package refit.communication; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.Consumer; import refit.communication.REFITNetworkEvents.REFITConnectionWriteableNotification; import refit.scheduler.REFITSchedulerTask; import refit.stage.REFITEventReceiver; import refit.util.REFITLogger; public class REFITConnection { private final REFITUnmarshaller unmarshaller; // use volatile to make sure that isOpen() can return a somewhat reasonable result private volatile SocketChannel socketChannel; private SocketAddress socketAddress; public SelectionKey selectionKey; private boolean isReadable; private boolean isWriteable; private boolean isConnectable; private final short id; public REFITConnection(int receiveBufferSize, int sendBufferSize, REFITUnmarshaller unmarshaller, short nodeID) { this.unmarshaller = unmarshaller; this.receiveBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(receiveBufferSize); this.boundedSendQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); this.boundedSendQueueBytes = new AtomicInteger(0); this.waitingForSend = new HashSet<>(); // FIXME: eventually get rid of sendQueue. However, this requires potentially large modifications to every single stage this.sendQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); this.useStaticSendBuffer = (sendBufferSize > 0); this.staticSendBuffer = useStaticSendBuffer ? ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(sendBufferSize) : null; this.boundedSendQueueLimit = (sendBufferSize > 0) ? sendBufferSize / 2 : 10 * 1024; this.sendBuffer = null; = nodeID; } @Override public String toString() { Object socket = (socketChannel != null) ? socketChannel.socket() : null; return "CNCTN[" + socket + "]"; } public void init(SocketChannel socketChannel) throws IOException { if (socketChannel == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // Reset helper data structures this.socketChannel = socketChannel; selectionKey = null; socketAddress = null; // wakeup every waiting outbox sendWakeups(); waitingForSend.clear(); hasWaitingForSend = false; // reset send and receive queues boundedSendQueue.clear(); boundedSendQueueBytes.set(0); sendQueue.clear(); sendPending = false; sendBuffer = null; receiveBuffer.clear(); receiveProcessedMark = 0; isReadable = true; isWriteable = true; isConnectable = true; try { // Configure channel socketChannel.configureBlocking(false); socketChannel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.TCP_NODELAY, true); } catch (IOException e) { closeConnection(); throw e; } } public void connect(SocketAddress address) throws IOException { init(; socketAddress = address; try { socketChannel.connect(address); } catch (IOException e) { closeConnection(); throw e; } isReadable = false; isWriteable = false; // test immediately whether the connection can be completed // without this, the connection setup seems to hang at least on localhost isConnectable = true; } public void register(REFITSchedulerTask task) { try { // Register channel for I/O operations selectionKey = task.registerIO(socketChannel, (socketAddress == null) ? SelectionKey.OP_READ : SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT); } catch (IOException ioe) { closeConnection(); } } public void select() { isReadable = selectionKey.isReadable(); isWriteable = (selectionKey.interestOps() & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) == 0 || selectionKey.isWritable(); isConnectable = selectionKey.isConnectable(); } public boolean isOpen() { return (socketChannel != null); } public void closeConnection() { if (selectionKey != null) selectionKey.cancel(); try { socketChannel.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } socketChannel = null; selectionKey = null; } public SocketChannel takeChannel() { SocketChannel channel = socketChannel; selectionKey = null; socketChannel = null; socketAddress = null; return channel; } // ########### // # SENDING # // ########### private final boolean useStaticSendBuffer; private final ByteBuffer staticSendBuffer; private final Queue<ByteBuffer> boundedSendQueue; private final AtomicInteger boundedSendQueueBytes; private final int boundedSendQueueLimit; private final Set<REFITEventReceiver<? super REFITConnectionWriteableNotification>> waitingForSend; private volatile boolean hasWaitingForSend; private final Queue<ByteBuffer> sendQueue; private ByteBuffer sendBuffer; private boolean sendPending; public void enqueue(ByteBuffer message) { if (!isOpen()) return; sendQueue.add(message); } public boolean connect() throws IOException { if (!isConnectable) return false; boolean isConnected = socketChannel.finishConnect(); if (!isConnected) { // connection not yet complete return false; } selectionKey.interestOps(selectionKey.interestOps() & ~SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT | SelectionKey.OP_READ); return true; } private boolean isBoundedQueueFull() { return