diff --git a/_oasis b/_oasis
index 044ad498ed1c6fea4a182af54b90b6c0c864d69c..707258ad5d3999092020f6af8b711e11b5852a64 100644
--- a/_oasis
+++ b/_oasis
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Executable coalg
   ByteOpt:        -cc g++
   CCOpt: -std=c++98 -x c++
   if flag(static)
-    CCLib:            -static
+    CCLib:            -static -ltinfo -lgpm -lz -ldl -lltdl
 Executable "cool-owl"
   CompiledObject:   native
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Executable debugger
   ByteOpt:        -cc g++
   CCOpt: -std=c++98 -x c++
   if flag(static)
-    CCLib:            -static
+    CCLib:            -static -lz -ldl -lltdl
diff --git a/randmu.py b/randmu.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c52877ddcb6fb8750290211d219abf20ee83eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randmu.py
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+# Ideal:
+#   Start with a single variable. While formula is still below the
+#   target size, replace a random variable by a random
+#   connective. once the target size has been reached, replace all
+#   unguarded variables by propositional atoms. Replace all remaining
+#   variables by either an allowed fixpoint variable or a
+#   propositional atom
+import random
+import string
+import argparse
+import os
+variables = []
+syntax = 'cool'
+def _gensym():
+    i = 0
+    while True:
+        i = i + 1
+        yield "G%d" % i
+gensym = iter(_gensym())
+class Connective:
+    pass
+class Propositional(Connective):
+    pass
+class And(Propositional):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._left = Variable(self)
+        self._right = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        left = str(self._left)
+        right = str(self._right)
+        if syntax == 'tatl':
+            return "((%s) /\ (%s))" % (left, right)
+        else:
+            return "((%s) & (%s))" % (left, right)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        if what == self._left:
+            self._left = withw
+        else:
+            assert self._right == what
+            self._right = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._left.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+        self._right.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+class Or(Propositional):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._left = Variable(self)
+        self._right = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        left = str(self._left)
+        right = str(self._right)
+        if syntax == 'tatl':
+            return "((%s) \/ (%s))" % (left, right)
+        else:
+            return "((%s) | (%s))" % (left, right)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        if what == self._left:
+            self._left = withw
+        else:
+            assert self._right == what
+            self._right = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._left.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+        self._right.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+class Modal(Connective):
+    pass
+class Box(Modal):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._subformula = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        subformula = str(self._subformula)
+        if syntax == 'ctl':
+            return "AX (%s)" % (subformula,)
+        else:
+            return "[] (%s)" % (subformula,)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        assert self._subformula == what
+        self._subformula = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._subformula.finalize(atoms, guarded + unguarded, [], fixpoint)
+class Diamond(Modal):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._subformula = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        subformula = str(self._subformula)
+        if syntax == 'ctl':
+            return "EX (%s)" % (subformula,)
+        else:
+            return "<> (%s)" % (subformula,)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        assert self._subformula == what
+        self._subformula = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._subformula.finalize(atoms, guarded + unguarded, [], fixpoint)
+class Fixpoint(Connective):
+    pass
+class Mu(Fixpoint):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._subformula = Variable(self)
+        self._var = next(gensym)
+    def __str__(self):
+        subformula = str(self._subformula)
+        if syntax == 'cool':
+            return "(μ %s . (%s))" % (self._var, subformula)
+        else:
+            return "(mu %s . (%s))" % (self._var, subformula)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        assert self._subformula == what
+        self._subformula = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        if fixpoint == 'nu':
+            guarded = []
+            unguarded = []
+        self._subformula.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded + [self._var], 'mu')
+class Nu(Fixpoint):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._subformula = Variable(self)
+        self._var = next(gensym)
+    def __str__(self):
+        subformula = str(self._subformula)
+        if syntax == 'cool':
+            return "(ν %s . (%s))" % (self._var, subformula)
+        else:
+            return "(nu %s . (%s))" % (self._var, subformula)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        assert self._subformula == what
+        self._subformula = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        if fixpoint == 'mu':
+            guarded = []
+            unguarded = []
+        self._subformula.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded + [self._var], 'nu')
+class CTL(Connective):
+    pass
+class AG(CTL):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._subformula = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        subformula = str(self._subformula)
+        return "AG (%s)" % (subformula,)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        assert self._subformula == what
+        self._subformula = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._subformula.finalize(atoms, guarded + unguarded, [], fixpoint)
+class AF(CTL):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._subformula = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        subformula = str(self._subformula)
+        return "AF (%s)" % (subformula,)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        assert self._subformula == what
+        self._subformula = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._subformula.finalize(atoms, guarded + unguarded, [], fixpoint)
+class EG(CTL):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._subformula = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        subformula = str(self._subformula)
+        return "EG (%s)" % (subformula,)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        assert self._subformula == what
+        self._subformula = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._subformula.finalize(atoms, guarded + unguarded, [], fixpoint)
+class EF(CTL):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._subformula = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        subformula = str(self._subformula)
+        return "EF (%s)" % (subformula,)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        assert self._subformula == what
+        self._subformula = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._subformula.finalize(atoms, guarded + unguarded, [], fixpoint)
+class AU(CTL):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._left = Variable(self)
+        self._right = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        left = str(self._left)
+        right = str(self._right)
+        return "A((%s) U (%s))" % (left, right)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        if what == self._left:
+            self._left = withw
+        else:
+            assert self._right == what
+            self._right = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._left.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+        self._right.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+class AR(CTL):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._left = Variable(self)
+        self._right = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        left = str(self._left)
+        right = str(self._right)
+        return "A((%s) R (%s))" % (left, right)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        if what == self._left:
+            self._left = withw
+        else:
+            assert self._right == what
+            self._right = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._left.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+        self._right.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+class EU(CTL):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._left = Variable(self)
+        self._right = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        left = str(self._left)
+        right = str(self._right)
+        return "E((%s) U (%s))" % (left, right)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        if what == self._left:
+            self._left = withw
+        else:
+            assert self._right == what
+            self._right = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._left.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+        self._right.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+class ER(CTL):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._left = Variable(self)
+        self._right = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        left = str(self._left)
+        right = str(self._right)
+        return "E((%s) R (%s))" % (left, right)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        if what == self._left:
+            self._left = withw
+        else:
+            assert self._right == what
+            self._right = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._left.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+        self._right.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+class ATL:
+    def coalition(self):
+        if not hasattr(self, '_coalition'):
+            self._coalition = []
+            while len(self._coalition) == 0:
+                self._coalition = []
+                for i in range(1, 6):
+                    if random.getrandbits(1) == 1:
+                        self._coalition.append(str(i))
+        if syntax == 'tatl':
+            return ",".join(self._coalition)
+        else:
+            return " ".join(self._coalition)
+class Next(ATL):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._subformula = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        subformula = str(self._subformula)
+        if syntax == 'tatl':
+            return "<<%s>>X(%s)" % (self.coalition(), subformula,)
+        else:
+            return "[{%s}](%s)" % (self.coalition(), subformula,)
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        assert self._subformula == what
+        self._subformula = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._subformula.finalize(atoms, guarded + unguarded, [], fixpoint)
+class Always(ATL):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._subformula = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        subformula = str(self._subformula)
+        if syntax == 'tatl':
+            return "<<%s>>G(%s)" % (self.coalition(), subformula,)
+        else:
+            return "(ν X . ((%s) & [{%s}]X))" % (subformula,self.coalition())
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        assert self._subformula == what
+        self._subformula = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._subformula.finalize(atoms, guarded + unguarded, [], fixpoint)
+class Eventually(ATL):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._subformula = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        subformula = str(self._subformula)
+        if syntax == 'tatl':
+            return "<<%s>>F(%s)" % (self.coalition(), subformula,)
+        else:
+            return "(μ X . ((%s) | [{%s}]X))" % (subformula, self.coalition())
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        assert self._subformula == what
+        self._subformula = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._subformula.finalize(atoms, guarded + unguarded, [], fixpoint)
+class Until(ATL):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._left = Variable(self)
+        self._right = Variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        left = str(self._left)
+        right = str(self._right)
+        if syntax == 'tatl':
+            return "<<%s>>((%s) U (%s))" % (self.coalition(),left, right)
+        else:
+            return "(μ X . ((%s) | ((%s) & [{%s}]X)))" % (right,left,self.coalition())
+    def replace(self, what, withw):
+        if what == self._left:
+            self._left = withw
+        else:
+            assert self._right == what
+            self._right = withw
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        self._left.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+        self._right.finalize(atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint)
+connectives = []
+class Variable:
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        self._parent = parent
+        variables.append(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "(undecided)"
+    def replace(self):
+        assert self._parent != None
+        replacement = random.choice(connectives)()
+        variables.remove(self)
+        self._parent.replace(self, replacement)
+    def finalize(self, atoms, guarded, unguarded, fixpoint):
+        choice = random.choice(guarded + atoms)
+        if choice in atoms:
+            choice = random.choice([choice, "~%s" % choice])
+        variables.remove(self)
+        self._parent.replace(self, choice)
+def main(args):
+    global connectives
+    if args.logic == 'afmu':
+        connectives = [And, And, Or, Or, Box, Diamond, Mu, Nu]
+        os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.destdir, 'cool'))
+        os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.destdir, 'mlsolver'))
+    elif args.logic == 'CTL':
+        connectives = [And, And, Or, Or, Box, Diamond, AF, AG, EF, EG, AU, EU]
+        os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.destdir, 'ctl'))
+    elif args.logic == 'ATL':
+        connectives = [And, And, Or, Or, Next, Always, Eventually, Until]
+        os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.destdir, 'cool'))
+        os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.destdir, 'tatl'))
+    for i in range(0, args.count):
+        global variables
+        global syntax
+        variables = []
+        formula = random.choice(connectives)()
+        for _ in range(0, args.constructors):
+            random.choice(variables).replace()
+        formula.finalize(list(string.ascii_lowercase[:args.atoms]), [], [], 'none')
+        if args.logic == 'afmu':
+            with open(os.path.join(args.destdir, 'cool', 'random.%04d.cool' % i), 'w') as f:
+                syntax = 'cool'
+                f.write(str(formula))
+            with open(os.path.join(args.destdir, 'mlsolver', 'random.%04d.mlsolver' % i), 'w') as f:
+                syntax = 'mlsolver'
+                f.write(str(formula))
+        elif args.logic == 'CTL':
+            with open(os.path.join(args.destdir, 'ctl', 'random.%04d.ctl' % i), 'w') as f:
+                syntax = 'ctl'
+                f.write(str(formula))
+        elif args.logic == 'ATL':
+            with open(os.path.join(args.destdir, 'cool', 'random.%04d.cool' % i), 'w') as f:
+                syntax = 'cool'
+                f.write(str(formula))
+            with open(os.path.join(args.destdir, 'tatl', 'random.%04d.tatl' % i), 'w') as f:
+                syntax = 'tatl'
+                f.write(str(formula))
+    print(args.destdir)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generator for random μ-Calculus-Formulas")
+    parser.add_argument('--atoms', type=int, required=True,
+                        help="Number of propositional arguments to use")
+    parser.add_argument('--constructors', type=int, required=True,
+                        help="Number of connectives to build")
+    parser.add_argument('--count', type=int, required=True,
+                        help="Number of formulas to generate")
+    parser.add_argument('--destdir', type=str, required=True,
+                        help="Directory to place created formulas in")
+    parser.add_argument('--logic', choices=['CTL', 'ATL', 'afmu'], required=True)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    main(args)
diff --git a/src/.dir-locals.el b/src/.dir-locals.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aeb20dbe97f42350ecc56c745477924220bb7c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/.dir-locals.el
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+  (indent-tabs-mode . nil)))
diff --git a/src/coalg/coalg.ml b/src/coalg/coalg.ml
index c270e63ab61f9072306f6e8f2f12b89be823d375..30f4ec3a0d94466609ec0b2834704f752422fae0 100644
--- a/src/coalg/coalg.ml
+++ b/src/coalg/coalg.ml
@@ -46,9 +46,10 @@ let _ =
 let printUsage () =
   print_endline "Usage: \"alc <task> <functor> [<flags>]\" where";
-  print_endline "       <task> in { sat print nnf prov (is »not.(sat ¬f)«) }";
+  print_endline "       <task> in { sat print verify nnf prov (is »not.(sat ¬f)«) }";
   print_endline "       <functor> in { MultiModalK (or equivalently K)";
   print_endline "                      MultiModalKD (or equivalently KD)";
+  print_endline "                      Monotone";
   print_endline "                      CoalitionLogic (or equivalently CL)";
   print_endline "                      Const id1 ... idn (or equivalently Constant id1 ... idn)";
   print_endline "                      Id (or equivalently Identity)";
@@ -167,6 +168,28 @@ let choiceNNF () =
     with End_of_file -> ()
+let choiceGraph () =
+  choiceSat ();
+  print_endline "digraph reasonerstate {";
+  CM.graphIterCores (fun core -> print_endline (CM.coreToDot core));
+  CM.graphIterStates (fun state -> print_endline (CM.stateToDot state));
+  print_endline "}"
+let choiceVerify () =
+    try
+      while true do
+        let input = read_line () in
+        if not (GenAndComp.isEmptyString input) then
+          let f = CoAlgFormula.importFormula input in
+          let str = CoAlgFormula.exportFormula f in
+          incr counter;
+          print_string ("\nFormula " ^ (string_of_int !counter) ^ ": " ^ str ^ "\n");
+          flush stdout;
+          CoAlgFormula.verifyFormula f;
+        else ()
+      done
+    with End_of_file -> ()
 let rec parseFlags arr offs : unit =
     let offs = ref (offs) in
     let getParam () =
@@ -198,6 +221,6 @@ let _ =
     | "prov" -> choiceProvable ()
     | "print" -> choicePrint ()
     | "nnf" -> choiceNNF ()
+    | "verify" -> choiceVerify ()
+    | "graph" -> choiceGraph ()
     | _ -> printUsage ()
diff --git a/src/debugger/debugger.ml b/src/debugger/debugger.ml
index e685a5989f0cdaaffb082dba4e9ae259c6f5794e..8e631d43dd6c5776f81789c20dd3a1c12cae764f 100644
--- a/src/debugger/debugger.ml
+++ b/src/debugger/debugger.ml
@@ -69,6 +69,12 @@ let listCores args =
 let listStates args =
     CM.graphIterStates (fun state -> print_endline (CM.stateToString state))
+let exportGraph args =
+  print_endline "digraph reasonerstate {";
+  CM.graphIterCores (fun core -> print_endline (CM.coreToDot core));
+  CM.graphIterStates (fun state -> print_endline (CM.stateToDot state));
+  print_endline "}"
 let showNode = function
     | (n::_) ->
         let n = int_of_string n in
@@ -101,11 +107,10 @@ let _ =
         Repl.bind "status" (fun _ -> printStatus ()) "Prints reasoning status" "";
         Repl.bind "lscores" listCores "Lists all cores" "";
         Repl.bind "lsstates" listStates "Lists all states" "";
+        Repl.bind "graphviz" exportGraph "Graphviz source of reasoner state" "";
         Repl.bind "node" showNode "shows details of a node" "usage: node n";
     Repl.start session
diff --git a/src/lib/CoAlgFormula.ml b/src/lib/CoAlgFormula.ml
index 371895edc5dcd334811544fdd3117a0cd9a5b8c0..dcc1856aff5bb0cf56a3d25744fec5ba666f0846 100644
--- a/src/lib/CoAlgFormula.ml
+++ b/src/lib/CoAlgFormula.ml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module Str = String
 (** A general exception for all kinds of errors
     that can happen in the tableau procedure.
-    More specific information is given in the argument. 
+    More specific information is given in the argument.
 exception CoAlgException of string
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ type formula =
   | MORETHAN of int * string * formula (* diamond of GML *)
   | MAXEXCEPT of int * string * formula (* box of GML *)
   | ATLEASTPROB of rational * formula (* = {>= 0.5} C  ---> C occurs with *)
-                                      (*  probability of at least 50% *) 
+                                      (*  probability of at least 50% *)
   | LESSPROBFAIL of rational * formula (* = [1/2] C = {< 1/2} ¬ C ---> C fails with *)
                                         (* probability of less than 50% *)
   | CONST of string  (* constant functor with value string *)
@@ -58,6 +58,19 @@ type formula =
   | NORMN of formula * formula (* \neg NORM (\neg A, \neg B) *)
   | CHC of formula * formula (* Choice is self-dual *)
   | FUS of bool * formula
+  | MU of string * formula
+  | NU of string * formula
+  | VAR of string
+  | AF of formula
+  | EF of formula
+  | AG of formula
+  | EG of formula
+  | AU of formula * formula
+  | EU of formula * formula
+  | AR of formula * formula
+  | ER of formula * formula
+  | AB of formula * formula
+  | EB of formula * formula
 exception ConversionException of formula
@@ -80,14 +93,14 @@ let isNominal s = String.contains s '\''
 let rec sizeFormula f =
   match f with
-  | TRUE 
-  | FALSE 
+  | TRUE
+  | FALSE
   | AP _ -> 1
   | NOT f1
   | AT (_, f1) -> succ (sizeFormula f1)
-  | OR (f1, f2)  
+  | OR (f1, f2)
   | AND (f1, f2)
-  | EQU (f1, f2) 
+  | EQU (f1, f2)
   | IMP (f1, f2) -> succ (sizeFormula f1 + sizeFormula f2)
   | EX (_, f1)
   | AX (_, f1)
@@ -106,6 +119,15 @@ let rec sizeFormula f =
   | CONSTN _ -> 1
   | CHC (f1, f2) -> succ (sizeFormula f1 + sizeFormula f2)
   | FUS (_, f1) -> succ (sizeFormula f1)
+  | MU (_, f1)
+  | NU (_, f1) -> succ (succ (sizeFormula f1))
+  | VAR _ -> 1
+  | AF _ | EF _
+  | AG _ | EG _
+  | AU _ | EU _
+  | AR _ | ER _
+  | AB _ | EB _ ->
+            raise (CoAlgException ("sizeFormula: CTL should have been removed at this point"))
 (** Determines the size of a sorted formula.
     @param f A sorted formula.
