From d45656e76f205863defac9414d8deaec29b97a2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mackie Loeffel <>
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 21:58:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] started deduction with contexts

 _CoqProject             |    4 +-
 lib/LibTactics.v        | 4796 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 theories/Base.v         |    5 +-
 theories/GQM.v          |   17 +-
 theories/GQMDeduction.v |  136 +-
 5 files changed, 4925 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/LibTactics.v

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 4aa82f1..624a5c0 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+-Q lib GQM.Lib
 -Q theories GQM
 -arg -w -arg -notation-overridden
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/LibTactics.v b/lib/LibTactics.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad68c9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/LibTactics.v
@@ -0,0 +1,4796 @@
+(** * LibTactics: A Collection of Handy General-Purpose Tactics *)
+(* Chapter maintained by Arthur Chargueraud *)
+(** This file contains a set of tactics that extends the set of builtin
+    tactics provided with the standard distribution of Coq. It intends
+    to overcome a number of limitations of the standard set of tactics,
+    and thereby to help user to write shorter and more robust scripts.
+    Hopefully, Coq tactics will be improved as time goes by, and this
+    file should ultimately be useless. In the meanwhile, serious Coq
+    users will probably find it very useful.
+    The present file contains the implementation and the detailed
+    documentation of those tactics. The SF reader need not read this
+    file; instead, he/she is encouraged to read the chapter named
+    UseTactics.v, which is gentle introduction to the most useful
+    tactics from the LibTactic library. *)
+(** The main features offered are:
+  - More convenient syntax for naming hypotheses, with tactics for
+    introduction and inversion that take as input only the name of
+    hypotheses of type [Prop], rather than the name of all variables.
+  - Tactics providing true support for manipulating N-ary conjunctions,
+    disjunctions and existentials, hidding the fact that the underlying
+    implementation is based on binary propositions.
+  - Convenient support for automation: tactic followed with the symbol
+    "~" or "*" will call automation on the generated subgoals.
+    Symbol "~" stands for [auto] and "*" for [intuition eauto].
+    These bindings can be customized.
+  - Forward-chaining tactics are provided to instantiate lemmas
+    either with variable or hypotheses or a mix of both.
+  - A more powerful implementation of [apply] is provided (it is based
+    on [refine] and thus behaves better with respect to conversion).
+  - An improved inversion tactic which substitutes equalities on variables
+    generated by the standard inversion mecanism. Moreover, it supports
+    the elimination of dependently-typed equalities (requires axiom [K],
+    which is a weak form of Proof Irrelevance).
+  - Tactics for saving time when writing proofs, with tactics to
+    asserts hypotheses or sub-goals, and improved tactics for
+    clearing, renaming, and sorting hypotheses.
+(** External credits:
+  - thanks to Xavier Leroy for providing the idea of tactic [forward],
+  - thanks to Georges Gonthier for the implementation trick in [rapply],
+(* DROP *)
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Require Import List.
+(* Very important to remove hint trans_eq_bool from LibBool,
+   otherwise eauto slows down dramatically:
+  Lemma test : forall b, b = false.
+  time eauto 7. (* takes over 4 seconds  to fail! *) *)
+Remove Hints Bool.trans_eq_bool.
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Tools for Programming with Ltac *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Identity Continuation *)
+Ltac idcont tt :=
+  idtac.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Untyped Arguments for Tactics *)
+(** Any Coq value can be boxed into the type [Boxer]. This is
+    useful to use Coq computations for implementing tactics. *)
+Inductive Boxer : Type :=
+  | boxer : forall (A:Type), A -> Boxer.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Optional Arguments for Tactics  *)
+(** [ltac_no_arg] is a constant that can be used to simulate
+    optional arguments in tactic definitions.
+    Use [mytactic ltac_no_arg] on the tactic invokation,
+    and use [match arg with ltac_no_arg => ..] or
+    [match type of arg with ltac_No_arg  => ..] to
+    test whether an argument was provided. *)
+Inductive ltac_No_arg : Set :=
+  | ltac_no_arg : ltac_No_arg.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Wildcard Arguments for Tactics  *)
+(** [ltac_wild] is a constant that can be used to simulate
+    wildcard arguments in tactic definitions. Notation is [__]. *)
+Inductive ltac_Wild : Set :=
+  | ltac_wild : ltac_Wild.
+Notation "'__'" := ltac_wild : ltac_scope.
+(** [ltac_wilds] is another constant that is typically used to
+    simulate a sequence of [N] wildcards, with [N] chosen
+    appropriately depending on the context. Notation is [___]. *)
+Inductive ltac_Wilds : Set :=
+  | ltac_wilds : ltac_Wilds.
+Notation "'___'" := ltac_wilds : ltac_scope.
+Open Scope ltac_scope.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Position Markers *)
+(** [ltac_Mark] and [ltac_mark] are dummy definitions used as sentinel
+    by tactics, to mark a certain position in the context or in the goal. *)
+Inductive ltac_Mark : Type :=
+  | ltac_mark : ltac_Mark.
+(** [gen_until_mark] repeats [generalize] on hypotheses from the
+    context, starting from the bottom and stopping as soon as reaching
+    an hypothesis of type [Mark]. If fails if [Mark] does not
+    appear in the context. *)
+Ltac gen_until_mark :=
+  match goal with H: ?T |- _ =>
+  match T with
+  | ltac_Mark => clear H
+  | _ => generalize H; clear H; gen_until_mark
+  end end.
+(** [intro_until_mark] repeats [intro] until reaching an hypothesis of
+    type [Mark]. It throws away the hypothesis [Mark].
+    It fails if [Mark] does not appear as an hypothesis in the
+    goal. *)
+Ltac intro_until_mark :=
+  match goal with
+  | |- (ltac_Mark -> _) => intros _
+  | _ => intro; intro_until_mark
+  end.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** List of Arguments for Tactics  *)
+(** A datatype of type [list Boxer] is used to manipulate list of
+    Coq values in ltac. Notation is [>> v1 v2 ... vN] for building
+    a list containing the values [v1] through [vN]. *)
+Notation "'>>'" :=
+  (@nil Boxer)
+  (at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+Notation "'>>' v1" :=
+  ((boxer v1)::nil)
+  (at level 0, v1 at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+Notation "'>>' v1 v2" :=
+  ((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::nil)
+  (at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3" :=
+  ((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::nil)
+  (at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4" :=
+  ((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::nil)
+  (at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
+   v4 at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5" :=
+  ((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)::nil)
+  (at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
+   v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6" :=
+  ((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
+   ::(boxer v6)::nil)
+  (at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
+   v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7" :=
+  ((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
+   ::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::nil)
+  (at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
+   v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8" :=
+  ((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
+   ::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::nil)
+  (at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
+   v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
+   v8 at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9" :=
+  ((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
+   ::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::nil)
+  (at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
+   v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
+   v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10" :=
+  ((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
+   ::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::(boxer v10)::nil)
+  (at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
+   v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
+   v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0, v10 at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11" :=
+  ((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
+   ::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::(boxer v10)
+   ::(boxer v11)::nil)
+  (at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
+   v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
+   v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0, v10 at level 0, v11 at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12" :=
+  ((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
+   ::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::(boxer v10)
+   ::(boxer v11)::(boxer v12)::nil)
+  (at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
+   v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
+   v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0, v10 at level 0, v11 at level 0,
+   v12 at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12 v13" :=
+  ((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
+   ::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::(boxer v10)
+   ::(boxer v11)::(boxer v12)::(boxer v13)::nil)
+  (at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
+   v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
+   v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0, v10 at level 0, v11 at level 0,
+   v12 at level 0, v13 at level 0)
+  : ltac_scope.
+(** The tactic [list_boxer_of] inputs a term [E] and returns a term
+    of type "list boxer", according to the following rules:
+    - if [E] is already of type "list Boxer", then it returns [E];
+    - otherwise, it returns the list [(boxer E)::nil]. *)
+Ltac list_boxer_of E :=
+  match type of E with
+  | List.list Boxer => constr:(E)
+  | _ => constr:((boxer E)::nil)
+  end.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Databases of Lemmas  *)
+(** Use the hint facility to implement a database mapping
+    terms to terms. To declare a new database, use a definition:
+    [Definition mydatabase := True.]
+    Then, to map [mykey] to [myvalue], write the hint:
+    [Hint Extern 1 (Register mydatabase mykey) => Provide myvalue.]
+    Finally, to query the value associated with a key, run the
+    tactic [ltac_database_get mydatabase mykey]. This will leave
+    at the head of the goal the term [myvalue]. It can then be
+    named and exploited using [intro]. *)
+Inductive Ltac_database_token : Prop := ltac_database_token.
+Definition ltac_database (D:Boxer) (T:Boxer) (A:Boxer) := Ltac_database_token.
+Notation "'Register' D T" := (ltac_database (boxer D) (boxer T) _)
+  (at level 69, D at level 0, T at level 0).
+Lemma ltac_database_provide : forall (A:Boxer) (D:Boxer) (T:Boxer),
+  ltac_database D T A.
+Proof using. split. Qed.
+Ltac Provide T := apply (@ltac_database_provide (boxer T)).
+Ltac ltac_database_get D T :=
+  let A := fresh "TEMP" in evar (A:Boxer);
+  let H := fresh "TEMP" in
+  assert (H : ltac_database (boxer D) (boxer T) A);
+  [ subst A; auto
+  | subst A; match type of H with ltac_database _ _ (boxer ?L) =>
+               generalize L end; clear H ].
+(* Note for a possible alternative implementation of the ltac_database_token:
+   Inductive Ltac_database : Type :=
+     | ltac_database : forall A, A -> Ltac_database.
+   Implicit Arguments ltac_database [A].
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** On-the-Fly Removal of Hypotheses *)
+(** In a list of arguments [>> H1 H2 .. HN] passed to a tactic
+    such as [lets] or [applys] or [forwards] or [specializes],
+    the term [rm], an identity function, can be placed in front
+    of the name of an hypothesis to be deleted. *)
+Definition rm (A:Type) (X:A) := X.
+(** [rm_term E] removes one hypothesis that admits the same
+    type as [E]. *)
+Ltac rm_term E :=
+  let T := type of E in
+  match goal with H: T |- _ => try clear H end.
+(** [rm_inside E] calls [rm_term Ei] for any subterm
+    of the form [rm Ei] found in E *)
+Ltac rm_inside E :=
+  let go E := rm_inside E in
+  match E with
+  | rm ?X => rm_term X
+  | ?X1 ?X2 =>
+     go X1; go X2
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 =>
+     go X1; go X2; go X3
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 =>
+     go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 =>
+     go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 =>
+     go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 =>
+     go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6; go X7
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ?X8 =>
+     go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6; go X7; go X8
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ?X8 ?X9 =>
+     go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6; go X7; go X8; go X9
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ?X8 ?X9 ?X10 =>
+     go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6; go X7; go X8; go X9; go X10
+  | _ => idtac
+  end.
+(** For faster performance, one may deactivate [rm_inside] by
+    replacing the body of this definition with [idtac]. *)
+Ltac fast_rm_inside E :=
+  rm_inside E.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Numbers as Arguments *)
+(** When tactic takes a natural number as argument, it may be
+    parsed either as a natural number or as a relative number.
+    In order for tactics to convert their arguments into natural numbers,
+    we provide a conversion tactic. *)
+(* COQ-8.4:
+   Require Coq.Numbers.BinNums Coq.ZArith.BinInt. *)
+Require BinPos Coq.ZArith.BinInt.
+Definition ltac_nat_from_int (x:BinInt.Z) : nat :=
+  match x with
+  | BinInt.Z0 => 0%nat
+  | BinInt.Zpos p => BinPos.nat_of_P p
+  | BinInt.Zneg p => 0%nat
+  end.
+Ltac nat_from_number N :=
+  match type of N with
+  | nat => constr:(N)
+  | BinInt.Z => let N' := constr:(ltac_nat_from_int N) in eval compute in N'
+  end.
+(** [ltac_pattern E at K] is the same as [pattern E at K] except that
+    [K] is a Coq natural rather than a Ltac integer. Syntax
+    [ltac_pattern E as K in H] is also available. *)
+Tactic Notation "ltac_pattern" constr(E) "at" constr(K) :=
+  match nat_from_number K with
+  | 1 => pattern E at 1
+  | 2 => pattern E at 2
+  | 3 => pattern E at 3
+  | 4 => pattern E at 4
+  | 5 => pattern E at 5
+  | 6 => pattern E at 6
+  | 7 => pattern E at 7
+  | 8 => pattern E at 8
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "ltac_pattern" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  match nat_from_number K with
+  | 1 => pattern E at 1 in H
+  | 2 => pattern E at 2 in H
+  | 3 => pattern E at 3 in H
+  | 4 => pattern E at 4 in H
+  | 5 => pattern E at 5 in H
+  | 6 => pattern E at 6 in H
+  | 7 => pattern E at 7 in H
+  | 8 => pattern E at 8 in H
+  end.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Testing Tactics *)
+(** [show tac] executes a tactic [tac] that produces a result,
+    and then display its result. *)
+Tactic Notation "show" tactic(tac) :=
+  let R := tac in pose R.
+(** [dup N] produces [N] copies of the current goal. It is useful
+    for building examples on which to illustrate behaviour of tactics.
+    [dup] is short for [dup 2]. *)
+Lemma dup_lemma : forall P, P -> P -> P.
+Proof using. auto. Qed.
+Ltac dup_tactic N :=
+  match nat_from_number N with
+  | 0 => idtac
+  | S 0 => idtac
+  | S ?N' => apply dup_lemma; [ | dup_tactic N' ]
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "dup" constr(N) :=
+  dup_tactic N.
+Tactic Notation "dup" :=
+  dup 2.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Check No Evar in Goal *)
+(* COQ8.4:
+Ltac check_noevar M :=
+  match M with M => idtac end.
+Ltac check_noevar_hyp H := (* todo: imlement using check_noevar *)
+  let T := type of H in
+  match type of H with T => idtac end.
+Ltac check_noevar_goal := (* todo: imlement using check_noevar *)
+  match goal with |- ?G => match G with G => idtac end end.
+Ltac check_noevar M :=
+  first [ has_evar M; fail 2 | idtac ].
+Ltac check_noevar_hyp H := (* todo: imlement using check_noevar *)
+  let T := type of H in check_noevar T.
+Ltac check_noevar_goal := (* todo: imlement using check_noevar *)
+  match goal with |- ?G => check_noevar G end.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Helper Function for Introducing Evars *)
+(** [with_evar T (fun M => tac)] creates a new evar that can
+    be used in the tactic [tac] under the name [M]. *)
+Ltac with_evar_base T cont :=
+  let x := fresh in evar (x:T); cont x; subst x.
+Tactic Notation "with_evar" constr(T) tactic(cont) :=
+  with_evar_base T cont.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Tagging of Hypotheses *)
+(** [get_last_hyp tt] is a function that returns the last hypothesis
+    at the bottom of the context. It is useful to obtain the default
+    name associated with the hypothesis, e.g.
+    [intro; let H := get_last_hyp tt in let H' := fresh "P" H in ...] *)
+Ltac get_last_hyp tt :=
+  match goal with H: _ |- _ => constr:(H) end.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** More Tagging of Hypotheses *)
+(** [ltac_tag_subst] is a specific marker for hypotheses
+    which is used to tag hypotheses that are equalities to
+    be substituted. *)
+Definition ltac_tag_subst (A:Type) (x:A) := x.
+(** [ltac_to_generalize] is a specific marker for hypotheses
+    to be generalized. *)
+Definition ltac_to_generalize (A:Type) (x:A) := x.
+Ltac gen_to_generalize :=
+  repeat match goal with
+    H: ltac_to_generalize _ |- _ => generalize H; clear H end.
+Ltac mark_to_generalize H :=
+  let T := type of H in
+  change T with (ltac_to_generalize T) in H.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Deconstructing Terms *)
+(** [get_head E] is a tactic that returns the head constant of the
+    term [E], ie, when applied to a term of the form [P x1 ... xN]
+    it returns [P]. If [E] is not an application, it returns [E].
+    Warning: the tactic seems to loop in some cases when the goal is
+    a product and one uses the result of this function. *)
+Ltac get_head E :=
+  match E with
+  | ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(P)
+  | ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(P)
+  | ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(P)
+  | ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(P)
+  | ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(P)
+  | ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(P)
+  | ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(P)
+  | ?P _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(P)
+  | ?P _ _ _ _ => constr:(P)
+  | ?P _ _ _ => constr:(P)
+  | ?P _ _ => constr:(P)
+  | ?P _ => constr:(P)
+  | ?P => constr:(P)
+  end.
+(** [get_fun_arg E] is a tactic that decomposes an application
+  term [E], ie, when applied to a term of the form [X1 ... XN]
+  it returns a pair made of [X1 .. X(N-1)] and [XN]. *)
+Ltac get_fun_arg E :=
+  match E with
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ?X => constr:((X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6,X))
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X => constr:((X1 X2 X3 X4 X5,X))
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X => constr:((X1 X2 X3 X4,X))
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X => constr:((X1 X2 X3,X))
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X => constr:((X1 X2,X))
+  | ?X1 ?X2 ?X => constr:((X1,X))
+  | ?X1 ?X => constr:((X1,X))
+  end.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Action at Occurence and Action Not at Occurence *)
+(** [ltac_action_at K of E do Tac] isolates the [K]-th occurence of [E] in the
+    goal, setting it in the form [P E] for some named pattern [P],
+    then calls tactic [Tac], and finally unfolds [P]. Syntax
+    [ltac_action_at K of E in H do Tac] is also available. *)
+Tactic Notation "ltac_action_at" constr(K) "of" constr(E) "do" tactic(Tac) :=
+  let p := fresh in ltac_pattern E at K;
+  match goal with |- ?P _ => set (p:=P) end;
+  Tac; unfold p; clear p.
+Tactic Notation "ltac_action_at" constr(K) "of" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) "do" tactic(Tac) :=
+  let p := fresh in ltac_pattern E at K in H;
+  match type of H with ?P _ => set (p:=P) in H end;
+  Tac; unfold p in H; clear p.
+(** [protects E do Tac] temporarily assigns a name to the expression [E]
+    so that the execution of tactic [Tac] will not modify [E]. This is
+    useful for instance to restrict the action of [simpl]. *)
+Tactic Notation "protects" constr(E) "do" tactic(Tac) :=
+  (* let x := fresh "TEMP" in sets_eq x: E; T; subst x. *)
+  let x := fresh "TEMP" in let H := fresh "TEMP" in
+  set (X := E) in *; assert (H : X = E) by reflexivity;
+  clearbody X; Tac; subst x.
+Tactic Notation "protects" constr(E) "do" tactic(Tac) "/" :=
+  protects E do Tac.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** An Alias for [eq] *)
+(** [eq'] is an alias for [eq] to be used for equalities in
+    inductive definitions, so that they don't get mixed with
+    equalities generated by [inversion]. *)
+Definition eq' := @eq.
+Hint Unfold eq'.
+Notation "x '='' y" := (@eq' _ x y)
+  (at level 70, y at next level).
