[j] << " ";
-				ss << '\0';
-				s = ss.str();
-				char buf[s.size()+1];
-				for(unsigned int i=0; i < s.size(); i++)
-					buf[i] = s[i];
-				buf[s.size()]='\0';
-				return charhash(buf);
-			}	
-		};
-	struct Premise_equal { 	//TODO: this could be improved if we sort them as we input them
-		bool operator()(const Premise<T>& p1, const Premise<T>& p2) const{
-			if(p1.n!=p2.n)
-				return false;
-			if(p1.m!=p2.m)
-				return false;
-			for(int i=0; i < p1.n; i++)
-				if(p1.a[i]!=p2.a[i])
-					return false;
-			for(int j=0; j < p1.m; j++)
-				if(p1.b[j]!=p2.b[j])
-					return false;
-			return true;
-		}
-	};	
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/radixtree.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/radixtree.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d639213da689bf66bab7a2371a6dac6e08a25213..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/radixtree.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#include "radixtree.h"
-void Radixtree::removeNodes(node* nd) {
-  if (nd->left)
-	removeNodes(nd->left);
-  if (nd->right)
-	removeNodes(nd->right);
-  delete nd;
-void Radixtree::add_element(vector<bool>& elem) {
-  node *index = root;
-  for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
-	if (elem[i]) {
-	  if (!index->left)
-		index->left = new node;
-	  index = index->left;
-	}
-	else {
-	  if (!index->right)
-		index->right = new node;
-	  index = index->right;
-	}
-  }
-bool Radixtree::contains_element(vector<bool>& elem) {
-  node *index = root;
-  for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
-	if (elem[i])
-	  if (!index->left)
-		return false;
-	  else
-		index = index->left;
-	else
-	  if(!index->right)
-		return false;
-	  else
-		index = index->right;
-  }
-  return true;
-int Radixtree::size_intern(int d, node* nd) {
-  int size = 0;
-  if (!d)
-	size = 1;
-  else {
-	if (nd->left) 
-	  size += size_intern(d-1, nd->left);
-	if (nd->right)
-	  size += size_intern(d-1, nd->right);
-  }
-  return size;
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/radixtree.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/radixtree.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 08df3d109f32811971b3474746aa428488aa6e63..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/radixtree.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <vector>
-using namespace std;
-class Radixtree {
-	private:
-		typedef struct nd {
-		  struct nd *left;
-		  struct nd *right;
-		  nd() { left = right = NULL; };
-		} node;
-		int depth;
-		node *root;
-		void removeNodes(node* nd);
-		int size_intern(int d, node* nd);
-	public:
-		Radixtree(int n) {
-			depth = n;
-			root = new node();
-		};
-		~Radixtree(){ removeNodes(root); };
-		int size() { return size_intern(depth, root); };
-		void clear() { removeNodes(root); root = new node(); };
-		void add_element(vector<bool>& elem);
-		bool contains_element(vector<bool>& elem);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/setofconclusions.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/setofconclusions.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d85e192ae8a90c5b66360fa12510c1488046bbbd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/setofconclusions.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#include "setofconclusions.h"
-SetOfConclusions::SetOfConclusions(int n, const vector<vector<bool> >& set){
-	no_of_literals=n;
-	/* To limitate code change the new type given in (vector<unsigned int>) is converted to the old type vector<vector<TruthAssignment>>
-		 Each unsigned int corresponds to a rule instance (a node of the tree). Each node is a set of truth assignments. */
-	int limit = 1 << n;
-	for(unsigned int i=0; i <	set.size(); i++){
-                vector<bool> node = set[i];
-		vector<TruthAssignment> rule;
-		for(int j=0; j < limit; j++){
-			if(node[j])
-				rule.push_back(TruthAssignment(j,n));
-		}		
-		rules.push_back(rule);
-	}
-bdd SetOfConclusions::get_jth_conclusion(bdd** underlying, int j){
-	bdd b = bdd_false();
-	for(unsigned int i=0; i < rules[j].size(); i++){
-		bdd clause = bdd_true();
