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  • Florian Lukas's avatar
    Automated FAIL* testing · 6fb43985
    Florian Lukas authored
    - Added fail directory for FAIL* testing
    - Lots of CMake targets to automate all aspects of FAIL* testing:
      Tracing, Objdump-Import, Region-Mapping, Importing, Pruning, Server, Client
    - to run one or #cores FAIL* clients, optionally FAIL* server as well
    - to extract allowed text/data/stack regions from elf for importers
    - distributes clients to other hosts when PARALLEL_SSHFILE is set
    - manlobbi.slf SSH-login file for manlobbi for parallel
    - Use coredos_fail_test(TESTNAME) instead of coredos_test(TESTNAME) in CMakeFiles
    - Run FAIL* server+client in one shot with make fail-TESTNAME-TYPE
      TYPE names importer type: mem, regs, ip or jump
    Some relevant CMake-Variables:
    FAIL_TOOLS_DIR: directory where FAIL* tester+tracing binaries are, defaults to
    FAIL_DBNAME/FAIL_HOSTNAME/FAIL_USERNAME: override ~/my.cnf if needed
    FAIL_NICE: Set client nice level
    FAIL_VARIANT: Variant name, benchmark name derived from target and importer type
    PARALLEL_SSHFILE: SSH login file to distribute FAIL* clients to
    closes #83
    Change-Id: I22f92944296876e54ce917b5188808e120c8eb2c