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Common Tactics for Simplifying Goals Like [intuition] *)
+Ltac jauto_set_hyps :=
+  repeat match goal with H: ?T |- _ => 
+    match T with
+    | _ /\ _ => destruct H
+    | exists a, _ => destruct H 
+    | _ => generalize H; clear H
+    end
+  end.
+Ltac jauto_set_goal :=
+  repeat match goal with
+  | |- exists a, _ => esplit
+  | |- _ /\ _ => split
+  end.
+Ltac jauto_set :=
+  intros; jauto_set_hyps; 
+  intros; jauto_set_goal;
+  unfold not in *.
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Backward and Forward Chaining *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Application *)
+Ltac old_refine f := 
+  refine f. (* ; shelve_unifiable. *)
+(** [rapply] is a tactic similar to [eapply] except that it is
+    based on the [refine] tactics, and thus is strictly more
+    powerful (at least in theory :). In short, it is able to perform
+    on-the-fly conversions when required for arguments to match,
+    and it is able to instantiate existentials when required. *)
+Tactic Notation "rapply" constr(t) :=
+  first  (* todo: les @ sont inutiles *)
+  [ eexact (@t)
+  | refine (@t)
+  | refine (@t _)
+  | refine (@t _ _)
+  | refine (@t _ _ _)
+  | refine (@t _ _ _ _)
+  | refine (@t _ _ _ _ _)
+  | refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _)
+  | refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+  | refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+  | refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+  | refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+  | refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+  | refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+  | refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+  | refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+  | refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+  ].
+(** The tactics [applys_N T], where [N] is a natural number,
+    provides a more efficient way of using [applys T]. It avoids
+    trying out all possible arities, by specifying explicitely
+    the arity of function [T]. *)
+Tactic Notation "rapply_0" constr(t) :=
+  refine (@t).
+Tactic Notation "rapply_1" constr(t) :=
+  refine (@t _).
+Tactic Notation "rapply_2" constr(t) :=
+  refine (@t _ _).
+Tactic Notation "rapply_3" constr(t) :=
+  refine (@t _ _ _).
+Tactic Notation "rapply_4" constr(t) :=
+  refine (@t _ _ _ _).
+Tactic Notation "rapply_5" constr(t) :=
+  refine (@t _ _ _ _ _).
+Tactic Notation "rapply_6" constr(t) :=
+  refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _).
+Tactic Notation "rapply_7" constr(t) :=
+  refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
+Tactic Notation "rapply_8" constr(t) :=
+  refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
+Tactic Notation "rapply_9" constr(t) :=
+  refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
+Tactic Notation "rapply_10" constr(t) :=
+  refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
+(** [lets_base H E] adds an hypothesis [H : T] to the context, where [T] is
+    the type of term [E]. If [H] is an introduction pattern, it will
+    destruct [H] according to the pattern. *)
+Ltac lets_base I E := generalize E; intros I.
+(** [applys_to H E] transform the type of hypothesis [H] by
+    replacing it by the result of the application of the term
+    [E] to [H]. Intuitively, it is equivalent to [lets H: (E H)]. *)
+Tactic Notation "applys_to" hyp(H) constr(E) :=
+  let H' := fresh in rename H into H';
+  (first [ lets_base H (E H')
+         | lets_base H (E _ H')
+         | lets_base H (E _ _ H')
+         | lets_base H (E _ _ _ H')
+         | lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ H')
+         | lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ H')
+         | lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ _ H')
+         | lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H')
+         | lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H')
+         | lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H') ]
+  ); clear H'.
+(** [applys_to H1,...,HN E] applys [E] to several hypotheses *)
+Tactic Notation "applys_to" hyp(H1) "," hyp(H2) constr(E) :=
+  applys_to H1 E; applys_to H2 E.  
+Tactic Notation "applys_to" hyp(H1) "," hyp(H2) "," hyp(H3) constr(E) :=
+  applys_to H1 E; applys_to H2 E; applys_to H3 E.  
+Tactic Notation "applys_to" hyp(H1) "," hyp(H2) "," hyp(H3) "," hyp(H4) constr(E) :=
+  applys_to H1 E; applys_to H2 E; applys_to H3 E; applys_to H4 E.  
+(** [constructors] calls [constructor] or [econstructor]. *)
+Tactic Notation "constructors" :=
+  first [ constructor | econstructor ]; unfold eq'.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Assertions *)
+(** [asserts H: T] is another syntax for [assert (H : T)], which
+    also works with introduction patterns. For instance, one can write:
+    [asserts \[x P\] (exists n, n = 3)], or
+    [asserts \[H|H\] (n = 0 \/ n = 1). *)
+Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(T) :=
+  let H := fresh in assert (H : T);
+  [ | generalize H; clear H; intros I ].
+(** [asserts H1 .. HN: T] is a shorthand for
+    [asserts \[H1 \[H2 \[.. HN\]\]\]\]: T]. *)
+Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(T) :=
+  asserts [I1 I2]: T.
+Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(T) :=
+  asserts [I1 [I2 I3]]: T.
+Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
+ simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(T) :=
+  asserts [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: T.
+Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
+ simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5) ":" constr(T) :=
+  asserts [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: T.
+Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
+ simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
+ simple_intropattern(I6) ":" constr(T) :=
+  asserts [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 [I5 I6]]]]]: T.
+(** [asserts: T] is [asserts H: T] with [H] being chosen automatically. *)
+Tactic Notation "asserts" ":" constr(T) :=
+  let H := fresh in asserts H : T.
+(** [cuts H: T] is the same as [asserts H: T] except that the two subgoals
+    generated are swapped: the subgoal [T] comes second. Note that contrary
+    to [cut], it introduces the hypothesis. *)
+Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(T) :=
+  cut (T); [ intros I | idtac ].
+(** [cuts: T] is [cuts H: T] with [H] being chosen automatically. *)
+Tactic Notation "cuts" ":" constr(T) :=
+  let H := fresh in cuts H: T.
+(** [cuts H1 .. HN: T] is a shorthand for
+    [cuts \[H1 \[H2 \[.. HN\]\]\]\]: T]. *)
+Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(T) :=
+  cuts [I1 I2]: T.
+Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(T) :=
+  cuts [I1 [I2 I3]]: T.
+Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
+ simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(T) :=
+  cuts [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: T.
+Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
+ simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5) ":" constr(T) :=
+  cuts [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: T.
+Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
+ simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
+ simple_intropattern(I6) ":" constr(T) :=
+  cuts [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 [I5 I6]]]]]: T.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Instantiation and Forward-Chaining *)
+(** The instantiation tactics are used to instantiate a lemma [E]
+    (whose type is a product) on some arguments. The type of [E] is
+    made of implications and universal quantifications, e.g.
+    [forall x, P x -> forall y z, Q x y z -> R z].
+    The first possibility is to provide arguments in order: first [x],
+    then a proof of [P x], then [y] etc... In this mode, called "Args",
+    all the arguments are to be provided. If a wildcard is provided
+    (written [__]), then an existential variable will be introduced in
+    place of the argument.
+      It is very convenient to give some arguments the lemma should be
+    instantiated on, and let the tactic find out automatically where
+    underscores should be insterted. Underscore arguments [__] are
+    interpret as follows: an underscore means that we want to skip the
+    argument that has the same type as the next real argument provided
+    (real means not an underscore). If there is no real argument after
+    underscore, then the underscore is used for the first possible argument.
+    The general syntax is [tactic (>> E1 .. EN)] where [tactic] is
+    the name of the tactic (possibly with some arguments) and [Ei]
+    are the arguments. Moreover, some tactics accept the syntax
+    [tactic E1 .. EN] as short for [tactic (>> E1 .. EN)] for
+    values of [N] up to 5.
+    Finally, if the argument [EN] given is a triple-underscore [___],
+    then it is equivalent to providing a list of wildcards, with
+    the appropriate number of wildcards. This means that all
+    the remaining arguments of the lemma will be instantiated. 
+    Definitions in the conclusion are not unfolded in this case. *)
+(* Underlying implementation *)
+Ltac app_assert t P cont :=
+  let H := fresh "TEMP" in
+  assert (H : P); [ | cont(t H); clear H ].
+Ltac app_evar t A cont :=
+  let x := fresh "TEMP" in
+  evar (x:A);
+  let t' := constr:(t x) in
+  let t'' := (eval unfold x in t') in
+  subst x; cont t''.
+Ltac app_arg t P v cont :=
+  let H := fresh "TEMP" in
+  assert (H : P); [ apply v | cont(t H); try clear H ].
+Ltac build_app_alls t final :=
+  let rec go t :=
+    match type of t with
+    | ?P -> ?Q => app_assert t P go
+    | forall _:?A, _ => app_evar t A go
+    | _ => final t
+    end in
+  go t.
+Ltac boxerlist_next_type vs :=
+  match vs with
+  | nil => constr:(ltac_wild)
+  | (boxer ltac_wild)::?vs' => boxerlist_next_type vs'
+  | (boxer ltac_wilds)::_ => constr:(ltac_wild)
+  | (@boxer ?T _)::_ => constr:(T)
+  end.
+(* Note: refuse to instantiate a dependent hypothesis with a proposition;
+    refuse to instantiate an argument of type Type with one that 
+    does not have the type Type.
+Ltac build_app_hnts t vs final :=
+  let rec go t vs :=
+    match vs with
+    | nil => first [ final t | fail 1 ]
+    | (boxer ltac_wilds)::_ => first [ build_app_alls t final | fail 1 ]
+    | (boxer ?v)::?vs' => 
+      let cont t' := go t' vs in
+      let cont' t' := go t' vs' in
+      let T := type of t in 
+      let T := eval hnf in T in
+      match v with
+      | ltac_wild => 
+         first [ let U := boxerlist_next_type vs' in
+           match U with
+           | ltac_wild =>
+             match T with  
+             | ?P -> ?Q => first [ app_assert t P cont' | fail 3 ]
+             | forall _:?A, _ => first [ app_evar t A cont' | fail 3 ] 
+             end 
+           | _ =>
+             match T with  (* should test T for unifiability *)
+             | U -> ?Q => first [ app_assert t U cont' | fail 3 ]
+             | forall _:U, _ => first [ app_evar t U cont' | fail 3 ] 
+             | ?P -> ?Q => first [ app_assert t P cont | fail 3 ]
+             | forall _:?A, _ => first [ app_evar t A cont | fail 3 ] 
+             end 
+           end
+         | fail 2 ]
+      | _ => 
+          match T with
+          | ?P -> ?Q => first [ app_arg t P v cont'
+                              | app_assert t P cont
+                              | fail 3 ]
+           | forall _:Type, _ => 
+              match type of v with 
+              | Type => first [ cont' (t v) 
+                              | app_evar t Type cont
+                              | fail 3 ]
+              | _ => first [ app_evar t Type cont
+                           | fail 3 ]
+              end 
+          | forall _:?A, _ => 
+             let V := type of v in
+             match type of V with
+             | Prop =>  first [ app_evar t A cont
+                              | fail 3 ]
+             | _ => first [ cont' (t v) 
+                          | app_evar t A cont
+                          | fail 3 ]
+             end
+          end
+      end
+    end in
+  go t vs.
+(** newer version : support for typeclasses *)
+Ltac app_typeclass t cont :=
+  let t' := constr:(t _) in
+  cont t'.
+Ltac build_app_alls t final ::=
+  let rec go t :=
+    match type of t with 
+    | ?P -> ?Q => app_assert t P go
+    | forall _:?A, _ => 
+        first [ app_evar t A go
+              | app_typeclass t go
+              | fail 3 ]
+    | _ => final t
+    end in 
+  go t.
+Ltac build_app_hnts t vs final ::=
+  let rec go t vs :=
+    match vs with
+    | nil => first [ final t | fail 1 ]
+    | (boxer ltac_wilds)::_ => first [ build_app_alls t final | fail 1 ]
+    | (boxer ?v)::?vs' => 
+      let cont t' := go t' vs in
+      let cont' t' := go t' vs' in
+      let T := type of t in 
+      let T := eval hnf in T in
+      match v with
+      | ltac_wild => 
+         first [ let U := boxerlist_next_type vs' in
+           match U with
+           | ltac_wild =>
+             match T with  
+             | ?P -> ?Q => first [ app_assert t P cont' | fail 3 ]
+             | forall _:?A, _ => first [ app_typeclass t cont'
+                                       | app_evar t A cont' 
+                                       | fail 3 ] 
+             end 
+           | _ =>
+             match T with  (* should test T for unifiability *)
+             | U -> ?Q => first [ app_assert t U cont' | fail 3 ]
+             | forall _:U, _ => first 
+                 [ app_typeclass t cont'
+                 | app_evar t U cont' 
+                 | fail 3 ] 
+             | ?P -> ?Q => first [ app_assert t P cont | fail 3 ]
+             | forall _:?A, _ => first 
+                 [ app_typeclass t cont
+                 | app_evar t A cont
+                 | fail 3 ] 
+             end 
+           end
+         | fail 2 ]
+      | _ => 
+          match T with
+          | ?P -> ?Q => first [ app_arg t P v cont'
+                              | app_assert t P cont
+                              | fail 3 ]
+           | forall _:Type, _ => 
+              match type of v with 
+              | Type => first [ cont' (t v) 
+                              | app_evar t Type cont
+                              | fail 3 ]
+              | _ => first [ app_evar t Type cont
+                           | fail 3 ]
+              end 
+          | forall _:?A, _ => 
+             let V := type of v in
+             match type of V with
+             | Prop => first [ app_typeclass t cont
+                              | app_evar t A cont
+                              | fail 3 ]
+             | _ => first [ cont' (t v) 
+                          | app_typeclass t cont
+                          | app_evar t A cont
+                          | fail 3 ]
+             end
+          end
+      end
+    end in
+  go t vs.
+  (* todo: use local function for first [...] *)
+(*--old version
+Ltac build_app_hnts t vs final :=
+  let rec go t vs :=
+    match vs with
+    | nil => first [ final t | fail 1 ]
+    | (boxer ltac_wilds)::_ => first [ build_app_alls t final | fail 1 ]
+    | (boxer ?v)::?vs' =>
+      let cont t' := go t' vs in
+      let cont' t' := go t' vs' in
+      let T := type of t in
+      let T := eval hnf in T in
+      match v with
+      | ltac_wild =>
+         first [ let U := boxerlist_next_type vs' in
+           match U with
+           | ltac_wild =>
+             match T with
+             | ?P -> ?Q => first [ app_assert t P cont' | fail 3 ]
+             | forall _:?A, _ => first [ app_evar t A cont' | fail 3 ]
+             end
+           | _ =>
+             match T with  (* should test T for unifiability *)
+             | U -> ?Q => first [ app_assert t U cont' | fail 3 ]
+             | forall _:U, _ => first [ app_evar t U cont' | fail 3 ]
+             | ?P -> ?Q => first [ app_assert t P cont | fail 3 ]
+             | forall _:?A, _ => first [ app_evar t A cont | fail 3 ]
+             end
+           end
+         | fail 2 ]
+      | _ =>
+          match T with
+          | ?P -> ?Q => first [ app_arg t P v cont'
+                              | app_assert t P cont
+                              | fail 3 ]
+          | forall _:?A, _ => first [ cont' (t v)
+                                    | app_evar t A cont
+                                    | fail 3 ]
+          end
+      end
+    end in
+  go t vs.
+Ltac build_app args final :=
+  first [
+    match args with (@boxer ?T ?t)::?vs =>
+      let t := constr:(t:T) in
+      build_app_hnts t vs final;
+      fast_rm_inside args
+    end
+  | fail 1 "Instantiation fails for:" args].
+Ltac unfold_head_until_product T :=
+  eval hnf in T.
+Ltac args_unfold_head_if_not_product args :=
+  match args with (@boxer ?T ?t)::?vs =>
+    let T' := unfold_head_until_product T in
+    constr:((@boxer T' t)::vs)
+  end.
+Ltac args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args :=
+  match args with
+  | (boxer ?t)::(boxer ?v)::?vs =>
+     args_unfold_head_if_not_product args
+  | _ => constr:(args)
+  end.
+(** [lets H: (>> E0 E1 .. EN)] will instantiate lemma [E0]
+    on the arguments [Ei] (which may be wildcards [__]),
+    and name [H] the resulting term. [H] may be an introduction
+    pattern, or a sequence of introduction patterns [I1 I2 IN],
+    or empty.
+    Syntax [lets H: E0 E1 .. EN] is also available. If the last
+    argument [EN] is [___] (triple-underscore), then all
+    arguments of [H] will be instantiated. *)
+Ltac lets_build I Ei :=
+  let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
+  let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args in
+(*    let Ei''' := args_unfold_head_if_not_product Ei'' in*)
+  build_app args ltac:(fun R => lets_base I R).
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
+  lets_build I E.
+Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E) :=
+  let H := fresh in lets H: E.
+Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) :=
+  lets: (>> E0 A1).
+Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  lets: (>> E0 A1 A2).
+Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  lets: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
+Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  lets: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
+Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  lets: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
+(* --todo: deprecated, do not use *)
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ ":" constr(E) :=
+  lets [I1 I2]: E.
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(E) :=
+  lets [I1 [I2 I3]]: E.
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(E) :=
+  lets [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: E.
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
+ ":" constr(E) :=
+  lets [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: E.
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) :=
+  lets I: (>> E0 A1).
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  lets I: (>> E0 A1 A2).
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  lets I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  lets I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  lets I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) :=
+  lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1.
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1 A2.
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1 A2 A3.
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4.
+Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5.
+(** [forwards H: (>> E0 E1 .. EN)] is short for
+    [forwards H: (>> E0 E1 .. EN ___)].
+    The arguments [Ei] can be wildcards [__] (except [E0]).
+    [H] may be an introduction pattern, or a sequence of
+    introduction pattern, or empty.
+    Syntax [forwards H: E0 E1 .. EN] is also available. *)
+Ltac forwards_build_app_arg Ei :=
+  let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
+  let args := (eval simpl in (args ++ ((boxer ___)::nil))) in
+  let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product args in
+  args.
+Ltac forwards_then Ei cont :=
+  let args := forwards_build_app_arg Ei in
+  let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args in
+  build_app args cont.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(Ei) :=
+  let args := forwards_build_app_arg Ei in
+  lets I: args.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E) :=
+  let H := fresh in forwards H: E.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) :=
+  forwards: (>> E0 A1).
+Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  forwards: (>> E0 A1 A2).
+Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  forwards: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
+Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  forwards: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
+Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  forwards: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
+(* todo: deprecated, do not use *)
+Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ ":" constr(E) :=
+  forwards [I1 I2]: E.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(E) :=
+  forwards [I1 [I2 I3]]: E.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(E) :=
+  forwards [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: E.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
+ ":" constr(E) :=
+  forwards [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: E.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) :=
+  forwards I: (>> E0 A1).
+Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  forwards I: (>> E0 A1 A2).
+Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  forwards I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
+Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  forwards I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
+Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  forwards I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
+  (* for use by tactics -- todo: factorize better *)
+Tactic Notation "forwards_nounfold" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(Ei) :=
+  let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
+  let args := (eval simpl in (args ++ ((boxer ___)::nil))) in
+  build_app args ltac:(fun R => lets_base I R).