@@ -120,7 +142,7 @@ let rec iter func formula =
     func formula;
     let proc = iter func in (* proc = "process" *)
     match formula with
-    | TRUE | FALSE | AP _ -> ()
+    | TRUE | FALSE | AP _ | VAR _ -> ()
     | CONST _
     | CONSTN _ -> ()
     | NOT a | AT (_,a)
@@ -135,38 +157,56 @@ let rec iter func formula =
     | NORM(a, b) | NORMN(a, b) -> (proc a; proc b)
     | CHC (a,b)  -> (proc a ; proc b)
     | FUS (_,a) -> proc a
+    | MU (_, f) | NU (_, f) -> proc f
+    | AF f | EF f | AG f | EG f -> proc f
+    | AU (f1, f2) | EU (f1, f2)
+    | AR (f1, f2) | ER (f1, f2)
+    | AB (f1, f2) | EB (f1, f2) -> (proc f1; proc f2)
 let rec convert_post func formula = (* run over all subformulas in post order *)
   let c = convert_post func in (* some shorthand *)
   (* replace parts of the formula *)
   let formula = (match formula with
-  (* 0-ary constructors *)
-  | TRUE | FALSE | AP _ -> formula
-  | CONST _
-  | CONSTN _ -> formula
-  (* unary *)
-  | NOT a -> NOT (c a)
-  | AT (s,a) -> AT (s,c a)
-  (* binary *)
-  | OR (a,b) -> OR (c a, c b)
-  | AND (a,b) -> AND (c a, c b)
-  | EQU (a,b) -> EQU (c a, c b)
-  | IMP (a,b) -> IMP (c a, c b)
-  | EX (s,a) -> EX (s,c a)
-  | AX (s,a) -> AX (s,c a)
-  | ENFORCES (s,a) -> ENFORCES (s,c a)
-  | ALLOWS   (s,a) -> ALLOWS   (s,c a)
-  | MIN (n,s,a) -> MIN (n,s,c a)
-  | MAX (n,s,a) -> MAX (n,s,c a)
-  | ATLEASTPROB (p,a) -> ATLEASTPROB (p, c a)
-  | LESSPROBFAIL (p,a) -> LESSPROBFAIL (p, c a)
-  | MORETHAN (n,s,a) -> MORETHAN (n,s,c a)
-  | MAXEXCEPT (n,s,a) -> MAXEXCEPT (n,s,c a)
-  | ID(a) -> ID (c a)
-  | NORM(a, b) -> NORM(c a, c b)
-  | NORMN(a, b) -> NORMN(c a, c b)
-  | CHC (a,b) -> CHC (c a, c b)
-  | FUS (s,a) -> FUS (s, c a)) in
+    (* 0-ary constructors *)
+    | TRUE | FALSE | AP _ | VAR _ -> formula
+    | CONST _
+    | CONSTN _ -> formula
+    (* unary *)
+    | NOT a -> NOT (c a)
+    | AT (s,a) -> AT (s,c a)
+    (* binary *)
+    | OR (a,b) -> OR (c a, c b)
+    | AND (a,b) -> AND (c a, c b)
+    | EQU (a,b) -> EQU (c a, c b)
+    | IMP (a,b) -> IMP (c a, c b)
+    | EX (s,a) -> EX (s,c a)
+    | AX (s,a) -> AX (s,c a)
+    | ENFORCES (s,a) -> ENFORCES (s,c a)
+    | ALLOWS   (s,a) -> ALLOWS   (s,c a)
+    | MIN (n,s,a) -> MIN (n,s,c a)
+    | MAX (n,s,a) -> MAX (n,s,c a)
+    | ATLEASTPROB (p,a) -> ATLEASTPROB (p, c a)
+    | LESSPROBFAIL (p,a) -> LESSPROBFAIL (p, c a)
+    | MORETHAN (n,s,a) -> MORETHAN (n,s,c a)
+    | MAXEXCEPT (n,s,a) -> MAXEXCEPT (n,s,c a)
+    | ID(a) -> ID (c a)
+    | NORM(a, b) -> NORM(c a, c b)
+    | NORMN(a, b) -> NORMN(c a, c b)
+    | CHC (a,b) -> CHC (c a, c b)
+    | FUS (s,a) -> FUS (s, c a)
+    | MU (n, f1) -> MU (n, c f1)
+    | NU (n, f1) -> NU (n, c f1)
+    | AF f1 -> AF (c f1)
+    | EF f1 -> EF (c f1)
+    | AG f1 -> AG (c f1)
+    | EG f1 -> EG (c f1)
+    | AU (f1, f2) -> AU (c f1, c f2)
+    | EU (f1, f2) -> EU (c f1, c f2)
+    | AR (f1, f2) -> AR (c f1, c f2)
+    | ER (f1, f2) -> ER (c f1, c f2)
+    | AB (f1, f2) -> AB (c f1, c f2)
+    | EB (f1, f2) -> EB (c f1, c f2))
+  in
   func formula
 let convertToK formula = (* tries to convert a formula to a pure K formula *)
@@ -200,6 +240,36 @@ let convertToGML formula = (* tries to convert a formula to a pure GML formula *
   convert_post helper formula
+let gensym = Stream.from (fun i -> Some (Printf.sprintf "#gensym%x#" i))
+let convertToMu formula =
+  let name = Stream.next gensym in
+  let helper formula =
+    match formula with
+    | AF f1 ->
+       MU (name, (OR (f1, (AX ("", (VAR name))))))
+    | EF f1 ->
+       MU (name, (OR (f1, (EX ("", (VAR name))))))
+    | AG f1 ->
+       NU (name, (AND (f1, (AX ("", (VAR name))))))
+    | EG f1 ->
+       NU (name, (AND (f1, (EX ("", (VAR name))))))
+    | AU (f1, f2) ->
+       MU (name, (OR (f2, (AND (f1, (AX ("", (VAR name))))))))
+    | EU (f1, f2) ->
+       MU (name, (OR (f2, (AND (f1, (EX ("", (VAR name))))))))
+    | AR (f1, f2) ->
+       NU (name, (AND (f2, (OR (f1, (AX ("", (VAR name))))))))
+    | ER (f1, f2) ->
+       NU (name, (AND (f2, (OR (f1, (EX ("", (VAR name))))))))
+    | AB (f1, f2) ->
+       NOT (MU (name, (OR (f2, (AND ((NOT f1), (EX ("", (VAR name)))))))))
+    | EB (f1, f2) ->
+       NOT (MU (name, (OR (f2, (AND ((NOT f1), (AX ("", (VAR name)))))))))
+    | _ -> formula
+  in
+  convert_post helper formula
 (** Appends a string representation of a formula to a string buffer.
     Parentheses are ommited where possible
     where the preference rules are defined as usual.
@@ -214,7 +284,7 @@ let rec exportFormula_buffer sb f =
   let prio n lf =
     let prionr = function
       | EQU _ -> 0
-      | IMP _  -> 1 
+      | IMP _  -> 1
       | OR _ -> 2
       | AND _ -> 3
       | _ -> 4
@@ -348,6 +418,67 @@ let rec exportFormula_buffer sb f =
   | FUS (first, f1) ->
       Buffer.add_string sb (if first then "[pi1]" else "[pi2]");
       prio 4 f1
+  | MU (s, f1) ->
+      Buffer.add_string sb "μ";
+      Buffer.add_string sb s;
+      Buffer.add_string sb ".";
+      prio 4 f1
+  | NU (s, f1) ->
+      Buffer.add_string sb "ν";
+      Buffer.add_string sb s;
+      Buffer.add_string sb ".";
+      prio 4 f1
+  | VAR s ->
+     Buffer.add_string sb s
+  | AF f1 ->
+     Buffer.add_string sb "AF ";
+     prio 4 f1
+  | EF f1 ->
+     Buffer.add_string sb "EF ";
+     prio 4 f1
+  | AG f1 ->
+     Buffer.add_string sb "AG ";
+     prio 4 f1
+  | EG f1 ->
+     Buffer.add_string sb "EG ";
+     prio 4 f1
+  | AU (f1, f2) ->
+     Buffer.add_string sb "A (";
+     prio 4 f1;
+     Buffer.add_string sb " U ";
+     prio 4 f2;
+     Buffer.add_string sb ")"
+  | EU (f1, f2) ->
+     Buffer.add_string sb "E (";
+     prio 4 f1;
+     Buffer.add_string sb " U ";
+     prio 4 f2;
+     Buffer.add_string sb ")"
+  | AR (f1, f2) ->
+     Buffer.add_string sb "A (";
+     prio 4 f1;
+     Buffer.add_string sb " R ";
+     prio 4 f2;
+     Buffer.add_string sb ")"
+  | ER (f1, f2) ->
+     Buffer.add_string sb "E (";
+     prio 4 f1;
+     Buffer.add_string sb " R ";
+     prio 4 f2;
+     Buffer.add_string sb ")"
+  | AB (f1, f2) ->
+     Buffer.add_string sb "A (";
+     prio 4 f1;
+     Buffer.add_string sb " B ";
+     prio 4 f2;
+     Buffer.add_string sb ")"
+  | EB (f1, f2) ->
+     Buffer.add_string sb "E (";
+     prio 4 f1;
+     Buffer.add_string sb " B ";
+     prio 4 f2;
+     Buffer.add_string sb ")"
 (** Converts a formula into a string representation.
     Parentheses are ommited where possible
@@ -367,7 +498,7 @@ let rec exportTatlFormula_buffer sb f =
   let prio n lf =
     let prionr = function
       | EQU _ -> 0
-      | IMP _  -> 1 
+      | IMP _  -> 1
       | OR _ -> 2
       | AND _ -> 3
       | _ -> 4
@@ -433,7 +564,20 @@ let rec exportTatlFormula_buffer sb f =
   | ID _
   | NORM _
   | NORMN _
-  | FUS _ -> raise (CoAlgException ("export to tatl: Not connectives of CL"))
+  | FUS _
+  | MU _
+  | NU _
+  | VAR _
+  | AF _
+  | EF _
+  | AG _
+  | EG _
+  | AU _
+  | EU _
+  | AR _
+  | ER _
+  | AB _
+  | EB _ -> raise (CoAlgException ("export to tatl: Not connectives of CL"))
 let exportTatlFormula f =
   let sb = Buffer.create 128 in
@@ -505,26 +649,166 @@ let exportQueryParsable tbox (_,f) =
 (* NB: True and False are the propositional constants. Lower case
    true/false are regardes as atomic propositions and we emit a warning
-let lexer = A.make_lexer 
+let lexer = A.make_lexer
-    ;"[{";"}]";"<{";"}>";",";"/";"{<";"=";"=o";"O"
-    ] 
+     ;"[{";"}]";"<{";"}>";",";"/";"{<";"=";"=o";"O"
+     ;"μ";"ν";"."
+     ;"AX";"EX";"AF";"EF";"AG";"EG";"A";"E";"U";"R";"B"
+    ]
 let mk_exn s = CoAlgException s
+(** Process from inside out. cons all variables seen, remove them when
+    binding fixpoint is found. Fixpoint type may only change if last
+    (inner) fixpoint didn't include any free variables.
+ *)
+let rec verifyMuAltFree formula =
+  let proc = verifyMuAltFree in
+  match formula with
+  | TRUE | FALSE | AP _ -> ("none", [])
+  | CONST _
+  | CONSTN _ -> ("none", [])
+  | AT (_,a) | NOT a
+  | EX (_,a) | AX (_,a) -> proc a
+  | OR (a,b) | AND (a,b)
+  | EQU (a,b) | IMP (a,b) ->
+     let (atype, afree) = proc a
+     and (btype, bfree) = proc b in
+     if (compare atype "μ" == 0 && compare btype "ν" == 0) ||
+          (compare atype "ν" == 0 && compare btype "μ" == 0) then
+       raise (CoAlgException ("formula not alternation-free"));
+     if compare atype "none" == 0 then
+       (btype, List.flatten [afree; bfree])
+     else
+       (atype, List.flatten [afree; bfree])
+  | ENFORCES (_,a) | ALLOWS   (_,a)
+  | MIN (_,_,a)    | MAX (_,_,a)
+  | MORETHAN (_,_,a) | MAXEXCEPT (_,_,a) -> proc a
+  | ID(a) -> proc a
+  | NORM(a, b) | NORMN(a, b)
+  | CHC (a,b)  ->
+     let (atype, afree) = proc a
+     and (btype, bfree) = proc b in
+     if (compare atype "μ" == 0 && compare btype "ν" == 0) ||
+          (compare atype "ν" == 0 && compare btype "μ" == 0) then
+       raise (CoAlgException ("formula not alternation-free"));
+     if compare atype "none" == 0 then
+       (btype, List.flatten [afree; bfree])
+     else
+       (atype, List.flatten [afree; bfree])
+  | FUS (_,a) -> proc a
+  | MU (s, f) ->
+     let (fptype, free) = proc f in
+     (if (compare fptype "ν" == 0) then
+        raise (CoAlgException ("formula not alternation-free")));
+     let predicate x = compare x s != 0 in
+     let newfree = List.filter predicate free in
+     if newfree = [] then
+       ("none", [])
+     else
+       ("μ", newfree)
+  | NU (s, f) ->
+     let (fptype, free) = proc f in
+     (if (compare fptype "μ" == 0) then
+        raise (CoAlgException ("formula not alternation-free")));
+     let predicate x = compare x s != 0 in
+     let newfree = List.filter predicate free in
+     if newfree = [] then
+       ("none", [])
+     else
+       ("ν", newfree)
+  | VAR s -> ("none", [s])
+  | AF _  | EF _ | AG _ | EG _ | AU _ | EU _ | AR _ | ER _ | AB _ | EB _ ->
+     raise (CoAlgException ("verifyMuAltFree: CTL should have been removed at this point"))
+(** Process from outside in. For every variable bound keep the tuple
+    (name, negations). For every negation crossed map a +1 over snd on
+    that list. For every variable met check that the matching
+    negations is even.
+ *)
+let rec verifyMuMonotone negations formula =
+  let proc = verifyMuMonotone negations in
+  match formula with
+  | TRUE | FALSE | AP _ -> ()
+  | CONST _
+  | CONSTN _ -> ()
+  | AT (_,a)
+  | EX (_,a) | AX (_,a) -> proc a
+  | OR (a,b) | AND (a,b)
+  | EQU (a,b) | IMP (a,b) -> (proc a ; proc b)
+  | ENFORCES (_,a) | ALLOWS   (_,a)
+  | MIN (_,_,a)    | MAX (_,_,a)
+  | MORETHAN (_,_,a) | MAXEXCEPT (_,_,a) -> proc a
+  | ID(a) -> proc a
+  | NORM(a, b) | NORMN(a, b) -> (proc a; proc b)
+  | CHC (a,b)  -> (proc a ; proc b)
+  | FUS (_,a) -> proc a
+  | MU (s, f)
+  | NU (s, f) ->
+     let newNeg = (s, 0) :: negations in
+     verifyMuMonotone newNeg f
+  | VAR s ->
+     let finder (x, _) = compare x s == 0 in
+     let (_, neg) = List.find finder negations in
+     if ((neg land 1) != 0) then raise (CoAlgException ("formula not monotone"))
+  | NOT a ->
+     let increment (s, n) = (s, n+1) in
+     let newNeg = List.map increment negations in
+     verifyMuMonotone newNeg a
+  | AF _  | EF _ | AG _ | EG _ | AU _ | EU _ | AR _ | ER _ | AB _ | EB _ ->
+     raise (CoAlgException ("verifyMuMonotone: CTL should have been removed at this point"))
+let rec verifyMuGuarded unguarded formula =
+  let proc = verifyMuGuarded unguarded in
+  match formula with
+  | TRUE | FALSE | AP _ -> ()
+  | CONST _
+  | CONSTN _ -> ()
+  | AT (_,a) | NOT a -> proc a
+  | EX (_,a) | AX (_,a) -> verifyMuGuarded [] a
+  | OR (a,b) | AND (a,b)
+  | EQU (a,b) | IMP (a,b) -> (proc a ; proc b)
+  | ENFORCES (_,a) | ALLOWS   (_,a)
+  | MIN (_,_,a)    | MAX (_,_,a)
+  | MORETHAN (_,_,a) | MAXEXCEPT (_,_,a) -> verifyMuGuarded [] a
+  | ID(a) -> verifyMuGuarded [] a
+  | NORM(a, b) | NORMN(a, b) -> (proc a; proc b)
+  | CHC (a,b)  -> (proc a ; proc b)
+  | FUS (_,a) -> proc a
+  | MU (s, f)
+  | NU (s, f) ->
+     let newUnguard = s :: unguarded in
+     verifyMuGuarded newUnguard f
+  | VAR s ->
+     let finder x = compare x s == 0 in
+     if List.exists finder unguarded then
+       raise (CoAlgException ("formula not guarded"))
+  | AF _  | EF _ | AG _ | EG _ | AU _ | EU _ | AR _ | ER _ | AB _ | EB _ ->
+     raise (CoAlgException ("verifyMuGuarded: CTL should have been removed at this point"))
+let verifyFormula formula =
+  verifyMuAltFree formula;
+  verifyMuMonotone [] formula;
+  verifyMuGuarded [] formula
 (** These functions parse a token stream to obtain a formula.
     It is a standard recursive descent procedure.
     @param ts A token stream.
     @return The resulting (sub-)formula.
     @raise CoAlgException if ts does not represent a formula.
-let rec parse_formula ts =
-  let f1 = parse_imp ts in
+let rec parse_formula (symtab: 'a list) ts =
+  let formula = (parse_imp symtab ts) in
+  let f1 = convertToMu formula in
   match Stream.peek ts with
   | None -> f1
   | Some (A.Kwd "<=>") ->
       Stream.junk ts;
-      let f2 = parse_formula ts in
+      let f2 = parse_formula symtab ts in
       EQU (f1, f2)
   | _ -> f1
@@ -534,13 +818,13 @@ let rec parse_formula ts =
     @return The resulting (sub-)formula.
     @raise CoAlgException if ts does not represent a formula.
-and parse_imp ts =
-  let f1 = parse_or ts in
+and parse_imp symtab ts=
+  let f1 = parse_or symtab ts in
   match Stream.peek ts with
   | None -> f1
   | Some (A.Kwd "=>") ->
       Stream.junk ts;
-      let f2 = parse_imp ts in
+      let f2 = parse_imp symtab ts in
       IMP (f1, f2)
   | _ -> f1
@@ -550,13 +834,13 @@ and parse_imp ts =
     @return The resulting (sub-)formula.
     @raise CoAlgException if ts does not represent a formula.
-and parse_or ts =
-  let f1 = parse_and ts in
+and parse_or symtab ts =
+  let f1 = parse_and symtab ts in
   match Stream.peek ts with
   | None -> f1
   | Some (A.Kwd "|") ->
       Stream.junk ts;
-      let f2 = parse_or ts in
+      let f2 = parse_or symtab ts in
       OR (f1, f2)
   | _ -> f1
@@ -566,13 +850,13 @@ and parse_or ts =
     @return The resulting (sub-)formula.
     @raise CoAlgException if ts does not represent a formula.
-and parse_and ts =
-  let f1 = parse_cimp ts in
+and parse_and symtab ts =
+  let f1 = parse_cimp symtab ts in
   match Stream.peek ts with
   | None -> f1
   | Some (A.Kwd "&") ->
       Stream.junk ts;
-      let f2 = parse_and ts in
+      let f2 = parse_and symtab ts in
       AND (f1, f2)
   | _ -> f1
@@ -582,13 +866,13 @@ and parse_and ts =
     @return The resulting (sub-)formula.
     @raise CoAlgException if ts does not represent a formula.
-and parse_cimp ts =
-  let f1 = parse_rest ts in
+and parse_cimp symtab ts =
+  let f1 = parse_rest symtab ts in
   match Stream.peek ts with
   | None -> f1
   | Some (A.Kwd "=o") ->
       Stream.junk ts;
-      let f2 = parse_cimp ts in
+      let f2 = parse_cimp symtab ts in
       NORM (f1, f2)
   | _ -> f1
@@ -598,7 +882,7 @@ and parse_cimp ts =
     @return The resulting (sub-)formula.
     @raise CoAlgException if ts does not represent a formula.