-		for(int k=0; k < no_of_literals; k++){
-			if(rules[j][i].get_p_i(k)==1)
-				clause = bdd_and(clause, *(underlying[k]));
-			if(rules[j][i].get_p_i(k)==0)
-				clause = bdd_and(clause, bdd_not(*(underlying[k])));
-		}
-		b = bdd_or(clause, b);
-	}
-	return b;
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/setofconclusions.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/setofconclusions.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a7d2af65ab905a103eb9fd73876f37bbc484820..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/setofconclusions.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "glpk.h"
-#include "bdd.h"
-#include "../formulas/rational.h"
-#include "valuation.h"
-using namespace std;
-typedef vector<TruthAssignment> Conclusion;
-class SetOfConclusions{
-	private:
-		int no_of_literals;
-		vector<Conclusion> rules;
-	public:
-		SetOfConclusions(){no_of_literals = 0;};
-		SetOfConclusions(int n, const vector<vector<bool> >& set);
-		int number_of_conclusions(){return rules.size();};		
-		bdd get_jth_conclusion(bdd** underlying, int j);
-		//bdd get_ith_conclusion(int i, bdd* bddarray);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/sizefunctions.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/sizefunctions.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bf15efc06a19956459ab276fbb54f5116f25e050..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/sizefunctions.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#include "sizefunctions.h"
-/* Functions for calculating size of a linear program */
-int sizeofcoef(int a){
-	int result = 1;
-	while (a >>= 1) 
-		++result;
-	return result;
-int sizeofcoef(Rational a){
-	return 1 + sizeofcoef(a.get_top()) + sizeofcoef(a.get_bot());
-template <class T>
-int sizeoflp(const int n, const int m, T* a, T* b){
-	int sum = 1 + n + m;
-	for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
-		sum+=sizeofcoef(a[i]);
-	for(int j=0; j < m; j++)
-		sum+=sizeofcoef(b[j]);
-	return sum;
-template int sizeoflp<int>(const int, const int, int*, int*);
-template int sizeoflp<Rational>(const int, const int, Rational*, Rational*);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/sizefunctions.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/sizefunctions.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3210fac31728660460995908e2e4ccfb7f54bd47..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/sizefunctions.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#include "../formulas/rational.h"
-int sizeofcoef(int a);
-int sizeofcoef(Rational a);
-template <class T>
-int sizeoflp(const int n, const int m, T* a, T* b);
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/test.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a48ce38ba2d09bac4da90c892cf99acb8bd0c30..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#include "GML_premise.h"
-#include "bdd.h"
-int main() {
-bdd_init(10000, 1000);
-// Create a premise object
-const int n = 1;
-const int m = 1;
-int a[n] = {2};
-int b[m] = {1};
-GML_Premise p(n,m,a,b);
-//SetOfConclusions s(p.get_n_plus_m(), p.construct_conclusions());
-bdd underlying[3];
-for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-underlying[i] = bdd_ithvarpp(i);
-vector<Conclusion> vec = p.construct_conclusions();
-	for(unsigned int i=0; i < vec.size(); i++){
-		cout << "Rule " << i << endl;
-		for(unsigned int j=0; j < vec[i].size(); j++){
-		cout <<  "Valuation " << j << ": ";
-			for(int k=0; k < vec[i][j].get_n(); k++){
-				cout << "p[" << k << "] = " << vec[i][j].get_p_i(k) << ", ";
-			}
-		cout << endl;
-		}
-	cout << "==================" << endl;
-/* Testing new clause/valuation constructor */
-for(unsigned int j=0; j < 8; j++){
-	Clause c(j,3);
-	for(int k=0; k < 3; k++){
-		cout << "p[" << k << "] = " << c.get_p_i(k) << ", ";
-			}
-		cout << endl;
-return 0;
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/valuation.c b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/valuation.c