+Ltac forwards_nounfold_then Ei cont :=
+  let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
+  let args := (eval simpl in (args ++ ((boxer ___)::nil))) in
+  build_app args cont.
+(** [applys (>> E0 E1 .. EN)] instantiates lemma [E0]
+    on the arguments [Ei] (which may be wildcards [__]),
+    and apply the resulting term to the current goal,
+    using the tactic [applys] defined earlier on.
+    [applys E0 E1 E2 .. EN] is also available. *)
+Ltac applys_build Ei :=
+  let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
+  let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args in
+  build_app args ltac:(fun R =>
+   first [ apply R | eapply R | rapply R ]).
+Ltac applys_base E :=
+  match type of E with
+  | list Boxer => applys_build E
+  | _ => first [ rapply E | applys_build E ]
+  end; fast_rm_inside E.
+Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E) :=
+  applys_base E.
+Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
+  applys (>> E0 A1).
+Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  applys (>> E0 A1 A2).
+Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  applys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
+Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  applys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
+Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  applys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
+(** [fapplys (>> E0 E1 .. EN)] instantiates lemma [E0]
+    on the arguments [Ei] and on the argument [___] meaning
+    that all evars should be explicitly instantiated,
+    and apply the resulting term to the current goal.
+    [fapplys E0 E1 E2 .. EN] is also available. *)
+Ltac fapplys_build Ei :=
+  let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
+  let args := (eval simpl in (args ++ ((boxer ___)::nil))) in
+  let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args in
+  build_app args ltac:(fun R => apply R).
+Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) :=  (* todo: use the tactic for that*)
+  match type of E0 with
+  | list Boxer => fapplys_build E0
+  | _ => fapplys_build (>> E0)
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
+  fapplys (>> E0 A1).
+Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  fapplys (>> E0 A1 A2).
+Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  fapplys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
+Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  fapplys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
+Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  fapplys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
+(** [specializes H (>> E1 E2 .. EN)] will instantiate hypothesis [H]
+    on the arguments [Ei] (which may be wildcards [__]). If the last
+    argument [EN] is [___] (triple-underscore), then all arguments of
+    [H] get instantiated. *)
+Ltac specializes_build H Ei :=
+  let H' := fresh "TEMP" in rename H into H';
+  let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
+  let args := constr:((boxer H')::args) in
+  let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product args in
+  build_app args ltac:(fun R => lets H: R);
+  clear H'.
+Ltac specializes_base H Ei :=
+  specializes_build H Ei; fast_rm_inside Ei.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) :=
+  specializes_base H (___).
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A) :=
+  specializes_base H A.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  specializes H (>> A1 A2).
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  specializes H (>> A1 A2 A3).
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  specializes H (>> A1 A2 A3 A4).
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  specializes H (>> A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
+(** [specializes_vars H] is equivalent to [specializes H __ .. __] 
+    with as many double underscore as the number of dependent arguments
+    visible from the type of [H]. Note that no unfolding is currently
+    being performed (this behavior might change in the future).
+    The current implementation is restricted to the case where
+    [H] is an existing hypothesis -- TODO: generalize. *)
+Ltac specializes_var_base H :=
+  match type of H with 
+  | ?P -> ?Q => fail 1
+  | forall _:_, _ => specializes H __
+  end.
+Ltac specializes_vars_base H :=
+  repeat (specializes_var_base H).
+Tactic Notation "specializes_var" hyp(H) :=
+  specializes_var_base H.
+Tactic Notation "specializes_vars" hyp(H) :=
+  specializes_vars_base H.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Experimental Tactics for Application *)
+(** [fapply] is a version of [apply] based on [forwards]. *)
+Tactic Notation "fapply" constr(E) :=
+  let H := fresh in forwards H: E;
+  first [ apply H | eapply H | rapply H | hnf; apply H
+        | hnf; eapply H | applys H ].
+   (* todo: is applys redundant with rapply ? *)
+(** [sapply] stands for "super apply". It tries
+    [apply], [eapply], [applys] and [fapply],
+    and also tries to head-normalize the goal first. *)
+Tactic Notation "sapply" constr(H) :=
+  first [ apply H | eapply H | rapply H | applys H
+        | hnf; apply H | hnf; eapply H | hnf; applys H
+        | fapply H ].
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Adding Assumptions *)
+(** [lets_simpl H: E] is the same as [lets H: E] excepts that it
+    calls [simpl] on the hypothesis H.
+    [lets_simpl: E] is also provided. *)
+Tactic Notation "lets_simpl" ident(H) ":" constr(E) :=
+  lets H: E; try simpl in H.
+Tactic Notation "lets_simpl" ":" constr(T) :=
+  let H := fresh in lets_simpl H: T.
+(** [lets_hnf H: E] is the same as [lets H: E] excepts that it
+    calls [hnf] to set the definition in head normal form. 
+    [lets_hnf: E] is also provided. *)
+Tactic Notation "lets_hnf" ident(H) ":" constr(E) :=
+  lets H: E; hnf in H.
+Tactic Notation "lets_hnf" ":" constr(T) :=
+  let H := fresh in lets_hnf H: T.
+(** [puts X: E] is a synonymous for [pose (X := E)].
+    Alternative syntax is [puts: E]. *)
+Tactic Notation "puts" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
+  pose (X := E).
+Tactic Notation "puts" ":" constr(E) :=
+  let X := fresh "X" in pose (X := E).
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Application of Tautologies *)
+(** [logic E], where [E] is a fact, is equivalent to
+    [assert H:E; [tauto | eapply H; clear H]. It is useful for instance
+    to prove a conjunction [A /\ B] by showing first [A] and then [A -> B],
+    through the command [logic (foral A B, A -> (A -> B) -> A /\ B)] *)
+Ltac logic_base E cont :=
+  assert (H:E); [ cont tt | eapply H; clear H ].
+Tactic Notation "logic" constr(E) :=
+  logic_base E ltac:(fun _ => tauto).
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Application Modulo Equalities *)
+(** The tactic [equates] replaces a goal of the form
+    [P x y z] with a goal of the form [P x ?a z] and a
+    subgoal [?a = y]. The introduction of the evar [?a] makes
+    it possible to apply lemmas that would not apply to the
+    original goal, for example a lemma of the form
+    [forall n m, P n n m], because [x] and [y] might be equal
+    but not convertible.
+    Usage is [equates i1 ... ik], where the indices are the
+    positions of the arguments to be replaced by evars,
+    counting from the right-hand side. If [0] is given as
+    argument, then the entire goal is replaced by an evar. *)
+Section equatesLemma.
+Variables (A0 A1 : Type).
+Variables (A2 : forall (x1 : A1), Type).
+Variables (A3 : forall (x1 : A1) (x2 : A2 x1), Type).
+Variables (A4 : forall (x1 : A1) (x2 : A2 x1) (x3 : A3 x2), Type).
+Variables (A5 : forall (x1 : A1) (x2 : A2 x1) (x3 : A3 x2) (x4 : A4 x3), Type).
+Variables (A6 : forall (x1 : A1) (x2 : A2 x1) (x3 : A3 x2) (x4 : A4 x3) (x5 : A5 x4), Type).
+Lemma equates_0 : forall (P Q:Prop),
+  P -> P = Q -> Q.
+Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
+Lemma equates_1 :
+  forall (P:A0->Prop) x1 y1,
+  P y1 -> x1 = y1 -> P x1.
+Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
+Lemma equates_2 :
+  forall y1 (P:A0->forall(x1:A1),Prop) x1 x2,
+  P y1 x2 -> x1 = y1 -> P x1 x2.
+Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
+Lemma equates_3 :
+  forall y1 (P:A0->forall(x1:A1)(x2:A2 x1),Prop) x1 x2 x3,
+  P y1 x2 x3 -> x1 = y1 -> P x1 x2 x3.
+Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
+Lemma equates_4 :
+  forall y1 (P:A0->forall(x1:A1)(x2:A2 x1)(x3:A3 x2),Prop) x1 x2 x3 x4,
+  P y1 x2 x3 x4 -> x1 = y1 -> P x1 x2 x3 x4.
+Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
+Lemma equates_5 :
+  forall y1 (P:A0->forall(x1:A1)(x2:A2 x1)(x3:A3 x2)(x4:A4 x3),Prop) x1 x2 x3 x4 x5,
+  P y1 x2 x3 x4 x5 -> x1 = y1 -> P x1 x2 x3 x4 x5.
+Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
+Lemma equates_6 :
+  forall y1 (P:A0->forall(x1:A1)(x2:A2 x1)(x3:A3 x2)(x4:A4 x3)(x5:A5 x4),Prop)
+  x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6,
+  P y1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 -> x1 = y1 -> P x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6.
+Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
+End equatesLemma.
+Ltac equates_lemma n :=
+  match nat_from_number n with
+  | 0 => constr:(equates_0)
+  | 1 => constr:(equates_1)
+  | 2 => constr:(equates_2)
+  | 3 => constr:(equates_3)
+  | 4 => constr:(equates_4)
+  | 5 => constr:(equates_5)
+  | 6 => constr:(equates_6)
+  end.
+Ltac equates_one n :=
+  let L := equates_lemma n in
+  eapply L.
+Ltac equates_several E cont :=
+  let all_pos := match type of E with
+    | List.list Boxer => constr:(E)
+    | _ => constr:((boxer E)::nil)
+    end in
+  let rec go pos :=
+     match pos with
+     | nil => cont tt
+     | (boxer ?n)::?pos' => equates_one n; [ instantiate; go pos' | ]
+     end in
+  go all_pos.
+Tactic Notation "equates" constr(E) :=
+  equates_several E ltac:(fun _ => idtac).
+Tactic Notation "equates" constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
+  equates (>> n1 n2).
+Tactic Notation "equates" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
+  equates (>> n1 n2 n3).
+Tactic Notation "equates" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
+  equates (>> n1 n2 n3 n4).
+(** [applys_eq H i1 .. iK] is the same as
+    [equates i1 .. iK] followed by [apply H]
+    on the first subgoal. *)
+Tactic Notation "applys_eq" constr(H) constr(E) :=
+  equates_several E ltac:(fun _ => sapply H).
+Tactic Notation "applys_eq" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
+  applys_eq H (>> n1 n2).
+Tactic Notation "applys_eq" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
+  applys_eq H (>> n1 n2 n3).
+Tactic Notation "applys_eq" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
+  applys_eq H (>> n1 n2 n3 n4).
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Absurd Goals *)
+(** [false_goal] replaces any goal by the goal [False]. 
+    Contrary to the tactic [false] (below), it does not try to do
+    anything else *)
+Tactic Notation "false_goal" :=
+  elimtype False.
+(** [false_post] is the underlying tactic used to prove goals
+    of the form [False]. In the default implementation, it proves
+    the goal if the context contains [False] or an hypothesis of the
+    form [C x1 .. xN  =  D y1 .. yM], or if the [congruence] tactic
+    finds a proof of [x <> x] for some [x]. *) 
+Ltac false_post :=
+  solve [ assumption | discriminate | congruence ].
+(** [false] replaces any goal by the goal [False], and calls [false_post] *)
+Tactic Notation "false" :=
+  false_goal; try false_post.
+(** [tryfalse] tries to solve a goal by contradiction, and leaves
+    the goal unchanged if it cannot solve it.
+    It is equivalent to [try solve \[ false \]]. *)
+Tactic Notation "tryfalse" :=
+  try solve [ false ].
+(** [false E] tries to exploit lemma [E] to prove the goal false.
+    [false E1 .. EN] is equivalent to [false (>> E1 .. EN)],
+    which tries to apply [applys (>> E1 .. EN)] and if it
+    does not work then tries [forwards H: (>> E1 .. EN)]
+    followed with [false] *)
+Ltac false_then E cont :=
+  false_goal; first
+  [ applys E; instantiate
+  | forwards_then E ltac:(fun M => 
+      pose M; jauto_set_hyps; intros; false) ]; 
+  cont tt.
+  (* TODO: is [cont] needed? *)
+Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) :=
+  false_then E ltac:(fun _ => idtac).
+Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) constr(E1) :=
+  false (>> E E1).
+Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
+  false (>> E E1 E2).
+Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
+  false (>> E E1 E2 E3).
+Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) constr(E4) :=
+  false (>> E E1 E2 E3 E4).
+(** [false_invert H] proves a goal if it absurd after
+    calling [inversion H] and [false] *)
+Ltac false_invert_for H :=
+  let M := fresh in pose (M := H); inversion H; false.
+Tactic Notation "false_invert" constr(H) :=  
+  try solve [ false_invert_for H | false ].
+(** [false_invert] proves any goal provided there is at least 
+    one hypothesis [H] in the context (or as a universally quantified
+    hypothesis visible at the head of the goal) that can be proved absurd by calling 
+    [inversion H]. *)
+Ltac false_invert_iter :=
+  match goal with H:_ |- _ =>
+    solve [ inversion H; false
+          | clear H; false_invert_iter
+          | fail 2 ] end.
+Tactic Notation "false_invert" :=
+  intros; solve [ false_invert_iter | false ].
+(** [tryfalse_invert H] and [tryfalse_invert] are like the 
+    above but leave the goal unchanged if they don't solve it. *)
+Tactic Notation "tryfalse_invert" constr(H) :=
+  try (false_invert H).
+Tactic Notation "tryfalse_invert" :=
+  try false_invert.
+(** [false_neq_self_hyp] proves any goal if the context
+    contains an hypothesis of the form [E <> E]. It is 
+    a restricted and optimized version of [false]. It is 
+    intended to be used by other tactics only. *)
+Ltac false_neq_self_hyp :=
+  match goal with H: ?x <> ?x |- _ => 
+    false_goal; apply H; reflexivity end.
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Introduction and Generalization *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Introduction *)
+(** [introv] is used to name only non-dependent hypothesis.
+ - If [introv] is called on a goal of the form [forall x, H],
+   it should introduce all the variables quantified with a
+   [forall] at the head of the goal, but it does not introduce
+   hypotheses that preceed an arrow constructor, like in [P -> Q].
+ - If [introv] is called on a goal that is not of the form
+   [forall x, H] nor [P -> Q], the tactic unfolds definitions
+   until the goal takes the form [forall x, H] or [P -> Q].
+   If unfolding definitions does not produces a goal of this form,
+   then the tactic [introv] does nothing at all. *)
+(* [introv_rec] introduces all visible variables.
+   It does not try to unfold any definition. *)
+Ltac introv_rec :=
+  match goal with
+  | |- ?P -> ?Q => idtac
+  | |- forall _, _ => intro; introv_rec
+  | |- _ => idtac
+  end.
+(* [introv_noarg] forces the goal to be a [forall] or an [->],
+   and then calls [introv_rec] to introduces variables
+   (possibly none, in which case [introv] is the same as [hnf]).
+   If the goal is not a product, then it does not do anything. *)
+Ltac introv_noarg :=
+  match goal with
+  | |- ?P -> ?Q => idtac
+  | |- forall _, _ => introv_rec
+  | |- ?G => hnf;
+     match goal with
+     | |- ?P -> ?Q => idtac
+     | |- forall _, _ => introv_rec
+     end
+  | |- _ => idtac
+  end.
+  (* simpler yet perhaps less efficient imlementation *)
+  Ltac introv_noarg_not_optimized :=
+    intro; match goal with H:_|-_ => revert H end; introv_rec.
+(* [introv_arg H] introduces one non-dependent hypothesis
+   under the name [H], after introducing the variables
+   quantified with a [forall] that preceeds this hypothesis.
+   This tactic fails if there does not exist a hypothesis
+   to be introduced. *)
+  (* todo: __ in introv means "intros" *)
+Ltac introv_arg H :=
+  hnf; match goal with
+  | |- ?P -> ?Q => intros H
+  | |- forall _, _ => intro; introv_arg H
+  end.
+(* [introv I1 .. IN] iterates [introv Ik] *)
+Tactic Notation "introv" :=
+  introv_noarg.
+Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
+  introv_arg I1.
+Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) :=
+  introv I1; introv I2.
+Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) :=
+  introv I1; introv I2 I3.
+Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) :=
+  introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4.
+Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5) :=
+  introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5.
+Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
+ simple_intropattern(I6) :=
+  introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6.
+Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
+ simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) :=
+  introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7.
+Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
+ simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) simple_intropattern(I8) :=
+  introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8.
+Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
+ simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) simple_intropattern(I8)
+ simple_intropattern(I9) :=
+  introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9.
+Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
+ simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
+ simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) simple_intropattern(I8)
+ simple_intropattern(I9) simple_intropattern(I10) :=
+  introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I10.
+(** [intros_all] repeats [intro] as long as possible. Contrary to [intros],
+    it unfolds any definition on the way. Remark that it also unfolds the
+    definition of negation, so applying [introz] to a goal of the form
+    [forall x, P x -> ~Q] will introduce [x] and [P x] and [Q], and will
+    leave [False] in the goal. *)
+Tactic Notation "intros_all" :=
+  repeat intro.
+(** [intros_hnf] introduces an hypothesis and sets in head normal form *)
+Tactic Notation "intro_hnf" :=
+  intro; match goal with H: _ |- _ => hnf in H end.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Generalization *)
+(** [gen X1 .. XN] is a shorthand for calling [generalize dependent]
+    successively on variables [XN]...[X1]. Note that the variables
+    are generalized in reverse order, following the convention of
+    the [generalize] tactic: it means that [X1] will be the first
+    quantified variable in the resulting goal. *)
+Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) :=
+  generalize dependent X1.
+Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) :=
+  gen X2; gen X1.
+Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) :=
+  gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
+Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4)  :=
+  gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
+Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) :=
+  gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
+Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
+ ident(X6) :=
+  gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
+Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
+ ident(X6) ident(X7) :=
+  gen X7; gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
+Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
+ ident(X6) ident(X7) ident(X8) :=
+  gen X8; gen X7; gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
+Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
+ ident(X6) ident(X7) ident(X8) ident(X9) :=
+  gen X9; gen X8; gen X7; gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
+Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
+ ident(X6) ident(X7) ident(X8) ident(X9) ident(X10) :=
+  gen X10; gen X9; gen X8; gen X7; gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
+(** [generalizes X] is a shorthand for calling [generalize X; clear X].
+    It is weaker than tactic [gen X] since it does not support
+    dependencies. It is mainly intended for writing tactics. *)
+Tactic Notation "generalizes" hyp(X) :=
+  generalize X; clear X.
+Tactic Notation "generalizes" hyp(X1) hyp(X2) :=
+  generalizes X1; generalizes X2.
+Tactic Notation "generalizes" hyp(X1) hyp(X2) hyp(X3) :=
+  generalizes X1 X2; generalizes X3.
+Tactic Notation "generalizes" hyp(X1) hyp(X2) hyp(X3) hyp(X4) :=
+  generalizes X1 X2 X3; generalizes X4.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Naming *)
+(** [sets X: E] is the same as [set (X := E) in *], that is,
+    it replaces all occurences of [E] by a fresh meta-variable [X]
+    whose definition is [E]. *)
+Tactic Notation "sets" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
+  set (X := E) in *.
+(** [def_to_eq E X H] applies when [X := E] is a local
+    definition. It adds an assumption [H: X = E]
+    and then clears the definition of [X].