-and parse_rest ts =
+and parse_rest symtab ts =
   let boxinternals noNo es =
     let n =
       if noNo then 0
@@ -652,9 +936,14 @@ and parse_rest ts =
     AP "false"
   | A.Kwd "True" -> TRUE
   | A.Kwd "False" -> FALSE
-  | A.Ident s -> AP s
+  | A.Ident s ->
+      (try
+          let finder (x, _) = compare x s == 0 in
+          let (_, symbol) = List.find finder symtab in
+          VAR symbol
+        with Not_found -> AP s)
   | A.Kwd "~" ->
-      let f = parse_rest ts in
+      let f = parse_rest symtab ts in
       NOT f
   | A.Kwd "@" ->
       let s =
@@ -662,39 +951,39 @@ and parse_rest ts =
         | A.Ident s when isNominal s -> s
         | t -> A.printError mk_exn ~t ~ts ("nominal expected: ")
-      let f = parse_rest ts in
+      let f = parse_rest symtab ts in
       AT (s, f)
-  | A.Kwd "<" -> 
+  | A.Kwd "<" ->
       let (_, _, s) = boxinternals true ">" in
-      let f1 = parse_rest ts in
-      EX (s, f1) 
-  | A.Kwd "[" -> 
+      let f1 = parse_rest symtab ts in
+      EX (s, f1)
+  | A.Kwd "[" ->
       let (_, _, s) = boxinternals true "]" in
-      let f1 = parse_rest ts in
+      let f1 = parse_rest symtab ts in
       AX (s, f1)
-  | A.Kwd "[{" -> 
+  | A.Kwd "[{" ->
       let ls = agentlist "}]" in
-      let f1 = parse_rest ts in
+      let f1 = parse_rest symtab ts in
       ENFORCES (ls, f1)
-  | A.Kwd "<{" -> 
+  | A.Kwd "<{" ->
       let ls = agentlist "}>" in
-      let f1 = parse_rest ts in
+      let f1 = parse_rest symtab ts in
       ALLOWS (ls, f1)
-  | A.Kwd "{>=" -> 
+  | A.Kwd "{>=" ->
       let (n, denom, s) = boxinternals false "}" in
-      let f1 = parse_rest ts in
+      let f1 = parse_rest symtab ts in
       if (denom <> 0)
       then ATLEASTPROB (rational_of_int n denom, f1)
       else MIN (n, s, f1)
-  | A.Kwd "{<=" -> 
+  | A.Kwd "{<=" ->
       let (n, denom, s) = boxinternals false "}" in
-      let f1 = parse_rest ts in
+      let f1 = parse_rest symtab ts in
       if (denom <> 0)
       then A.printError mk_exn ~ts "Can not express {<= probability}"
       else MAX (n, s, f1)
-  | A.Kwd "{<" -> 
+  | A.Kwd "{<" ->
       let (n, denom, s) = boxinternals false "}" in
-      let f1 = parse_rest ts in
+      let f1 = parse_rest symtab ts in
       if (denom <> 0)
       then LESSPROBFAIL (rational_of_int n denom, NOT f1)
       else A.printError mk_exn ~ts "The \"Less than\" < is not implemented yet"
@@ -706,11 +995,11 @@ and parse_rest ts =
           | _ -> A.printError mk_exn ~ts "constant = expects an identifier afterwards"
   | A.Kwd "(" -> begin
-      let f = parse_formula ts in
+      let f = parse_formula symtab ts in
       match Stream.next ts with
       | A.Kwd ")" -> f
       | A.Kwd "+" -> begin
-          let f2 = parse_formula ts in
+          let f2 = parse_formula symtab ts in
           match Stream.next ts with
           | A.Kwd ")" -> CHC (f, f2)
           | t -> A.printError mk_exn ~t ~ts "\")\" expected: "
@@ -718,25 +1007,91 @@ and parse_rest ts =
       | t -> A.printError mk_exn ~t ~ts "\")\" or \"+\" expected: "
   | A.Kwd "O" ->
-    let f = parse_rest ts in
+    let f = parse_rest symtab ts in
       ID f
   | A.Kwd "[pi1]" ->
-      let f = parse_rest ts in
+      let f = parse_rest symtab ts in
       FUS (true, f)
   | A.Kwd "[pi2]" ->
-      let f = parse_rest ts in
+      let f = parse_rest symtab ts in
       FUS (false, f)
-  | t -> A.printError mk_exn ~t ~ts 
+  | A.Kwd "μ" ->
+      let (_, _, s) = boxinternals true "." in
+      let symbol = Stream.next gensym in
+      let newtab = (s, symbol) :: symtab in
+      let f1 = parse_rest newtab ts in
+      MU (symbol, f1)
+  | A.Kwd "ν" ->
+      let (_, _, s) = boxinternals true "." in
+      let symbol = Stream.next gensym in
+      let newtab = (s, symbol) :: symtab in
+      let f1 = parse_rest newtab ts in
+      NU (symbol, f1)
+  | A.Kwd "AF" ->
+      let f = parse_rest symtab ts in
+      AF f
+  | A.Kwd "EF" ->
+      let f = parse_rest symtab ts in
+      EF f
+  | A.Kwd "AG" ->
+      let f = parse_rest symtab ts in
+      AG f
+  | A.Kwd "EG" ->
+      let f = parse_rest symtab ts in
+      EG f
+  | A.Kwd "A" ->
+     assert (Stream.next ts = A.Kwd "(");
+     let f1 = parse_formula symtab ts in begin
+       match Stream.next ts with
+       | A.Kwd "U" ->
+         let f2 = parse_formula symtab ts in
+         assert (Stream.next ts = A.Kwd ")");
+         AU (f1, f2)
+       | A.Kwd "R" ->
+         let f2 = parse_formula symtab ts in
+         assert (Stream.next ts = A.Kwd ")");
+         AR (f1, f2)
+       | A.Kwd "B" ->
+         let f2 = parse_formula symtab ts in
+         assert (Stream.next ts = A.Kwd ")");
+         AB (f1, f2)
+       | t -> A.printError mk_exn ~t ~ts "one of \"U\" \"R\" \"B\" expected: "
+     end
+  | A.Kwd "E" ->
+     assert (Stream.next ts = A.Kwd "(");
+     let f1 = parse_formula symtab ts in begin
+       match Stream.next ts with
+       | A.Kwd "U" ->
+         let f2 = parse_formula symtab ts in
+         assert (Stream.next ts = A.Kwd ")");
+         EU (f1, f2)
+       | A.Kwd "R" ->
+         let f2 = parse_formula symtab ts in
+         assert (Stream.next ts = A.Kwd ")");
+         ER (f1, f2)
+       | A.Kwd "B" ->
+         let f2 = parse_formula symtab ts in
+         assert (Stream.next ts = A.Kwd ")");
+         EB (f1, f2)
+       | t -> A.printError mk_exn ~t ~ts "one of \"U\" \"R\" \"B\" expected: "
+     end
+  | A.Kwd "AX" ->
+     let f1 = parse_rest symtab ts in
+     AX ("", f1)
+  | A.Kwd "EX" ->
+     let f1 = parse_rest symtab ts in
+     EX ("", f1)
+  | t -> A.printError mk_exn ~t ~ts
       "\"<\", \"[\", \"{>=\", \"{<=\", \"@\", \"~\", \"(\",
       \"True\", \"False\", \"=\", \"=o\", \"O\" or <ident> expected: "
 (** Parses a sorted formula.
     @param ts A token stream.
     @return A sorted formula.
     @raise CoAlgException If ts does not represent a sorted formula.
 let parse_sortedFormula ts =
-  let nr = 
+  let nr =
     match Stream.peek ts with
     | Some (A.Int n) ->
         if n >= 0 then begin
@@ -749,9 +1104,9 @@ let parse_sortedFormula ts =
         end else
           A.printError mk_exn ~ts ("<non-negative number> expected: ")
-    | _ -> 0 
+    | _ -> 0
-  let f = parse_formula ts in
+  let f = parse_formula [] ts in
   (nr, f)
 (** Parses a list of sorted formulae separated by ";".
@@ -791,7 +1146,7 @@ let importWrapper fkt s =
     @return The resulting formula.
     @raise CoAlgException if s does not represent a formula.
-let importFormula s = importWrapper parse_formula s
+let importFormula s = importWrapper (parse_formula []) s
 (** Parses a string to obtain a sorted formula.
     @param s A string representing a sorted formula.
@@ -821,7 +1176,7 @@ let importQuery s =
             Stream.junk ts;
             let f = parse_sortedFormula ts in
             (fl, f)
-        | _ -> 
+        | _ ->
             if List.length fl = 1 then ([], List.hd fl)
             else A.printError mk_exn ~ts "\"|-\" expected: "
@@ -840,6 +1195,7 @@ let rec nnfNeg f =
   | TRUE -> FALSE
   | FALSE -> TRUE
   | AP _ -> NOT f
+  | VAR _ -> f
   | NOT f1 -> nnf f1
   | AT (s, f1) -> AT (s, nnfNeg f1)
   | OR (f1, f2) -> AND (nnfNeg f1, nnfNeg f2)
@@ -861,9 +1217,16 @@ let rec nnfNeg f =
   | ID (f1) -> ID (nnfNeg f1)
   | NORM(f1, f2) -> NORMN(nnfNeg f1, nnfNeg f2)
   | NORMN(f1, f2) -> NORM (nnfNeg f1, nnfNeg f2)
-  | CHC (f1, f2) -> CHC (nnfNeg f1, nnfNeg f2)  
+  | CHC (f1, f2) -> CHC (nnfNeg f1, nnfNeg f2)
   | FUS (first, f1) -> FUS (first, nnfNeg f1)
+  | MU (s, f1) -> NU(s, nnfNeg f1)
+  | NU (s, f1) -> MU(s, nnfNeg f1)
+  | AF _ | EF _
+  | AG _ | EG _
+  | AU _ | EU _
+  | AR _ | ER _
+  | AB _ | EB _ -> raise (CoAlgException ("nnfNeg: CTL should have been removed at this point"))
 (** Converts a formula to negation normal form
     by "pushing in" the negations "~".
     The symbols "<=>" and "=>" are substituted by their usual definitions.
@@ -878,7 +1241,8 @@ and nnf f =
   | AP _
   | NOT (AP _)
   | CONST _
-  | CONSTN _ -> f
+  | CONSTN _
+  | VAR _ -> f
   | NOT f1 -> nnfNeg f1
   | AT (s, f1) ->
       let ft1 = nnf f1 in
@@ -893,13 +1257,13 @@ and nnf f =
       if ft1 == f1 && ft2 == f2 then f else AND (ft1, ft2)
   | EQU (f1, f2) -> AND (OR (nnfNeg f1, nnf f2), OR (nnfNeg f2, nnf f1))
   | IMP (f1, f2) -> OR (nnfNeg f1, nnf f2)
-  | EX (s, f1) -> 
+  | EX (s, f1) ->
       let ft = nnf f1 in
       if ft == f1 then f else EX (s, ft)
   | AX (s, f1) ->
       let ft = nnf f1 in
       if ft == f1 then f else AX (s, ft)
-  | ENFORCES (s, f1) -> 
+  | ENFORCES (s, f1) ->
       let ft = nnf f1 in
       if ft == f1 then f else ENFORCES (s, ft)
   | ALLOWS (s, f1) ->
@@ -943,7 +1307,18 @@ and nnf f =
   | FUS (first, f1) ->
       let ft = nnf f1 in
       if ft == f1 then f else FUS (first, ft)
+  | MU (s, f1) ->
+      let ft = nnf f1 in
+      if ft == f1 then f else MU (s, ft)
+  | NU (s, f1) ->
+      let ft = nnf f1 in
+      if ft == f1 then f else NU (s, ft)
+  | AF _ | EF _
+  | AG _ | EG _
+  | AU _ | EU _
+  | AR _ | ER _
+  | AB _ | EB _ ->
+            raise (CoAlgException ("nnf: CTL should have been removed at this point"))
 (** Simplifies a formula.
     @param f A formula which must be in negation normal form.
@@ -955,7 +1330,9 @@ let rec simplify f =
   | TRUE
   | FALSE
   | AP _
-  | NOT (AP _) -> f
+  | NOT (AP _)
+  | VAR _
+  | NOT (VAR _) -> f
   | AT (s, f1) ->
       let ft = simplify f1 in
@@ -977,7 +1354,7 @@ let rec simplify f =
         | _, TRUE -> TRUE
         | _, FALSE -> ft1
         | _, _ ->
-            if (f1 == ft1) && (f2 == ft2) then f 
+            if (f1 == ft1) && (f2 == ft2) then f
             else OR (ft1, ft2)
   | AND (f1, f2) ->
@@ -990,7 +1367,7 @@ let rec simplify f =
         | _, TRUE -> ft1
         | _, FALSE -> FALSE
         | _, _ ->
-            if (f1 == ft1) && (f2 == ft2) then f 
+            if (f1 == ft1) && (f2 == ft2) then f
             else AND (ft1, ft2)
   | NOT _
@@ -1082,7 +1459,7 @@ let rec simplify f =
         match ft2 with
           | TRUE -> TRUE
           | _ ->
-            if (f1 == ft1) && (f2 == ft2) then f 
+            if (f1 == ft1) && (f2 == ft2) then f
             else NORM (ft1, ft2)
   | NORMN (f1, f2) ->
@@ -1092,7 +1469,7 @@ let rec simplify f =
         match ft2 with
           | FALSE -> FALSE
           | _ ->
-            if (f1 == ft1) && (f2 == ft2) then f 
+            if (f1 == ft1) && (f2 == ft2) then f
             else NORMN (ft1, ft2)
   | CHC (f1, f2) ->
@@ -1103,7 +1480,7 @@ let rec simplify f =
         | TRUE, TRUE -> TRUE
         | FALSE, FALSE -> FALSE
         | _, _ ->
-            if (f1 == ft1) && (f2 == ft2) then f 
+            if (f1 == ft1) && (f2 == ft2) then f
             else CHC (ft1, ft2)
   | FUS (first, f1) ->
@@ -1114,7 +1491,26 @@ let rec simplify f =
         | TRUE -> TRUE
         | _ -> if ft == f1 then f else FUS (first, ft)
+  | MU (s, f1) ->
+      let ft = simplify f1 in
+      begin
+        match ft with
+        | TRUE -> TRUE
+        | _ -> if ft == f1 then f else MU (s, ft)
+      end
+  | NU (s, f1) ->
+      let ft = simplify f1 in
+      begin
+        match ft with
+        | TRUE -> TRUE
+        | _ -> if ft == f1 then f else NU (s, ft)
+      end
+  | AF _ | EF _
+  | AG _ | EG _
+  | AU _ | EU _
+  | AR _ | ER _
+  | AB _ | EB _ ->
+            raise (CoAlgException ("nnf: CTL should have been removed at this point"))
 (** Destructs an atomic proposition.
     @param f An atomic proposition.
@@ -1405,7 +1801,7 @@ let is_fusion f =
   | FUS _ -> true
   | _ -> false
 (** The constant True.
 let const_true = TRUE
@@ -1413,7 +1809,7 @@ let const_true = TRUE
 (** The constant False.
 let const_false = FALSE
 (** Constructs an atomic proposition.
     @param s The name of the atomic proposition.
     @return The atomic proposition with name s.
@@ -1437,7 +1833,7 @@ let const_nom s =
     @return The negation of f.
 let const_not f = NOT f
 (** Constructs an @-formula from a name and a formula.
     @param s A nominal name.
     @param f A formula.
@@ -1456,7 +1852,7 @@ let const_or f1 f2 = OR (f1, f2)
     @param f1 The first formula (LHS).
     @param f2 The second formula (LHS).
     @return The formula f1 & f2.
- *)    
+ *)
 let const_and f1 f2 = AND (f1, f2)
 (** Constructs an equivalence from two formulae.
@@ -1532,6 +1928,9 @@ let const_fusion first f1 = FUS (first, f1)
 (** Hash-consed formulae, which are in negation normal form,
     such that structural and physical equality coincide.
+    Also CTL has been replaced by the equivalent μ-Calculus
+    constructs
 type hcFormula = (hcFormula_node, formula) HC.hash_consed
 and hcFormula_node =
@@ -1557,6 +1956,9 @@ and hcFormula_node =
   | HCNORMN of hcFormula * hcFormula
   | HCCHC of hcFormula * hcFormula
   | HCFUS of bool * hcFormula
+  | HCMU of string * hcFormula
+  | HCNU of string * hcFormula
+  | HCVAR of string
 (** Determines whether two formula nodes are structurally equal.
     @param f1 The first formula node.
@@ -1580,7 +1982,7 @@ let equal_hcFormula_node f1 f2 =
   | HCALLOWS (s1, f1), HCALLOWS (s2, f2) -> compare s1 s2 = 0 && f1 == f2
   | HCMORETHAN (n1, s1, f1), HCMORETHAN (n2, s2, f2)
   | HCMAXEXCEPT (n1, s1, f1), HCMAXEXCEPT (n2, s2, f2) ->
-      n1 = n2 && compare s1 s2 = 0 && f1 == f2 
+      n1 = n2 && compare s1 s2 = 0 && f1 == f2
   | HCATLEASTPROB (p1, f1), HCATLEASTPROB (p2,f2) ->
       p1 = p2 && f1 == f2
@@ -1589,6 +1991,9 @@ let equal_hcFormula_node f1 f2 =
   | HCNORM (f1a, f1b), HCNORMN (f2a, f2b) -> f1a == f2a && f1b == f2b
   | HCCHC (f1a, f1b), HCCHC (f2a, f2b) -> f1a == f2a && f1b == f2b
   | HCFUS (first1, f1), HCFUS (first2, f2) -> first1 = first2 && f1 == f2
+  | HCMU (name1, f1), HCMU(name2, f2) -> compare name1 name2 = 0 && f1 == f2
+  | HCNU (name1, f1), HCNU(name2, f2) -> compare name1 name2 = 0 && f1 == f2
+  | HCVAR name1, HCVAR name2 -> compare name1 name2 = 0
 (* The rest could be shortened to | _ -> false,
    but then the compiler would not warn if the formula type is extended
    and this function is not updated accordingly.*)
@@ -1613,7 +2018,10 @@ let equal_hcFormula_node f1 f2 =
   | HCNORM _, _
   | HCNORMN _, _
   | HCCHC _, _
-  | HCFUS _, _ -> false
+  | HCFUS _, _
+  | HCMU _, _
+  | HCNU _, _
+  | HCVAR _, _ -> false
 (** Computes the hash value of a formula node.
     @param f A formula node.
@@ -1625,7 +2033,8 @@ let hash_hcFormula_node f =
   | HCTRUE -> 0
   | HCFALSE -> 1
   | HCAP s
-  | HCNOT s -> base * Hashtbl.hash s + 1
+  | HCNOT s
+  | HCVAR s -> base * Hashtbl.hash s + 1
   | HCAT (s, f1) -> base * (base * (Hashtbl.hash s) + f1.HC.hkey) + 2
   | HCOR (f1, f2) -> base * (base * f1.HC.hkey + f2.HC.hkey) + 5
   | HCAND (f1, f2) -> base * (base * f1.HC.hkey + f2.HC.hkey) + 6
@@ -1644,6 +2053,8 @@ let hash_hcFormula_node f =
   | HCNORM (f1, f2) -> base * (base * f1.HC.hkey + f2.HC.hkey) + 18
   | HCNORMN (f1, f2) -> base * (base * f1.HC.hkey + f2.HC.hkey) + 19
   | HCID (f1) -> base * f1.HC.hkey + 20
+  | HCMU (s, f1) -> base * (base * (Hashtbl.hash s) + f1.HC.hkey) + 21
+  | HCNU (s, f1) -> base * (base * (Hashtbl.hash s) + f1.HC.hkey) + 22
 (** Determines the "real" formula of a formula node.
     @param f A formula node.
@@ -1654,6 +2065,7 @@ let toFml_hcFormula_node f =
   | HCAP s -> AP s
+  | HCVAR s -> VAR s
   | HCNOT s -> NOT (AP s)
   | HCAT (s, f1) -> AT (s, f1.HC.fml)
   | HCOR (f1, f2) -> OR (f1.HC.fml, f2.HC.fml)
@@ -1673,6 +2085,8 @@ let toFml_hcFormula_node f =
   | HCNORMN (f1, f2) -> NORMN(f1.HC.fml, f2.HC.fml)
   | HCCHC (f1, f2) -> CHC (f1.HC.fml, f2.HC.fml)
   | HCFUS (first, f1) -> FUS (first, f1.HC.fml)
+  | HCMU (var, f1) -> MU (var, f1.HC.fml)
+  | HCNU (var, f1) -> NU (var, f1.HC.fml)
 (** Determines the negation (in negation normal form) of a formula node.
     @param f A formula node.
@@ -1684,6 +2098,7 @@ let negNde_hcFormula_node f =
   | HCAP s -> HCNOT s
   | HCNOT s -> HCAP s
+  | HCVAR s -> f
   | HCAT (s, f1) -> HCAT (s, f1.HC.neg)
   | HCOR (f1, f2) -> HCAND (f1.HC.neg, f2.HC.neg)
   | HCAND (f1, f2) -> HCOR (f1.HC.neg, f2.HC.neg)
@@ -1702,6 +2117,8 @@ let negNde_hcFormula_node f =
   | HCNORMN (f1, f2) -> HCNORM(f1.HC.neg, f2.HC.neg)
   | HCCHC (f1, f2) -> HCCHC (f1.HC.neg, f2.HC.neg)
   | HCFUS (first, f1) -> HCFUS (first, f1.HC.neg)
+  | HCMU (name, f1) -> HCNU (name, f1.HC.neg)
+  | HCNU (name, f1) -> HCMU (name, f1.HC.neg)
 (** An instantiation of hash-consing for formulae.
