From eda515b6c2f78ac8d36ecf5f60211232bb6db300 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Thorsten=20Wi=C3=9Fmann?= <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 11:05:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add ocaml part of PML rule application

 src/lib/         |  9 +++++--
 src/lib/          | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/lib/            | 16 ++++++++-----
 src/lib/CoAlgMisc.mli           |  1 +
 src/lib/               |  1 +
 src/lib/gmlmip.mli              |  7 +++++-
 src/testsuite/ |  9 +++++++
 7 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/
index 15a6951..2f083d0 100644
--- a/src/lib/
+++ b/src/lib/
@@ -564,8 +564,13 @@ and parse_rest ts =
       | _ -> A.printError mk_exn ~ts ("role name or \"" ^ es ^ "\" expected: ")
-    if (denominator > n) then begin
-       A.printError mk_exn ~ts "Nominator must not be larger than the denominator: "
+    if (denominator < n) then begin
+       let explanation =
+        ("nominator="^(string_of_int n)^" but denominator="^(string_of_int denominator))
+       in
+       A.printError mk_exn ~ts ("Nominator must not be larger than the denominator "
+                               ^"("^explanation^") at: "
+                               )
     let _ =
       match ts with
diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/
index 3d51a51..d656a51 100644
--- a/src/lib/
+++ b/src/lib/
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ let mkRule_GML sort bs sl : stateExpander =
             (bsetFold (modality false) boxes [])
       let conclusion = gml_rules premise in
-      (* conclusion is a set of rules, each of the forman \/ /\ lit *)
+      (* conclusion is a set of rules, *each* of the form \/ /\ lit *)
       let handleRuleConcl rc acc =
         let handleConjunction conj =
             let res = bsetMake () in
@@ -295,6 +295,45 @@ let mkRule_GML sort bs sl : stateExpander =
   let rules = S.foldBS addRule roles [] in
   lazylistFromList rules
+let mkRule_PML sort bs sl : stateExpander =
+  assert (List.length sl = 1);
+  let s1 = List.hd sl in (* [s1] = List.hd sl *)
+  let diamonds = bsetFilter bs (fun f -> lfGetType sort f = AtLeastProbF) in
+  let boxes = bsetFilter bs (fun f -> lfGetType sort f = AtMostProbF) in
+  let premise: (bool*int*int*int) list =
+    let modality isDiamond m acc =
+        let nominator   = lfGetDestNum sort m in
+        let denominator = lfGetDestNum2 sort m in
+        (isDiamond,nominator,denominator,lfToInt (lfGetDest1 sort m))::acc
+    in
+    List.append
+        (bsetFold (modality true) diamonds [])
+        (bsetFold (modality false) boxes [])
+  in
+  let conclusion = pml_rules premise in
+  let error message = raise (CoAlgFormula.CoAlgException message) in
+  (* conclusion is a set of rules, *each* of the form \/ /\ lit *)
+  let handleRuleConcl rc acc =
+    let handleConjunction conj =
+        let res = bsetMake () in
+        let handleLiteral = (fun (f,positive) ->
+                    let f = lfFromInt f in
+                    let f = if positive
+                            then f
+                            else match lfGetNeg sort f with
+                                 | Some nf -> nf
+                                 | None -> error ("Negation of formula missing")
+                                 in bsetAdd res f)
+        in
+        List.iter handleLiteral conj;
+        (s1,res)
+    in
+    let rc = handleConjunction rc in
+    ((fun bs1 -> bs),lazylistFromList rc)::acc
+  in
+  let rules = List.fold_right handleRuleConcl conclusion [] in
+  lazylistFromList rules
 let mkRule_Choice sort bs sl : stateExpander =
   assert (List.length sl = 2);
   let dep bsl =
@@ -362,5 +401,6 @@ let getExpandingFunctionProducer = function
   | MultiModalKD -> mkRule_MultiModalKD
   | CoalitionLogic -> mkRule_CL
   | GML -> mkRule_GML
+  | PML -> mkRule_PML
   | Choice -> mkRule_Choice
   | Fusion -> mkRule_Fusion
diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/
index ac569c9..b5ffc7c 100644
--- a/src/lib/
+++ b/src/lib/
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ let unaryfunctor2name : (functors*string) list =
   [ (MultiModalK , "MultiModalK")
   ; (MultiModalKD , "MultiModalKD")
   ; (GML ,           "GML")
+  ; (PML ,           "PML")
   ; (CoalitionLogic , "CoalitionLogic")
   ; (MultiModalK , "K")
   ; (MultiModalKD , "KD")
@@ -575,13 +576,14 @@ let arrayNeg = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 (-1)))
     for PML: arrayDest1 = the subformula
-             arrayDest2 = the nominator of the probability
-             arrayDest3 = the denominator of the probability
+             arrayNum  = the nominator of the probability
+             arrayNum2 = the denominator of the probability
 let arrayDest1 = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 (-1)))  (* first subformula *)