+    [def_to_eq_sym] is similar except that it generates
+    the equality [H: E = X]. *)
+Ltac def_to_eq X HX E :=
+  assert (HX : X = E) by reflexivity; clearbody X.
+Ltac def_to_eq_sym X HX E :=
+  assert (HX : E = X) by reflexivity; clearbody X.
+(** [set_eq X H: E] generates the equality [H: X = E],
+    for a fresh name [X], and replaces [E] by [X] in the
+    current goal. Syntaxes [set_eq X: E] and
+    [set_eq: E] are also available. Similarly,
+    [set_eq <- X H: E] generates the equality [H: E = X].
+    [sets_eq X HX: E] does the same but replaces [E] by [X]
+    everywhere in the goal. [sets_eq X HX: E in H] replaces in [H].
+    [set_eq X HX: E in |-] performs no substitution at all. *)
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) :=
+  set (X := E); def_to_eq X HX E.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
+  let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq X HX: E.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" ":" constr(E) :=
+  let X := fresh "X" in set_eq X: E.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) :=
+  set (X := E); def_to_eq_sym X HX E.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
+  let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq <- X HX: E.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ":" constr(E) :=
+  let X := fresh "X" in set_eq <- X: E.
+Tactic Notation "sets_eq" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) :=
+  set (X := E) in *; def_to_eq X HX E.
+Tactic Notation "sets_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
+  let HX := fresh "EQ" X in sets_eq X HX: E.
+Tactic Notation "sets_eq" ":" constr(E) :=
+  let X := fresh "X" in sets_eq X: E.
+Tactic Notation "sets_eq" "<-" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) :=
+  set (X := E) in *; def_to_eq_sym X HX E.
+Tactic Notation "sets_eq" "<-" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
+  let HX := fresh "EQ" X in sets_eq <- X HX: E.
+Tactic Notation "sets_eq" "<-" ":" constr(E) :=
+  let X := fresh "X" in sets_eq <- X: E.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  set (X := E) in H; def_to_eq X HX E.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq X HX: E in H.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  let X := fresh "X" in set_eq X: E in H.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  set (X := E) in H; def_to_eq_sym X HX E.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq <- X HX: E in H.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  let X := fresh "X" in set_eq <- X: E in H.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
+  set (X := E) in |-; def_to_eq X HX E.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
+  let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq X HX: E in |-.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
+  let X := fresh "X" in set_eq X: E in |-.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
+  set (X := E) in |-; def_to_eq_sym X HX E.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
+  let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq <- X HX: E in |-.
+Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
+  let X := fresh "X" in set_eq <- X: E in |-.
+(** [gen_eq X: E] is a tactic whose purpose is to introduce
+    equalities so as to work around the limitation of the [induction]
+    tactic which typically loses information. [gen_eq E as X] replaces
+    all occurences of term [E] with a fresh variable [X] and the equality
+    [X = E] as extra hypothesis to the current conclusion. In other words
+    a conclusion [C] will be turned into [(X = E) -> C].
+    [gen_eq: E] and [gen_eq: E as X] are also accepted. *)
+Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
+  let EQ := fresh in sets_eq X EQ: E; revert EQ.
+Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ":" constr(E) :=
+  let X := fresh "X" in gen_eq X: E.
+Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ":" constr(E) "as" ident(X) :=
+  gen_eq X: E.
+Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ident(X1) ":" constr(E1) ","
+  ident(X2) ":" constr(E2) :=
+  gen_eq X2: E2; gen_eq X1: E1.
+Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ident(X1) ":" constr(E1) ","
+  ident(X2) ":" constr(E2) "," ident(X3) ":" constr(E3) :=
+  gen_eq X3: E3; gen_eq X2: E2; gen_eq X1: E1.
+(** [sets_let X] finds the first let-expression in the goal
+    and names its body [X]. [sets_eq_let X] is similar,
+    except that it generates an explicit equality.
+    Tactics [sets_let X in H] and [sets_eq_let X in H]
+    allow specifying a particular hypothesis (by default,
+    the first one that contains a [let] is considered).
+    Known limitation: it does not seem possible to support
+    naming of multiple let-in constructs inside a term, from ltac. *)
+Ltac sets_let_base tac :=
+  match goal with
+  | |- context[let _ := ?E in _] => tac E; cbv zeta
+  | H: context[let _ := ?E in _] |- _ => tac E; cbv zeta in H
+  end.
+Ltac sets_let_in_base H tac :=
+  match type of H with context[let _ := ?E in _] =>
+    tac E; cbv zeta in H end.
+Tactic Notation "sets_let" ident(X) :=
+  sets_let_base ltac:(fun E => sets X: E).
+Tactic Notation "sets_let" ident(X) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  sets_let_in_base H ltac:(fun E => sets X: E).
+Tactic Notation "sets_eq_let" ident(X) :=
+  sets_let_base ltac:(fun E => sets_eq X: E).
+Tactic Notation "sets_eq_let" ident(X) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  sets_let_in_base H ltac:(fun E => sets_eq X: E).
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Rewriting *)
+(** [rewrites E] is similar to [rewrite] except that
+    it supports the [rm] directives to clear hypotheses
+    on the fly, and that it supports a list of arguments in the form
+    [rewrites (>> E1 E2 E3)] to indicate that [forwards] should be 
+    invoked first before [rewrites] is called. *)
+Ltac rewrites_base E cont :=
+  match type of E with 
+  | List.list Boxer => forwards_then E cont
+  | _ => cont E; fast_rm_inside E
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) :=
+  rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M => rewrite M ).
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M => rewrite M in H).
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M => rewrite M in *).
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M => rewrite <- M ).
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M => rewrite <- M in H).
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M => rewrite <- M in *).
+(* TODO: extend tactics below to use [rewrites] *)
+(** [rewrite_all E] iterates version of [rewrite E] as long as possible.
+    Warning: this tactic can easily get into an infinite loop.
+    Syntax for rewriting from right to left and/or into an hypothese
+    is similar to the one of [rewrite]. *)
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" constr(E) :=
+  repeat rewrite E.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  repeat rewrite <- E.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
+  repeat rewrite E in H.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "<-" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
+  repeat rewrite <- E in H.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  repeat rewrite E in *.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  repeat rewrite <- E in *.
+(** [asserts_rewrite E] asserts that an equality [E] holds (generating a
+    corresponding subgoal) and rewrite it straight away in the current
+    goal. It avoids giving a name to the equality and later clearing it.
+    Syntax for rewriting from right to left and/or into an hypothese
+    is similar to the one of [rewrite]. Note: the tactic [replaces]
+    plays a similar role. *)
+Ltac asserts_rewrite_tactic E action :=
+  let EQ := fresh in (assert (EQ : E);
+  [ idtac | action EQ; clear EQ ]).
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" constr(E) :=
+  asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ => rewrite EQ).
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ => rewrite <- EQ).
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ => rewrite EQ in H).
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ => rewrite <- EQ in H).
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ => rewrite EQ in *).
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ => rewrite <- EQ in *).
+(** [cuts_rewrite E] is the same as [asserts_rewrite E] except
+    that subgoals are permuted. *)
+Ltac cuts_rewrite_tactic E action :=
+  let EQ := fresh in (cuts EQ: E;
+  [ action EQ; clear EQ | idtac ]).
+Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" constr(E) :=
+  cuts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ => rewrite EQ).
+Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  cuts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ => rewrite <- EQ).
+Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  cuts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ => rewrite EQ in H).
+Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  cuts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ => rewrite <- EQ in H).
+(** [rewrite_except H EQ] rewrites equality [EQ] everywhere
+    but in hypothesis [H]. Mainly useful for other tactics. *)
+Ltac rewrite_except H EQ :=
+  let K := fresh in let T := type of H in
+  set (K := T) in H;
+  rewrite EQ in *; unfold K in H; clear K.
+(** [rewrites E at K] applies when [E] is of the form [T1 = T2]
+    rewrites the equality [E] at the [K]-th occurence of [T1]
+    in the current goal.
+    Syntaxes [rewrites <- E at K] and [rewrites E at K in H]
+    are also available. *)
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) "at" constr(K) :=
+  match type of E with ?T1 = ?T2 =>
+    ltac_action_at K of T1 do (rewrites E) end.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) "at" constr(K) :=
+  match type of E with ?T1 = ?T2 =>
+    ltac_action_at K of T2 do (rewrites <- E) end.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  match type of E with ?T1 = ?T2 =>
+    ltac_action_at K of T1 in H do (rewrites E in H) end.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  match type of E with ?T1 = ?T2 =>
+    ltac_action_at K of T2 in H do (rewrites <- E in H) end.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(**  ** Replace *)
+(** [replaces E with F] is the same as [replace E with F] except that
+    the equality [E = F] is generated as first subgoal. Syntax
+    [replaces E with F in H] is also available. Note that contrary to
+    [replace], [replaces] does not try to solve the equality
+    by [assumption]. Note: [replaces E with F] is similar to
+    [asserts_rewrite (E = F)]. *)
+Tactic Notation "replaces" constr(E) "with" constr(F) :=
+  let T := fresh in assert (T: E = F); [ | replace E with F; clear T ].
+Tactic Notation "replaces" constr(E) "with" constr(F) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  let T := fresh in assert (T: E = F); [ | replace E with F in H; clear T ].
+(** [replaces E at K with F] replaces the [K]-th occurence of [E]
+    with [F] in the current goal. Syntax [replaces E at K with F in H]
+    is also available. *)
+Tactic Notation "replaces" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "with" constr(F) :=
+  let T := fresh in assert (T: E = F); [ | rewrites T at K; clear T ].
+Tactic Notation "replaces" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "with" constr(F) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  let T := fresh in assert (T: E = F); [ | rewrites T at K in H; clear T ].
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(**  ** Change *)
+(** [changes] is like [change] except that it does not silently
+   fail to perform its task. (Note that, [changes] is implemented
+   using [rewrite], meaning that it might perform additional 
+   beta-reductions compared with the original [change] tactic. *)
+(* TODO: support "changes (E1 = E2)" *)
+Tactic Notation "changes" constr(E1) "with" constr(E2) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  asserts_rewrite (E1 = E2) in H; [ reflexivity | ].
+Tactic Notation "changes" constr(E1) "with" constr(E2) :=
+  asserts_rewrite (E1 = E2); [ reflexivity | ].
+Tactic Notation "changes" constr(E1) "with" constr(E2) "in" "*" :=
+  asserts_rewrite (E1 = E2) in *; [ reflexivity | ].
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Renaming *)
+(** [renames X1 to Y1, ..., XN to YN] is a shorthand for a sequence of
+    renaming operations [rename Xi into Yi]. *)
+Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) :=
+  rename X1 into Y1.
+Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
+ ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) :=
+  renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2.
+Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
+ ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) "," ident(X3) "to" ident(Y3) :=
+  renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2, X3 to Y3.
+Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
+ ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) "," ident(X3) "to" ident(Y3) ","
+ ident(X4) "to" ident(Y4) :=
+  renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2, X3 to Y3, X4 to Y4.
+Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
+ ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) "," ident(X3) "to" ident(Y3) ","
+ ident(X4) "to" ident(Y4) "," ident(X5) "to" ident(Y5) :=
+  renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2, X3 to Y3, X4 to Y4, X5 to Y5.
+Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
+ ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) "," ident(X3) "to" ident(Y3) ","
+ ident(X4) "to" ident(Y4) "," ident(X5) "to" ident(Y5) ","
+ ident(X6) "to" ident(Y6) :=
+  renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2, X3 to Y3, X4 to Y4, X5 to Y5, X6 to Y6.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Unfolding *)
+(** [unfolds] unfolds the head definition in the goal, i.e., if the
+    goal has form [P x1 ... xN] then it calls [unfold P].
+    If the goal is an equality, it tries to unfold the head constant
+    on the left-hand side, and otherwise tries on the right-hand side.
+    If the goal is a product, it calls [intros] first.
+    -- warning: this tactic is overriden in LibReflect. *)
+Ltac apply_to_head_of E cont :=
+  let go E :=
+    let P := get_head E in cont P in
+  match E with
+  | forall _,_ => intros; apply_to_head_of E cont
+  | ?A = ?B => first [ go A | go B ]
+  | ?A => go A
+  end.
+Ltac unfolds_base :=
+  match goal with |- ?G =>
+   apply_to_head_of G ltac:(fun P => unfold P) end.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" :=
+  unfolds_base.
+(** [unfolds in H] unfolds the head definition of hypothesis [H], i.e., if
+    [H] has type [P x1 ... xN] then it calls [unfold P in H]. *)
+Ltac unfolds_in_base H :=
+  match type of H with ?G =>
+   apply_to_head_of G ltac:(fun P => unfold P in H) end.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  unfolds_in_base H.
+(** [unfolds in H1,H2,..,HN] allows unfolding the head constant
+    in several hypotheses at once. *)
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "in" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) :=
+  unfolds in H1; unfolds in H2.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "in" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) :=
+  unfolds in H1; unfolds in H2 H3.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "in" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) :=
+  unfolds in H1; unfolds in H2 H3 H4.
+(** [unfolds P1,..,PN] is a shortcut for [unfold P1,..,PN in *]. *)
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) :=
+  unfold F1 in *.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) :=
+  unfold F1,F2 in *.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) 
+ "," constr(F3) :=
+  unfold F1,F2,F3 in *.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) 
+ "," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) :=
+  unfold F1,F2,F3,F4 in *.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) 
+ "," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) "," constr(F5) :=
+  unfold F1,F2,F3,F4,F5 in *.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) 
+ "," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) "," constr(F5) "," constr(F6) :=
+  unfold F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6 in *.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) 
+ "," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) "," constr(F5) 
+ "," constr(F6) "," constr(F7) :=
+  unfold F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7 in *.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) 
+ "," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) "," constr(F5) 
+ "," constr(F6) "," constr(F7) "," constr(F8) :=
+  unfold F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8 in *.
+(** [folds P1,..,PN] is a shortcut for [fold P1 in *; ..; fold PN in *]. *)
+Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H) :=
+  fold H in *.
+Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H1) "," constr(H2) :=
+  folds H1; folds H2.
+Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H1) "," constr(H2) "," constr(H3) :=
+  folds H1; folds H2; folds H3.
+Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H1) "," constr(H2) "," constr(H3)
+ "," constr(H4) :=
+  folds H1; folds H2; folds H3; folds H4.
+Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H1) "," constr(H2) "," constr(H3)
+ "," constr(H4) "," constr(H5) :=
+  folds H1; folds H2; folds H3; folds H4; folds H5.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Simplification *)
+(** [simpls] is a shortcut for [simpl in *]. *)
+Tactic Notation "simpls" :=
+  simpl in *.
+(** [simpls P1,..,PN] is a shortcut for
+    [simpl P1 in *; ..; simpl PN in *]. *)
+Tactic Notation "simpls" constr(F1) :=
+  simpl F1 in *.
+Tactic Notation "simpls" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) :=
+  simpls F1; simpls F2.
+Tactic Notation "simpls" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) 
+ "," constr(F3) :=
+  simpls F1; simpls F2; simpls F3.
+Tactic Notation "simpls" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) 
+ "," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) :=
+  simpls F1; simpls F2; simpls F3; simpls F4.
+(** [unsimpl E] replaces all occurence of [X] by [E], where [X] is
+   the result which the tactic [simpl] would give when applied to [E].
+   It is useful to undo what [simpl] has simplified too far. *)
+Tactic Notation "unsimpl" constr(E) :=
+  let F := (eval simpl in E) in change F with E.
+(** [unsimpl E in H] is similar to [unsimpl E] but it applies
+    inside a particular hypothesis [H]. *)
+Tactic Notation "unsimpl" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  let F := (eval simpl in E) in change F with E in H.
+(** [unsimpl E in *] applies [unsimpl E] everywhere possible.
+    [unsimpls E] is a synonymous. *)
+Tactic Notation "unsimpl" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  let F := (eval simpl in E) in change F with E in *.
+Tactic Notation "unsimpls" constr(E) :=
+  unsimpl E in *.
+(** [nosimpl t] protects the Coq term[t] against some forms of
+    simplification. See Gonthier's work for details on this trick. *)
+Notation "'nosimpl' t" := (match tt with tt => t end)
+  (at level 10).
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Reduction *)
+Tactic Notation "hnfs" := hnf in *.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Substitution *)
+(** [substs] does the same as [subst], except that it does not fail
+    when there are circular equalities in the context. *)
+Tactic Notation "substs" :=
+  repeat (match goal with H: ?x = ?y |- _ =>
+            first [ subst x | subst y ] end).
+(** Implementation of [substs below], which allows to call
+    [subst] on all the hypotheses that lie beyond a given
+    position in the proof context. *)
+Ltac substs_below limit :=
+  match goal with H: ?T |- _ =>
+  match T with
+  | limit => idtac
+  | ?x = ?y =>
+    first [ subst x; substs_below limit
+          | subst y; substs_below limit
+          | generalizes H; substs_below limit; intro ]
+  end end.
+(** [substs below body E] applies [subst] on all equalities that appear
+    in the context below the first hypothesis whose body is [E].
+    If there is no such hypothesis in the context, it is equivalent
+    to [subst]. For instance, if [H] is an hypothesis, then
+    [substs below H] will substitute equalities below hypothesis [H]. *)
+Tactic Notation "substs" "below" "body" constr(M) :=
+  substs_below M.
+(** [substs below H] applies [subst] on all equalities that appear
+    in the context below the hypothesis named [H]. Note that
+    the current implementation is technically incorrect since it
+    will confuse different hypotheses with the same body. *)
+Tactic Notation "substs" "below" hyp(H) :=
+  match type of H with ?M => substs below body M end.
+(** [subst_hyp H] substitutes the equality contained in the
+    first hypothesis from the context. *)
+Ltac intro_subst_hyp := fail. (* definition further on *)
+(** [subst_hyp H] substitutes the equality contained in [H]. *)
+Ltac subst_hyp_base H :=
+  match type of H with
+  | (_,_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_,_) => injection H; clear H; do 4 intro_subst_hyp
+  | (_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_) => injection H; clear H; do 4 intro_subst_hyp
+  | (_,_,_) = (_,_,_) => injection H; clear H; do 3 intro_subst_hyp
+  | (_,_) = (_,_) => injection H; clear H; do 2 intro_subst_hyp
+  | ?x = ?x => clear H
+  | ?x = ?y => first [ subst x | subst y ]
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "subst_hyp" hyp(H) := subst_hyp_base H.
+Ltac intro_subst_hyp ::=
+  let H := fresh "TEMP" in intros H; subst_hyp H.
+(** [intro_subst] is a shorthand for [intro H; subst_hyp H]:
+    it introduces and substitutes the equality at the head
+    of the current goal. *)
+Tactic Notation "intro_subst" :=
+  let H := fresh "TEMP" in intros H; subst_hyp H.
+(** [subst_local] substitutes all local definition from the context *)
+Ltac subst_local :=
+  repeat match goal with H:=_ |- _ => subst H end.
+(** [subst_eq E] takes an equality [x = t] and replace [x]
+    with [t] everywhere in the goal *)
+Ltac subst_eq_base E :=
+  let H := fresh "TEMP" in lets H: E; subst_hyp H.