@@ -1727,6 +2144,7 @@ let rec hc_formula hcF f =
   | TRUE -> HcFormula.hashcons hcF HCTRUE
   | FALSE -> HcFormula.hashcons hcF HCFALSE
   | AP s -> HcFormula.hashcons hcF (HCAP s)
+  | VAR s -> HcFormula.hashcons hcF (HCVAR s)
   | NOT (AP s) -> HcFormula.hashcons hcF (HCNOT s)
   | AT (s, f1) ->
       let tf1 = hc_formula hcF f1 in
@@ -1788,6 +2206,139 @@ let rec hc_formula hcF f =
   | FUS (first, f1) ->
       let tf1 = hc_formula hcF f1 in
       HcFormula.hashcons hcF (HCFUS (first, tf1))
+  | MU (var, f1) ->
+     let tf1 = hc_formula hcF f1 in
+     HcFormula.hashcons hcF (HCMU (var, tf1))
+  | NU (var, f1) ->
+     let tf1 = hc_formula hcF f1 in
+     HcFormula.hashcons hcF (HCNU (var, tf1))
+  | AF _ | EF _
+  | AG _ | EG _
+  | AU _ | EU _
+  | AR _ | ER _
+  | AB _ | EB _ ->
+     raise (CoAlgException ("nnf: CTL should have been removed at this point"))
+(* Replace the Variable name in f with formula formula
+   hc_replace foo φ ψ => ψ[foo |-> φ]
+ *)
+let rec hc_replace hcF name (formula: hcFormula) (f: hcFormula) =
+  let func = hc_replace hcF name formula in
+  let gennew = HcFormula.hashcons hcF in
+  match f.HC.node with
+  | HCAP _
+  | HCNOT _
+  | HCCONST _
+  | HCCONSTN _ -> f
+  | HCVAR s ->
+     if compare s name == 0
+     then formula
+     else f
+  | HCAT (s, f1) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     if nf1 == f1 then f else gennew (HCAT(s, nf1))
+  | HCOR (f1, f2) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     let nf2 = func f2 in
+     if nf1 == f1 && nf2 == f2 then f else gennew (HCOR(nf1, nf2))
+  | HCAND (f1, f2) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     let nf2 = func f2 in
+     if nf1 == f1 && nf2 == f2 then f else gennew (HCAND(nf1, nf2))
+  | HCEX (s, f1) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     if nf1 == f1 then f else gennew (HCEX(s, nf1))
+  | HCAX (s, f1) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     if nf1 == f1 then f else gennew (HCAX(s, nf1))
+  | HCENFORCES (s, f1) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     if nf1 == f1 then f else gennew (HCENFORCES(s, nf1))
+  | HCALLOWS (s, f1) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     if nf1 == f1 then f else gennew (HCALLOWS(s, nf1))
+  | HCMORETHAN  (n, s, f1) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     if nf1 == f1 then f else gennew (HCMORETHAN(n, s, nf1))
+  | HCMAXEXCEPT  (n, s, f1) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     if nf1 == f1 then f else gennew (HCMAXEXCEPT(n, s, nf1))
+  | HCATLEASTPROB (p, f1) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     if nf1 == f1 then f else gennew (HCATLEASTPROB(p, nf1))
+  | HCLESSPROBFAIL (p, f1) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     if nf1 == f1 then f else gennew (HCLESSPROBFAIL(p, nf1))
+  | HCID f1 ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     if nf1 == f1 then f else gennew (HCID(nf1))
+  | HCNORM (f1, f2) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     let nf2 = func f2 in
+     if nf1 == f1 && nf2 == f2 then f else gennew (HCNORM(nf1, nf2))
+  | HCNORMN (f1, f2) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     let nf2 = func f2 in
+     if nf1 == f1 && nf2 == f2 then f else gennew (HCNORMN(nf1, nf2))
+  | HCCHC (f1, f2) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     let nf2 = func f2 in
+     if nf1 == f1 && nf2 == f2 then f else gennew (HCCHC(nf1, nf2))
+  | HCFUS (first, f1) ->
+     let nf1 = func f1 in
+     if nf1 == f1 then f else gennew (HCFUS(first, nf1))
+  | HCMU (var, f1) ->
+     if compare var name != 0 then
+       let nf1 = func f1 in
+       if nf1 == f1 then f else gennew (HCMU(var, nf1))
+     else
+       f
+  | HCNU (var, f1) ->
+     if compare var name != 0 then
+       let nf1 = func f1 in
+       if nf1 == f1 then f else gennew (HCNU(var, nf1))
+     else
+       f
+let rec hc_freeIn variable (f: hcFormula) =
+  match f.HC.node with
+  | HCAP _
+  | HCNOT _
+  | HCCONST _
+  | HCCONSTN _ -> false
+  | HCVAR s ->
+     if compare variable s == 0
+     then true
+     else false
+  | HCAT (s, f1) ->
+     hc_freeIn variable f1
+  | HCOR (f1, f2)
+  | HCAND (f1, f2) ->
+     hc_freeIn variable f1 || hc_freeIn variable f2
+  | HCEX (_, f1)
+  | HCAX (_, f1)
+  | HCENFORCES (_, f1)
+  | HCALLOWS (_, f1)
+  | HCMORETHAN  (_, _, f1)
+  | HCMAXEXCEPT  (_, _, f1)
+  | HCATLEASTPROB (_, f1)
+  | HCID f1 ->
+     hc_freeIn variable f1
+  | HCNORM (f1, f2)
+  | HCNORMN (f1, f2)
+  | HCCHC (f1, f2) ->
+     hc_freeIn variable f1 || hc_freeIn variable f2
+  | HCFUS (first, f1) ->
+     hc_freeIn variable f1
+  | HCMU (var, f1)
+  | HCNU (var, f1) ->
+     (* Do we need to exclude bound variables here? *)
+     hc_freeIn variable f1
 (** An instantiation of a hash table (of the standard library)
diff --git a/src/lib/CoAlgFormula.mli b/src/lib/CoAlgFormula.mli
index 3c70e1d8965589c92105af1e1bd84bef5f0b98e8..7ea6b0f8515081bc7f0cddc6218f7433ba4af04e 100644
--- a/src/lib/CoAlgFormula.mli
+++ b/src/lib/CoAlgFormula.mli
@@ -41,6 +41,19 @@ type formula =
   | NORMN of formula * formula (* \neg NORM (\neg A, \neg B) *)
   | CHC of formula * formula
   | FUS of bool * formula
+  | MU of string * formula
+  | NU of string * formula
+  | VAR of string
+  | AF of formula
+  | EF of formula
+  | AG of formula
+  | EG of formula
+  | AU of formula * formula
+  | EU of formula * formula
+  | AR of formula * formula
+  | ER of formula * formula
+  | AB of formula * formula
+  | EB of formula * formula
 exception ConversionException of formula
@@ -66,6 +79,8 @@ val importFormula : string -> formula
 val importSortedFormula : string -> sortedFormula
 val importQuery : string -> sortedFormula list * sortedFormula
+val verifyFormula : formula -> unit
 val nnfNeg : formula -> formula
 val nnf : formula -> formula
@@ -146,9 +161,14 @@ and hcFormula_node =
   | HCNORMN of hcFormula * hcFormula
   | HCCHC of hcFormula * hcFormula
   | HCFUS of bool * hcFormula
+  | HCMU of string * hcFormula
+  | HCNU of string * hcFormula
+  | HCVAR of string
 module HcFormula : (HashConsing.S with type nde = hcFormula_node and type fml = formula)
 val hc_formula : HcFormula.t -> formula -> hcFormula
+val hc_replace : HcFormula.t -> string -> hcFormula -> hcFormula -> hcFormula
+val hc_freeIn : string -> hcFormula -> bool
 module HcFHt : (Hashtbl.S with type key = hcFormula)
diff --git a/src/lib/CoAlgLogics.ml b/src/lib/CoAlgLogics.ml
index d4b321b7ae10e98b1d1e2d7a9be2dff627f0e04d..fd46280ae2faeba53026db0dc5be8ff2cccccaf3 100644
--- a/src/lib/CoAlgLogics.ml
+++ b/src/lib/CoAlgLogics.ml
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ open Gmlmip
 module S = MiscSolver
 (** directly return a list of rules **)
-let mkRuleList_MultiModalK sort bs sl : rule list =
-  (* arguments: 
+let mkRuleList_MultiModalK sort bs defer sl : rule list =
+  (* arguments:
     sort: type of formulae in bs (needed to disambiguate hashing)
     sl: sorts functor arguments, e.g. type of argument formulae
     bs: tableau sequent  consisting of modal atoms
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ let mkRuleList_MultiModalK sort bs sl : rule list =
         NB: propagating the whole premiss is always safe.
   assert (List.length sl = 1);
+  let refocusing = bsetCompare (bsetMakeRealEmpty ()) defer = 0 in
   let dep f bsl =                 (* dependencies for formula f (f is a diamond) *)
     assert (List.length bsl = 1); (* -+                 *)
     let bs1 = List.hd bsl in      (* -+-> [bs1] := bsl  *)
@@ -46,17 +47,27 @@ let mkRuleList_MultiModalK sort bs sl : rule list =
   let getRules f acc =
     if lfGetType sort f = ExF then (* f = ∃R.C,i.e. a diamond *)
       let bs1 = bsetMake () in
-      bsetAdd bs1 (lfGetDest1 sort f); (* bs1 := { C }          *)
+      let defer1 = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
+      let nextf = (lfGetDest1 sort f) in
+      bsetAdd bs1 nextf; (* bs1 := { C }          *)
+      if (refocusing && (lfGetDeferral sort nextf) != (Hashtbl.hash "ε")) ||
+           ((bsetMem defer f) && (lfGetDeferral sort f) = (lfGetDeferral sort nextf))
+      then
+        bsetAdd defer1 nextf;
       let (role : int) = lfGetDest3 sort f in (* role := R *)
       let filterFkt f1 =
         if lfGetType sort f1 = AxF && lfGetDest3 sort f1 = role then
           (* if f1 = ∀R.D then bs1 = bs1 ∪ { D } *)
-          bsetAdd bs1 (lfGetDest1 sort f1)
+          let nextf1 = (lfGetDest1 sort f1) in
+          bsetAdd bs1 nextf1;
+          (if (refocusing && (lfGetDeferral sort nextf1) != (Hashtbl.hash "ε")) ||
+              ((bsetMem defer f1) && (lfGetDeferral sort f1) = (lfGetDeferral sort nextf1)) then
+             bsetAdd defer1 nextf1;)
         else ()
       bsetIter filterFkt bs; (* bs1 := bs1 ∪ { D | some "∀R.D" ∈ bs } *)
       let s1 = List.hd sl in (* [s1] := sl *)
-      let rle = (dep f, lazylistFromList [(s1, bs1)]) in
+      let rle = (dep f, lazylistFromList [(s1, bs1, defer1)]) in
     else acc
@@ -72,14 +83,14 @@ let mkRuleList_MultiModalK sort bs sl : rule list =
   bsetFold getRules bs []
-let mkRule_MultiModalK sort bs sl : stateExpander =
-  let rules = mkRuleList_MultiModalK sort bs sl in
+let mkRule_MultiModalK sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
+  let rules = mkRuleList_MultiModalK sort bs defer sl in
   lazylistFromList rules
 (* TODO: test it with:
      make && ./coalg sat <<< $'<R> False \n [R] False \n [R] True'
-let mkRule_MultiModalKD sort bs sl : stateExpander =
+let mkRule_MultiModalKD sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
   assert (List.length sl = 1); (* functor has just one argument *)
   let s1 = List.hd sl in (* [s1] = sl *)
   let roles = S.makeBS () in
@@ -114,14 +125,21 @@ let mkRule_MultiModalKD sort bs sl : stateExpander =
     let succs = bsetMake () in (* succs := {D | ∀r.D ∈ bs *)
+    let defer1 = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in (* TODO: actually track deferrals *)
     let f formula =
       if lfGetType sort formula = AxF
          && lfGetDest3 sort formula = r
-      then ignore (bsetAdd succs (lfGetDest1 sort formula))
+      then
+          let nextf1 = (lfGetDest1 sort formula) in
+          bsetAdd succs nextf1;
+          ignore (if (bsetMem defer formula) &&
+                       (lfGetDeferral sort formula) = (lfGetDeferral sort nextf1)
+                  then
+                    bsetAdd defer1 nextf1;)
       else ()
     bsetIter f bs;
-    (dep r, lazylistFromList [(s1, succs)])::acc
+    (dep r, lazylistFromList [(s1, succs, defer1)])::acc
     mkRule_MultiModalKD sort bs [s1]
@@ -132,12 +150,112 @@ let mkRule_MultiModalKD sort bs sl : stateExpander =
           ∪ mkRule_MultiModalK sort bs [s1]
-  let rules = mkRuleList_MultiModalK sort bs sl in
+  let rules = mkRuleList_MultiModalK sort bs defer sl in
   (* extend rules from K with enforcing of successors *)
   let rules = S.foldBS getRules roles rules in
   lazylistFromList rules
+(** directly return a list of rules **)
+let mkRuleList_Monotone sort bs defer sl : rule list =
+  (* arguments:
+    sort: type of formulae in bs (needed to disambiguate hashing)
+    sl: sorts functor arguments, e.g. type of argument formulae
+    bs: tableau sequent  consisting of modal atoms
+        (premiss, conjunctive set of formulae represented by hash values)
+    result: set R of (propagation function, rule conclusion) pairs
+        s.t. [ (premiss / conc) : (_, conc) \in R ] are all rules
+        applicable to premiss.
+        Propagation functions map unsatisfiable subsets of the
+        (union of all?) conclusion(s) to unsatisfiable subsets of
+        the premiss -- this is a hook for backjumping.
+        NB: propagating the whole premiss is always safe.
+  *)
+  assert (List.length sl = 1);
+  let refocusing = bsetCompare (bsetMakeRealEmpty ()) defer = 0 in
+  let dep f bsl =                 (* dependencies for formula f (f is a diamond) *)
+    assert (List.length bsl = 1); (* -+                 *)
+    let bs1 = List.hd bsl in      (* -+-> [bs1] := bsl  *)
+    let res = bsetMake () in
+    bsetAdd res f;
+    let (role : int) = lfGetDest3 sort f in (* ♥R.? := f, ♥ ∈ {∃,∀} *)
+    let filterFkt f1 =
+      if lfGetType sort f1 = AxF && lfGetDest3 sort f1 = role
+        && bsetMem bs1 (lfGetDest1 sort f1)
+      then
+        (* if f1 = ∀R.C and C ∈ bs1 then res = res ∪ {∀R.C} *)
+        bsetAdd res f1
+      else ()
+    in
+    bsetIter filterFkt bs;
+    res
+  in
+  let getRules f acc =
+    if lfGetType sort f = ExF then (* f = ∃R.C,i.e. a diamond *)
+      let bs1base = bsetMake () in
+      let defer1base = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
+      let nextf = (lfGetDest1 sort f) in
+      bsetAdd bs1base nextf; (* bs1 := { C }          *)
+      if (refocusing && (lfGetDeferral sort nextf) != (Hashtbl.hash "ε")) ||
+           ((bsetMem defer f) && (lfGetDeferral sort f) = (lfGetDeferral sort nextf))
+      then
+        bsetAdd defer1base nextf
+      else ();
+      let (role : int) = lfGetDest3 sort f in (* role := R *)
+      let filterFkt f1 acc =
+        if lfGetType sort f1 = AxF && lfGetDest3 sort f1 = role then
+          let bs1 = bsetCopy bs1base in
+          let defer1 = bsetCopy defer1base in
+          (* if f1 = ∀R.D then bs1 = bs1 ∪ { D } *)
+          let nextf1 = (lfGetDest1 sort f1) in
+          bsetAdd bs1 nextf1;
+          if (refocusing && (lfGetDeferral sort nextf1) != (Hashtbl.hash "ε")) ||
+               ((bsetMem defer f1) && (lfGetDeferral sort f1) = (lfGetDeferral sort nextf1))
+          then
+            bsetAdd defer1 nextf1
+          else ();
+          let s1 = List.hd sl in (* [s1] := sl *)
+          let rle1 = (dep f, lazylistFromList [(s1, bs1, defer1)]) in
+          rle1::acc
+        else acc
+      in
+      let s1 = List.hd sl in (* [s1] := sl *)
+      let rle = (dep f, lazylistFromList [(s1, bs1base, defer1base)]) in
+      let fold = bsetFold filterFkt bs acc in (* bs1 := bs1 ∪ { D | some "∀R.D" ∈ bs } *)
+      rle::fold
+    else if lfGetType sort f = AxF then
+      let bs1 = bsetMake () in
+      let defer1 = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
+      (* if f1 = ∀R.D then bs1 = bs1 ∪ { D } *)
+      let nextf1 = (lfGetDest1 sort f) in
+      bsetAdd bs1 nextf1;
+      if (refocusing && (lfGetDeferral sort nextf1) != (Hashtbl.hash "ε")) ||
+           ((bsetMem defer f) && (lfGetDeferral sort f) = (lfGetDeferral sort nextf1))
+      then
+        bsetAdd defer1 nextf1
+      else ();
+      let s1 = List.hd sl in (* [s1] := sl *)
+      let rle1 = (dep f, lazylistFromList [(s1, bs1, defer1)]) in
+      rle1::acc
+    else acc
+  in
+  (* effectively:
+        mkRule_MultiModalK sort bs [s1]
+            = { ( λ[bs1]. { ∃R.C } ∪ { ∀R.D
+                                     | ∀R.D ∈ bs, D ∈ bs1
+                                                    , [(s1, {C}∪{D | "∀R.D" ∈ bs)]
+                )
+              | "∃R.C" ∈ bs
+              }
+  *)
+  bsetFold getRules bs []
+let mkRule_Monotone sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
+  let rules = mkRuleList_Monotone sort bs defer sl in
+  lazylistFromList rules
 (* CoalitionLogic: helper functions *)
 (*val subset : bitset -> bitset -> bool*)
 let bsetlen (a: bset) : int =
@@ -196,14 +314,19 @@ let compatible sort (a: bset) formula1 =
     /  \i=1 a_i        /\    b   /  \j=1 c_j
-(* Not yet implemented: backjumping hooks. 
+(* Not yet implemented: backjumping hooks.
   E.g. in Rule 1, if a subset I of {a_1, ..., a_n} is unsat, then {[C_i] a_i : i \in I} is
   already unsat.
