diff --git a/theories/GQM.v b/theories/GQM.v
index bfdfa3ebba00ce92ae1cefc624bea1e75dec699b..22b9aee28dae33bdfcbc2e79b2b75421135379a9 100644
--- a/theories/GQM.v
+++ b/theories/GQM.v
@@ -201,13 +201,3 @@ Fixpoint free_in(v: var)(f: form) : bool :=
   | Box A => free_in v A
   | SquareAll A => free_in (S v) A
-Lemma ids_0_bot : ([A] ids 0) = Bot.
-    by [].
-Lemma ids_0_neg : forall A, (A ->> ([A] ids 0)) = -! A.
-    by [].
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diff --git a/theories/GQMTactics.v b/theories/GQMTactics.v
index 29952c493a72279fd92d001efb1e9932194480c6..51a8a1039bfdb42adb4e09850e314fb162363822 100644
--- a/theories/GQMTactics.v
+++ b/theories/GQMTactics.v
@@ -275,4 +275,17 @@ Local Example rewrite_test_6' : forall A, |-- |A|-!-!A -> |-- |A|A.
   move => A Himp.
   by hRewrite (gqm_dnegEquiv A) (fun X => |A|X).
\ No newline at end of file
+(** ** own asimpl, which folds back definitions *)
+Lemma ids_0_bot : ([A] ids 0) = Bot. done. Qed.
+Lemma ids_0_neg : forall A, (A ->> ([A] ids 0)) = -! A. done. Qed.
+Tactic Notation "own_asimpl" :=
+  asimpl;
+  rewrite ? ids_0_neg. (*This maybe folds back to much: - ? /(And (_) (_)) - ? /(Or (_) (_)). *)
+Tactic Notation "own_asimpl" "in" constr(H) :=
+    asimpl in H;
+    rewrite ? ids_0_neg in H. (*This maybe folds back to much: - ? /(And (_) (_)) - ? /(Or (_) (_)). *)
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diff --git a/theories/Section5.v b/theories/Section5.v
index 29d003e48c72103eefd0919fd3cc0547f4df9d7f..437dc9afe457c17d689a37371b04546bc9b92a29 100644
--- a/theories/Section5.v
+++ b/theories/Section5.v
@@ -144,8 +144,7 @@ Proof.
   have H5 := (gqm_univgen _ _ H4).
   (* (6) *)
   have H6 := (gqm_AE ((-! ([A] Phi._[ren_ (+1)]))._[ren_ (+1)]) (Var 0)).
-  asimpl in H6.
-  rewrite !ids_0_neg in H6.
+  own_asimpl in H6.
   (* (7) *)
   have H7 := (lemma_A_1 _ _ H6).
   (* (8) *)
@@ -199,9 +198,8 @@ Proof.
     have H' := (lemma_A_4_1 (B._[ren_ (0 .: (+3))]) (Var 1)).
     rewrite /SquareExists /DiamondExists /All in H'.
-    asimpl in H'.
-    asimpl.
-    rewrite !ids_0_neg.
+    own_asimpl in H'.
+    own_asimpl.
     (* now we need to remove r->0 from the naming context *)
     have H2' := (gqm_subst _ (ren_ (0 .: id)) H').
     by asimpl in H2'.
diff --git a/theories/Section7.v b/theories/Section7.v
index abd33fff147485a11b5ae545e0443b960defac3c..0c137b2ed7275e0f6f249ed4ce9e6f8179bb5944 100644
--- a/theories/Section7.v
+++ b/theories/Section7.v
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Require Import GQM.GQMClassicalWithTactics.
 Require Import GQM.Section5.
 (** ** Lemma A.8 *)
 Lemma lemma_A_8_1 : forall A B, |-- (|A| A & [A]B) <<->> [A](A.[ren (+1)] & B).
   move => A B.
@@ -21,8 +22,8 @@ Proof.
     apply (tac_rewrite (fun X => _ ->> X) (lemma_A_7_2_1 _ _)).
     (* (2) *)
     rewrite /All.
-    asimpl.
-    rewrite !ids_0_neg -/(And ([A] A._[ren_ (+2)]) ([A] B._[ren_ (0 .: (+2))])).
+    own_asimpl.
+    rewrite - ? /(And (_) (_)).
     apply: (tac_rewrite (fun X => X) (gqm_andImpEquiv _ _ _)).
     apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_swap.
     apply: (tac_rewrite (fun X => _ ->> _ ->> X) (gqm_andCom _ _)).
