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Sammlung von Fragen zu SP2 mit Kommentaren.Updated -
Mitigating Spectre-PHT using Speculation Barriers in Linux eBPF (https://sys.cs.fau.de/verifence)
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Extensible Massive-Parallelism Execution Realm
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Zephyr RTOS with MBS (https://www4.cs.fau.de/Publications/2021/reif_21_sbesc.pdf) and Raspberry Pi 3b+ support.
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Migration-Based Synchronization (MBS, https://www4.cs.fau.de/Publications/2021/reif_21_sbesc.pdf) evaluation and build scripts for the Zephyr RTOS running on a Raspberry Pi 3b+.
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Port of Synchrobench to the Zephyr RTOS. Can be used to evaluate https://www4.cs.fau.de/Publications/2021/reif_21_sbesc.pdf
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Template repository for the Methods of Advanced Data Engineering course at FAU
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This data set contains the following features: 'Daily Time Spent on Site': consumer time on site in minutes 'Age': cutomer age in years 'Area Income': Avg. Income of geographical area of consumer 'Daily Internet Usage': Avg. minutes a day consumer is on the internet 'Ad Topic Line': Headline of the advertisement 'City': City of consumer 'Male': Whether or not consumer was male 'Country': Country of consumer 'Timestamp': Time at which consumer clicked on Ad or closed window 'Clicked on Ad': 0 or 1 indicated clicking on Ad