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index 9bf0ed43cf9f5964e74d6126a6864faf801a0eda..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/valuation.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#include "valuation.h"
-Valuation::Valuation(int i, int no_of_vars){
-        int limit = 1 << no_of_vars;
-        if(i >= limit){
-          cout << "cannot make clause " << i << " out of " << limit << endl;
-	n = no_of_vars;
-	p = new int [n];
-	int ui = i;	
-	for(int j=0; j < no_of_vars; j++){
-		p[j] = ui & 1;
-		ui >>=1;
-	}
-Valuation::Valuation(int _n, int* _p){
-	n = _n;
-	p = new int [n];
-	for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
-		p[i]=_p[i];
-Valuation::Valuation(const Valuation& c){
-	n = c.n;
-	p = new int [n];
-	for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
-		p[i]=c.p[i];
-Valuation& Valuation::operator=(const Valuation& c){
-	if(this != &c){
-		if(p)
-			delete [] p;
-		n = c.n;
-		p = new int [n];
-		for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
-			p[i]=c.p[i];
-	}
-	return *this;
-	if(p)
-		delete [] p;
-int Valuation::get_p_i(int i){
-	if(p)
-		return p[i];
-	return -1;
-bool Valuation::operator==(const Valuation& other) const{
-		if(n == other.n){
-			for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-				if(p[i]!=other.p[i])
-					return false;
-			return true;
-		}
-		return false;
-		}
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/valuation.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/valuation.h
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index 7f303b0c559a6eed0535e797844a097bf2c9f011..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/rules/valuation.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef VALUATION_H
-#define VALUATION_H
-#include <cmath>
-using namespace std;
-/* This is a truth assignment */
-class Valuation {
-	private:
-		int n;
-		int* p;
-	public:
-		Valuation(){n=0; p=NULL;};
-		Valuation(int i, int total); // Gives valuation corresponding to ith valuation.
-		Valuation(int _n, int* p);
-		Valuation(const Valuation& c);
-		Valuation& operator=(const Valuation& c);
-		~Valuation();
-		bool operator==(const Valuation& other) const;
-		int get_n(){ return n;};
-		int get_p_i(int i);
-typedef Valuation Clause;
-// Since each valuation gives rise to a clause.
-// Valuation is used by deprecated side condition first code.
-typedef Valuation TruthAssignment;
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/satisfyingstack.h b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/satisfyingstack.h
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index 97021dd69a4a70723cfffa6da8a0c0f86cc4e761..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/satisfyingstack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include "./formulas/satisfyingassignment.h"
-using namespace std;
-extern vector<SatisfyingAssignment> sat_ass_stack;
diff --git a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/timeoutwrapper.sh b/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/timeoutwrapper.sh
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index 5c19d2ec9fb1070ee9ddaf5a7af19d83acf64297..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/GMLMIP-0.1/timeoutwrapper.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# The Bash shell script executes a command with a time-out.
-# Upon time-out expiration SIGTERM (15) is sent to the process. If the signal
-# is blocked, then the subsequent SIGKILL (9) terminates it.
-# Based on the Bash documentation example.
-# Hello Chet,
-# please find attached a "little easier"  :-)  to comprehend
-# time-out example.  If you find it suitable, feel free to include
-# anywhere: the very same logic as in the original examples/scripts, a
-# little more transparent implementation to my taste.
-# Dmitry V Golovashkin <Dmitry.Golovashkin@sas.com>
-declare -i DEFAULT_TIMEOUT=9
-declare -i DEFAULT_INTERVAL=1
-declare -i DEFAULT_DELAY=1
-# Timeout.
-declare -i timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
-# Interval between checks if the process is still alive.
-declare -i interval=DEFAULT_INTERVAL
-# Delay between posting the SIGTERM signal and destroying the process by SIGKILL.