+Tactic Notation "subst_eq" constr(E) :=
+  subst_eq_base E.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Tactics to Work with Proof Irrelevance *)
+Require Import ProofIrrelevance.
+(** [pi_rewrite E] replaces [E] of type [Prop] with a fresh
+    unification variable, and is thus a practical way to
+    exploit proof irrelevance, without writing explicitly
+    [rewrite (proof_irrelevance E E')]. Particularly useful
+    when [E'] is a big expression. *)
+Ltac pi_rewrite_base E rewrite_tac :=
+  let E' := fresh in let T := type of E in evar (E':T);
+  rewrite_tac (@proof_irrelevance _ E E'); subst E'.
+Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" constr(E) :=
+  pi_rewrite_base E ltac:(fun X => rewrite X).
+Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  pi_rewrite_base E ltac:(fun X => rewrite X in H).
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Proving Equalities *)
+(** Note: current implementation only supports up to arity 5 *)
+(** [fequal] is a variation on [f_equal] which has a better behaviour
+    on equalities between n-ary tuples. *)
+Ltac fequal_base :=
+  let go := f_equal; [ fequal_base | ] in
+  match goal with
+  | |- (_,_,_) = (_,_,_) => go
+  | |- (_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_) => go
+  | |- (_,_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_,_) => go
+  | |- (_,_,_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_,_,_) => go
+  | |- _ => f_equal
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "fequal" :=
+  fequal_base.
+(** [fequals] is the same as [fequal] except that it tries and solve
+    all trivial subgoals, using [reflexivity] and [congruence]
+    (as well as the proof-irrelevance principle).
+    [fequals] applies to goals of the form [f x1 .. xN = f y1 .. yN]
+    and produces some subgoals of the form [xi = yi]). *)
+Ltac fequal_post :=
+  first [ reflexivity | congruence | apply proof_irrelevance | idtac ].
+Tactic Notation "fequals" :=
+  fequal; fequal_post.
+(** [fequals_rec] calls [fequals] recursively.
+    It is equivalent to [repeat (progress fequals)]. *)
+Tactic Notation "fequals_rec" :=
+  repeat (progress fequals).
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Inversion *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Basic Inversion *)
+(** [invert keep H] is same to [inversion H] except that it puts all the
+    facts obtained in the goal. The keyword [keep] means that the
+    hypothesis [H] should not be removed. *)
+Tactic Notation "invert" "keep" hyp(H) :=
+  pose ltac_mark; inversion H; gen_until_mark.
+(** [invert keep H as X1 .. XN] is the same as [inversion H as ...] except
+    that only hypotheses which are not variable need to be named
+    explicitely, in a similar fashion as [introv] is used to name
+    only hypotheses. *)
+Tactic Notation "invert" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
+  invert keep H; introv I1.
+Tactic Notation "invert" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) :=
+  invert keep H; introv I1 I2.
+Tactic Notation "invert" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
+  invert keep H; introv I1 I2 I3.
+(** [invert H] is same to [inversion H] except that it puts all the
+    facts obtained in the goal and clears hypothesis [H].
+    In other words, it is equivalent to [invert keep H; clear H]. *)
+Tactic Notation "invert" hyp(H) :=
+  invert keep H; clear H.
+(** [invert H as X1 .. XN] is the same as [invert keep H as X1 .. XN]
+    but it also clears hypothesis [H]. *)
+Tactic Notation "invert_tactic" hyp(H) tactic(tac) :=
+  let H' := fresh in rename H into H'; tac H'; clear H'.
+Tactic Notation "invert" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
+  invert_tactic H (fun H => invert keep H as I1).
+Tactic Notation "invert" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) :=
+  invert_tactic H (fun H => invert keep H as I1 I2).
+Tactic Notation "invert" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
+  invert_tactic H (fun H => invert keep H as I1 I2 I3).
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Inversion with Substitution *)
+(** Our inversion tactics is able to get rid of dependent equalities
+    generated by [inversion], using proof irrelevance. *)
+(* --we do not import Eqdep because it imports nasty hints automatically
+    Require Import Eqdep. *)
+Axiom inj_pair2 :  (* is in fact derivable from the axioms in LibAxiom.v *)
+  forall (U : Type) (P : U -> Type) (p : U) (x y : P p),
+       existT P p x = existT P p y -> x = y.
+(* Proof using. apply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.inj_pair2. Qed.*)
+Ltac inverts_tactic H i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 :=
+  let rec go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 :=
+    match goal with
+    | |- (ltac_Mark -> _) => intros _
+    | |- (?x = ?y -> _) => let H := fresh in intro H;
+                           first [ subst x | subst y ];
+                           go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6
+    | |- (existT ?P ?p ?x = existT ?P ?p ?y -> _) =>
+         let H := fresh in intro H;
+         generalize (@inj_pair2 _ P p x y H);
+         clear H; go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6
+    | |- (?P -> ?Q) => i1; go i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 ltac:(intro)
+    | |- (forall _, _) => intro; go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6
+    end in
+  generalize ltac_mark; invert keep H; go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6;
+  unfold eq' in *.
+(** [inverts keep H] is same to [invert keep H] except that it
+    applies [subst] to all the equalities generated by the inversion. *)
+Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) :=
+  inverts_tactic H ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro)
+                   ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
+(** [inverts keep H as X1 .. XN] is the same as
+    [invert keep H as X1 .. XN] except that it applies [subst] to all the
+    equalities generated by the inversion *)
+Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
+  inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1)
+   ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
+Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) :=
+  inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2)
+   ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
+Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
+  inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2) ltac:(intros I3)
+   ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
+Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) :=
+  inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2) ltac:(intros I3)
+   ltac:(intros I4) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
+Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
+ simple_intropattern(I5) :=
+  inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2) ltac:(intros I3)
+   ltac:(intros I4) ltac:(intros I5) ltac:(intro).
+Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
+ simple_intropattern(I5) simple_intropattern(I6) :=
+  inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2) ltac:(intros I3)
+   ltac:(intros I4) ltac:(intros I5) ltac:(intros I6).
+(** [inverts H] is same to [inverts keep H] except that it
+    clears hypothesis [H]. *)
+Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) :=
+  inverts keep H; clear H.
+(** [inverts H as X1 .. XN] is the same as [inverts keep H as X1 .. XN]
+    but it also clears the hypothesis [H]. *)
+Tactic Notation "inverts_tactic" hyp(H) tactic(tac) :=
+  let H' := fresh in rename H into H'; tac H'; clear H'.
+Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
+  invert_tactic H (fun H => inverts keep H as I1).
+Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) :=
+  invert_tactic H (fun H => inverts keep H as I1 I2).
+Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
+  invert_tactic H (fun H => inverts keep H as I1 I2 I3).
+Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) :=
+  invert_tactic H (fun H => inverts keep H as I1 I2 I3 I4).
+Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
+ simple_intropattern(I5) :=
+  invert_tactic H (fun H => inverts keep H as I1 I2 I3 I4 I5).
+Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
+ simple_intropattern(I5) simple_intropattern(I6) :=
+  invert_tactic H (fun H => inverts keep H as I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6).
+(** [inverts H as] performs an inversion on hypothesis [H], substitutes
+    generated equalities, and put in the goal the other freshly-created
+    hypotheses, for the user to name explicitly.
+    [inverts keep H as] is the same except that it does not clear [H].
+    --TODO: reimplement [inverts] above using this one *)
+Ltac inverts_as_tactic H :=
+  let rec go tt :=
+    match goal with
+    | |- (ltac_Mark -> _) => intros _
+    | |- (?x = ?y -> _) => let H := fresh "TEMP" in intro H;
+                           first [ subst x | subst y ];
+                           go tt
+    | |- (existT ?P ?p ?x = existT ?P ?p ?y -> _) =>
+         let H := fresh in intro H;
+         generalize (@inj_pair2 _ P p x y H);
+         clear H; go tt
+    | |- (forall _, _) =>
+       intro; let H := get_last_hyp tt in mark_to_generalize H; go tt
+    end in
+  pose ltac_mark; inversion H;
+  generalize ltac_mark; gen_until_mark;
+  go tt; gen_to_generalize; unfolds ltac_to_generalize;
+  unfold eq' in *.
+Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" :=
+  inverts_as_tactic H.
+Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" :=
+  inverts_as_tactic H; clear H.
+Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
+ simple_intropattern(I5) simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) :=
+  inverts H as; introv I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7.
+Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
+ simple_intropattern(I5) simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7)
+ simple_intropattern(I8) :=
+  inverts H as; introv I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8.
+(** [lets_inverts E as I1 .. IN] is intuitively equivalent to
+    [inverts E], with the difference that it applies to any 
+    expression and not just to the name of an hypothesis. *)
+Ltac lets_inverts_base E cont :=
+  let H := fresh "TEMP" in lets H: E; try cont H.
+Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) :=
+  lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H => inverts H).
+Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
+  lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H => inverts H as I1).
+Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) :=
+  lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H => inverts H as I1 I2).
+Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
+  lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H => inverts H as I1 I2 I3).
+Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) :=
+  lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H => inverts H as I1 I2 I3 I4).
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Injection with Substitution *)
+(** Underlying implementation of [injects] *)
+Ltac injects_tactic H :=
+  let rec go _ :=
+    match goal with
+    | |- (ltac_Mark -> _) => intros _
+    | |- (?x = ?y -> _) => let H := fresh in intro H;
+                           first [ subst x | subst y | idtac ];
+                           go tt
+    end in
+  generalize ltac_mark; injection H; go tt.
+(** [injects keep H] takes an hypothesis [H] of the form
+    [C a1 .. aN = C b1 .. bN] and substitute all equalities
+    [ai = bi] that have been generated. *)
+Tactic Notation "injects" "keep" hyp(H) :=
+  injects_tactic H.
+(** [injects H] is similar to [injects keep H] but clears
+    the hypothesis [H]. *)
+Tactic Notation "injects" hyp(H) :=
+  injects_tactic H; clear H.
+(** [inject H as X1 .. XN] is the same as [injection]
+    followed by [intros X1 .. XN] *)
+Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) :=
+  injection H.
+Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) :=
+  injection H; intros X1.
+Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) ident(X2) :=
+  injection H; intros X1 X2.
+Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) :=
+  injection H; intros X1 X2 X3.
+Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3)
+ ident(X4) :=
+  injection H; intros X1 X2 X3 X4.
+Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3)
+ ident(X4) ident(X5) :=
+  injection H; intros X1 X2 X3 X4 X5.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Inversion and Injection with Substitution --rough implementation *)
+(** The tactics [inversions] and [injections] provided in this section
+    are similar to [inverts] and [injects] except that they perform
+    substitution on all equalities from the context and not only
+    the ones freshly generated. The counterpart is that they have
+    simpler implementations. *)
+(** [inversions keep H] is the same as [inversions H] but it does
+    not clear hypothesis [H]. *)
+Tactic Notation "inversions" "keep" hyp(H) :=
+  inversion H; subst.
+(** [inversions H] is a shortcut for [inversion H] followed by [subst]
+    and [clear H].
+    It is a rough implementation of [inverts keep H] which behave
+    badly when the proof context already contains equalities.
+    It is provided in case the better implementation turns out to be
+    too slow. *)
+Tactic Notation "inversions" hyp(H) :=
+  inversion H; subst; clear H.
+(** [injections keep H] is the same as [injection H] followed
+    by [intros] and [subst]. It is a rough implementation of
+    [injects keep H] which behave
+    badly when the proof context already contains equalities,
+    or when the goal starts with a forall or an implication. *)
+Tactic Notation "injections" "keep" hyp(H) :=
+  injection H; intros; subst.
+(** [injections H] is the same as [injection H] followed
+    by [intros] and [clear H] and [subst]. It is a rough
+    implementation of [injects keep H] which behave
+    badly when the proof context already contains equalities,
+    or when the goal starts with a forall or an implication. *)
+Tactic Notation "injections" "keep" hyp(H) :=
+  injection H; clear H; intros; subst.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Case Analysis *)
+(** [cases] is similar to [case_eq E] except that it generates the
+    equality in the context and not in the goal, and generates the
+    equality the other way round. The syntax [cases E as H]
+    allows specifying the name [H] of that hypothesis. *)
+Tactic Notation "cases" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
+  let X := fresh "TEMP" in
+  set (X := E) in *; def_to_eq_sym X H E;
+  destruct X.
+Tactic Notation "cases" constr(E) :=
+  let H := fresh "Eq" in cases E as H.
+(** [case_if_post] is to be defined later as a tactic to clean
+    up goals. By defaults, it looks for obvious contradictions. 
+    Currently, this tactic is extended in LibReflect to clean up
+    boolean propositions. *)
+Ltac case_if_post := tryfalse.
+(** [case_if] looks for a pattern of the form [if ?B then ?E1 else ?E2]
+    in the goal, and perform a case analysis on [B] by calling
+    [destruct B]. Subgoals containing a contradiction are discarded.
+    [case_if] looks in the goal first, and otherwise in the
+    first hypothesis that contains and [if] statement.
+    [case_if in H] can be used to specify which hypothesis to consider.
+    Syntaxes [case_if as Eq] and [case_if in H as Eq] allows to name
+    the hypothesis coming from the case analysis. *)
+Ltac case_if_on_tactic_core E Eq :=
+  match type of E with
+  | {_}+{_} => destruct E as [Eq | Eq]
+  | _ => let X := fresh in
+         sets_eq <- X Eq: E;
+         destruct X
+  end.
+Ltac case_if_on_tactic E Eq :=
+  case_if_on_tactic_core E Eq; case_if_post.
+Tactic Notation "case_if_on" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
+  case_if_on_tactic E Eq.
+Tactic Notation "case_if" "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
+  match goal with
+  | |- context [if ?B then _ else _] => case_if_on B as Eq
+  | K: context [if ?B then _ else _] |- _ => case_if_on B as Eq
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "case_if" "in" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
+  match type of H with context [if ?B then _ else _] =>
+    case_if_on B as Eq end.
+Tactic Notation "case_if" :=
+  let Eq := fresh in case_if as Eq.
+Tactic Notation "case_if" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  let Eq := fresh in case_if in H as Eq.
+(** [cases_if] is similar to [case_if] with two main differences:
+    if it creates an equality of the form [x = y] and then 
+    substitutes it in the goal *)
+Ltac cases_if_on_tactic_core E Eq :=
+  match type of E with
+  | {_}+{_} => destruct E as [Eq|Eq]; try subst_hyp Eq
+  | _ => let X := fresh in
+         sets_eq <- X Eq: E;
+         destruct X
+  end.
+Ltac cases_if_on_tactic E Eq := 
+  cases_if_on_tactic_core E Eq; tryfalse; case_if_post.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if_on" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
+  cases_if_on_tactic E Eq.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if" "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
+  match goal with
+  | |- context [if ?B then _ else _] => cases_if_on B as Eq
+  | K: context [if ?B then _ else _] |- _ => cases_if_on B as Eq
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if" "in" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
+  match type of H with context [if ?B then _ else _] =>
+    cases_if_on B as Eq end.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if" :=
+  let Eq := fresh in cases_if as Eq.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  let Eq := fresh in cases_if in H as Eq.
+(** [case_ifs] is like [repeat case_if] *)
+Ltac case_ifs_core :=
+  repeat case_if.
+Tactic Notation "case_ifs" := 
+  case_ifs_core.
+(** [destruct_if] looks for a pattern of the form [if ?B then ?E1 else ?E2]
+    in the goal, and perform a case analysis on [B] by calling
+    [destruct B]. It looks in the goal first, and otherwise in the
+    first hypothesis that contains and [if] statement. *)
+Ltac destruct_if_post := tryfalse.
+Tactic Notation "destruct_if"
+ "as" simple_intropattern(Eq1) simple_intropattern(Eq2) :=
+  match goal with
+  | |- context [if ?B then _ else _] => destruct B as [Eq1|Eq2]
+  | K: context [if ?B then _ else _] |- _ => destruct B as [Eq1|Eq2]
+  end;
+  destruct_if_post.
+Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "in" hyp(H)
+ "as" simple_intropattern(Eq1) simple_intropattern(Eq2) :=
+  match type of H with context [if ?B then _ else _] =>
+    destruct B as [Eq1|Eq2] end;
+  destruct_if_post.
+Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
+  destruct_if as Eq Eq.
+Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "in" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
+  destruct_if in H as Eq Eq.
+Tactic Notation "destruct_if" :=
+  let Eq := fresh "C" in destruct_if as Eq Eq.
+Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  let Eq := fresh "C" in destruct_if in H as Eq Eq.
+(** ---BROKEN since v8.5beta2.
+    [destruct_head_match] performs a case analysis on the argument
+    of the head pattern matching when the goal has the form
+    [match ?E with ...] or [match ?E with ... = _] or
+    [_ = match ?E with ...]. Due to the limits of Ltac, this tactic
+    will not fail if a match does not occur. Instead, it might
+    perform a case analysis on an unspecified subterm from the goal.
+    Warning: experimental. *)
+Ltac find_head_match T :=
+  match T with context [?E] =>
+    match T with
+    | E => fail 1
+    | _ => constr:(E)
+    end
+  end.
+Ltac destruct_head_match_core cont :=
+  match goal with
+  | |- ?T1 = ?T2 => first [ let E := find_head_match T1 in cont E
+                          | let E := find_head_match T2 in cont E ]
+  | |- ?T1 => let E := find_head_match T1 in cont E
+  end;
+  destruct_if_post.
+Tactic Notation "destruct_head_match" "as" simple_intropattern(I) :=
+  destruct_head_match_core ltac:(fun E => destruct E as I).
+Tactic Notation "destruct_head_match" :=
+  destruct_head_match_core ltac:(fun E => destruct E).
+(**--provided for compatibility with [remember] *)
+(** [cases' E] is similar to [case_eq E] except that it generates the
+    equality in the context and not in the goal. The syntax [cases E as H]
+    allows specifying the name [H] of that hypothesis. *)
+Tactic Notation "cases'" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
+  let X := fresh "TEMP" in
+  set (X := E) in *; def_to_eq X H E;
+  destruct X.
+Tactic Notation "cases'" constr(E) :=
+  let x := fresh "Eq" in cases' E as H.
+(** [cases_if'] is similar to [cases_if] except that it generates
+    the symmetric equality. *)
+Ltac cases_if_on' E Eq :=
+  match type of E with
+  | {_}+{_} => destruct E as [Eq|Eq]; try subst_hyp Eq
+  | _ => let X := fresh in
+         sets_eq X Eq: E;
+         destruct X
+  end; case_if_post.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
+  match goal with
+  | |- context [if ?B then _ else _] => cases_if_on' B Eq
+  | K: context [if ?B then _ else _] |- _ => cases_if_on' B Eq
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if'" :=
+  let Eq := fresh in cases_if' as Eq.
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Induction *)
+(** [inductions E] is a shorthand for [dependent induction E].
+    [inductions E gen X1 .. XN] is a shorthand for
+    [dependent induction E generalizing X1 .. XN]. *)
+Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
+Ltac inductions_post :=
+  unfold eq' in *.
+Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) :=
+  dependent induction E; inductions_post.
+Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) :=
+  dependent induction E generalizing X1; inductions_post.
+Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) :=
+  dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2; inductions_post.
+Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
+ ident(X3) :=
+  dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3; inductions_post.
+Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
+ ident(X3) ident(X4) :=
+  dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4; inductions_post.
+Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
+ ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) :=
+  dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4 X5; inductions_post.
+Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
+ ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) ident(X6) :=
+  dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6; inductions_post.
+Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
+ ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) ident(X6) ident(X7) :=
+  dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7; inductions_post.
+Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
+ ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) ident(X6) ident(X7) ident(X8) :=
+  dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8; inductions_post.
+(** [induction_wf IH: E X] is used to apply the well-founded induction
+    principle, for a given well-founded relation. It applies to a goal
+    [PX] where [PX] is a proposition on [X]. First, it sets up the
+    goal in the form [(fun a => P a) X], using [pattern X], and then
+    it applies the well-founded induction principle instantiated on [E],
+    where [E] is a term of type [well_founded R], and [R] is a binary
+    relation.
+    Syntaxes [induction_wf: E X] and [induction_wf E X]. *)
+Tactic Notation "induction_wf" ident(IH) ":" constr(E) ident(X) :=
+  pattern X; apply (well_founded_ind E); clear X; intros X IH.
+Tactic Notation "induction_wf" ":" constr(E) ident(X) :=
+  let IH := fresh "IH" in induction_wf IH: E X.
+Tactic Notation "induction_wf" ":" constr(E) ident(X) :=
+  induction_wf: E X.
+(** Induction on the height of a derivation: the helper tactic
+    [induct_height] helps proving the equivalence of the auxiliary 
+    judgment that includes a counter for the maximal height
+    (see LibTacticsDemos for an example) *)
+Require Import Compare_dec Omega.
+Lemma induct_height_max2 : forall n1 n2 : nat,
+  exists n, n1 < n /\ n2 < n.
+Proof using.
+  intros. destruct (lt_dec n1 n2).
+  exists (S n2). omega.
+  exists (S n1). omega.
+Ltac induct_height_step x :=
+  match goal with 
+  | H: exists _, _ |- _ =>  
+     let n := fresh "n" in let y := fresh "x" in
+     destruct H as [n ?]; 
+     forwards (y&?&?): induct_height_max2 n x;
+     induct_height_step y
+  | _ => exists (S x); eauto
+ end.
+Ltac induct_height := induct_height_step O.
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Coinduction *)
+(** Tactic [cofixs IH] is like [cofix IH] except that the
+    coinduction hypothesis is tagged in the form [IH: COIND P]
+    instead of being just [IH: P]. This helps other tactics
+    clearing the coinduction hypothesis using [clear_coind] *)
+Definition COIND (P:Prop) := P.
+Tactic Notation "cofixs" ident(IH) :=
+  cofix IH; 
+  match type of IH with ?P => change P with (COIND P) in IH end.
+(** Tactic [clear_coind] clears all the coinduction hypotheses,
+    assuming that they have been tagged *)
+Ltac clear_coind :=
+  repeat match goal with H: COIND _ |- _ => clear H end.
+(** Tactic [abstracts tac] is like [abstract tac] except that
+    it clears the coinduction hypotheses so that the productivity
+    check will be happy. For example, one can use [abstracts omega]
+    to obtain the same behavior as [omega] but with an auxiliary
+    lemma being generated. *)
+Tactic Notation "abstracts" tactic(tac) :=
+  clear_coind; tac.
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Decidable Equality *)
+(** [decides_equality] is the same as [decide equality] excepts that it
+    is able to unfold definitions at head of the current goal. *)
+Ltac decides_equality_tactic :=
+  first [ decide equality | progress(unfolds); decides_equality_tactic ].
+Tactic Notation "decides_equality" :=
+  decides_equality_tactic.
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Equivalence *)
+(** [iff H] can be used to prove an equivalence [P <-> Q] and name [H]
+    the hypothesis obtained in each case. The syntaxes [iff] and [iff H1 H2]
+    are also available to specify zero or two names. The tactic [iff <- H]
+    swaps the two subgoals, i.e., produces (Q -> P) as first subgoal. *)
+Lemma iff_intro_swap : forall (P Q : Prop),
+  (Q -> P) -> (P -> Q) -> (P <-> Q).
+Proof using. intuition. Qed.
+Tactic Notation "iff" simple_intropattern(H1) simple_intropattern(H2) :=
+  split; [ intros H1 | intros H2 ].
+Tactic Notation "iff" simple_intropattern(H) :=
+  iff H H.
+Tactic Notation "iff" :=
+  let H := fresh "H" in iff H.
+Tactic Notation "iff" "<-" simple_intropattern(H1) simple_intropattern(H2) :=
+  apply iff_intro_swap; [ intros H1 | intros H2 ].
+Tactic Notation "iff" "<-" simple_intropattern(H) :=
+  iff <- H H.
+Tactic Notation "iff" "<-" :=
+  let H := fresh "H" in iff <- H.
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * N-ary Conjunctions and Disjunctions *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(** N-ary Conjunctions Splitting in Goals *)
+(** Underlying implementation of [splits]. *)
+Ltac splits_tactic N :=
+  match N with
+  | O => fail
+  | S O => idtac
+  | S ?N' => split; [| splits_tactic N']
+  end.
+Ltac unfold_goal_until_conjunction :=
+  match goal with
+  | |- _ /\ _ => idtac
+  | _ => progress(unfolds); unfold_goal_until_conjunction
+  end.
+Ltac get_term_conjunction_arity T :=
+  match T with
+  | _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ => constr:(8)
+  | _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ => constr:(7)
+  | _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ => constr:(6)
+  | _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ => constr:(5)
+  | _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ => constr:(4)
+  | _ /\ _ /\ _ => constr:(3)
+  | _ /\ _ => constr:(2)
+  | _ -> ?T' => get_term_conjunction_arity T'
+  | _ => let P := get_head T in
+         let T' := eval unfold P in T in
+         match T' with
+         | T => fail 1
+         | _ => get_term_conjunction_arity T'
+         end
+         (* todo: warning this can loop... *)
+  end.
+Ltac get_goal_conjunction_arity :=
+  match goal with |- ?T => get_term_conjunction_arity T end.
+(** [splits] applies to a goal of the form [(T1 /\ .. /\ TN)] and
+    destruct it into [N] subgoals [T1] .. [TN]. If the goal is not a
+    conjunction, then it unfolds the head definition. *)
+Tactic Notation "splits" :=
+  unfold_goal_until_conjunction;
+  let N := get_goal_conjunction_arity in
+  splits_tactic N.
+(** [splits N] is similar to [splits], except that it will unfold as many
+    definitions as necessary to obtain an [N]-ary conjunction. *)
+Tactic Notation "splits" constr(N) :=
+  let N := nat_from_number N in
+  splits_tactic N.
+(** [splits_all] will recursively split any conjunction, unfolding
+    definitions when necessary. Warning: this tactic will loop
+    on goals of the form [well_founded R]. Todo: fix this *)
+Ltac splits_all_base := repeat split.
+Tactic Notation "splits_all" :=
+  splits_all_base.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(** N-ary Conjunctions Deconstruction *)
+(** Underlying implementation of [destructs]. *)
+Ltac destructs_conjunction_tactic N T :=
+  match N with
+  | 2 => destruct T as [? ?]
+  | 3 => destruct T as [? [? ?]]
+  | 4 => destruct T as [? [? [? ?]]]
+  | 5 => destruct T as [? [? [? [? ?]]]]
+  | 6 => destruct T as [? [? [? [? [? ?]]]]]
+  | 7 => destruct T as [? [? [? [? [? [? ?]]]]]]
+  end.
+(** [destructs T] allows destructing a term [T] which is a N-ary
+    conjunction. It is equivalent to [destruct T as (H1 .. HN)],
+    except that it does not require to manually specify N different
+    names. *)
+Tactic Notation "destructs" constr(T) :=
+  let TT := type of T in
+  let N := get_term_conjunction_arity TT in
+  destructs_conjunction_tactic N T.
+(** [destructs N T] is equivalent to [destruct T as (H1 .. HN)],
+    except that it does not require to manually specify N different
+    names. Remark that it is not restricted to N-ary conjunctions. *)
+Tactic Notation "destructs" constr(N) constr(T) :=
+  let N := nat_from_number N in
+  destructs_conjunction_tactic N T.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(** Proving goals which are N-ary disjunctions *)
+(** Underlying implementation of [branch]. *)
+Ltac branch_tactic K N :=
+  match constr:((K,N)) with
+  | (_,0) => fail 1
+  | (0,_) => fail 1
+  | (1,1) => idtac
+  | (1,_) => left
+  | (S ?K', S ?N') => right; branch_tactic K' N'
+  end.
+Ltac unfold_goal_until_disjunction :=
+  match goal with
+  | |- _ \/ _ => idtac
+  | _ => progress(unfolds); unfold_goal_until_disjunction
+  end.
+Ltac get_term_disjunction_arity T :=
+  match T with
+  | _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ => constr:(8)
+  | _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ => constr:(7)
+  | _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ => constr:(6)
+  | _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ => constr:(5)
+  | _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ => constr:(4)
+  | _ \/ _ \/ _ => constr:(3)
+  | _ \/ _ => constr:(2)
+  | _ -> ?T' => get_term_disjunction_arity T'
+  | _ => let P := get_head T in
+         let T' := eval unfold P in T in
+         match T' with
+         | T => fail 1
+         | _ => get_term_disjunction_arity T'
+         end
+  end.
+Ltac get_goal_disjunction_arity :=
+  match goal with |- ?T => get_term_disjunction_arity T end.
+(** [branch N] applies to a goal of the form
+    [P1 \/ ... \/ PK \/ ... \/ PN] and leaves the goal [PK].
+    It only able to unfold the head definition (if there is one),
+    but for more complex unfolding one should use the tactic
+    [branch K of N]. *)
+Tactic Notation "branch" constr(K) :=
+  let K := nat_from_number K in
+  unfold_goal_until_disjunction;
+  let N := get_goal_disjunction_arity in
+  branch_tactic K N.
+(** [branch K of N] is similar to [branch K] except that the
+    arity of the disjunction [N] is given manually, and so this
+    version of the tactic is able to unfold definitions.
+    In other words, applies to a goal of the form
+    [P1 \/ ... \/ PK \/ ... \/ PN] and leaves the goal [PK]. *)
+Tactic Notation "branch" constr(K) "of" constr(N) :=
+  let N := nat_from_number N in
+  let K := nat_from_number K in
+  branch_tactic K N.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(** N-ary Disjunction Deconstruction *)
+(** Underlying implementation of [branches]. *)
+Ltac destructs_disjunction_tactic N T :=
+  match N with
+  | 2 => destruct T as [? | ?]
+  | 3 => destruct T as [? | [? | ?]]
+  | 4 => destruct T as [? | [? | [? | ?]]]
+  | 5 => destruct T as [? | [? | [? | [? | ?]]]]
+  end.
+(** [branches T] allows destructing a term [T] which is a N-ary
+    disjunction. It is equivalent to [destruct T as [ H1 | .. | HN ] ],
+    and produces [N] subgoals corresponding to the [N] possible cases. *)
+Tactic Notation "branches" constr(T) :=
+  let TT := type of T in
+  let N := get_term_disjunction_arity TT in
+  destructs_disjunction_tactic N T.
+(** [branches N T] is the same as [branches T] except that the arity is
+    forced to [N]. This version is useful to unfold definitions
+    on the fly. *)
+Tactic Notation "branches" constr(N) constr(T) :=
+  let N := nat_from_number N in
+  destructs_disjunction_tactic N T.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(** N-ary Existentials *)
+(* Underlying implementation of [exists]. *)
+Ltac get_term_existential_arity T :=
+  match T with
+  | exists x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8, _ => constr:(8)
+  | exists x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7, _ => constr:(7)
+  | exists x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6, _ => constr:(6)
+  | exists x1 x2 x3 x4 x5, _ => constr:(5)
+  | exists x1 x2 x3 x4, _ => constr:(4)
+  | exists x1 x2 x3, _ => constr:(3)
+  | exists x1 x2, _ => constr:(2)
+  | exists x1, _ => constr:(1)
+  | _ -> ?T' => get_term_existential_arity T'
+  | _ => let P := get_head T in
+         let T' := eval unfold P in T in
+         match T' with
+         | T => fail 1
+         | _ => get_term_existential_arity T'
+         end
+  end.
+Ltac get_goal_existential_arity :=
+  match goal with |- ?T => get_term_existential_arity T end.
+(** [exists T1 ... TN] is a shorthand for [exists T1; ...; exists TN].
+    It is intended to prove goals of the form [exist X1 .. XN, P].
+    If an argument provided is [__] (double underscore), then an
+    evar is introduced. [exists T1 .. TN ___] is equivalent to
+    [exists T1 .. TN __ __ __] with as many [__] as possible. *)
+Tactic Notation "exists_original" constr(T1) :=
+  exists T1.
+Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) :=
+  match T1 with
+  | ltac_wild => esplit
+  | ltac_wilds => repeat esplit
+  | _ => exists T1
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) :=
+  exists T1; exists T2.
+Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) :=
+  exists T1; exists T2; exists T3.
+Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4) :=
+  exists T1; exists T2; exists T3; exists T4.
+Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
+ constr(T5) :=
+  exists T1; exists T2; exists T3; exists T4; exists T5.
+Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
+ constr(T5) constr(T6) :=
+  exists T1; exists T2; exists T3; exists T4; exists T5; exists T6.
+(* The tactic [exists___ N] is short for [exists __ ... __]
+   with [N] double-underscores. The tactic [exists] is equivalent 
+   to calling [exists___ N], where the value of [N] is obtained
+   by counting the number of existentials syntactically present
+   at the head of the goal. The behaviour of [exists] differs
+   from that of [exists ___] is the case where the goal is a
+   definition which yields an existential only after unfolding. *)
+Tactic Notation "exists___" constr(N) :=
+  let rec aux N :=
+    match N with
+    | 0 => idtac
+    | S ?N' => esplit; aux N'
+    end in
+  let N := nat_from_number N in aux N.
+  (* todo: deprecated *)
+Tactic Notation "exists___" :=
+  let N := get_goal_existential_arity in
+  exists___ N.
+  (* todo: does not seem to work *)
+Tactic Notation "exists" := 
+  exists___.
+  (* todo: [exists_all] is the new syntax for [exists___] *)
+Tactic Notation "exists_all" := exists___.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(** Existentials and conjunctions in hypotheses *)
+(** [unpack] or [unpack H] destructs conjunctions and existentials in
+    all or one hypothesis. *)
+Ltac unpack_core :=
+  repeat match goal with
+  | H: _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H
+  | H: exists a, _ |- _ => destruct H
+  end.
+Ltac unpack_from H :=
+  first [ progress (unpack_core)
+        | destruct H; unpack_core ].
+Tactic Notation "unpack" :=
+  unpack_core.
+Tactic Notation "unpack" constr(H) :=
+  unpack_from H.
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Tactics to Prove Typeclass Instances *)
+(** [typeclass] is an automation tactic specialized for finding
+    typeclass instances. *)
+Tactic Notation "typeclass" :=
+  let go _ := eauto with typeclass_instances in
+  solve [ go tt | constructor; go tt ].
+(** [solve_typeclass] is a simpler version of [typeclass], to use
+    in hint tactics for resolving instances *)
+Tactic Notation "solve_typeclass" :=
+  solve [ eauto with typeclass_instances ].
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Tactics to Invoke Automation *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Definitions for Parsing Compatibility *)
+Tactic Notation "f_equal" :=
+  f_equal.
+Tactic Notation "constructor" := 
+  constructor.
+Tactic Notation "simple" :=
+  simpl.
+Tactic Notation "split" :=
+  split.
+Tactic Notation "right" :=
+  right.
+Tactic Notation "left" :=
+  left.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** [hint] to Add Hints Local to a Lemma *)
+(** [hint E] adds [E] as an hypothesis so that automation can use it.
+    Syntax [hint E1,..,EN] is available *)
+Tactic Notation "hint" constr(E) :=
+  let H := fresh "Hint" in lets H: E.
+Tactic Notation "hint" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) :=
+  hint E1; hint E2.
+Tactic Notation "hint" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) "," constr(E3) :=
+  hint E1; hint E2; hint(E3).
+Tactic Notation "hint" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) "," constr(E3) "," constr(E4) :=
+  hint E1; hint E2; hint(E3); hint(E4 ).
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** [jauto], a New Automation Tactic *)
+(** [jauto] is better at [intuition eauto] because it can open existentials
+    from the context. In the same time, [jauto] can be faster than
+    [intuition eauto] because it does not destruct disjunctions from the
+    context. The strategy of [jauto] can be summarized as follows:
+    - open all the existentials and conjunctions from the context
+    - call esplit and split on the existentials and conjunctions in the goal
+    - call eauto. *)
+Tactic Notation "jauto" :=
+  try solve [ jauto_set; eauto ].
+Tactic Notation "jauto_fast" :=
+  try solve [ auto | eauto | jauto ].
+(** [iauto] is a shorthand for [intuition eauto] *)
+Tactic Notation "iauto" := try solve [intuition eauto].
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Definitions of Automation Tactics *)
+(** The two following tactics defined the default behaviour of
+    "light automation" and "strong automation". These tactics
+    may be redefined at any time using the syntax [Ltac .. ::= ..]. *)
+(** [auto_tilde] is the tactic which will be called each time a symbol
+    [~] is used after a tactic. *)
+Ltac auto_tilde_default := auto.
+Ltac auto_tilde := auto_tilde_default.
+(** [auto_star] is the tactic which will be called each time a symbol
+    [*] is used after a tactic. *)
+Ltac auto_star_default := try solve [ jauto ].
+Ltac auto_star := auto_star_default.
+(** [autos~] is a notation for tactic [auto_tilde]. It may be followed
+    by lemmas (or proofs terms) which auto will be able to use
+    for solving the goal. *)
+(** [autos] is an alias for [autos~] *)
+Tactic Notation "autos" := 
+  auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "autos" "~" :=
+  auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "autos" "~" constr(E1) :=
+  lets: E1; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "autos" "~" constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
+  lets: E1; lets: E2; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "autos" "~" constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
+  lets: E1; lets: E2; lets: E3; auto_tilde.
+(** [autos*] is a notation for tactic [auto_star]. It may be followed
+    by lemmas (or proofs terms) which auto will be able to use
+    for solving the goal. *)
+Tactic Notation "autos" "*" :=
+  auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "autos" "*" constr(E1) :=
+  lets: E1; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "autos" "*" constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
+  lets: E1; lets: E2; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "autos" "*" constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
+  lets: E1; lets: E2; lets: E3; auto_star.
+(** [auto_false] is a version of [auto] able to spot some contradictions.
+    There is an ad-hoc support for goals in [<->]: split is called first.
+    [auto_false~] and [auto_false*] are also available. *)
+Ltac auto_false_base cont :=
+  try solve [ 
+    intros_all; try match goal with |- _ <-> _ => split end;
+    solve [ cont tt | intros_all; false; cont tt ] ].
+Tactic Notation "auto_false" :=
+   auto_false_base ltac:(fun tt => auto).
+Tactic Notation "auto_false" "~" :=
+   auto_false_base ltac:(fun tt => auto_tilde).
