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  1. Feb 22, 2017
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Switch Dumpstate HAL policy to _client/_server · 47174e3b
      Alex Klyubin authored
      This switches Dumpstate HAL policy to the design which enables us to
      conditionally remove unnecessary rules from domains which are clients
      of Dumpstate HAL.
      Domains which are clients of Dumpstate HAL, such as dumpstate domain,
      are granted rules targeting hal_dumpstate only when the Dumpstate HAL
      runs in passthrough mode (i.e., inside the client's process). When the
      HAL runs in binderized mode (i.e., in another process/domain, with
      clients talking to the HAL over HwBinder IPC), rules targeting
      hal_dumpstate are not granted to client domains.
      Domains which offer a binderized implementation of Dumpstate HAL, such
      as hal_dumpstate_default domain, are always granted rules targeting
      Test: adb bugreport
      Test: Take bugreport through system UI
      Bug: 34170079
      Change-Id: I3e827534af03cdfa876921c5fa4af3a53025ba27
    • Treehugger Robot's avatar
    • Treehugger Robot's avatar
    • Lucas Duffey's avatar
      remove setuid SELinux capability for racoon. · 1625dba9
      Lucas Duffey authored
      In the master external/ipsec-tools/{main.c, racoon.rc},
      racoon doesn't call setuid, and doesn't have the setuid capability.
      Bug: 35642293
      Signed-off-by: default avatarLucas Duffey <>
    • Yin-Chia Yeh's avatar
    • Chad Brubaker's avatar
      Merge "Add new untrusted_v2_app domain" · 0b1e965f
      Chad Brubaker authored
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Switch Fingerprint HAL policy to _client/_server · f98650e4
      Alex Klyubin authored
      This switches Fingerprint HAL policy to the design which enables us to
      conditionally remove unnecessary rules from domains which are clients
      of Bluetooth HAL.
      Domains which are clients of Fingerprint HAL, such as system_server
      domain, are granted rules targeting hal_fingerprint only when the
      Fingerprint HAL runs in passthrough mode (i.e., inside the client's
      process). When the HAL runs in binderized mode (i.e., in another
      process/domain, with clients talking to the HAL over HwBinder IPC),
      rules targeting hal_fingerprint are not granted to client domains.
      Domains which offer a binderized implementation of Fingerprint HAL,
      such as hal_fingerprint_default domain, are always granted rules
      targeting hal_fingerprint.
      NOTE: This commit also removes unnecessary allow rules from
      Fingerprint HAL, such access to servicemanager (not hwservicemanager)
      and access to keystore daemon over Binder IPC. Fingerprint HAL does
      not use this functionality anyway and shouldn't use it either.
      Test: Enable fingerprint + PIN secure lock screen, confirm it unlocks
            with fingerprint or PIN
      Test: Disable PIN (and thus fingerprint) secure lock screen
      Test: make FingerprintDialog, install, make a fake purchase
      Test: Add fingerprint_hidl_hal_test to, build & add to device,
            adb shell stop,
            adb shell /data/nativetest64/fingerprint_hidl_hal_test/fingerprint_hidl_hal_test -- all tests pass
      Bug: 34170079
      Change-Id: I6951c0f0640194c743ff7049357c77f5f21b71a1
  2. Feb 21, 2017
    • Yin-Chia Yeh's avatar
      Camera: allow appdomain FD use for hal_camera · 2eca9e4a
      Yin-Chia Yeh authored
      The preview surface will run in app process and hal_camera will
      need to wait on FD generated by preview surface.
      Test: the denial is gone, able to take photo in
            messenger/hangout/drive application.
      Bug: 35589980
      Bug: 35485227
      Change-Id: I1977174369b104617156065ff25203a17265b707
    • Chad Brubaker's avatar
      Add new untrusted_v2_app domain · a782a816
      Chad Brubaker authored
      untrusted_v2_app is basically a refinement of untrusted_app with legacy
      capabilities removed and potentially backwards incompatible changes.
      This is not currently hooked up to anything.
      Bug: 33350220
      Test: builds
      Change-Id: Ic9fad57476bc2b6022b1eaca8667bf6d844753c2
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Remove hal_impl_domain deprecation warning · 205ec044
      Alex Klyubin authored
      This removes the compile-time deprecation warning about
      hal_impl_domain macro. The warning was introduced in
      86e87806f5777a7fc09ea962e694442297e4f8d6. We don't want to spam all
      Android platform developers about something internal to the ongoing
      SELinux policy restructuring.
