PLATIN toolset
This directory contains the PLATIN tools for manipulating, generating and transforming PML files.
- ruby 1.9 or newer (mandatory)
- Ubuntu 12.10 sudo aptitude install ruby1.9.1, ruby1.9.1-dev
- install the lpsolve library sudo aptitude install liblpsolve55-dev
- run
bundle install
to install the required gems (rsec, ruby-graphviz, lpsolve)
Basic Usage
Compile test program
echo 'volatile int out; __attribute__((noinline)) void f(int x) { int i; for(i = 0; i<1024;i++) out+=x; } ' > test.c echo 'int main() { f(3); f(5); return 0; }' >> test.c patmos-clang -Wall -mserialize=test.pml -mpreemit-bitcode=test.bc -o test test.c
Analyze using aiT
platin wcet -i test.pml -b test --report
Analyze f() using platin-internal analyzer only
platin wcet --analysis-entry f -i test.pml -b test --disable-ait --enable-wca --report
Enable analysis of the (dynamic) execution trace [for comparison]
platin wcet --enable-trace-analysis --trace-entry main --analysis-entry f -i test.pml -b test --enable-wca --report
Use flow facts from the (dynamic) execution trace [for early-stage development]
platin wcet --use-trace-facts --trace-entry main --analysis-entry f -i test.pml -b test --enable-wca --report
LLVM Options
- -mserialize=FILE
- -mpreemit-bitcode=FILE
- -mserialize-roots=LIST
Known Problems
- tool chain problems
- mrtc/whet -O0: Needs math libraries => problem with atan function
Demo of individual tools
Notes for ARM (not up-to-date)
# Install ARM crosscompiler (Ubuntu)
# sudo aptitude install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi libc6-dev-armel-cross
# Install ARM simulator (Ubuntu)
# hg clone
# cd gem5-stable
# emacs src/arch/arm/linux/ # change linux version in line 69 to '2.6.35'
# scons build/ARM/gem5.opt
# GEM5_HOME=`pwd`
# Demo
# source = src/$1.c
mkdir -p bin out
# Compile using clang
patmos-clang -O1 -target arm-linux-gnueabi -marm -Xclang -backend-option -Xclang -mserialize=bin/$1.pml \
-c -o bin/$1.o src/$1.c
# Link using arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -static bin/$1.o -o bin/$1.elf
# Simulate using GEM5
$GEM5_HOME/build/ARM/gem5.opt --debug-flags=Exec,-ExecMicro,ExecMacro --trace-file=$1.trace \
$GEM5_HOME/configs/example/ -c bin/$1.elf
# Analyze using platin (pseudo costs)
platin wcet --disable-ait --trace-file m5out/$1.trace --outdir out -b bin/$1.elf -i bin/$1.pml --report