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MRzero / MRzero Core
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Michael Sammler / GQM-Coq
MIT LicenseUpdated -
faumachine / faumachine
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyUpdated -
StuveFAU / old-terminklick
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThe old @StuveFAU instance of https://github.com/opatut/dudel.git and our local modifications/patches
Archived 1Updated -
Child theme for StuveFAU of WordPress TwentySeventeen Theme
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Historische i4Beamervorlage aus dem 18. Jahrhundert (oder so)
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Android homescreen widget das die aktuelle Aussentemperatur oder Luftfeuchtigkeit am HaWo (Studentenwohnheim Hartmannstrasse) anzeigt.
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Codestückchen zum Tutorium Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen im WS 2017.
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Collection of useful things I build while playing with the linux kernel
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Grill me Senpai!!! is a website to track food requests from friends when buying stuff to grill.
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Felix / StudOn - Score
MIT LicenseCounts your achieved score and divides it through the maximum score on StudOn exercise pages
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Studentische Mitschrift zur Vorlesung Mathematik für Ingenieure C4 im Sommersemester 2020.
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