-declare -i delay=DEFAULT_DELAY
-function printUsage() {
-    cat <<EOF
-    $scriptName [-t timeout] [-i interval] [-d delay] command
-    Execute a command with a time-out.
-    Upon time-out expiration SIGTERM (15) is sent to the process. If SIGTERM
-    signal is blocked, then the subsequent SIGKILL (9) terminates it.
-    -t timeout
-        Number of seconds to wait for command completion.
-        Default value: $DEFAULT_TIMEOUT seconds.
-    -i interval
-        Interval between checks if the process is still alive.
-        Positive integer, default value: $DEFAULT_INTERVAL seconds.
-    -d delay
-        Delay between posting the SIGTERM signal and destroying the
-        process by SIGKILL. Default value: $DEFAULT_DELAY seconds.
-As of today, Bash does not support floating point arithmetic (sleep does),
-therefore all delay/time values must be integers.
-# Options.
-while getopts ":t:i:d:" option; do
-    case "$option" in
-        t) timeout=$OPTARG ;;
-        i) interval=$OPTARG ;;
-        d) delay=$OPTARG ;;
-        *) printUsage; exit 1 ;;
-    esac
-shift $((OPTIND - 1))
-# $# should be at least 1 (the command to execute), however it may be strictly
-# greater than 1 if the command itself has options.
-if (($# == 0 || interval <= 0)); then
-    printUsage
-    exit 1
-# kill -0 pid   Exit code indicates if a signal may be sent to $pid process.
-    ((t = timeout))
-    while ((t > 0)); do
-        sleep $interval
-        kill -0 $$ || exit 0
-        ((t -= interval))
-    done
-    # Be nice, post SIGTERM first.
-    # The 'exit 0' below will be executed if any preceeding command fails.
-    kill -s SIGTERM $$ && kill -0 $$ || exit 0
-    sleep $delay
-    kill -s SIGKILL $$
-) 2> /dev/null &
-exec "$@"
diff --git a/src/lib/gmlmip.ml b/src/lib/gmlmip.ml
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index 9300917bf00dd2e8673326466d1bd4e2b7701e2a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/gmlmip.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-(* transforms list of gml formulas (diamond?,number,formula)
-   to list of consequences (positive?,formula),
-   here positive? means that the formula must be true in order to make the
-   given conjunct of modalities true *)
-external gml_rules : (bool*int*int) list -> (int*bool) list list list = "gmlRules_stub"
-external pml_rules : (bool*int*int*int) list -> (int*bool) list list list = "pmlRules_stub"
diff --git a/src/lib/gmlmip.mli b/src/lib/gmlmip.mli
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index 0a4c5535ac1ddfd62fd91f0739eba9ec2ba10a5c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/gmlmip.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-(* transforms list of gml formulas (diamond?,number,formula)
-   to list of consequences (formula,positive?),
-   here positive? means that the formula must be true in order to make the
-   given conjunct of modalities true *)
-val gml_rules : (bool*int*int) list -> (int*bool) list list list
-(* transforms list of pml formulas (diamond?,nominator,denominator,formula)
-   to list of consequences (formula,positive?),
-   here positive? means that the formula must be true in order to make the
-   given conjunct of modalities true *)
-val pml_rules : (bool*int*int*int) list -> (int*bool) list list list
diff --git a/src/lib/gmlmip_stub.c b/src/lib/gmlmip_stub.c
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index 996f38ed19c2faacd7a68cee3baf908be31aa3c1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/lib/gmlmip_stub.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-#include <utility> // for pair