@@ -51,4 +52,82 @@ Proof.
     apply: gqm_mp; last by apply: H9.
     apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_chain.
     by apply: gqm_andI.
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+Lemma lemma_A_8_2 : forall A B, |-- (|A| A & [E]B) <<->> [E](A.[ren (+1)] & B).
+  move => A B.
+  hSplit.
+  - (* (16) *)
+    apply: lemma_A_4_2.
+    have ->:((([E] (A.[ren (+1)] & B)).[ren (+1)]) = (([E] (A.[ren (+2)] & B.[ren (0.: (+2))])))) by rewrite /SquareExists /DiamondExists /All; own_asimpl.
+    rewrite -/(All _).
+    have -> :((|A| A).[ren (+1)] = (|A| A.[ren (+1)])) by rewrite /All; asimpl.
+    (* (15)*)
+    apply: gqm_mp.
+    + apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: (gqm_chain _ ([A] (A.[ren (+2)] & B.[ren (+1)]))).
+      (* (14) *)
+      have H:= (lemma_A_4_1 (A._[ren_ (+3)] & B._[ren_ (0 .: (+3))]) (Var 1)).
+      own_asimpl in H; rewrite - ? /(And (_) (_)) in H.
+      (* remove r->0 from the global naming context in H*)
+      have H' := (gqm_subst _ (ren_ (0 .: id)) H).
+      own_asimpl in H'.
+      rewrite - ? /(And (_) (_)) -/(DiamondExists _) in H'.
+      rewrite /SquareExists /All.
+      by own_asimpl.
+    + (* (13) *)
+      have -> :(([A] (A.[ren (+2)] & B.[ren (+1)])) = (|A|(A.[ren (+1)] & B))) by rewrite /All; own_asimpl.
+      by hAndDestruct (lemma_A_7_2_1 (A.[ren (+1)]) B).
+  - (* (17) *)
+    have H17 := gqm_andE1 (A._[ren_ (+1)]) B.
+    (* (18) *)
+    have {H17} H18 := lemma_A_5_1_2 _ _ H17.
+    (* (19) *)
+    have H19 := lemma_A_6_2_1 A.
+    (* (20) *)
+    have H20 := gqm_andE2 (A._[ren_ (+1)]) B.
+    (* (21) *)
+    have {H20} H21 := lemma_A_5_1_2 _ _ H20.
+    (* (22) *)
+    apply: gqm_mp; last by apply: H21.
+    apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_I2.
+    apply: gqm_mp; last by apply: H18.
+    apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_chain.
+    apply: gqm_mp; last by apply: H19.
+    apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_chain.
+      by apply: gqm_andI.
+Lemma lemma_A_8_3 : forall A B, |-- (|E| A ||| [A]B) <<->> [A](|E| A.[ren (+1)] ||| B).
+  move => A B.
+  hSplit.
+  - (* (23) *)
+    have H23 := gqm_orI1 (|E| A._[ren_ (+1)]) B.
+    (* (24) *)
+    have Hr :((|E| A.[ren (+1)]) = (|E| A).[ren (+1)]) by rewrite /Exists /All ; own_asimpl.
+    rewrite {1}Hr in H23 => {Hr}.
+    Fail have {H23} H24 := gqm_univgen _ _ H23.
+    (* TODO fix *)
+    Unshelve.
+    Focus 2.
+    (* (28) *)
+    have H28 := gqm_ADist (|A|-!(A._[ren_ (+1)])) B.
+    (* (29) *)
+    have H : (|-- (|A| -! A).[ren (+1)] ->> [A] -! A.[ren (+2)]) by own_asimpl; apply: gqm_id.
+    have {H} H29 := gqm_univgen (|A|-!A) (-!(A._[ren_ (+2)])) H.
+    have Hr : (([A] -! A.[ren (+2)]) = (|A| -! A.[ren (+1)])) by rewrite /All; own_asimpl.
+    rewrite Hr in H29 => {Hr}.
+    (* (30) *)
+    have {H28 H29} H30 : (|-- [A] (|A| -! A.[ren (+1)] ->> B) ->> |A| -! A ->> [A] B). {
+      apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_swap.
+      apply: gqm_mp; last by apply: H29.
+      apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_chain.
+      by apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_swap.
+    }
+    (* (31) *)
+    rewrite /Exists /Or.
+    apply: (tac_rewriteR (fun X => [A] (X ->> _) ->> _) (gqm_dnegEquiv _)).
+      by apply: (tac_rewriteR (fun X => [A] _ ->> (X ->> _)) (gqm_dnegEquiv _)).
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