+Tactic Notation "auto_false" "*" :=
+   auto_false_base ltac:(fun tt => auto_star).
+(* NOT NEEDED FOR SF (incompatible with V8.4) 
+Tactic Notation "dauto" :=
+  dintuition eauto.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Parsing for Light Automation *)
+(** Any tactic followed by the symbol [~] will have [auto_tilde] called
+    on all of its subgoals. Three exceptions:
+    - [cuts] and [asserts] only call [auto] on their first subgoal,
+    - [apply~] relies on [sapply] rather than [apply],
+    - [tryfalse~] is defined as [tryfalse by auto_tilde].
+   Some builtin tactics are not defined using tactic notations
+   and thus cannot be extended, e.g., [simpl] and [unfold].
+   For these, notation such as [simpl~] will not be available. *)
+Tactic Notation "equates" "~" constr(E) :=
+   equates E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "equates" "~" constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
+  equates n1 n2; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "equates" "~" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
+  equates n1 n2 n3; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "equates" "~" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
+  equates n1 n2 n3 n4; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "~" constr(H) constr(E) :=
+  applys_eq H E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "~" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
+  applys_eq H n1 n2; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "~" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
+  applys_eq H n1 n2 n3; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "~" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
+  applys_eq H n1 n2 n3 n4; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "apply" "~" constr(H) :=
+  sapply H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "destruct" "~" constr(H) :=
+  destruct H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "destruct" "~" constr(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I) :=
+  destruct H as I; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "f_equal" "~" :=
+  f_equal; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "induction" "~" constr(H) :=
+  induction H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "inversion" "~" constr(H) :=
+  inversion H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "split" "~" :=
+  split; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "subst" "~" :=
+  subst; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "right" "~" :=
+  right; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "left" "~" :=
+  left; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "constructor" "~" :=
+  constructor; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "constructors" "~" :=
+  constructors; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "false" "~" :=
+  false; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "false" "~" constr(E) :=
+  false_then E ltac:(fun _ => auto_tilde).
+Tactic Notation "false" "~" constr(E0) constr(E1) :=
+  false~ (>> E0 E1).
+Tactic Notation "false" "~" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
+  false~ (>> E0 E1 E2).
+Tactic Notation "false" "~" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
+  false~ (>> E0 E1 E2 E3).  
+Tactic Notation "false" "~" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) constr(E4) :=
+  false~ (>> E0 E1 E2 E3 E4). 
+Tactic Notation "tryfalse" "~" :=
+  try solve [ false~ ].
+Tactic Notation "asserts" "~" simple_intropattern(H) ":" constr(E) :=
+  asserts H: E; [ auto_tilde | idtac ].
+Tactic Notation "asserts" "~" ":" constr(E) :=
+  let H := fresh "H" in asserts~ H: E.
+Tactic Notation "cuts" "~" simple_intropattern(H) ":" constr(E) :=
+  cuts H: E; [ auto_tilde | idtac ].
+Tactic Notation "cuts" "~" ":" constr(E) :=
+  cuts: E; [ auto_tilde | idtac ].
+Tactic Notation "lets" "~" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
+  lets I: E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "~" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) :=
+  lets I: E0 A1; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "~" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  lets I: E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "~" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "~" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "~" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "~" ":" constr(E) :=
+  lets: E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "~" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) :=
+  lets: E0 A1; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "~" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  lets: E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "~" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  lets: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "~" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  lets: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "~" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  lets: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "~" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
+  forwards I: E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "~" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) :=
+  forwards I: E0 A1; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "~" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  forwards I: E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "~" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "~" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "~" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "~" ":" constr(E) :=
+  forwards: E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "~" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) :=
+  forwards: E0 A1; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "~" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  forwards: E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "~" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "~" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "~" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "applys" "~" constr(H) :=
+  sapply H; auto_tilde. (*todo?*)
+Tactic Notation "applys" "~" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
+  applys E0 A1; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "applys" "~" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
+  applys E0 A1; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "applys" "~" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  applys E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "applys" "~" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  applys E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "applys" "~" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  applys E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "applys" "~" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  applys E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" "~" hyp(H) :=
+  specializes H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" "~" hyp(H) constr(A1) :=
+  specializes H A1; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  specializes H A1 A2; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  specializes H A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  specializes H A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  specializes H A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "fapply" "~" constr(E) :=
+  fapply E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "sapply" "~" constr(E) :=
+  sapply E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "logic" "~" constr(E) :=
+  logic_base E ltac:(fun _ => auto_tilde).
+Tactic Notation "intros_all" "~" :=
+  intros_all; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "~" :=
+  unfolds; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "~" constr(F1) :=
+  unfolds F1; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "~" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) :=
+  unfolds F1, F2; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "~" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) "," constr(F3) :=
+  unfolds F1, F2, F3; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "~" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) "," constr(F3) ","  
+ constr(F4) :=
+  unfolds F1, F2, F3, F4; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "simple" "~" :=
+  simpl; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "simple" "~" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  simpl in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "simpls" "~" :=
+  simpls; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "hnfs" "~" :=
+  hnfs; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "hnfs" "~" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  hnf in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "substs" "~" :=
+  substs; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "intro_hyp" "~" hyp(H) :=
+  subst_hyp H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "intro_subst" "~" :=
+  intro_subst; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "subst_eq" "~" constr(E) :=
+  subst_eq E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite" "~" constr(E) :=
+  rewrite E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite" "~" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  rewrite <- E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite" "~" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  rewrite E in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite" "~" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  rewrite <- E in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "~" constr(E) :=
+  rewrites E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "~" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  rewrites E in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "~" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  rewrites E in *; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "~" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  rewrites <- E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "~" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  rewrites <- E in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "~" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  rewrites <- E in *; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "~" constr(E) :=
+  rewrite_all E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "~" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  rewrite_all <- E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "~" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
+  rewrite_all E in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "~" "<-" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
+  rewrite_all <- E in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "~" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  rewrite_all E in *; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "~" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  rewrite_all <- E in *; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "~" constr(E) :=
+  asserts_rewrite E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "~" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  asserts_rewrite <- E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "~" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  asserts_rewrite E in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "~" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  asserts_rewrite <- E in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "~" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  asserts_rewrite E in *; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "~" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  asserts_rewrite <- E in *; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "~" constr(E) :=
+  cuts_rewrite E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "~" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  cuts_rewrite <- E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "~" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  cuts_rewrite E in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "~" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  cuts_rewrite <- E in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "erewrite" "~" constr(E) :=
+  erewrite E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "fequal" "~" :=
+  fequal; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "fequals" "~" :=
+  fequals; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" "~" constr(E) :=
+  pi_rewrite E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" "~" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  pi_rewrite E in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "invert" "~" hyp(H) :=
+  invert H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "inverts" "~" hyp(H) :=
+  inverts H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "inverts" "~" hyp(E) "as" :=
+  inverts E as; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "injects" "~" hyp(H) :=
+  injects H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "inversions" "~" hyp(H) :=
+  inversions H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "cases" "~" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
+  cases E as H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "cases" "~" constr(E) :=
+  cases E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "case_if" "~" :=
+  case_if; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "case_ifs" "~" := 
+  case_ifs; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "case_if" "~" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  case_if in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if" "~" :=
+  cases_if; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if" "~" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  cases_if in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "~" :=
+  destruct_if; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "~" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  destruct_if in H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "destruct_head_match" "~" :=
+  destruct_head_match; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "cases'" "~" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
+  cases' E as H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "cases'" "~" constr(E) :=
+  cases' E; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "~" "as" ident(H) :=
+  cases_if' as H; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "~" :=
+  cases_if'; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "decides_equality" "~" :=
+  decides_equality; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "iff" "~" :=
+  iff; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "splits" "~" :=
+  splits; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "splits" "~" constr(N) :=
+  splits N; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "splits_all" "~" :=
+  splits_all; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "destructs" "~" constr(T) :=
+  destructs T; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "destructs" "~" constr(N) constr(T) :=
+  destructs N T; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "branch" "~" constr(N) :=
+  branch N; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "branch" "~" constr(K) "of" constr(N) :=
+  branch K of N; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "branches" "~" constr(T) :=
+  branches T; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "branches" "~" constr(N) constr(T) :=
+  branches N T; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "~" := 
+  exists; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "exists___" "~" :=
+  exists___; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "~" constr(T1) :=
+  exists T1; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "~" constr(T1) constr(T2) :=
+  exists T1 T2; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "~" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) :=
+  exists T1 T2 T3; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "~" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4) :=
+  exists T1 T2 T3 T4; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "~" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
+ constr(T5) :=
+  exists T1 T2 T3 T4 T5; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "~" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
+ constr(T5) constr(T6) :=
+  exists T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6; auto_tilde.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Parsing for Strong Automation *)
+(** Any tactic followed by the symbol [*] will have [auto*] called
+    on all of its subgoals. The exceptions to these rules are the
+    same as for light automation.
+    Exception: use [subs*] instead of [subst*] if you
+    import the library [Coq.Classes.Equivalence]. *)
+Tactic Notation "equates" "*" constr(E) :=
+   equates E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "equates" "*" constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
+  equates n1 n2; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "equates" "*" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
+  equates n1 n2 n3; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "equates" "*" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
+  equates n1 n2 n3 n4; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "*" constr(H) constr(E) :=
+  applys_eq H E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "*" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
+  applys_eq H n1 n2; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "*" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
+  applys_eq H n1 n2 n3; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "*" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
+  applys_eq H n1 n2 n3 n4; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "apply" "*" constr(H) :=
+  sapply H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "destruct" "*" constr(H) :=
+  destruct H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "destruct" "*" constr(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I) :=
+  destruct H as I; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "f_equal" "*" :=
+  f_equal; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "induction" "*" constr(H) :=
+  induction H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "inversion" "*" constr(H) :=
+  inversion H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "split" "*" :=
+  split; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "subs" "*" :=
+  subst; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "subst" "*" :=
+  subst; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "right" "*" :=
+  right; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "left" "*" :=
+  left; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "constructor" "*" :=
+  constructor; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "constructors" "*" :=
+  constructors; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "false" "*" :=
+  false; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E) :=
+  false_then E ltac:(fun _ => auto_star).
+Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E0) constr(E1) :=
+  false* (>> E0 E1).
+Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
+  false* (>> E0 E1 E2).
+Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
+  false* (>> E0 E1 E2 E3).  
+Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) constr(E4) :=
+  false* (>> E0 E1 E2 E3 E4).  
+Tactic Notation "tryfalse" "*" :=
+  try solve [ false* ].
+Tactic Notation "asserts" "*" simple_intropattern(H) ":" constr(E) :=
+  asserts H: E; [ auto_star | idtac ].
+Tactic Notation "asserts" "*" ":" constr(E) :=
+  let H := fresh "H" in asserts* H: E.
+Tactic Notation "cuts" "*" simple_intropattern(H) ":" constr(E) :=
+  cuts H: E; [ auto_star | idtac ].
+Tactic Notation "cuts" "*" ":" constr(E) :=
+  cuts: E; [ auto_star | idtac ].
+Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
+  lets I: E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) :=
+  lets I: E0 A1; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  lets I: E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E) :=
+  lets: E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) :=
+  lets: E0 A1; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  lets: E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  lets: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  lets: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  lets: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
+  forwards I: E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) :=
+  forwards I: E0 A1; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  forwards I: E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E) :=
+  forwards: E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) :=
+  forwards: E0 A1; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  forwards: E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
+ constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(H) :=
+  sapply H; auto_star. (*todo?*)
+Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
+  applys E0 A1; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
+  applys E0 A1; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  applys E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  applys E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  applys E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  applys E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" "*" hyp(H) :=
+  specializes H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" "~" hyp(H) constr(A1) :=
+  specializes H A1; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
+  specializes H A1 A2; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
+  specializes H A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
+  specializes H A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
+  specializes H A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "fapply" "*" constr(E) :=
+  fapply E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "sapply" "*" constr(E) :=
+  sapply E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "logic" constr(E) :=
+  logic_base E ltac:(fun _ => auto_star).
+Tactic Notation "intros_all" "*" :=
+  intros_all; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" :=
+  unfolds; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" constr(F1) :=
+  unfolds F1; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) :=
+  unfolds F1, F2; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) "," constr(F3) :=
+  unfolds F1, F2, F3; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) "," constr(F3) ","  
+ constr(F4) :=
+  unfolds F1, F2, F3, F4; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "simple" "*" :=
+  simpl; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "simple" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  simpl in H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "simpls" "*" :=
+  simpls; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "hnfs" "*" :=
+  hnfs; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "hnfs" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  hnf in H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "substs" "*" :=
+  substs; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "intro_hyp" "*" hyp(H) :=
+  subst_hyp H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "intro_subst" "*" :=
+  intro_subst; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "subst_eq" "*" constr(E) :=
+  subst_eq E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
+  rewrite E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  rewrite <- E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  rewrite E in H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  rewrite <- E in H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" constr(E) :=
+  rewrites E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H):=
+  rewrites E in H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" constr(E) "in" "*":=
+  rewrites E in *; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  rewrites <- E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H):=
+  rewrites <- E in H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*":=
+  rewrites <- E in *; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" constr(E) :=
+  rewrite_all E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  rewrite_all <- E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
+  rewrite_all E in H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
+  rewrite_all <- E in H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  rewrite_all E in *; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  rewrite_all <- E in *; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
+  asserts_rewrite E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  asserts_rewrite <- E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  asserts_rewrite E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  asserts_rewrite <- E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  asserts_rewrite E in *; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
+  asserts_rewrite <- E in *; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
+  cuts_rewrite E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
+  cuts_rewrite <- E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  cuts_rewrite E in H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  cuts_rewrite <- E in H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "erewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
+  erewrite E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "fequal" "*" :=
+  fequal; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "fequals" "*" :=
+  fequals; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
+  pi_rewrite E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  pi_rewrite E in H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "invert" "*" hyp(H) :=
+  invert H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "inverts" "*" hyp(H) :=
+  inverts H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "inverts" "*" hyp(E) "as" :=
+  inverts E as; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "injects" "*" hyp(H) :=
+  injects H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "inversions" "*" hyp(H) :=
+  inversions H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "cases" "*" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
+  cases E as H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "cases" "*" constr(E) :=
+  cases E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "case_if" "*" :=
+  case_if; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "case_ifs" "*" := 
+  case_ifs; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "case_if" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  case_if in H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if" "*" :=
+  cases_if; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  cases_if in H; auto_star.
+ Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "*" :=
+  destruct_if; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  destruct_if in H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "destruct_head_match" "*" :=
+  destruct_head_match; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "cases'" "*" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
+  cases' E as H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "cases'" "*" constr(E) :=
+  cases' E; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "*" "as" ident(H) :=
+  cases_if' as H; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "*" :=
+  cases_if'; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "decides_equality" "*" :=
+  decides_equality; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "iff" "*" :=
+  iff; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "iff" "*" simple_intropattern(I) :=
+  iff I; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "splits" "*" :=
+  splits; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "splits" "*" constr(N) :=
+  splits N; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "splits_all" "*" :=
+  splits_all; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "destructs" "*" constr(T) :=
+  destructs T; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "destructs" "*" constr(N) constr(T) :=
+  destructs N T; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "branch" "*" constr(N) :=
+  branch N; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "branch" "*" constr(K) "of" constr(N) :=
+  branch K of N; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "branches" "*" constr(T) :=
+  branches T; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "branches" "*" constr(N) constr(T) :=
+  branches N T; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "*" := 
+  exists; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "exists___" "*" :=
+  exists___; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) :=
+  exists T1; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) :=
+  exists T1 T2; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) :=
+  exists T1 T2 T3; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4) :=
+  exists T1 T2 T3 T4; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
+ constr(T5) :=
+  exists T1 T2 T3 T4 T5; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
+ constr(T5) constr(T6) :=
+  exists T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6; auto_star.
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Tactics to Sort Out the Proof Context *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Hiding Hypotheses *)
+(* Implementation *)
+Definition ltac_something (P:Type) (e:P) := e.
+Notation "'Something'" :=
+  (@ltac_something _ _).
+Lemma ltac_something_eq : forall (e:Type),
+  e = (@ltac_something _ e).
+Proof using. auto. Qed.
+Lemma ltac_something_hide : forall (e:Type),
+  e -> (@ltac_something _ e).
+Proof using. auto. Qed.
+Lemma ltac_something_show : forall (e:Type),
+  (@ltac_something _ e) -> e.
+Proof using. auto. Qed.
+(** [hide_def x] and [show_def x] can be used to hide/show
+    the body of the definition [x]. *)
+Tactic Notation "hide_def" hyp(x) :=
+  let x' := constr:(x) in
+  let T := eval unfold x in x' in
+  change T with (@ltac_something _ T) in x.
+Tactic Notation "show_def" hyp(x) :=
+  let x' := constr:(x) in
+  let U := eval unfold x in x' in
+  match U with @ltac_something _ ?T =>
+    change U with T in x end.
+(** [show_def] unfolds [Something] in the goal *)
+Tactic Notation "show_def" :=
+  unfold ltac_something.
+Tactic Notation "show_def" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  unfold ltac_something in H. 
+Tactic Notation "show_def" "in" "*" :=
+  unfold ltac_something in *.
+(** [hide_defs] and [show_defs] applies to all definitions *)
+Tactic Notation "hide_defs" :=
+  repeat match goal with H := ?T |- _ =>
+    match T with
+    | @ltac_something _ _ => fail 1
+    | _ => change T with (@ltac_something _ T) in H
+    end
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "show_defs" :=
+  repeat match goal with H := (@ltac_something _ ?T) |- _ =>
+    change (@ltac_something _ T) with T in H end.
+(** [hide_hyp H] replaces the type of [H] with the notation [Something]
+    and [show_hyp H] reveals the type of the hypothesis. Note that the
+    hidden type of [H] remains convertible the real type of [H]. *)
+Tactic Notation "show_hyp" hyp(H) :=
+  apply ltac_something_show in H.
+Tactic Notation "hide_hyp" hyp(H) :=
+  apply ltac_something_hide in H.
+(** [hide_hyps] and [show_hyps] can be used to hide/show all hypotheses
+    of type [Prop]. *)
+Tactic Notation "show_hyps" :=
+  repeat match goal with
+    H: @ltac_something _ _ |- _ => show_hyp H end.
+Tactic Notation "hide_hyps" :=
+  repeat match goal with H: ?T |- _ =>
+    match type of T with
+    | Prop =>
+      match T with
+      | @ltac_something _ _ => fail 2
+      | _ => hide_hyp H
+      end
+    | _ => fail 1
+    end
+  end.
+(** [hide H] and [show H] automatically select between
+    [hide_hyp] or [hide_def], and [show_hyp] or [show_def].
+    Similarly [hide_all] and [show_all] apply to all. *)
+Tactic Notation "hide" hyp(H) :=
+  first [hide_def H | hide_hyp H].
+Tactic Notation "show" hyp(H) :=
+  first [show_def H | show_hyp H].
+Tactic Notation "hide_all" :=
+  hide_hyps; hide_defs.
+Tactic Notation "show_all" :=
+  unfold ltac_something in *.
+(** [hide_term E] can be used to hide a term from the goal.
+    [show_term] or [show_term E] can be used to reveal it.