-let mkRule_CL sort bs sl : stateExpander =
+let mkRule_CL sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
   assert (List.length sl = 1); (* TODO: Why? *)
+  let refocusing = bsetCompare (bsetMakeRealEmpty ()) defer = 0 in
+  let deferral_tracking f nextf =
+    (refocusing && (lfGetDeferral sort nextf) != (Hashtbl.hash "ε")) ||
+      ((bsetMem defer f) && (lfGetDeferral sort f) = (lfGetDeferral sort nextf))
+  in
   let s1 = List.hd sl in (* [s1] = List.hd sl *)
   let boxes = bsetFilter bs (fun f -> lfGetType sort f = EnforcesF) in
   let diamonds = bsetFilter bs (fun f -> lfGetType sort f = AllowsF) in
@@ -231,8 +354,10 @@ let mkRule_CL sort bs sl : stateExpander =
   print_endline ("N-Cands: " ^(CoAlgMisc.bsetToString sort nCands));
   print_endline ("D-Cands: " ^(CoAlgMisc.bsetToString sort dCands));
-  let c_j : localFormula list =
-    bsetFold (fun f a -> (lfGetDest1 sort f)::a) nCands []
+  let c_j : (localFormula * bool) list =
+    bsetFold (fun f a -> let nextf = lfGetDest1 sort f in
+                         (nextf, (deferral_tracking f nextf))::a)
+      nCands []
   (* rule 2 for diamaonds where D is a proper subset of the agent set N *)
   let getRule2 diamDb acc = (* diamDb = <D> b *)
@@ -245,8 +370,11 @@ let mkRule_CL sort bs sl : stateExpander =
     let maxdisj = maxDisjoints sort (bsetFilter boxes hasAppropriateAglist) in
     let createSingleRule acc coalitions =
-        let a_i : localFormula list =
-            bsetFold (fun f a -> (lfGetDest1 sort f)::a) coalitions []
+        let a_i : (localFormula * bool) list =
+          bsetFold (fun f a ->
+                    let nextf = lfGetDest1 sort f in
+                    (nextf, (deferral_tracking f nextf))::a)
+                   coalitions []
         (* now do rule 2:
             coalitions  /\ <d> b /\ nCands
@@ -254,9 +382,19 @@ let mkRule_CL sort bs sl : stateExpander =
               a_i       /\     b /\ c_j
         let children = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
-        List.iter (bsetAdd children) (b::c_j) ;
-        List.iter (bsetAdd children) (a_i) ;
-        ((fun bs1 -> bs), lazylistFromList [(s1, children)])::acc
+        let defer1 = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
+        bsetAdd children b;
+        if deferral_tracking diamDb b
+        then bsetAdd defer1 b;
+        List.iter (fun (f, isdefer) ->
+                   bsetAdd children f;
+                   if isdefer then bsetAdd defer1 f)
+                  c_j ;
+        List.iter (fun (f, isdefer) ->
+                   bsetAdd children f;
+                   if isdefer then bsetAdd defer1 f)
+                  a_i ;
+        ((fun bs1 -> bs), lazylistFromList [(s1, children, defer1)])::acc
     List.fold_left createSingleRule acc maxdisj
@@ -272,8 +410,10 @@ let mkRule_CL sort bs sl : stateExpander =
         (* create rule 2 once for all the diamonds with a full agent set *)
         let maxdisj = maxDisjoints sort boxes in
         let createSingleRule acc coalitions =
-            let a_i : localFormula list =
-                bsetFold (fun f a -> (lfGetDest1 sort f)::a) coalitions []
+            let a_i : (localFormula * bool) list =
+              bsetFold (fun f a -> let nextf = lfGetDest1 sort f in
+                                   (nextf, (deferral_tracking f nextf))::a)
+                coalitions []
             (* now do rule 2:
                 coalitions  /\ nCands
@@ -281,9 +421,16 @@ let mkRule_CL sort bs sl : stateExpander =
                   a_i       /\ c_j
             let children = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
-            List.iter (bsetAdd children) (c_j) ;
-            List.iter (bsetAdd children) (a_i) ;
-            ((fun bs1 -> bs), lazylistFromList [(s1, children)])::acc
+            let defer1 = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
+            List.iter (fun (f, isdefer) ->
+              bsetAdd children f;
+              if isdefer then bsetAdd defer1 f)
+              c_j ;
+            List.iter (fun (f, isdefer) ->
+              bsetAdd children f;
+              if isdefer then bsetAdd defer1 f)
+              a_i ;
+            ((fun bs1 -> bs), lazylistFromList [(s1, children, defer1)])::acc
         List.fold_left createSingleRule acc maxdisj
     end else acc
@@ -297,8 +444,14 @@ let mkRule_CL sort bs sl : stateExpander =
     let a_i : bset = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
-    bsetIter (fun f -> bsetAdd a_i (lfGetDest1 sort f)) coalitions ;
-    ((fun bs1 -> bs), lazylistFromList [(s1, a_i)])::acc
+    let defer1 : bset = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
+    bsetIter (fun f ->
+              let nextf = lfGetDest1 sort f in
+              bsetAdd a_i nextf;
+              if deferral_tracking f nextf
+              then bsetAdd defer1 nextf)
+             coalitions ;
+    ((fun bs1 -> bs), lazylistFromList [(s1, a_i, defer1)])::acc
   let rules = List.fold_left getRule1 rules disjoints in
@@ -310,8 +463,9 @@ let mkRule_CL sort bs sl : stateExpander =
   lazylistFromList rules
-let mkRule_GML sort bs sl : stateExpander =
+let mkRule_GML sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
   assert (List.length sl = 1);
+  let defer1 = bsetMake () in (* TODO: track deferrals *)
   let s1 = List.hd sl in (* [s1] = List.hd sl *)
   let diamonds = bsetFilter bs (fun f -> lfGetType sort f = MoreThanF) in
   let boxes = bsetFilter bs (fun f -> lfGetType sort f = MaxExceptF) in
@@ -347,7 +501,7 @@ let mkRule_GML sort bs sl : stateExpander =
                         bsetAdd res f)
-            (s1,res)
+            (s1,res, defer1)
         let rc = List.map handleConjunction rc in
         ((fun bs1 -> bs),lazylistFromList rc)::acc
@@ -356,8 +510,9 @@ let mkRule_GML sort bs sl : stateExpander =
   let rules = S.foldBS addRule roles [] in
   lazylistFromList rules
-let mkRule_PML sort bs sl : stateExpander =
+let mkRule_PML sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
   assert (List.length sl = 1);
+  let defer1 = bsetMake () in (* TODO: track deferrals *)
   let s1 = List.hd sl in (* [s1] = List.hd sl *)
   let diamonds = bsetFilter bs (fun f -> lfGetType sort f = AtLeastProbF) in
   let boxes = bsetFilter bs (fun f -> lfGetType sort f = LessProbFailF) in
@@ -394,7 +549,7 @@ let mkRule_PML sort bs sl : stateExpander =
         List.iter handleLiteral conj;
-        (s1,res)
+        (s1,res, defer1)
     let rc = List.map handleConjunction rc in
     ((fun bs1 -> bs),lazylistFromList rc)::acc
@@ -403,7 +558,7 @@ let mkRule_PML sort bs sl : stateExpander =
   lazylistFromList rules
 (* constant functor *)
-let mkRule_Const colors sort bs sl : stateExpander =
+let mkRule_Const colors sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
   assert (List.length sl = 1);    (* just one (formal) argument *)
   let helper (f:localFormula)  (pos, neg) =
     let col = lfGetDest3 sort f in
@@ -412,18 +567,24 @@ let mkRule_Const colors sort bs sl : stateExpander =
       |  ConstF  -> ((col::pos), neg)
       |  _       -> (pos, neg)
-  let (pos, neg) = bsetFold helper bs ([], []) in (* pos/neg literals *) 
+  let (pos, neg) = bsetFold helper bs ([], []) in (* pos/neg literals *)
   let clash = List.exists (fun l -> List.mem l pos) neg in (* =a /\ ~ = a *)
   let allneg = List.length colors = List.length neg in
   let twopos = List.length pos > 1 in
-  let rules = if (clash || allneg || twopos) 
+  let rules = if (clash || allneg || twopos)
               then [((fun x -> bs), lazylistFromList [])]  (* no backjumping *)
               else []
-  in 
+  in
   lazylistFromList rules
-let mkRule_Identity sort bs sl : stateExpander = 
+let mkRule_Identity sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
   assert (List.length sl = 1); (* Identity has one argument *)
+  let refocusing = bsetCompare (bsetMakeRealEmpty ()) defer = 0 in
+  let deferral_tracking defer f nextf =
+    if (refocusing && (lfGetDeferral sort nextf) != (Hashtbl.hash "ε")) ||
+         ((bsetMem defer f) && (lfGetDeferral sort f) = (lfGetDeferral sort nextf))
+    then bsetAdd defer nextf
+  in
   let s1 = List.hd sl in
   let dep bsl = (* return arguments prefixed with identity operator *)
     assert (List.length bsl = 1);
@@ -439,20 +600,31 @@ let mkRule_Identity sort bs sl : stateExpander =
   let bs1 = bsetMake () in
+  let defer1 = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
   let getRule f =
-    if lfGetType sort f = IdF 
-    then bsetAdd bs1 (lfGetDest1 sort f)
+    if lfGetType sort f = IdF
+    then
+      begin
+        deferral_tracking defer1 f (lfGetDest1 sort f);
+        bsetAdd bs1 (lfGetDest1 sort f)
+      end
     else ()
   bsetIter getRule bs;
-  lazylistFromList [(dep, lazylistFromList [(s1, bs1)])]
+  lazylistFromList [(dep, lazylistFromList [(s1, bs1, defer1)])]
-let mkRule_DefaultImplication sort bs sl : stateExpander =
+let mkRule_DefaultImplication sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
   raise (CoAlgFormula.CoAlgException ("Default Implication Not yet implemented."))
-let mkRule_Choice sort bs sl : stateExpander =
+let mkRule_Choice sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
   assert (List.length sl = 2);
+  let refocusing = bsetCompare (bsetMakeRealEmpty ()) defer = 0 in
+  let deferral_tracking defer f nextf =
+    if (refocusing && (lfGetDeferral sort nextf) != (Hashtbl.hash "ε")) ||
+         ((bsetMem defer f) && (lfGetDeferral sort f) = (lfGetDeferral sort nextf))
+    then bsetAdd defer nextf
+  in
   let dep bsl =
     assert (List.length bsl = 2);
     let bs1 = List.nth bsl 0 in
@@ -468,21 +640,32 @@ let mkRule_Choice sort bs sl : stateExpander =
   let bs1 = bsetMake () in
+  let defer1 = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
   let bs2 = bsetMake () in
+  let defer2 = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
   let getRule f =
-    if lfGetType sort f = ChcF then begin
-      bsetAdd bs1 (lfGetDest1 sort f);
-      bsetAdd bs2 (lfGetDest2 sort f)
-    end else ()
+    if lfGetType sort f = ChcF then
+      begin
+        bsetAdd bs1 (lfGetDest1 sort f);
+        deferral_tracking defer1 f (lfGetDest1 sort f);
+        bsetAdd bs2 (lfGetDest2 sort f);
+        deferral_tracking defer2 f (lfGetDest2 sort f)
+      end else ()
   bsetIter getRule bs;
   let s1 = List.nth sl 0 in
   let s2 = List.nth sl 1 in
-  lazylistFromList [(dep, lazylistFromList [(s1, bs1); (s2, bs2)])]
+  lazylistFromList [(dep, lazylistFromList [(s1, bs1, defer1); (s2, bs2, defer2)])]
-let mkRule_Fusion sort bs sl : stateExpander =
+let mkRule_Fusion sort bs defer sl : stateExpander =
   assert (List.length sl = 2);
+  let refocusing = bsetCompare (bsetMakeRealEmpty ()) defer = 0 in
+  let deferral_tracking defer f nextf =
+    if (refocusing && (lfGetDeferral sort nextf) != (Hashtbl.hash "ε")) ||
+         ((bsetMem defer f) && (lfGetDeferral sort f) = (lfGetDeferral sort nextf))
+    then bsetAdd defer nextf
+  in
   let dep proj bsl =
     assert (List.length bsl = 1);
     let bs1 = List.hd bsl in
@@ -497,17 +680,28 @@ let mkRule_Fusion sort bs sl : stateExpander =
   let bs1 = bsetMake () in
+  let defer1 = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
   let bs2 = bsetMake () in
+  let defer2 = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
   let getRule f =
     if lfGetType sort f = FusF then
-      if lfGetDest3 sort f = 0 then bsetAdd bs1 (lfGetDest1 sort f)
-      else bsetAdd bs2 (lfGetDest1 sort f)
+      if lfGetDest3 sort f = 0 then
+        begin
+          deferral_tracking defer1 f (lfGetDest1 sort f);
+          bsetAdd bs1 (lfGetDest1 sort f)
+        end
+      else
+        begin
+          deferral_tracking defer2 f (lfGetDest1 sort f);
+          bsetAdd bs2 (lfGetDest1 sort f)
+        end
     else ()
   bsetIter getRule bs;
   let s1 = List.nth sl 0 in
   let s2 = List.nth sl 1 in
-  lazylistFromList [(dep 0, lazylistFromList [(s1, bs1)]); (dep 1, lazylistFromList [(s2, bs2)])]
+  lazylistFromList [(dep 0, lazylistFromList [(s1, bs1, defer1)]);
+                    (dep 1, lazylistFromList [(s2, bs2, defer2)])]
 (* Maps a logic represented by the type "functors" to the corresponding
@@ -516,6 +710,7 @@ let mkRule_Fusion sort bs sl : stateExpander =
 let getExpandingFunctionProducer = function
   | MultiModalK -> mkRule_MultiModalK
   | MultiModalKD -> mkRule_MultiModalKD
+  | Monotone -> mkRule_Monotone
   | CoalitionLogic -> mkRule_CL
   | GML -> mkRule_GML
   | PML -> mkRule_PML
diff --git a/src/lib/CoAlgLogics.mli b/src/lib/CoAlgLogics.mli
index 48d0958b68bceec89898bf9788866dea0e7084bc..dd5c9ad4230fb0ae152217bd8b8c7cf9755e113d 100644
--- a/src/lib/CoAlgLogics.mli
+++ b/src/lib/CoAlgLogics.mli
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
 open CoAlgMisc
-val getExpandingFunctionProducer : functors -> sort -> bset -> sort list -> stateExpander
+val getExpandingFunctionProducer : functors -> sort -> bset -> bset -> sort list -> stateExpander
diff --git a/src/lib/CoAlgMisc.ml b/src/lib/CoAlgMisc.ml
index 00174a7c1a4c4a9518f6ab32158a486331613bbb..85d08bcabeaf8f13ceba5442f5eaa76fa0ac5440 100644
--- a/src/lib/CoAlgMisc.ml
+++ b/src/lib/CoAlgMisc.ml
@@ -21,6 +21,17 @@ module BsSet = Set.Make(
 (** An instantiation of a hash table (of the standard library) for bitsets.
 module GHt = Hashtbl.Make(
+  struct
+    type t = S.bitset * S.bitset
+    let equal ((bs1l, bs1r) : t) (bs2l, bs2r) =
+      (S.compareBS bs1l bs2l = 0) && (S.compareBS bs1r bs2r = 0)
+    let hash ((bsl, bsr) : t) = (S.hashBS bsl) lxor (S.hashBS bsr)
+  end
+ )
+(** An instantiation of a hash table (of the standard library) for bitsets.
+ *)
+module GHtS = Hashtbl.Make(
     type t = S.bitset
     let equal (bs1 : t) bs2 = S.compareBS bs1 bs2 = 0
@@ -68,6 +79,7 @@ module NHt = Hashtbl.Make(
 type functors =
   | MultiModalK
   | MultiModalKD
+  | Monotone
   | CoalitionLogic
   | GML
   | PML
@@ -89,6 +101,7 @@ type functorName =
 let unaryfunctor2name : (functorName*string) list =
   [ (NPa MultiModalK , "MultiModalK")
   ; (NPa MultiModalKD , "MultiModalKD")
+  ; (NPa Monotone , "Monotone")
   ; (NPa GML ,           "GML")
   ; (NPa PML ,           "PML")
   ; (NPa CoalitionLogic , "CoalitionLogic")
@@ -165,6 +178,8 @@ type formulaType =
   | NormnF (* negation normal form of default implication *)
   | ChcF (* Choice *)
   | FusF (* Fusion *)
+  | MuF
+  | NuF
 type localFormula = int
 type bset = S.bitset
@@ -182,6 +197,7 @@ type state = { sortS : sort;
                                       modalities (TODO: also @-formulas?).
                                       the state is satisfiable if /\bsS is satisfiable.
+               mutable deferralS : bset; (* which formulas still have deferrals *)
                mutable statusS : nodeStatus;
                mutable parentsS : core list; mutable childrenS : (dependencies * core list) list;
                mutable constraintsS : csetSet; expandFkt : stateExpander;
@@ -191,11 +207,12 @@ and core = { (* for details, see documentation of newCore *)
              sortC : sort;
              mutable bsC : bset; (* a set of arbitrary formulas.
                                     the present core is satisfiable if /\ bsC is satisfiable *)
+             mutable deferralC : bset; (* which formulas still have deferrals *)
              mutable statusC : nodeStatus;
              mutable parentsC : (state * int) list;
              mutable childrenC : state list;
              mutable constraintsC : csetSet;
-             solver : Minisat.solver; (* a solver to find satisfying assignemnts for bsC.
+             mutable solver : Minisat.solver option; (* a solver to find satisfying assignemnts for bsC.
                                          the solver returns "satisfiable" iff
                                          there is a satisfying assignment of
                                          bsC which is not represented by some state from the
@@ -211,7 +228,7 @@ and setState = state GHt.t array
 and setCore = core GHt.t array
-and setCnstr = unit GHt.t
+and setCnstr = unit GHtS.t
@@ -231,9 +248,17 @@ and nodeStatus =
   | Sat
   | Unsat
+(* In K, given the singleton list [bs] returns the list of all Ax'es
+   responsible for the individual members of bs being part of the core
+   as well as the Ex.