 let arrayDest2 = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 (-1)))  (* second subformula *)
 let arrayDest3 = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 (-1)))  (* a role *)
 let arrayDestNum = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 (-1)))  (* an integer *)
+let arrayDestNum2 = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 (-1)))  (* another integer *)
 let arrayDestAg = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 [|0|])) (* arrays of agents *)
 (** This lookup table maps formulae (represented as integers)
@@ -594,6 +596,7 @@ let lfGetDest1 sort f = !arrayDest1.(sort).(f)
 let lfGetDest2 sort f = !arrayDest2.(sort).(f)
 let lfGetDest3 sort f = !arrayDest3.(sort).(f)
 let lfGetDestNum sort f = !arrayDestNum.(sort).(f)
+let lfGetDestNum2 sort f = !arrayDestNum2.(sort).(f)
 let lfGetDestAg sort f = !arrayDestAg.(sort).(f)
 let lfGetNeg sort f =
   let nf = !arrayNeg.(sort).(f) in
@@ -783,13 +786,13 @@ let initTables nomTbl hcF htF htR s f n =
   | C.HCATLEASTPROB (p,f1) ->
       !arrayType.(s).(n) <- AtLeastProbF;
       !arrayDest1.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(List.hd sortlst) f1;
-      !arrayDest2.(s).(n) <- p.C.nominator;
-      !arrayDest3.(s).(n) <- p.C.denominator
+      !arrayDestNum.(s).(n) <- p.C.nominator;
+      !arrayDestNum2.(s).(n) <- p.C.denominator
   | C.HCATMOSTPROB (p,f1) ->
       !arrayType.(s).(n) <- AtMostProbF;
       !arrayDest1.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(List.hd sortlst) f1;
-      !arrayDest2.(s).(n) <- p.C.nominator;
-      !arrayDest3.(s).(n) <- p.C.denominator
+      !arrayDestNum.(s).(n) <- p.C.nominator;
+      !arrayDestNum2.(s).(n) <- p.C.denominator
   | C.HCCHC (f1, f2)
   | C.HCCHCN (f1, f2) ->
       !arrayType.(s).(n) <- ChcF;
@@ -882,6 +885,7 @@ let ppFormulae nomTbl tbox (s, f) =
   arrayDest3 := Array.init card (fun _ -> Array.make !size (-1));
   arrayNeg := Array.init card (fun _ -> Array.make !size (-1));
   arrayDestNum := Array.init card (fun _ -> Array.make !size (-1));
+  arrayDestNum2 := Array.init card (fun _ -> Array.make !size (-1));
   arrayDestAg := Array.init card (fun _ -> Array.make !size (Array.make 0 (-1)));
   let htR = Hashtbl.create 128 in
   Array.iteri (fun s ht -> C.HcFHt.iter (initTables nomTbl hcF htF htR s) ht) htF;
diff --git a/src/lib/CoAlgMisc.mli b/src/lib/CoAlgMisc.mli
index 54acbe6..dbc602e 100644
--- a/src/lib/CoAlgMisc.mli
+++ b/src/lib/CoAlgMisc.mli
@@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ val lfGetDest1 : sort -> localFormula -> localFormula
 val lfGetDest2 : sort -> localFormula -> localFormula
 val lfGetDest3 : sort -> localFormula -> int
 val lfGetDestNum : sort -> localFormula -> int
+val lfGetDestNum2 : sort -> localFormula -> int
 val lfGetDestAg : sort -> localFormula -> int array
 val lfGetNeg : sort -> localFormula -> localFormula option
 val lfGetAt : nominal -> localFormula -> atFormula
diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/
index 72b47f3..fa801bd 100644
--- a/src/lib/
+++ b/src/lib/
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@
    here positive? means that the formula must be true in order to make the
    given conjunct of modalities true *)
 external gml_rules : (bool*int*int) list -> (int*bool) list list list = "gmlRules_stub"
+let pml_rules : (bool*int*int*int) list -> (int*bool) list list list = fun _ -> []
diff --git a/src/lib/gmlmip.mli b/src/lib/gmlmip.mli
index 4a911ac..0a4c553 100644
--- a/src/lib/gmlmip.mli
+++ b/src/lib/gmlmip.mli
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 (* transforms list of gml formulas (diamond?,number,formula)
-   to list of consequences (positive?,formula),
+   to list of consequences (formula,positive?),
    here positive? means that the formula must be true in order to make the
    given conjunct of modalities true *)
 val gml_rules : (bool*int*int) list -> (int*bool) list list list
+(* transforms list of pml formulas (diamond?,nominator,denominator,formula)
+   to list of consequences (formula,positive?),
+   here positive? means that the formula must be true in order to make the
+   given conjunct of modalities true *)
+val pml_rules : (bool*int*int*int) list -> (int*bool) list list list
diff --git a/src/testsuite/ b/src/testsuite/
index 868fed5..b1cfb47 100644
--- a/src/testsuite/
+++ b/src/testsuite/
@@ -98,6 +98,14 @@ let kOrKd_testcases : satCheck list =
     ; c Unsat "((False) + ([R] False))"
+let pml_testcases : testcase_section =
+    use_functor "PML"
+    [ sat   "{>= 1/3} C & {<= 1/2} D"
+    ; sat   "{>= 1/3} C & {<= 1/2} C"
+    ; unsat "{<= 1/3} C & {>= 1/2} C"
+    ; sat   "{<= 1/3} C & {<= 1/2} C"
+    ]
 let testcases =
     let c name table = (name,table) in
     [ c "DL98 (Sat)"    DL98.satCasesList
@@ -108,6 +116,7 @@ let testcases =
     ; cl_testcases
     ; kAndKd_testcases
     ; c "K+KD" kOrKd_testcases
+    ; pml_testcases
 let main =