boundedSendQueueBytes.get() > boundedSendQueueLimit; } private boolean isBoundedQueueBusy() { return boundedSendQueueBytes.get() > boundedSendQueueLimit / 2; } public boolean boundedEnqueue(ByteBuffer message, REFITEventReceiver<? super REFITConnectionWriteableNotification> stage) { if (!isOpen() || isBoundedQueueFull() || hasWaitingForSend) { synchronized (waitingForSend) { hasWaitingForSend = true; waitingForSend.add(stage); } return false; } boundedSendQueue.add(message); boundedSendQueueBytes.addAndGet(message.remaining()); return true; } private void sendWakeups() { if (hasWaitingForSend) { synchronized (waitingForSend) { for (REFITEventReceiver<? super REFITConnectionWriteableNotification> stage : waitingForSend) { stage.tell(new REFITConnectionWriteableNotification(id)); } waitingForSend.clear(); hasWaitingForSend = false; } } } // TODO: Single send operation for retry and new data when using a static send buffer public void send() { // Check whether connection is open if (!isOpen()) return; // Try to complete pending send if (sendPending) { if (!isWriteable) return; boolean success = trySend(); if (!success) return; } // Prepare send buffer while (!boundedSendQueue.isEmpty() || !sendQueue.isEmpty()) { ByteBuffer queueHead = boundedSendQueue.poll(); if (queueHead == null) { queueHead = sendQueue.poll(); } else { boundedSendQueueBytes.addAndGet(-queueHead.remaining()); } // Only fallback to message buffer, if message is too large if (useStaticSendBuffer && staticSendBuffer.remaining() >= queueHead.remaining()) { sendBuffer = staticSendBuffer; sendBuffer.put(queueHead); while (!boundedSendQueue.isEmpty() || !sendQueue.isEmpty()) { boolean fromBoundedQueue = true; ByteBuffer message = boundedSendQueue.peek(); if (message == null) { message = sendQueue.peek(); fromBoundedQueue = false; } if (sendBuffer.remaining() < message.remaining()) break; if (fromBoundedQueue) { boundedSendQueue.poll(); boundedSendQueueBytes.addAndGet(-message.remaining()); } else { sendQueue.poll(); } sendBuffer.put(message); } sendBuffer.flip(); } else { sendBuffer = queueHead; } // Try to send data boolean success = trySend(); if (!success) break; } if (!isBoundedQueueBusy()) { sendWakeups(); } } private boolean trySend() { try { // Try to send data int bytesToSend = sendBuffer.remaining(); int bytesSent = socketChannel.write(sendBuffer); sendPending = (bytesSent < bytesToSend); if (sendPending) { //REFITLogger.logWarning(this, "write stalled (" + socketChannel.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress() + "): only " + bytesSent + " of " + bytesToSend + " bytes sent"); selectionKey.interestOps(selectionKey.interestOps() | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); isWriteable = false; return false; } // Sending has been successful if (sendBuffer == staticSendBuffer) sendBuffer.clear(); else sendBuffer = null; selectionKey.interestOps(selectionKey.interestOps() & ~SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); return true; } catch (IOException ioe) { REFITLogger.logWarning(this, "Broken connection"); closeConnection(); return false; } } // ############# // # RECEIVING # // ############# private final ByteBuffer receiveBuffer; private int receiveProcessedMark; public void receive(Consumer<ByteBuffer> messageHandler) { // Check whether connection is open and data is available if (!isOpen()) return; if (!isReadable) return; // Compact buffer if it is almost full if (receiveBuffer.position() > (receiveBuffer.capacity() * 3 / 4)) { receiveBuffer.limit(receiveBuffer.position()); receiveBuffer.position(receiveProcessedMark); receiveProcessedMark = 0; receiveBuffer.compact(); } // Get data int bytesRead; try { // Receive new data bytesRead =; } catch (IOException ioe) { bytesRead = -1; } // Close connection in case of an exception or EOF if (bytesRead < 0) { closeConnection(); return; } // Prepare buffer for unmarshalling int dataEndPosition = receiveBuffer.position(); receiveBuffer.limit(dataEndPosition); receiveBuffer.position(receiveProcessedMark); // Unmarshal messages boolean receivedAMessage = false; while (receiveBuffer.hasRemaining()) { boolean foundMessage = unmarshaller.unmarshalMessage(receiveBuffer, messageBuffer -> { final ByteBuffer messageCopy = ByteBuffer.allocate(messageBuffer.remaining()); messageCopy.put(messageBuffer); messageCopy.flip(); messageHandler.accept(messageCopy.asReadOnlyBuffer()); }); if (!foundMessage) break; receivedAMessage = true; } // Update processed mark and reset buffer receiveProcessedMark = receiveBuffer.position(); receiveBuffer.limit(receiveBuffer.capacity()); receiveBuffer.position(dataEndPosition); isReadable = false; // Message is too large for the receive buffer if (receiveProcessedMark == 0 && receiveBuffer.remaining() == 0 && !receivedAMessage) { REFITLogger.logWarning(this, "Message too large to receive, buffer size " + receiveBuffer.capacity()); closeConnection(); } } }