+   So given the state { <>φ , []ψ , []η } and the core { φ , ψ , η },
+   dependency would map { η } to { <>φ , []η } and { ψ } to { <>φ , []ψ }
 and dependencies = bset list -> bset
-and rule = (dependencies * (sort * bset) lazylist)
+(* Note: sort * bset * bset is to be read as sort * formulas_in_core * deferrals_in_core *)
+and rule = (dependencies * (sort * bset * bset) lazylist)
 and 'a lazyliststep =
   | MultipleElements of 'a list
@@ -336,6 +361,7 @@ let queueCores1 = ref ([] : core list)
 let queueCores2 = ref ([] : core list)
 let queueCnstrs = ref ([] : cset list)
 let doPropagation = ref false
+let doPropagationCounter = ref 0
 let queueInit () =
   queueStates := [];
@@ -352,7 +378,7 @@ let queueInsertState state = queueStates := state::!queueStates
 (* original version: breadth-first *)
 let queueInsertCore core = queueCores2 := core::!queueCores2
-(* experiment: depth first 
+(* experiment: depth first
 let queueInsertCore core = queueCores1 := core::!queueCores1
@@ -381,10 +407,19 @@ let queueGetElement () =
 let doNominalPropagation () = !doPropagation
+let setPropagationCounter count =
+  doPropagationCounter := count
 let doSatPropagation () =
-  let res = !doPropagation in
-  doPropagation := false;
-  res
+  if !doPropagationCounter == 0
+  then true
+  else begin
+      doPropagationCounter := !doPropagationCounter - 1;
+      false
+    end
+  (* let res = !doPropagation in *)
+  (* doPropagation := false; *)
+  (* res *)
 (*        "Module type" and a specific implementation of the graph           *)
@@ -392,14 +427,14 @@ let doSatPropagation () =
 let graphStates = ref (Array.make 0 (GHt.create 0 : state GHt.t))
 let graphCores = ref (Array.make 0 (GHt.create 0 : core GHt.t))
-let graphCnstrs = ref (GHt.create 0 : constrnt GHt.t)
+let graphCnstrs = ref (GHtS.create 0 : constrnt GHtS.t)
 let graphRoot = ref (None : core option)
 let graphInit () =
   let size = Array.length !sortTable in
   graphStates := Array.init size (fun _ -> GHt.create 128);
   graphCores := Array.init size (fun _ -> GHt.create 128);
-  graphCnstrs := GHt.create 128;
+  graphCnstrs := GHtS.create 128;
   graphRoot := None
 let graphIterStates fkt =
@@ -408,18 +443,18 @@ let graphIterStates fkt =
 let graphIterCores fkt =
   Array.iter (fun ht -> GHt.iter (fun _ x -> fkt x) ht) !graphCores
-let graphIterCnstrs fkt = GHt.iter fkt !graphCnstrs
+let graphIterCnstrs fkt = GHtS.iter fkt !graphCnstrs
 let graphClearCnstr () =
-  let newGraph = GHt.create (GHt.length !graphCnstrs) in
+  let newGraph = GHtS.create (GHtS.length !graphCnstrs) in
   let copyCnstr cset cnstr =
     match cnstr with
     | UnsatC
-    | SatC -> GHt.add newGraph cset cnstr
-    | OpenC _ -> GHt.add newGraph cset (OpenC [])
-    | UnexpandedC _ -> GHt.add newGraph cset (UnexpandedC [])
+    | SatC -> GHtS.add newGraph cset cnstr
+    | OpenC _ -> GHtS.add newGraph cset (OpenC [])
+    | UnexpandedC _ -> GHtS.add newGraph cset (UnexpandedC [])
-  GHt.iter copyCnstr !graphCnstrs;
+  GHtS.iter copyCnstr !graphCnstrs;
   graphCnstrs := newGraph
 let graphFindState sort bs =
@@ -434,7 +469,7 @@ let graphFindCore sort bs =
 let graphFindCnstr cset =
-    Some (GHt.find !graphCnstrs cset)
+    Some (GHtS.find !graphCnstrs cset)
   with Not_found -> None
 let graphInsertState sort bs state =
@@ -446,17 +481,17 @@ let graphInsertCore sort bs core =
   GHt.add !graphCores.(sort) bs core
 let graphInsertCnstr cset cnstr =
-  assert (not (GHt.mem !graphCnstrs cset));
-  GHt.add !graphCnstrs cset cnstr
+  assert (not (GHtS.mem !graphCnstrs cset));
+  GHtS.add !graphCnstrs cset cnstr
 let graphReplaceCnstr cset cnstr =
-  GHt.replace !graphCnstrs cset cnstr
+  GHtS.replace !graphCnstrs cset cnstr
 let graphSizeState () =
   Array.fold_left (fun acc ht -> acc + GHt.length ht) 0 !graphStates
 let graphSizeCore () =
   Array.fold_left (fun acc ht -> acc + GHt.length ht) 0 !graphCores
-let graphSizeCnstr () = GHt.length !graphCnstrs
+let graphSizeCnstr () = GHtS.length !graphCnstrs
 let graphAddRoot core =
   if !graphRoot = None then graphRoot := Some core
@@ -493,14 +528,16 @@ let nextNodeIdx () : int =
     nodeCounter := oldVal + 1;
-let stateMake sort bs exp =
-  { sortS = sort; bsS = bs; statusS = Expandable; parentsS = []; childrenS = [];
+let stateMake sort bs defer exp =
+  { sortS = sort; bsS = bs; deferralS = defer; statusS = Expandable; parentsS = []; childrenS = [];
     constraintsS = cssEmpty; expandFkt = exp;
     idx = nextNodeIdx()
 let stateGetSort state = state.sortS
 let stateGetBs state = state.bsS
 let stateSetBs state bs = state.bsS <- bs
+let stateGetDeferral state = state.deferralS
+let stateSetDeferral state bs = state.deferralS <- bs
 let stateGetStatus state = state.statusS
 let stateSetStatus state status = state.statusS <- status
 let stateGetParents state = state.parentsS
@@ -520,14 +557,16 @@ let stateGetIdx (state:state) = state.idx
 (*      "Module type" and a specific implementation of core nodes            *)
-let coreMake sort bs solver fht =
-  { sortC = sort; bsC = bs; statusC = Expandable; parentsC = []; childrenC = [];
+let coreMake sort bs defer solver fht =
+  { sortC = sort; bsC = bs; deferralC = defer; statusC = Expandable; parentsC = []; childrenC = [];
     constraintsC = cssEmpty; solver = solver; fht = fht; constraintParents = [];
     idx = nextNodeIdx()
 let coreGetSort core = core.sortC
 let coreGetBs core = core.bsC
 let coreSetBs core bs = core.bsC <- bs
+let coreGetDeferral core = core.deferralC
+let coreSetDeferral core bs = core.deferralC <- bs
 let coreGetStatus core = core.statusC
 let coreSetStatus core status = core.statusC <- status
 let coreGetParents core = core.parentsC
@@ -537,6 +576,7 @@ let coreAddChild core child = core.childrenC <- child::core.childrenC
 let coreGetConstraints core = core.constraintsC
 let coreSetConstraints core csets = core.constraintsC <- csets
 let coreGetSolver core = core.solver
+let coreDeallocateSolver core = core.solver <- None; FHt.reset core.fht
 let coreGetFht core = core.fht
 let coreGetIdx (core:core) = core.idx
 let coreGetConstraintParents core = core.constraintParents
@@ -551,19 +591,29 @@ let coreAddConstraintParent core cset =
 let setEmptyState () = Array.init (Array.length !sortTable) (fun _ -> GHt.create 128)
 let setEmptyCore () = Array.init (Array.length !sortTable) (fun _ -> GHt.create 128)
-let setEmptyCnstr () = GHt.create 128
-let setAddState set state = GHt.add set.(stateGetSort state) (stateGetBs state) state
-let setAddCore set core = GHt.add set.(coreGetSort core) (coreGetBs core) core
-let setAddCnstr set cset = GHt.add set cset ()
-let setMemState set state = GHt.mem set.(stateGetSort state) (stateGetBs state)
-let setMemCore set core = GHt.mem set.(coreGetSort core) (coreGetBs core)
-let setMemCnstr set cset = GHt.mem set cset
-let setRemoveState set state = GHt.remove set.(stateGetSort state) (stateGetBs state)
-let setRemoveCore set core = GHt.remove set.(coreGetSort core) (coreGetBs core)
-let setRemoveCnstr set cset = GHt.remove set cset
+let setCopyState set = Array.init (Array.length !sortTable) (fun idx -> GHt.copy set.(idx))
+let setCopyCore set = Array.init (Array.length !sortTable) (fun idx -> GHt.copy set.(idx))
+let setEmptyCnstr () = GHtS.create 128
+let setAddState set state =
+  GHt.add set.(stateGetSort state) ((stateGetBs state), (stateGetDeferral state)) state
+let setAddCore set core =
+  GHt.add set.(coreGetSort core) ((coreGetBs core), (coreGetDeferral core)) core
+let setAddCnstr set cset = GHtS.add set cset ()
+let setMemState set state =
+  GHt.mem set.(stateGetSort state) ((stateGetBs state), (stateGetDeferral state))
+let setMemCore set core =
+  GHt.mem set.(coreGetSort core) ((coreGetBs core), (coreGetDeferral core))
+let setMemCnstr set cset = GHtS.mem set cset
+let setRemoveState set state =
+  GHt.remove set.(stateGetSort state) ((stateGetBs state), (stateGetDeferral state))
+let setRemoveCore set core =
+  GHt.remove set.(coreGetSort core) ((coreGetBs core), (coreGetDeferral core))
+let setRemoveCnstr set cset = GHtS.remove set cset
 let setIterState fkt set = Array.iter (fun ht -> GHt.iter (fun _ x -> fkt x) ht) set
 let setIterCore fkt set = Array.iter (fun ht -> GHt.iter (fun _ x -> fkt x) ht) set
-let setIterCnstr fkt set = GHt.iter (fun cset () -> fkt cset) set
+let setIterCnstr fkt set = GHtS.iter (fun cset () -> fkt cset) set
+let setLengthState seta = Array.fold_left (fun acc set -> acc + GHt.length set) 0 seta
+let setLengthCore seta = Array.fold_left (fun acc set -> acc + GHt.length set) 0 seta
@@ -605,6 +655,7 @@ let bsetMake () = S.makeBS ()
 let bsetAdd bs lf = S.addBSNoChk bs lf
 let bsetMem bs lf = S.memBS bs lf
 let bsetRem bs lf = S.remBS bs lf
+let bsetCompare bs1 bs2 = S.compareBS bs1 bs2
 let bsetMakeRealEmpty () =
     let res = bsetMake () in
     bsetRem res !S.bstrue; (* remove bstrue which is initially in an empty bset *)
@@ -664,6 +715,7 @@ let arrayNeg = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 (-1)))
 let arrayDest1 = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 (-1)))  (* first subformula *)
 let arrayDest2 = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 (-1)))  (* second subformula *)
 let arrayDest3 = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 (-1)))  (* a role *)
+let arrayDeferral = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 (-1)))  (* deferral at point *)
 let arrayDestNum = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 (-1)))  (* an integer *)
 let arrayDestNum2 = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 (-1)))  (* another integer *)
 let arrayDestAg = ref (Array.make 0 (Array.make 0 [|0|])) (* arrays of agents *)
@@ -677,6 +729,7 @@ let lfGetType sort f = !arrayType.(sort).(f)
 let lfGetDest1 sort f = !arrayDest1.(sort).(f)
 let lfGetDest2 sort f = !arrayDest2.(sort).(f)
 let lfGetDest3 sort f = !arrayDest3.(sort).(f)
+let lfGetDeferral sort f = !arrayDeferral.(sort).(f)
 let lfGetDestNum sort f = !arrayDestNum.(sort).(f)
 let lfGetDestNum2 sort f = !arrayDestNum2.(sort).(f)
 let lfGetDestAg sort f = !arrayDestAg.(sort).(f)
@@ -689,6 +742,11 @@ let lfToInt lf = lf
 let lfFromInt num = num
 let lfGetFormula sort f = !arrayFormula.(sort).(f)
+let escapeHtml (input : string) : string =
+  List.fold_right (fun (x, y) (str : string) -> Str.global_replace (Str.regexp x) y str)
+    [("<", "&lt;") ; (">", "&gt;") ; ("&", "&amp;")]
+    input
 let bsetToString sort bset : string =
     let toFormula (lf:localFormula) (lst: string list) : string list =
         let formula: C.formula = lfGetFormula sort lf in
@@ -699,7 +757,7 @@ let bsetToString sort bset : string =
 let csetToString sort cset = bsetToString sort cset
-let coreToString core =
+let coreToString (core:core): string =
     let helper cset lst : string list =
         (csetToString core.sortC cset):: lst
@@ -713,6 +771,8 @@ let coreToString core =
     "Core "^(string_of_int core.idx)^" {\n"^
     "  Status: " ^ (nodeStatusToString core.statusC) ^ "\n"^
     "  " ^ bsetToString core.sortC core.bsC ^ "\n" ^
+    "  Deferrals: \n" ^
+    "    " ^ bsetToString core.sortC core.deferralC ^ "\n" ^
     "  Constraints: { "^(String.concat
                          "\n                 " constraints)^" }\n"^
     "  Children: { "^(String.concat
@@ -741,6 +801,8 @@ let stateToString (state:state): string =
     "State "^(string_of_int state.idx)^" {\n"^
     "  Status: " ^ (nodeStatusToString state.statusS) ^ "\n"^
     "  " ^ bsetToString state.sortS state.bsS ^ "\n" ^
+    "  Deferrals: \n" ^
+    "    " ^ bsetToString state.sortS state.deferralS ^ "\n" ^
     "  Constraints: { "^(String.concat
                          "\n                 " constraints)^" }\n"^
     "  Children: { "^(String.concat
@@ -748,6 +810,60 @@ let stateToString (state:state): string =
     "  Parents: { "^(String.concat ", " parents)^" }\n"^
+let stateToDot (state:state): string =
+  let color = match state.statusS with
+    | Sat -> "green"
+    | Unsat -> "red"
+    | Open -> "yellow"
+    | Expandable -> "white"
+  in
+  let toFormula (lf:localFormula) (lst: string list) : string list =
+    let formula: C.formula = lfGetFormula state.sortS lf in
+    if (bsetMem state.deferralS lf)
+    then ("<B>"^(escapeHtml (C.string_of_formula formula))^"</B>") :: lst
+    else (escapeHtml (C.string_of_formula formula)) :: lst
+  in
+  let formulaList = bsetFold toFormula state.bsS [] in
+  let ownidx = (string_of_int state.idx) in
+  let parents =
+    List.map (fun (co:core) ->
+              "Node"^string_of_int co.idx^" -> Node"^ownidx^";")
+             state.parentsS
+  in
+  "Node" ^ ownidx ^ " [shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=" ^ color
+  ^ ",label=<State "  ^ ownidx
+  ^ "<BR/>" ^ (String.concat "<BR/>" formulaList)
+  ^ ">];\n"
+  ^ (String.concat "\n" parents)
+let coreToDot (core:core): string =
+  let color = match core.statusC with
+    | Sat -> "green"
+    | Unsat -> "red"
+    | Open -> "yellow"
+    | Expandable -> "white"
+  in
+  let toFormula (lf:localFormula) (lst: string list) : string list =
+    let formula: C.formula = lfGetFormula core.sortC lf in
+    if (bsetMem core.deferralC lf)
+    then ("<B>"^(escapeHtml (C.string_of_formula formula))^"</B>") :: lst
+    else (escapeHtml (C.string_of_formula formula)) :: lst
+  in
+  let formulaList = bsetFold toFormula core.bsC [] in
+  let ownidx = (string_of_int core.idx) in
+  let parents =
+    List.map (fun (st,_:state*int) ->
+              "Node"^string_of_int st.idx^" -> Node"^ownidx^";")
+             core.parentsC
+  in
+  "Node" ^ ownidx ^ " [shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=" ^ color
+  ^ ",label=<Core "  ^ ownidx
+  ^ "<BR/>" ^ (String.concat "<BR/>" formulaList)
+  ^ ">];\n"
+  ^ (String.concat "\n" parents)
 let queuePrettyStatus () =
   let printList (sl : int list) : string =
     String.concat ", " (List.map string_of_int sl)
@@ -774,19 +890,33 @@ let atFormulaGetNominal f =
 let lfToAt _ lf = lf
+(* Calculate all possible formulae. This includes all subformulae and
+   in the case of μ-Calculus the Fischer-Ladner closure.
-let rec detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset s f =
+   TODO: variable sort needs to match epected sort
+ *)
+let rec detClosure vars nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset s f =
+  let newvars = List.filter (fun (x) -> C.hc_freeIn x f) vars in
+  let detClosure_ = detClosure newvars in
+  let deferral = if List.length newvars > 0
+                 then (List.hd newvars)
+                 else "ε" in
   if s < 0 || s >= Array.length fset then
     let sstr = string_of_int s in
     raise (C.CoAlgException ("Invalid sort (i.e. sort out of range): " ^ sstr))
   else ();
-  if C.HcFHt.mem fset.(s) f then ()
+  if C.HcFHt.mem vset.(s) f &&
+    (compare (C.HcFHt.find vset.(s) f) deferral = 0 ||
+        compare deferral "ε" = 0)
+  then ()
+    let () = C.HcFHt.add vset.(s) f deferral in
     let () = C.HcFHt.add fset.(s) f () in
     let (func, sortlst) = !sortTable.(s) in
     match f.HC.node with
     | C.HCTRUE
-    | C.HCFALSE -> ()
+    | C.HCFALSE
+    | C.HCVAR _ -> ()
     | C.HCAP name ->
         if C.isNominal name then begin
           Hashtbl.replace nomset name s;
@@ -808,37 +938,37 @@ let rec detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset s f =
           | Some sort -> sort
         let hcnom = C.HcFormula.hashcons hcF (C.HCAP name) in
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset s1 hcnom;
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset s1 f1
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset s1 hcnom;
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset s1 f1
     | C.HCOR (f1, f2)
     | C.HCAND (f1, f2) ->
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset s f1;
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset s f2
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset s f1;
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset s f2
     | C.HCEX (_, f1)
     | C.HCAX (_, f1) ->
-        if (func <> MultiModalK && func <> MultiModalKD)
+        if (func <> MultiModalK && func <> MultiModalKD && func <> Monotone)
             || List.length sortlst <> 1
         then raise (C.CoAlgException "Ex/Ax-formula is used in wrong sort.")
         else ();
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset (List.hd sortlst) f1
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset (List.hd sortlst) f1
     | C.HCENFORCES (_, f1)
     | C.HCALLOWS (_, f1) ->
         if func <> CoalitionLogic || List.length sortlst <> 1
         then raise (C.CoAlgException "[{Agents}]-formula is used in wrong sort.")
         else ();
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset (List.hd sortlst) f1
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset (List.hd sortlst) f1
     | C.HCMORETHAN (_,_,f1)
     | C.HCMAXEXCEPT (_,_,f1) ->
         if func <> GML || List.length sortlst <> 1
         then raise (C.CoAlgException "[{>=,<=}]-formula is used in wrong sort.")
         else ();
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset (List.hd sortlst) f1
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset (List.hd sortlst) f1
     | C.HCATLEASTPROB (_,f1)
     | C.HCLESSPROBFAIL (_,f1) ->
         if func <> PML || List.length sortlst <> 1
         then raise (C.CoAlgException "[{>=,<}]-formula with probability is used in wrong sort.")
         else ();
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset (List.hd sortlst) f1;
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset (List.hd sortlst) f1;
             TODO: add ¬ f1 to the closure!
         detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset (List.hd sortlst) (f1.HC.node.negNde)
@@ -861,28 +991,45 @@ let rec detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset s f =
         then raise (C.CoAlgException "Identity operator applied to
           formula of wrong sort.")
         else ();
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset (List.hd sortlst) f1;
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset (List.hd sortlst) f1;
     | C.HCNORM (f1, f2)
     | C.HCNORMN(f1, f2) ->
       if func <> DefaultImplication || List.length sortlst <> 1 then
           raise (C.CoAlgException "Default Implication applied to
           formulae of wrong sort.")
         else ();
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset (List.nth sortlst 0) f1;
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset (List.nth sortlst 1) f2
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset (List.nth sortlst 0) f1;
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset (List.nth sortlst 1) f2
     | C.HCCHC (f1, f2) ->
         if func <> Choice || List.length sortlst <> 2 then
           raise (C.CoAlgException "Choice formula is used in wrong sort.")
         else ();
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset (List.nth sortlst 0) f1;
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset (List.nth sortlst 1) f2
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset (List.nth sortlst 0) f1;
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset (List.nth sortlst 1) f2
     | C.HCFUS (first, f1) ->
         if func <> Fusion || List.length sortlst <> 2 then
           raise (C.CoAlgException "Fusion formula is used in wrong sort.")
         else ();
         let s1 = List.nth sortlst (if first then 0 else 1) in
-        detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset s1 f1
+        detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset s1 f1
+    (*
+       FL(μ X . φ) = {μ X . φ} ∪ FL(φ[X|->μ X . φ])
+     *)
+    | C.HCMU (name, f1) ->
+       begin
+         if C.hc_freeIn name f1
+         then
+           C.HcFHt.replace vset.(s) f name
+         else ();
+         let unfold = C.hc_replace hcF name f f1 in
+         let appendvars = List.append newvars [name] in
+         detClosure appendvars nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset s unfold
+       end
+    | C.HCNU (name, f1) ->
+       let unfold = C.hc_replace hcF name f f1 in
+       detClosure_ nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset s unfold
 let detClosureAt hcF atset name f () =
   match f.HC.node with
@@ -892,13 +1039,14 @@ let detClosureAt hcF atset name f () =
   | C.HCAND _
   | C.HCAT _ -> ()
   | _ ->
-      let at = C.HcFormula.hashcons hcF (C.HCAT (name, f)) in 
+      let at = C.HcFormula.hashcons hcF (C.HCAT (name, f)) in
       C.HcFHt.replace atset at ()
 (** Initialises the arrays for a formula and its integer representation.