+    [hide_term E in H] can be used to specify an hypothesis. *)
+Tactic Notation "hide_term" constr(E) :=
+  change E with (@ltac_something _ E).
+Tactic Notation "show_term" constr(E) :=
+  change (@ltac_something _ E) with E.
+Tactic Notation "show_term" :=
+  unfold ltac_something.
+Tactic Notation "hide_term" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  change E with (@ltac_something _ E) in H.
+Tactic Notation "show_term" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  change (@ltac_something _ E) with E in H.
+Tactic Notation "show_term" "in" hyp(H) :=
+  unfold ltac_something in H.
+(** [show_unfold R] unfolds the definition of [R] and
+    reveals the hidden definition of R. --todo:test, 
+    and implement using unfold simply *) 
+    (* todo: change "unfolds" *)
+Tactic Notation "show_unfold" constr(R1) :=
+  unfold R1; show_def.
+Tactic Notation "show_unfold" constr(R1) "," constr(R2) :=
+  unfold R1, R2; show_def.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Sorting Hypotheses *)
+(** [sort] sorts out hypotheses from the context by moving all the
+    propositions (hypotheses of type Prop) to the bottom of the context. *)
+Ltac sort_tactic :=
+  try match goal with H: ?T |- _ =>
+  match type of T with Prop =>
+    generalizes H; (try sort_tactic); intro
+  end end.
+Tactic Notation "sort" :=
+  sort_tactic.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Clearing Hypotheses *)
+(** [clears X1 ... XN] is a variation on [clear] which clears
+    the variables [X1]..[XN] as well as all the hypotheses which
+    depend on them. Contrary to [clear], it never fails. *)
+Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) :=
+  let rec doit _ :=
+  match goal with
+  | H:context[X1] |- _ => clear H; try (doit tt)
+  | _ => clear X1
+  end in doit tt.
+Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) :=
+  clears X1; clears X2.
+Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) :=
+  clears X1; clears X2; clears X3.
+Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) :=
+  clears X1; clears X2; clears X3; clears X4.
+Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4)
+ ident(X5) :=
+  clears X1; clears X2; clears X3; clears X4; clears X5.
+Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4)
+ ident(X5) ident(X6) :=
+  clears X1; clears X2; clears X3; clears X4; clears X5; clears X6.
+(** [clears] (without any argument) clears all the unused variables
+    from the context. In other words, it removes any variable
+    which is not a proposition (i.e., not of type Prop) and which
+    does not appear in another hypothesis nor in the goal. *)
+  (* todo: rename to clears_var ? *)
+Ltac clears_tactic :=
+  match goal with H: ?T |- _ =>
+  match type of T with
+  | Prop => generalizes H; (try clears_tactic); intro
+  | ?TT => clear H; (try clears_tactic)
+  | ?TT => generalizes H; (try clears_tactic); intro
+  end end.
+Tactic Notation "clears" :=
+  clears_tactic.
+(** [clears_all] clears all the hypotheses from the context
+    that can be cleared. It leaves only the hypotheses that
+    are mentioned in the goal. *)
+Ltac clears_or_generalizes_all_core :=
+  repeat match goal with H: _ |- _ => 
+           first [ clear H | generalizes H] end.
+Tactic Notation "clears_all" :=
+  generalize ltac_mark;
+  clears_or_generalizes_all_core;
+  intro_until_mark.
+(** [clears_but H1 H2 .. HN] clears all hypotheses except the
+    one that are mentioned and those that cannot be cleared. *)
+Ltac clears_but_core cont :=
+  generalize ltac_mark;
+  cont tt;
+  clears_or_generalizes_all_core;
+  intro_until_mark.
+Tactic Notation "clears_but" :=
+  clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ => idtac).
+Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) :=
+  clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ => gen H1).
+Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) ident(H2) :=
+  clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ => gen H1 H2).
+Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) ident(H2) ident(H3) :=
+  clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ => gen H1 H2 H3).
+Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) ident(H2) ident(H3) ident(H4) :=
+  clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ => gen H1 H2 H3 H4).
+Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) ident(H2) ident(H3) ident(H4) ident(H5) :=
+  clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ => gen H1 H2 H3 H4 H5).
+Lemma demo_clears_all_and_clears_but : 
+  forall x y:nat, y < 2 -> x = x -> x >= 2 -> x < 3 -> True.
+Proof using.
+  introv M1 M2 M3. dup 6.
+  (* [clears_all] clears all hypotheses. *)
+  clears_all. auto.
+  (* [clears_but H] clears all but [H] *)
+  clears_but M3. auto.
+  clears_but y. auto.
+  clears_but x. auto.
+  clears_but M2 M3. auto.  
+  clears_but x y. auto.
+(** [clears_last] clears the last hypothesis in the context.
+    [clears_last N] clears the last [N] hypotheses in the context. *)
+Tactic Notation "clears_last" :=
+  match goal with H: ?T |- _ => clear H end.
+Ltac clears_last_base N :=
+  match nat_from_number N with
+  | 0 => idtac
+  | S ?p => clears_last; clears_last_base p
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "clears_last" constr(N) :=
+  clears_last_base N.
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Tactics for Development Purposes *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ================================================================= *)
+(** ** Skipping Subgoals *)
+(** DEPRECATED: the new "admit" tactics now works fine.
+    The [skip] tactic can be used at any time to admit the current
+    goal. Using [skip] is much more efficient than using the [Focus]
+    top-level command to reach a particular subgoal.
+    There are two possible implementations of [skip]. The first one
+    relies on the use of an existential variable. The second one
+    relies on an axiom of type [False]. Remark that the builtin tactic
+    [admit] is not applicable if the current goal contains uninstantiated
+    variables.
+    The advantage of the first technique is that a proof using [skip]
+    must end with [Admitted], since [Qed] will be rejected with the message
+    "[uninstantiated existential variables]". It is thereafter clear
+    that the development is incomplete.
+    The advantage of the second technique is exactly the converse: one
+    may conclude the proof using [Qed], and thus one saves the pain from
+    renaming [Qed] into [Admitted] and vice-versa all the time.
+    Note however, that it is still necessary to instantiate all the existential
+    variables introduced by other tactics in order for [Qed] to be accepted.
+    The two implementation are provided, so that you can select the one that
+    suits you best. By default [skip'] uses the first implementation, and
+    [skip] uses the second implementation.
+Ltac skip_with_existential :=
+  match goal with |- ?G =>
+    let H := fresh in evar(H:G); eexact H end.
+Parameter skip_axiom : False.
+  (* To obtain a safe development, change to [skip_axiom : True] *)
+Ltac skip_with_axiom :=
+  elimtype False; apply skip_axiom.
+Tactic Notation "skip" :=
+   skip_with_axiom.
+Tactic Notation "skip'" :=
+   skip_with_existential.
+(* For backward compatibility *)
+Tactic Notation "admit" := 
+  skip.
+(** [demo] is like [admit] but it documents the fact that admit is intended *)
+Tactic Notation "demo" := 
+  skip. 
+(** [skip H: T] adds an assumption named [H] of type [T] to the
+    current context, blindly assuming that it is true.
+    [skip: T] and [skip H_asserts: T] and [skip_asserts: T]
+    are other possible syntax.
+    Note that H may be an intro pattern.
+    The syntax [skip H1 .. HN: T] can be used when [T] is a
+    conjunction of [N] items. *)
+Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(T) :=
+  asserts I: T; [ skip | ].
+Tactic Notation "skip" ":" constr(T) :=
+  let H := fresh in skip H: T.
+Tactic Notation "skip" "~" ":" constr(T) :=
+  skip: T; auto_tilde.
+Tactic Notation "skip" "*" ":" constr(T) :=
+  skip: T; auto_star.
+Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(T) :=
+  skip [I1 I2]: T.
+Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(T) :=
+  skip [I1 [I2 I3]]: T.
+Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
+ simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(T) :=
+  skip [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: T.
+Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
+ simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5) ":" constr(T) :=
+  skip [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: T.
+Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
+ simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
+ simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
+ simple_intropattern(I6) ":" constr(T) :=
+  skip [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 [I5 I6]]]]]: T.
+Tactic Notation "skip_asserts" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(T) :=
+  skip I: T.
+Tactic Notation "skip_asserts" ":" constr(T) :=
+  skip: T.
+(** [skip_cuts T] simply replaces the current goal with [T]. *)
+Tactic Notation "skip_cuts" constr(T) :=
+  cuts: T; [ skip | ].
+(** [skip_goal H] applies to any goal. It simply assumes
+    the current goal to be true. The assumption is named "H".
+    It is useful to set up proof by induction or coinduction.
+    Syntax [skip_goal] is also accepted.*)
+Tactic Notation "skip_goal" ident(H) :=
+  match goal with |- ?G => skip H: G end.
+Tactic Notation "skip_goal" :=
+  let IH := fresh "IH" in skip_goal IH.
+(** [skip_rewrite T] can be applied when [T] is an equality.
+    It blindly assumes this equality to be true, and rewrite it in
+    the goal. *)
+Tactic Notation "skip_rewrite" constr(T) :=
+  let M := fresh in skip_asserts M: T; rewrite M; clear M.
+(** [skip_rewrite T in H] is similar as [rewrite_skip], except that
+    it rewrites in hypothesis [H]. *)
+Tactic Notation "skip_rewrite" constr(T) "in" hyp(H) :=
+  let M := fresh in skip_asserts M: T; rewrite M in H; clear M.
+(** [skip_rewrites_all T] is similar as [rewrite_skip], except that
+    it rewrites everywhere (goal and all hypotheses). *)
+Tactic Notation "skip_rewrite_all" constr(T) :=
+  let M := fresh in skip_asserts M: T; rewrite_all M; clear M.
+(** [skip_induction E] applies to any goal. It simply assumes
+    the current goal to be true (the assumption is named "IH" by
+    default), and call [destruct E] instead of [induction E].
+    It is useful to try and set up a proof by induction
+    first, and fix the applications of the induction hypotheses
+    during a second pass on the Proof using.  *)
+(* TODO: deprecated *)
+Tactic Notation "skip_induction" constr(E) :=
+  let IH := fresh "IH" in skip_goal IH; destruct E.
+Tactic Notation "skip_induction" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I) :=
+  let IH := fresh "IH" in skip_goal IH; destruct E as I.
+(* ********************************************************************** *)
+(* ################################################################# *)
+(** * Compatibility with Standard Library *)
+(** The module [Program] contains definitions that conflict with the
+    current module. If you import [Program], either directly or indirectly
+    (e.g., through [Setoid] or [ZArith]), you will need to import the
+    compability definitions through the top-level command:
+    [Import LibTacticsCompatibility]. *)
+Module LibTacticsCompatibility.
+  Tactic Notation "apply" "*" constr(H) :=
+    sapply H; auto_star.
+  Tactic Notation "subst" "*" :=
+    subst; auto_star.
+End LibTacticsCompatibility.
+Open Scope nat_scope.
+(* /DROP *)
diff --git a/theories/Base.v b/theories/Base.v
index 733e928..40c030d 100644
--- a/theories/Base.v
+++ b/theories/Base.v
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 From Coq Require Export ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
-Require Export Coq.Lists.List.
-Export ListNotations.
+Require Export Autosubst.Autosubst.
+Require Export Coq.Sets.Ensembles.
+Require Export GQM.Lib.LibTactics.
 Set Implicit Arguments.
 Unset Strict Implicit.
diff --git a/theories/GQM.v b/theories/GQM.v
index d7e2479..4fd90cc 100644
--- a/theories/GQM.v
+++ b/theories/GQM.v
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
-Require Import Autosubst.Autosubst.
 Require Import GQM.Base.
 Inductive form :=
 | Var (x : var)
-| Neg (f : form)
-| And (f g : form)
+| Imp (f g : form)
 | Box (f : form)
 | SquareAll (f : {bind form}).
@@ -14,18 +11,18 @@ Instance Rename_form : Rename form. derive. Defined.
 Instance Subst_form : Subst form. derive. Defined.
 Instance SubstLemmas_form : SubstLemmas form. derive. Qed.
-Infix "&" :=  And (at level 75, right associativity).
 Notation "'[A]' B"   := (SquareAll B) (at level 74, right associativity).
 Notation "|[]| A"   := (Box A) (at level 74, right associativity).
+Notation "A '->>' B" := (Imp A B) (at level 77, right associativity).
+Definition Bot := [A] (Var 0).
+Definition Neg A := A ->> Bot.
 Notation "'-!' A" := (Neg A) (at level 73, right associativity).
-Definition Or A B := (-! (-! A & -! B)).
+Definition Or A B := (-! A ->> B).
 Notation "A '|||' B" := (Or A B) (at level 76, right associativity).
-Definition Imp A B := ((-! A) ||| B).
-Notation "A '->>' B" := (Imp A B) (at level 77, right associativity).
+Definition And A B := -! ( A ->> -! B).
+Infix "&" :=  And (at level 75, right associativity).
 Notation "A '<<->>' B" := ((A ->> B) & (B ->> A)) (at level 78).
-Notation context := (list form).
 (** ** Decidable Equality *)
 Lemma dceq_v : forall n n0,  {Var n = Var n0} + {Var n <> Var n0}.
diff --git a/theories/GQMDeduction.v b/theories/GQMDeduction.v
index 5666625..ac3f75e 100644
--- a/theories/GQMDeduction.v
+++ b/theories/GQMDeduction.v
@@ -1,34 +1,130 @@
 Require Import GQM.Base.
 Require Import GQM.GQM.
+Definition context := Ensemble form.
+Definition empty_con : context := Empty_set form.
+Definition context_cons (c : context) (o : form) : context :=
+ Add form c o.
+Definition elem (o : form) (c : context) := In form c o.
+Notation " '{}' " := empty_con (at level 50).
+Notation " c ',,' o " := (context_cons c o)
+  (at level 45, left associativity).
+(** Definition *)
 Inductive GQMded: context -> form -> Prop :=
-| gqm_in G f: In f G -> GQMded G f
-| gqm_andE1 G f1 f2: GQMded G (f1 & f2) -> GQMded G f1
-| gqm_andE2 G f1 f2: GQMded G (f1 & f2) -> GQMded G f2
-| gqm_andI G f1 f2: GQMded G f1 -> GQMded G f2 -> GQMded G (f1 & f2)
-| gqm_negI G f g: GQMded G (f ->> g) -> GQMded G (f ->> -! g) -> GQMded G (-! f) (* TODO neg intro*)
-| gqm_negE G f: GQMded G (Neg (Neg f)) -> GQMded G f. (* TODO neg intro*)
+| gqm_in G f1: elem f1 G -> GQMded G f1
+| gqm_impI G f1 f2: GQMded (G,,f1) f2 -> GQMded G (f1 ->> f2)
+| gqm_impE G f1 f2: GQMded G f1 -> GQMded G (f1 ->> f2) -> GQMded G f2
+| gqm_dneg G f: GQMded G (-! (-! f) ->> f)
+| gqm_ADist G f1 f2: GQMded G ([A](f1 ->> f2) ->> ([A]f1 ->> [A]f2))
+| gqm_AE G f1 f2: GQMded G ([A]f1 ->> (f1.[f2.: ids])).
+Infix "|--"  := GQMded (at level 80, no associativity).
 Hint Constructors GQMded : GQMDB.
-Lemma gqm_orE1 : forall G f1 f2, GQMded G f1 -> GQMded G (f1 ||| f2).
+(** Basic facts *)
+(** cut elimination *)
+Lemma cut_elim : forall G f1 f2, G |-- f1 -> G,,f1 |-- f2 -> G |-- f2.
+  eauto with GQMDB.
+(** context *)
+Lemma context_weakening : forall G G' f, Included form G G' -> G |-- f -> G' |-- f.
+  move => G f1 f2 Hin H.
+  elim: H f1 Hin; eauto with GQMDB; clear G f2.
+  - move => G f1 Helem G2 Hinc.
+    apply: gqm_in.
+    by apply: Hinc.
+  - move => G f1 f2 Hi IH G2 Hinc.
+    apply: gqm_impI.
+    apply: IH.
+    unfold Included.
+    move => _ [x Hx| x Hx].
+    + apply: Union_introl.
+      by eauto.
+    + by apply: Union_intror.
+(** Lemmas for classical tautologies *)
+Lemma gqm_botE : forall G f, G |-- (Bot ->> f).
+  move => G f.
+  by apply: gqm_AE.
+Lemma gqm_em : forall G f, G |-- (-! f ||| f).
+  by apply: gqm_dneg.
+Lemma gqm_andI : forall G f1 f2, G |-- f1 -> G |-- f2 -> G |-- (f1 & f2).
+  move => G f1 f2 Hf1 Hf2.
+  unfold And.
+  apply: gqm_impI.
+  unfold Neg.
+  have Hn : (G,, (f1 ->> f2 ->> Bot) |-- f2 ->> Bot). {
+    apply: (gqm_impE _ f1).
+    - apply: (context_weakening G); eauto.
+        by apply: Union_introl.
+    - apply: gqm_in.
+      by apply: Union_intror.
+  }
+  apply: (gqm_impE _ f2).
+  - apply: (context_weakening G); eauto.
+        by apply: Union_introl.
+  - apply: cut_elim.
+    + by apply: Hn.
+    + apply: gqm_in.
+      by apply: Union_intror.
+Lemma gqm_andE1 : forall G f1 f2, G |-- (f1 & f2) -> G |-- f1.
+  move => G f1 f2 Hand.
+  unfold And in Hand.
+Lemma gqm_orI1 : forall G f1 f2, G |-- f1 -> G |-- (f1 ||| f2).
   move => G f1 f2 Hf1.
   unfold Or.
-  apply: (gqm_negI _ _ f1).
-  - unfold Imp.
-    unfold Or.
+  apply: gqm_impI.
+  apply: gqm_impE; last by apply: gqm_botE.
+  apply: (gqm_impE _ f1).
+  - apply: cut_elim.
+    + apply: (context_weakening G); try by apply: Union_introl.
+        by apply: Hf1.
+    + apply: gqm_in.
+      by apply: Union_intror.
+  - apply: gqm_in.
+    by apply: Union_intror.
-Lemma gqm_impE : forall G f1 f2, GQMded G f1 -> GQMded G (f1 ->> f2) -> GQMded G f2.
+Lemma gqm_orI2 : forall G f1 f2, G |-- f2 -> G |-- (f1 ||| f2).
-  move => G f1.
-  elim: f1 G.
-  - move => x G f2 Hvar Himp.
-    inversion Himp; subst.
-  elim: Himp.
+  move => G f1 f2 Hf1.
+  unfold Or.
+  apply: gqm_impI.
+  apply: (context_weakening G); eauto.
+  apply: Union_introl.
-Lemma gqm_impI : forall G f1 f2, GQMded (f1 :: G) f2 -> GQMded G (f1 ->> f2).
+Lemma gqm_orE : forall G f1 f2 f3, G |-- (f1 ||| f2) -> G,,f1 |-- f3 -> G,,f2 |-- f3 -> G |-- f3.
-  move => G f1 f2.
-  elim.
\ No newline at end of file
+  move => G f1 f2 f3 Hor Hf1 Hf2.
+  unfold Or in Hor.