-#include <vector>
-#include <set>
-extern "C" {
-  #include <caml/mlvalues.h>
-  #include <caml/alloc.h>
-  #include <caml/memory.h>
-  #include <caml/custom.h>
-#include "GMLMIP-0.1/onestep.h"
-using namespace std;
-extern "C" {
-  CAMLprim value gmlRules_stub(value modalities);
-  CAMLprim value pmlRules_stub(value modalities);
-template<class T>
-value set2CamlList(const set<T>& vec, value (*f)(const T&)) {
-    CAMLparam0();
-    CAMLlocal2( cli, cons );
-    cli = Val_emptylist;
-    for (typename set<T>::const_reverse_iterator it = vec.rbegin();
-         it != vec.rend();
-         ++it)
-    {
-        cons = caml_alloc(2, 0);
-        Store_field( cons, 0, f(*it) );  // head
-        Store_field( cons, 1, cli );     // tail
-        cli = cons;
-    }
-    return cli ;
-static CAMLprim value pair2caml(const int& t) {
-    CAMLparam0();
-    CAMLlocal1( abc );
-    abc = caml_alloc(2, 0);
-    bool neg = t < 0;
-    Store_field( abc, 0, Val_int((neg ?(-t) : t) - 1));
-    Store_field( abc, 1, Val_bool(!neg));
-    return abc;
-static CAMLprim value set2caml(const set<int>& vt) {
-    return set2CamlList(vt, pair2caml);
-static CAMLprim value setset2caml(const set<set<int> >& vt) {
-    return set2CamlList(vt, set2caml);
-static void printModVec(FILE* f, const vector<pair<pair<bool,int>,int> >& modvec) {
-    fprintf(f, "GML-Input: /\\ (");
-    for (int i = 0; i < modvec.size(); i++) {
-        bool isdia = modvec[i].first.first;
-        int cnt = modvec[i].first.second;
-        int underl = modvec[i].second;
-        if (i > 0) fprintf(f, ",");
-        if (isdia) {
-            fprintf(f, " <%d> p%d", cnt, underl);
-        } else {
-            fprintf(f, " [%d] p%d", cnt, underl);
-        }
-    }
-    fprintf(f, " )\n");
-CAMLprim value gmlRules_stub(value modalities) {
-    // parse caml-modalities to a C++ vector
-    CAMLparam1( modalities );
-    value block = modalities;
-    vector<pair<pair<bool,int>,int> > modvec;
-    while (Is_block(block)) {
-        CAMLlocal3( vpos, vcnt, vformula );
-        vpos = Field(Field(block, 0), 0);
-        vcnt = Field(Field(block, 0), 1);
-        vformula = Field(Field(block, 0), 2);
-        modvec.push_back(make_pair(make_pair(
-            Bool_val(vpos),
-            Int_val(vcnt)),
-            1+Int_val(vformula)));
-        block = Field(block, 1);
-    }
-    // Do one rule step and save result in rulevec
-    GMLConclusion rulevec = gmlmip_onestep_gml(modvec);
-    // convert rulevec into ocaml list of pairs
-    CAMLlocal1( res );
-    res = set2CamlList(rulevec, setset2caml);
-    CAMLreturn( res );
-CAMLprim value pmlRules_stub(value modalities) {
-    // parse caml-modalities to a C++ vector
-    CAMLparam1( modalities );
-    value block = modalities;
-    vector<pair<pair<bool,pair<int,int> >,int> > modvec;
-    while (Is_block(block)) {
-        CAMLlocal4( vpos, vnom, vdenom, vformula );
-        vpos = Field(Field(block, 0), 0);
-        vnom = Field(Field(block, 0), 1);
-        vdenom = Field(Field(block, 0), 2);
-        vformula = Field(Field(block, 0), 3);
-        modvec.push_back(make_pair(make_pair(
-            Bool_val(vpos),
-            make_pair(Int_val(vnom),Int_val(vdenom))),
-            1+Int_val(vformula)));
-        block = Field(block, 1);
-    }
-    // Do one rule step and save result in rulevec
-    GMLConclusion rulevec = gmlmip_onestep_pml(modvec);
-    // convert rulevec into ocaml list of pairs
-    CAMLlocal1( res );
-    res = set2CamlList(rulevec, setset2caml);
-    CAMLreturn( res );