-let initTables nomTbl hcF htF htR s f n =
+let initTables nomTbl hcF htF htR vset s f n =
   !arrayFormula.(s).(n) <- f.HC.fml;
+  !arrayDeferral.(s).(n) <- Hashtbl.hash (C.HcFHt.find vset.(s) f);
   let fneg = f.HC.neg in
   if C.HcFHt.mem htF.(s) fneg then !arrayNeg.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(s) fneg;
   let (_, sortlst) = !sortTable.(s) in
@@ -928,10 +1076,10 @@ let initTables nomTbl hcF htF htR s f n =
       !arrayType.(s).(n) <- AndF;
       !arrayDest1.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(s) f1;
       !arrayDest2.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(s) f2
-  | C.HCEX (role, f1) -> 
+  | C.HCEX (role, f1) ->
       !arrayType.(s).(n) <- ExF;
       !arrayDest1.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(List.hd sortlst) f1;
-      !arrayDest3.(s).(n) <- 
+      !arrayDest3.(s).(n) <-
         if Hashtbl.mem htR role then Hashtbl.find htR role
           let size = Hashtbl.length htR in
@@ -1013,11 +1161,11 @@ let initTables nomTbl hcF htF htR s f n =
   | C.HCID (f1) ->
       !arrayType.(s).(n) <- IdF;
       !arrayDest1.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(List.nth sortlst 0) f1
-  | C.HCNORM (f1, f2) ->    
+  | C.HCNORM (f1, f2) ->
       !arrayType.(s).(n) <- NormF;
       !arrayDest1.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(List.nth sortlst 0) f1;
       !arrayDest2.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(List.nth sortlst 1) f2
-  | C.HCNORMN (f1, f2) ->    
+  | C.HCNORMN (f1, f2) ->
       !arrayType.(s).(n) <- NormnF;
       !arrayDest1.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(List.nth sortlst 0) f1;
       !arrayDest2.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(List.nth sortlst 1) f2
@@ -1031,6 +1179,16 @@ let initTables nomTbl hcF htF htR s f n =
       let s1 = List.nth sortlst (if first then 0 else 1) in
       !arrayDest1.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(s1) f1;
       !arrayDest3.(s).(n) <- if first then 0 else 1
+  | C.HCMU (name, f1) ->
+     !arrayType.(s).(n) <- MuF;
+     let unfold = C.hc_replace hcF name f f1 in
+     !arrayDest1.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(s) unfold
+  | C.HCNU (name, f1) ->
+     !arrayType.(s).(n) <- NuF;
+     let unfold = C.hc_replace hcF name f f1 in
+     !arrayDest1.(s).(n) <- C.HcFHt.find htF.(s) unfold
+  | C.HCVAR _ -> !arrayType.(s).(n) <- Other
 let initTablesAt hcF htF name sort =
   let hcnom = C.HcFormula.hashcons hcF (C.HCAP name) in
@@ -1043,7 +1201,7 @@ let initTablesAt hcF htF name sort =
     | C.HCAND _
     | C.HCAT _ -> ()
     | _ ->
-        let at = C.HcFormula.hashcons hcF (C.HCAT (name, f)) in 
+        let at = C.HcFormula.hashcons hcF (C.HCAT (name, f)) in
         let atn = C.HcFHt.find htF.(0) at in
         FHt.add !arrayAt.(sort).(n) nom atn
@@ -1054,6 +1212,7 @@ let ppFormulae nomTbl tbox (s, f) =
   if card <= 0 then
     raise (C.CoAlgException "Number of sorts must be positive.")
   else ();
+  C.verifyFormula f;
   let nnfAndSimplify f = C.simplify (C.nnf f) in
   let  f1    = nnfAndSimplify f in
   let nf1    = nnfAndSimplify (C.NOT f) in
@@ -1069,16 +1228,19 @@ let ppFormulae nomTbl tbox (s, f) =
   let hctrue  = C.hc_formula hcF C.TRUE in
   let fset = Array.init card (fun _ -> C.HcFHt.create 128) in
+  let vset = Array.init card (fun _ -> C.HcFHt.create 128) in
   let atset = C.HcFHt.create 64 in
   let nomset = Hashtbl.create 16 in
   for i = 0 to card-1 do
-    detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset i hcfalse;
-    detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset i hctrue;
+    detClosure [] nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset i hcfalse;
+    detClosure [] nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset i hctrue;
-  detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset s  hcf;
-  detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset s nhcf;
-  List.iter (fun (s, f) -> detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset s f)  hctbox;
-  List.iter (fun (s, f) -> detClosure nomTbl hcF fset atset nomset s f) nhctbox;
+  detClosure [] nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset s  hcf;
+  detClosure [] nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset s nhcf;
+  List.iter (fun (s, f) -> detClosure [] nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset s f)
+            hctbox;
+  List.iter (fun (s, f) -> detClosure [] nomTbl hcF fset vset atset nomset s f)
+            nhctbox;
   Hashtbl.iter (fun n s -> C.HcFHt.iter (detClosureAt hcF atset n) fset.(s)) nomset;
   let htF = Array.init card (fun _ -> C.HcFHt.create 128) in
@@ -1111,12 +1273,13 @@ let ppFormulae nomTbl tbox (s, f) =
   arrayDest1 := Array.init card (fun _ -> Array.make !size (-1));
   arrayDest2 := Array.init card (fun _ -> Array.make !size (-1));
   arrayDest3 := Array.init card (fun _ -> Array.make !size (-1));
+  arrayDeferral := Array.init card (fun _-> Array.make !size(-1));
   arrayNeg := Array.init card (fun _ -> Array.make !size (-1));
   arrayDestNum := Array.init card (fun _ -> Array.make !size (-1));
   arrayDestNum2 := Array.init card (fun _ -> Array.make !size (-1));
   arrayDestAg := Array.init card (fun _ -> Array.make !size (Array.make 0 (-1)));
   let htR = Hashtbl.create 128 in
-  Array.iteri (fun s ht -> C.HcFHt.iter (initTables nomTbl hcF htF htR s) ht) htF;
+  Array.iteri (fun s ht -> C.HcFHt.iter (initTables nomTbl hcF htF htR vset s) ht) htF;
   arrayAt := Array.init card (fun _ -> Array.init !size (fun _ -> FHt.create 8));
   Hashtbl.iter (initTablesAt hcF htF) nomset;
diff --git a/src/lib/CoAlgMisc.mli b/src/lib/CoAlgMisc.mli
index b248c1803ae99d5a4f41a70706d765ed5399acaa..b93b94ea1a0798dbcabcf1447a2549b1145c1841 100644
--- a/src/lib/CoAlgMisc.mli
+++ b/src/lib/CoAlgMisc.mli
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 type functors =
   | MultiModalK
   | MultiModalKD
+  | Monotone
   | CoalitionLogic
   | GML
   | PML
@@ -52,6 +53,8 @@ type formulaType =
   | NormnF (* negation normal form of default implication *)
   | ChcF
   | FusF
+  | MuF
+  | NuF
 type localFormula
 type bset
@@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ and nodeStatus =
 and dependencies = bset list -> bset
-and rule = (dependencies * (sort * bset) lazylist)
+and rule = (dependencies * (sort * bset * bset) lazylist)
 and 'a lazyliststep =
   | MultipleElements of 'a list
@@ -165,6 +168,7 @@ val queueInsertCnstr : cset -> unit
 val queueGetElement : unit -> queueElement
 val queuePrettyStatus : unit -> string
+val setPropagationCounter : int -> unit
 val doNominalPropagation : unit -> bool
 val doSatPropagation : unit -> bool
@@ -178,11 +182,11 @@ val graphIterStates : (state -> unit) -> unit
 val graphIterCores : (core -> unit) -> unit
 val graphIterCnstrs : (cset -> constrnt -> unit) -> unit
 val graphClearCnstr : unit -> unit
-val graphFindState : sort -> bset -> state option
-val graphFindCore : sort -> bset -> core option
+val graphFindState : sort -> (bset * bset) -> state option
+val graphFindCore : sort -> (bset * bset) -> core option
 val graphFindCnstr : cset -> constrnt option
-val graphInsertState : sort -> bset -> state -> unit
-val graphInsertCore : sort -> bset -> core -> unit
+val graphInsertState : sort -> (bset * bset) -> state -> unit
+val graphInsertCore : sort -> (bset * bset) -> core -> unit
 val graphInsertCnstr : cset -> constrnt -> unit
 val graphReplaceCnstr : cset -> constrnt -> unit
 val graphSizeState : unit -> int
@@ -210,10 +214,12 @@ val cssIter : (cset -> unit) -> csetSet -> unit
 (*      "Module type" and a specific implementation of state nodes           *)
-val stateMake : sort -> bset -> stateExpander -> state
+val stateMake : sort -> bset -> bset -> stateExpander -> state
 val stateGetSort : state -> sort
 val stateGetBs : state -> bset
 val stateSetBs : state -> bset -> unit
+val stateGetDeferral : state -> bset
+val stateSetDeferral : state -> bset -> unit
 val stateGetStatus : state -> nodeStatus
 val stateSetStatus : state -> nodeStatus -> unit
 val stateGetParents : state -> core list
@@ -225,6 +231,7 @@ val stateGetConstraints : state -> csetSet
 val stateSetConstraints : state -> csetSet -> unit
 val stateNextRule : state -> ruleEnumeration
 val stateToString : state -> string
+val stateToDot : state -> string
 val stateGetIdx : state -> int
@@ -232,24 +239,28 @@ val stateGetIdx : state -> int
 (*      "Module type" and a specific implementation of core nodes            *)
-val coreMake : sort -> bset -> Minisat.solver -> fht -> core
+val coreMake : sort -> bset -> bset -> Minisat.solver option -> fht -> core
 val coreGetSort : core -> sort
 val coreGetBs : core -> bset
-val coreSetBs :core -> bset -> unit
+val coreSetBs : core -> bset -> unit
+val coreGetDeferral : core -> bset
+val coreSetDeferral : core -> bset -> unit
 val coreGetStatus : core -> nodeStatus
 val coreSetStatus : core -> nodeStatus -> unit
-val coreGetParents :core -> (state * int) list
+val coreGetParents : core -> (state * int) list
 val coreAddParent : core -> state -> int -> unit
 val coreGetChildren : core -> state list
 val coreAddChild : core -> state -> unit
 val coreGetConstraints : core -> csetSet
 val coreSetConstraints : core -> csetSet -> unit
-val coreGetSolver : core -> Minisat.solver
+val coreGetSolver : core -> Minisat.solver option
+val coreDeallocateSolver : core -> unit
 val coreGetFht : core -> fht
 val coreGetIdx : core -> int
 val coreGetConstraintParents : core -> cset list
 val coreAddConstraintParent : core -> cset -> unit
 val coreToString : core -> string
+val coreToDot : core -> string
@@ -259,6 +270,8 @@ val coreToString : core -> string
 val setEmptyState : unit -> setState
 val setEmptyCore : unit -> setCore
+val setCopyState : setState -> setState
+val setCopyCore : setCore -> setCore
 val setEmptyCnstr : unit -> setCnstr
 val setAddState : setState -> state -> unit
 val setAddCore : setCore -> core -> unit
@@ -272,6 +285,8 @@ val setRemoveCnstr : setCnstr -> cset -> unit
 val setIterState : (state -> unit) -> setState -> unit
 val setIterCore : (core -> unit) -> setCore -> unit
 val setIterCnstr : (cset -> unit) -> setCnstr -> unit
+val setLengthState : setState -> int
+val setLengthCore : setCore -> int
@@ -303,6 +318,8 @@ val bsetMake : unit -> bset (* a new bset which only contains True *)
 val bsetMakeRealEmpty : unit -> bset (* a new bset without containing True *)
 val bsetAdd : bset -> localFormula -> unit
 val bsetMem : bset -> localFormula -> bool
+val bsetRem : bset -> int -> unit
+val bsetCompare : bset -> bset -> int
 val bsetFold : (localFormula -> 'a -> 'a) -> bset -> 'a -> 'a
 val bsetIter : (localFormula -> unit) -> bset -> unit
 val bsetFilter : bset -> (localFormula -> bool) -> bset
@@ -331,6 +348,7 @@ val lfGetType : sort -> localFormula -> formulaType
 val lfGetDest1 : sort -> localFormula -> localFormula
 val lfGetDest2 : sort -> localFormula -> localFormula
 val lfGetDest3 : sort -> localFormula -> int
+val lfGetDeferral : sort -> localFormula -> int
 val lfGetDestNum : sort -> localFormula -> int
 val lfGetDestNum2 : sort -> localFormula -> int
 val lfGetDestAg : sort -> localFormula -> int array
diff --git a/src/lib/CoAlgReasoner.ml b/src/lib/CoAlgReasoner.ml
index 034d6f28aaa58d987c006800f77557d6ed23fde7..efb1734a8702628fdb1be1267005b5adcbb0d522 100644
--- a/src/lib/CoAlgReasoner.ml
+++ b/src/lib/CoAlgReasoner.ml
@@ -27,11 +27,12 @@ let propSatFindSucc setCnstr cset =
   if csetHasDot cset then false
     match graphFindCnstr cset with
-      | None -> raise (ReasonerError "?")
-      | Some SatC -> true
-      | Some (OpenC _) -> setMemCnstr setCnstr cset
-      | Some (UnexpandedC _)
-      | Some UnsatC -> false
+    | None -> raise (ReasonerError "?")
+    | Some SatC -> true
+    | Some (OpenC _) -> setMemCnstr setCnstr cset
+    | Some (UnexpandedC _)
+    | Some UnsatC -> false
 let rec propSat setStates setCores setCnstr = function
   | [] -> ()
@@ -112,6 +113,160 @@ let propagateSat () =
   setIterCnstr (fun cset -> graphReplaceCnstr cset SatC) setCnstr
+let propagateSatMu () =
+  let setFinishingStates = setEmptyState () in
+  let setFinishingCores = setEmptyCore () in
+  let setStates = setEmptyState () in
+  let setCores = setEmptyCore () in
+  let emptySet = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
+  let openstates = ref 0 in
+  (* Collect two sets of nodes. All nodes that may be satisfiable
+   * after this iteration are collected into setStates/setCores.
+   *
+   * As every cycle containing a node with empty focus or an
+   * satisfiable node should be considered satisfiable, collect these
+   * decisive nodes into setFinishingStates/setFinishingCores
+   *
+   * This also marks in trivial cases nodes as satisfiable.
+   *)
+  let stateCollector state =
+    match stateGetStatus state with
+    | Unsat -> ()
+    | Sat ->
+       setAddState setStates state;
+      setAddState setFinishingStates state
+    | Expandable -> ()
+    | Open ->
+       openstates := !openstates + 1;
+       if List.length (stateGetRules state) == 0 || (* States with no rules are satisfiable *)
+         bsetCompare (bsetMake ()) (stateGetBs state) == 0 (* KD generates nodes with just True as formula *)
+       then begin
+         setAddState setFinishingStates state;
+         stateSetStatus state Sat
+       end else begin
+         setAddState setStates state;
+         if bsetCompare (stateGetDeferral state) emptySet == 0
+         then begin
+           setAddState setFinishingStates state
+         end
+         else ()
+       end
+  (* As it is enough for a core to have one successfull child, we can
+   * also handle (some) expandable cores.
+   *)
+  and coreCollector core =
+    match coreGetStatus core with
+    | Unsat -> ()
+    | Sat ->
+       setAddCore setCores core;
+       setAddCore setFinishingCores core
+    | Expandable
+    | Open ->
+       setAddCore setCores core;
+      if bsetCompare (coreGetDeferral core) emptySet == 0
+      then begin
+        setAddCore setFinishingCores core
+      end
+      else ()
+  in
+  graphIterStates stateCollector;
+  graphIterCores coreCollector;
+  setPropagationCounter !openstates;
+  (* In a fixpoint the set called setStates / setCores is narrowed
+   * down.
+   *
+   * In each step only those states and cores are retained in setStates
+   * / setCores which reach one of setFinishing{States,Cores} in
+   * finitely many steps. This new set of States / Cores is collected
+   * as allowed{States,Cores} during each fixpoint iteration.
+   *
+   * Only those finishing nodes are retained that have allowed or
+   * Successfull Children.
+   *)
+  let rec fixpointstep setStates setCores =
+    let allowedStates = setEmptyState () in
+    let allowedCores = setEmptyCore () in
+    let rec visitParentStates (core : core) : unit =
+      if not (setMemCore allowedCores core)
+      then begin
+        setAddCore allowedCores core;
+        let verifyParent (state,_) =
+          let rules = stateGetRules state in
+          let ruleiter (dependencies, corelist) =
+            List.exists (fun (core : core) -> setMemCore allowedCores core ||
+                                                coreGetStatus core == Sat)
+              corelist
+          in
+          if List.for_all ruleiter rules
+          then visitParentCores state
+        in
+        List.iter verifyParent (coreGetParents core)
+      end
+    and visitParentCores (state : state) : unit =
+      if not (setMemState allowedStates state)
+      then begin
+        setAddState allowedStates state;
+        let verifyParent core =
+          let acceptable =
+            List.exists (fun (state : state) -> setMemState allowedStates state ||
+                                                  stateGetStatus state == Sat)
+              (coreGetChildren core)
+          in
+          if acceptable
+          then visitParentStates core
+        in
+        List.iter verifyParent (stateGetParents state)
+      end
+    in
+    (* All rule applications need to still be potentially Sat for a
+     * finishing State to be a valid startingpoint for this fixpoint.
+     *)
+    let checkFinishingState (state : state) =
+      let ruleiter (dependencies, corelist) : bool =
+        List.for_all (fun (core : core) -> coreGetStatus core == Unsat ||
+                                             coreGetStatus core == Expandable ||
+                                               not (setMemCore setCores core)) corelist
+      in
+      if not (List.exists ruleiter (stateGetRules state)) then begin
+        visitParentCores state
+      end
+    (* There needs to be a State still potentially Sat for this core
+     * to be considered for the fixpoint
+     *)
+    and checkFinishingCore (core : core) =
+      if not (List.for_all (fun (state : state) -> stateGetStatus state == Unsat ||
+                                                     stateGetStatus state == Expandable ||
+                                                       not (setMemState setStates state))
+                           (coreGetChildren core))
+      then begin
+        visitParentStates core
+      end
+    in
+    setIterState checkFinishingState setFinishingStates;
+    setIterCore checkFinishingCore setFinishingCores;
+    if (setLengthState setStates) = (setLengthState allowedStates) &&
+         (setLengthCore setCores) = (setLengthCore allowedCores)
+    then begin
+        setIterState (fun state -> stateSetStatus state Sat) setStates;
+        setIterCore (fun core -> coreSetStatus core Sat; if core == graphGetRoot ()
+                                                         then raise (CoAlg_finished true)
+                                                         else ()) setCores;
+      end else
+      fixpointstep allowedStates allowedCores
+  in
+  fixpointstep setStates setCores
 (*                     Propagation of Unsatisfiability                       *)
@@ -132,6 +287,9 @@ let lhtMustFind lht l =
   | Some f -> f
   | None -> assert false
+(* Gets a list of Things we know are unsatisfiable and propagates this
+   information backwards *)
 let rec propagateUnsat = function
   | [] -> ()
   | propElem::tl ->
@@ -161,7 +319,8 @@ let rec propagateUnsat = function
                 let prop acc core =
                   let turnsUnsat =
                     match coreGetStatus core with
-                    | Open -> List.for_all (fun s -> stateGetStatus s = Unsat) (coreGetChildren core)
+                    | Open -> List.for_all (fun s -> stateGetStatus s = Unsat)
+                                           (coreGetChildren core)
                     | Expandable
                     | Unsat
                     | Sat -> false
@@ -182,7 +341,7 @@ let rec propagateUnsat = function
                   if comesFromCnstr then coreGetBs core
                     let bs = coreGetBs core in
-                    let solver = coreGetSolver core in
+                    let Some solver = coreGetSolver core in
                     let fht = coreGetFht core in
                     let lht = lhtInit () in
                     let addLits f acc =
@@ -207,6 +366,7 @@ let rec propagateUnsat = function
                 coreSetBs core mbs;
                 coreSetStatus core Unsat;
+                coreDeallocateSolver core;
                 if core == graphGetRoot () then raise (CoAlg_finished false) else ();
                 let prop acc (state, idx) =
                   let turnsUnsat =
@@ -233,7 +393,7 @@ let rec propagateUnsat = function
                 let prop acc node =
                   match node with
                   | State state ->
-                      let turnsUnsat = 
+                      let turnsUnsat =
                         match stateGetStatus state with
                         | Expandable
                         | Open -> cssForall isConstraintUnsat (stateGetConstraints state)
@@ -255,6 +415,145 @@ let rec propagateUnsat = function
       propagateUnsat tl1
+let propagateUnsatMu () =
+  let setFinishingStates = setEmptyState () in
+  let setFinishingCores = setEmptyCore () in
+  let setStates = setEmptyState () in
+  let setCores = setEmptyCore () in
+  let emptySet = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
+  (* Collect two sets of nodes. All nodes that may be unsatisfiable
+   * after this iteration are collected into setStates/setCores.
+   *
+   * Nodes reaching Points with empty focus as well as Expandable nodes
+   * (if not Unsat) can not be declared Unsat so we collect these into
+   * setFinishingStates/setFinishingCores.
+   *)
+  let stateCollector state =
+    match stateGetStatus state with
+    | Unsat -> ()
+    | Sat
+    | Expandable ->
+       setAddState setStates state;
+      setAddState setFinishingStates state
+    | Open ->
+       setAddState setStates state;
+      if [] = (stateGetRules state)
+      then begin
+        stateSetStatus state Sat;
+        setAddState setFinishingStates state
+      end
+      else ();
+      if bsetCompare (stateGetDeferral state) emptySet == 0
+      then begin
+        setAddState setFinishingStates state
+      end
+      else ()
+  and coreCollector core =
+    match coreGetStatus core with
+    | Unsat -> ()
+    | Expandable
+    | Sat ->
+       setAddCore setCores core;
+      setAddCore setFinishingCores core
+    | Open ->
+       setAddCore setCores core;
+      if bsetCompare (coreGetDeferral core) emptySet == 0
+      then begin
+        setAddCore setFinishingCores core
+      end
+      else ()
+  in
+  graphIterStates stateCollector;
+  graphIterCores coreCollector;
+  (* In a fixpoint the set called setFinishingStates/setFinishingCores
+   * is narrowed down
+   *
+   * In each iteration we start with all Nodes and remove all that can
+   * reach a finishing Node. We then remove all finishing Nodes from the
+   * respective set which are becoming Unsat and start with the next
+   * iteration until the fixpoint is reached
+   *
+   *
+   *)
+  let rec fixpointstep setPrevUnsatStates setPrevUnsatCores =
+    let setUnsatStates = setCopyState setStates in
+    let setUnsatCores = setCopyCore setCores in
+    let rec visitParentStates (core : core) : unit =
+      if setMemCore setUnsatCores core
+      then begin
+        setRemoveCore setUnsatCores core;
+        let verifyParent (state,_) =
+          let rules = stateGetRules state in
+          let ruleiter (dependencies, corelist) =
+            List.exists (fun (core : core) -> not (setMemCore setUnsatCores core) ||
+                                                coreGetStatus core == Sat)
+              corelist
+          in
+          if List.for_all ruleiter rules
+          then visitParentCores state
+        in
+        List.iter verifyParent (coreGetParents core)
+      end
+    and visitParentCores (state : state) : unit =
+      if setMemState setUnsatStates state
+      then begin
+        setRemoveState setUnsatStates state;
+        let verifyParent core =
+          let acceptable =
+            List.exists (fun (state : state) -> not (setMemState setUnsatStates state) ||
+                                                  stateGetStatus state == Sat)
+              (coreGetChildren core)
+          in
+          if acceptable
+          then visitParentStates core
+        in
+        List.iter verifyParent (stateGetParents state)
+      end
+    in
+    (* All rule applications need to still be potentially Sat for a
+     * finishing State to be a valid startingpoint for this fixpoint.
+     *)
+    let checkFinishingState (state : state) =
+      let ruleiter (dependencies, corelist) : bool =
+        List.for_all (fun (core : core) -> coreGetStatus core == Unsat ||
+                                             setMemCore setPrevUnsatCores core) corelist
+      in
+      if not (List.exists ruleiter (stateGetRules state)) ||
+           stateGetStatus state == Expandable then begin
+        visitParentCores state
+      end
+    (* There needs to be a State still potentially Sat for this core
+     * to be considered for the fixpoint
+     *)
+    and checkFinishingCore (core : core) =
+      if not (List.for_all (fun (state : state) -> stateGetStatus state == Unsat ||
+                                                     setMemState setPrevUnsatStates state)
+                (coreGetChildren core)) ||
+        coreGetStatus core == Expandable
+      then begin
+        visitParentStates core
+      end
+    in
+    setIterState checkFinishingState setFinishingStates;
+    setIterCore checkFinishingCore setFinishingCores;
+    if (setLengthState setPrevUnsatStates) = (setLengthState setUnsatStates) &&
+      (setLengthCore setPrevUnsatCores) = (setLengthCore setUnsatCores)
+    then begin
+        setIterState (fun state -> stateSetStatus state Unsat) setUnsatStates;
+        setIterCore (fun core -> propagateUnsat [UCore (core, false)]) setUnsatCores;
+      end else
+      fixpointstep setUnsatStates setUnsatCores
+  in
+  fixpointstep (setEmptyState ()) (setEmptyCore ())
 (*                   Propagation of Nominal Constraints                      *)
@@ -413,7 +712,7 @@ let getLit sort fht solver f =
-let newCore sort bs =
+let newCore sort bs defer =
   (* when creating a now core from a set of formulas bs
         bs = { x_1, ...., x_n }
            = "x_1 /\ .... /\ x_n"
@@ -476,13 +775,30 @@ let newCore sort bs =
         assert (okay1);
         let okay2 = M.add_clause solver [M.neg_lit lf; lf2] in
         assert (okay2)
+    | MuF
+    | NuF ->
+       (*
+          Dest of a fixpoint is it's unfolded version. This adds just
+          an simple forward implication that could be optimised out
+          though not without nontrivial transformation of code
+            f = μ X . φ   |---> lf
+            φ[X |-> f]    |---> lf1
+          Then adding lf -> lf1 to minisat
+        *)
+       let f1 = lfGetDest1 sort f in
+       addClauses f1;
+       let lf1 = fhtMustFind fht f1 in
+       let okay1 = M.add_clause solver [M.neg_lit lf; lf1] in
+       assert (okay1);
     | _ -> ()
         (* case 2.(c)
             We don't need to do anything except adding f to the fht
   bsetIter addClauses bs;
-  coreMake sort bs solver fht
+  coreMake sort bs defer (Some solver) fht
 let getNextState core =
   (* Create a new state, which is obtained by a satisfying assignment of the
@@ -492,9 +808,16 @@ let getNextState core =
      minisat calls.
   let bs = coreGetBs core in
+  let refocusing = bsetCompare (bsetMakeRealEmpty ()) (coreGetDeferral core) = 0 in
+  let deferralS =
+    if refocusing then
+      bsetCopy bs
+    else
+      coreGetDeferral core
+  in
   let fht = coreGetFht core in
   let litset = bsetFold (fun f acc -> (fhtMustFind fht f)::acc) bs [] in
-  let solver = coreGetSolver core in
+  let Some solver = coreGetSolver core in
   let isSat = M.invoke_solver solver litset in
   (* Clearly, if the current core is unsatisfiable, no further child state can
      be created *)
@@ -506,6 +829,7 @@ let getNextState core =
     let newbs = bsetMake () in
+    let newdefer = bsetMakeRealEmpty () in
     (* if newbs = { l_1, .... l_n }, i.e.
             newbs = l_1 /\ ... /\ l_n
@@ -517,7 +841,7 @@ let getNextState core =
        By mkExclClause, newbs is filled, and clause is built in the accumulator acc.
-    let rec mkExclClause f acc =
+    let rec mkExclClause deferral f acc =
       (* f is a formula that is true in the current satisfying assignment *)
       match lfGetType sort f with
       | OrF ->
@@ -526,47 +850,65 @@ let getNextState core =
           let lf1 = fhtMustFind fht f1 in
           (* if the first disjunct f1 is true, then we need to add subformulas
              of f1 to newbs&clause *)
-          if M.literal_status solver lf1 = M.LTRUE then mkExclClause f1 acc
+          if M.literal_status solver lf1 = M.LTRUE then mkExclClause deferral f1 acc
             (* otherwise f2 must be true *)
             let f2 = lfGetDest2 sort f in
             let lf2 = fhtMustFind fht f2 in
             assert (M.literal_status solver lf2 = M.LTRUE);
-            mkExclClause f2 acc
+            mkExclClause deferral f2 acc
       | AndF ->
           (* if the true f is a conjuction, then both conjunctions must be true *)
           let f1 = lfGetDest1 sort f in
           let lf1 = fhtMustFind fht f1 in
           assert (M.literal_status solver lf1 = M.LTRUE);
-          let acc1 = mkExclClause f1 acc in
+          let acc1 = mkExclClause deferral f1 acc in
           let f2 = lfGetDest2 sort f in
           let lf2 = fhtMustFind fht f2 in
           assert (M.literal_status solver lf2 = M.LTRUE);
-          mkExclClause f2 acc1
+          mkExclClause deferral f2 acc1
+      | MuF
+      | NuF ->
+         let f1 = lfGetDest1 sort f in
+         mkExclClause deferral f1 acc
       | _ ->
-          (* if f is a trivial formula or modality, then add it ... *)
-          (* ... to newbs *)
-          bsetAdd newbs f;
-          (* ... and to the new clause *)
-          (M.neg_lit (fhtMustFind fht f))::acc
+         (* if f is a trivial formula or modality, then add it ... *)
+         (* ... to newbs *)
+         bsetAdd newbs f;
+         let defercandidate = lfGetDeferral sort f in
+         (if (defercandidate != (Hashtbl.hash "ε") &&
+                (refocusing || deferral = defercandidate)) then
+            bsetAdd newdefer f);
+         (* ... and to the new clause *)
+         (M.neg_lit (fhtMustFind fht f))::acc
+    in
+    let init_clause f acc =
+      let deferral =
+        (* for each deferral determine which variable it belongs to *)
+        if bsetMem deferralS f then (
+          lfGetDeferral sort f)
+        else
+          (Hashtbl.hash "ε")
+      in
+      mkExclClause deferral f acc
-    let clause = bsetFold mkExclClause bs [] in
+    let clause = bsetFold init_clause bs [] in
     let okay = M.add_clause solver clause in
     assert (okay);
-    Some (sort, newbs)
+    Some (sort, newbs, newdefer)
-let newState sort bs =
+let newState sort bs defer =
   let (func, sl) = !sortTable.(sort) in
   let producer = CoAlgLogics.getExpandingFunctionProducer func in
-  let exp = producer sort bs sl in
-  stateMake sort bs exp
+  let exp = producer sort bs defer sl in
+  stateMake sort bs defer exp
-let insertState parent sort bs =
+let insertState parent sort bs defer =
   let child =
-    match graphFindState sort bs with
+    match graphFindState sort (bs, defer) with
     | None ->
-        let s = newState sort bs in
-        graphInsertState sort bs s;
+        let s = newState sort bs defer in
+        graphInsertState sort (bs, defer) s;
         queueInsertState s;
     | Some s -> s
@@ -576,29 +918,32 @@ let insertState parent sort bs =
 let expandCore core =
   match getNextState core with
-  | Some (sort, bs) ->
-      insertState core sort bs;
+  | Some (sort, bs, defer) ->
+      insertState core sort bs defer;
       queueInsertCore core
   | None ->
       let isUnsat = List.for_all (fun s -> stateGetStatus s = Unsat) (coreGetChildren core) in
-      if isUnsat then propagateUnsat [UCore (core, false)]
-      else coreSetStatus core Open
+      if isUnsat
+      then
+          propagateUnsat [UCore (core, false)]
+      else
+          coreSetStatus core Open
-let insertCore sort bs =
-  match graphFindCore sort bs with
+let insertCore sort bs defer =
+  match graphFindCore sort (bs, defer) with
   | None ->
-      let c = newCore sort bs in
-      graphInsertCore sort bs c;
-      queueInsertCore c;
-      c
+     let c = newCore sort bs defer in
+     graphInsertCore sort (bs, defer) c;
+     queueInsertCore c;
+     c
   | Some c -> c
 let insertRule state dep chldrn =
   let chldrn = listFromLazylist chldrn in
-  let insert (isUns, acc) (sort, bs) =
+  let insert (isUns, acc) (sort, bs, defer) =
     let bs1 = bsetAddTBox sort bs in
-    let core = insertCore sort bs1 in
+    let core = insertCore sort bs1 defer in
     let isUns1 = if coreGetStatus core = Unsat then isUns else false in
     (isUns1, core::acc)
@@ -646,7 +991,7 @@ let expandCnstr cset =
   csetIter cset mkCores;
   let inCores (sort, _) bs (isUns, acc) =
-    let core = insertCore sort bs in
+    let core = insertCore sort bs bs in (* TODO: think of deferral / μ stuff here *)
     coreAddConstraintParent core cset;
     (coreGetStatus core = Unsat || isUns, core::acc)
@@ -668,8 +1013,8 @@ let expandNodesLoop (recursiveAction: unit -> unit) =
       if stateGetStatus state = Expandable then begin
         expandState state;
         if doNominalPropagation () then begin
-          propagateNominals ();
-          if doSatPropagation () then propagateSat ()
+          (* propagateNominals (); *)
+          if doSatPropagation () then (propagateUnsatMu (); propagateSatMu ())
         end else ()
       end else ();
       recursiveAction ()
@@ -677,8 +1022,8 @@ let expandNodesLoop (recursiveAction: unit -> unit) =
       if coreGetStatus core = Expandable then begin
         expandCore core;
         if doNominalPropagation () then begin
-          propagateNominals ();
-          if doSatPropagation () then propagateSat ()
+          (* propagateNominals (); *)
+          if doSatPropagation () then (propagateUnsatMu (); propagateSatMu ())
         end else ()
       end else ();
       recursiveAction ()
@@ -693,14 +1038,14 @@ let runReasonerStep () =
   (* if this emptied the queue *)
   if queueIsEmpty () then begin
     (* then check whether the nominals would add further queue elements *)
-    print_endline "Propagating nominals...";
-    propagateNominals ()
+    (* print_endline "Propagating nominals..."; *)
+    (* propagateNominals () *)
   end else () (* else: the next step would be to expand another node *)
 let rec buildGraphLoop () =
   let rec expandNodesFurther () = expandNodesLoop expandNodesFurther in
   expandNodesFurther (); (* expand as many queue elements as possible *)
-  propagateNominals ();
+  (* propagateNominals (); *)
   (* if propagating nominals added some more queue members, do all again.. *)
   if queueIsEmpty () then () else buildGraphLoop ()
@@ -709,16 +1054,22 @@ let initReasoner sorts nomTable tbox sf =
   let (tbox1, sf1, bs) = ppFormulae nomTable tbox sf in
   let sort = fst sf in
   let bs1 = bsetAddTBox sort bs in
+  let deferrals = bsetMakeRealEmpty() in
+  let markDeferral f =
+    if (Hashtbl.hash "ε") != (lfGetDeferral sort f) then (
+      bsetAdd deferrals f;)
+  in
+  bsetIter markDeferral bs;
   graphInit ();
   queueInit ();
-  let root = insertCore sort bs1 in
+  let root = insertCore sort bs1 deferrals in
   graphAddRoot root
 let isRootSat () =
   match coreGetStatus (graphGetRoot ()) with
   | Expandable -> None
   | Unsat -> Some false
-  | Sat
+  | Sat -> Some true
   | Open -> if (queueIsEmpty()) then Some true else None
 let reasonerFinished () =
@@ -727,7 +1078,7 @@ let reasonerFinished () =
   | Unsat
   | Sat  -> true
   | Open -> queueIsEmpty ()
 (** A graph-tableau-based decision procedure framework for coalgebraic logics.
     @param verbose An optional switch which determines
@@ -748,6 +1099,7 @@ let isSat ?(verbose = false) sorts nomTable tbox sf =
   let sat =
       buildGraphLoop ();
+      propagateUnsatMu ();
       (* get whether the root is satisfiable *)
       (* we know that the reasoner finished, so the value is there, *)
       (* i.e. isRootSat() will give a "Some x" and not "None" *)
@@ -775,4 +1127,3 @@ let isSat ?(verbose = false) sorts nomTable tbox sf =
     print_newline ()
   else ();
diff --git a/src/lib/HashConsing.ml b/src/lib/HashConsing.ml
index a7e88dee447e90c162e6de2702c93d99704522c0..6b75c0b9ee40f79c227f74b8b2096b6dce97dd83 100644
--- a/src/lib/HashConsing.ml
+++ b/src/lib/HashConsing.ml
@@ -208,11 +208,18 @@ module Make(H : HashedTyped) : (S with type nde = H.nde and type fml = H.fml) =
           let ndeN = H.negNde nde in
           let hkeyN = realhash ndeN in
           let fmlN = H.toFml ndeN in
-          let ndN = { node = ndeN; hkey = hkeyN; tag = osize + 1; fml = fmlN; neg = nd } in
-          nd.neg <- ndN;
           let idxN = hkeyN mod ds in
-          data.(idxN) <- ndN :: data.(idxN);
-          hc.size <- osize + 2;
+          let bucketN = data.(idxN) in
+          try begin
+            find ndeN bucketN;
+            hc.size <- succ osize;
+          end
+          with Not_found ->
+            let ndN = { node = ndeN; hkey = hkeyN; tag = osize + 1; fml = fmlN; neg = nd } in
+            nd.neg <- ndN;
+            let idxN = hkeyN mod ds in
+            data.(idxN) <- ndN :: data.(idxN);
+            hc.size <- osize + 2
         else hc.size <- succ osize;
         if hc.size > ds lsl 1 then resize hc else ();
diff --git a/src/testsuite/cool-testsuite.ml b/src/testsuite/cool-testsuite.ml
index a6f312d2580134c3a6ee94093b830dc8f5032ee5..0fdc0fbb1594b836848c50b46d51a3df0075de48 100644
--- a/src/testsuite/cool-testsuite.ml
+++ b/src/testsuite/cool-testsuite.ml
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ let k_testcases: satCheck list =
     ; c Unsat "<R> ((<R> C) & (<S> False))"
     ; c Unsat "<X> (<S> False) | <R> ((<R> C) & (<S> False))"
     ; c Unsat "<X> (<S> False) | <R> ((<R> C) & (<S> False))"
-    ; c Sat   "<R> A & <R> B |- [R] C"
-    ; c Unsat "<R> A & <R> B |- [R] (~A & ~B)"
-    ; c Unsat "<R> A & <R> B |- [R] ~B"
-    ; c Sat   "<R> A & <R> ~A |- [R] B"
-    ; c Unsat "<R> A & <R> ~A & (B => [R] ~A) |- [R] B"
-    ; c Sat   "<R> A & <R> ~A & (B => [R] ~A) & (C => ~D) & (D => ~E) & <R> C & <R> D & <R> E |- True"
-    ; c Unsat "<R> D & <R> E & ((<R> D & <R> E) => [R] E) & ~(D & E) |- True"
-    ; c Sat   "(<R> D | <R> E) & ((<R> D & <R> E) => [R] E) & ~(D & E) |- True"
-    ; c Sat   "<R> D & <R> E & ((<R> D & <R> E) => [R] E) & (D & E => <R> ~(D&E)) |- True"
+    ; c Sat   "<R> a & <R> B |- [R] C"
+    ; c Unsat "<R> a & <R> B |- [R] (~a & ~B)"
+    ; c Unsat "<R> a & <R> B |- [R] ~B"
+    ; c Sat   "<R> a & <R> ~a |- [R] B"
+    ; c Unsat "<R> a & <R> ~a & (B => [R] ~a) |- [R] B"
+    ; c Sat   "<R> a & <R> ~a & (B => [R] ~a) & (C => ~D) & (D => ~e) & <R> C & <R> D & <R> e |- True"
+    ; c Unsat "<R> D & <R> e & ((<R> D & <R> e) => [R] e) & ~(D & e) |- True"
+    ; c Sat   "(<R> D | <R> e) & ((<R> D & <R> e) => [R] e) & ~(D & e) |- True"
+    ; c Sat   "<R> D & <R> e & ((<R> D & <R> e) => [R] e) & (D & e => <R> ~(D&e)) |- True"