      Test: Policy compiles without any warnings
      Test: Google Play Movies plays back movies (i.e., DRM HAL works)
      Bug: 34170079
      Change-Id: Icbd4d1283196f7ccc84c2a041c5601113d3c9f21
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
    • Treehugger Robot's avatar
  3. Feb 20, 2017
  4. Feb 18, 2017
  5. Feb 17, 2017
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Switch DRM HAL policy to _client/_server · 9b718c40
      Alex Klyubin authored
      This switches DRM HAL policy to the design which enables us to
      conditionally remove unnecessary rules from domains which are clients
      of DRM HAL.
      Domains which are clients of DRM HAL, such as mediadrmserver domain,
      are granted rules targeting hal_drm only when the DRM HAL runs in
      passthrough mode (i.e., inside the client's process). When the HAL
      runs in binderized mode (i.e., in another process/domain, with
      clients talking to the HAL over HwBinder IPC), rules targeting hal_drm
      are not granted to client domains.
      Domains which offer a binderized implementation of DRM HAL, such as
      hal_drm_default domain, are always granted rules targeting hal_drm.
      Test: Play movie using Google Play Movies
      Test: Play movie using Netflix
      Bug: 34170079
      Change-Id: I3ab0e84818ccd61e54b90f7ade3509b7dbf86fb9
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
    • Treehugger Robot's avatar
    • Nick Kralevich's avatar
      Add documentation on neverallow rules · 38c12828
      Nick Kralevich authored
      Better document the reasons behind the neverallow for tcp/udp sockets.
      Test: policy compiles.
      Change-Id: Iee386af3be6fc7495addc9300b5628d0fe61c8e9
    • Steven Moreland's avatar
      android.hidl.memory -> android.hidl.allocator · 33fb0a98
      Steven Moreland authored
      Test: hidl_test, device boots with allocator
      Bug: 35327976
      Merged-In: I6232a2823ff16058c70f173ec2332772048563f4
      Change-Id: I6232a2823ff16058c70f173ec2332772048563f4
    • Nick Kralevich's avatar
      fsck: allow stat access on /dev/block files · 585d9767
      Nick Kralevich authored
      To determine if it is safe to run fsck on a filesystem, e2fsck
      must first determine if the filesystem is mounted. To do that,
      e2fsck scans through /proc/mounts and collects all the mounted
      block devices. With that information, it runs stat() on each block
      device, comparing the major and minor numbers to the filesystem
      passed in on the command line. If there is a match, then the filesystem
      is currently mounted and running fsck is dangerous.
      Allow stat access to all block devices so that fsck can compare
      major/minor values.
      Addresses the following denials:
      avc: denied { getattr } for comm="e2fsck" path="/dev/block/sde5"
      dev="tmpfs" ino=15649 scontext=u:r:fsck:s0
      tcontext=u:object_r:metadata_block_device:s0 tclass=blk_file
      avc: denied { getattr } for comm="e2fsck" path="/dev/block/sda25"
      dev="tmpfs" ino=15528 scontext=u:r:fsck:s0
      tcontext=u:object_r:modem_block_device:s0 tclass=blk_file permissive=0
      avc: denied { getattr } for comm="e2fsck" path="/dev/block/sda31"
      dev="tmpfs" ino=15552 scontext=u:r:fsck:s0
      tcontext=u:object_r:system_block_device:s0 tclass=blk_file permissive=0
      avc: denied { getattr } for comm="e2fsck" path="/dev/block/sdd3"
      dev="tmpfs" ino=15600 scontext=u:r:fsck:s0
      tcontext=u:object_r:block_device:s0 tclass=blk_file permissive=0
      Bug: 35324014
      Bug: 33781554
      Test: device boots and no SELinux denials.
      Change-Id: I5af4a334ec41952887914eec4eee5c60cc441a66
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Switch Bluetooth HAL policy to _client/_server · 168435fe
      Alex Klyubin authored
      This switches Bluetooth HAL policy to the design which enables us to
      conditionally remove unnecessary rules from domains which are clients
      of Bluetooth HAL.
      Domains which are clients of Bluetooth HAL, such as bluetooth domain,
      are granted rules targeting hal_bluetooth only when the Bluetooth HAL
      runs in passthrough mode (i.e., inside the client's process). When the
      HAL runs in binderized mode (i.e., in another process/domain, with
      clients talking to the HAL over HwBinder IPC), rules targeting
      hal_bluetooth are not granted to client domains.
      Domains which offer a binderized implementation of Bluetooth HAL, such
      as hal_bluetooth_default domain, are always granted rules targeting
      Test: Toggle Bluetooth off and on
      Test: Pair with another Android, and transfer a file to that Android
            over Bluetooth
      Test: Pair with a Bluetooth speaker, play music through that
            speaker over Bluetooth
      Test: Add bluetooth_hidl_hal_test to, build & add to device,
            adb shell stop,
            adb shell /data/nativetest64/bluetooth_hidl_hal_test/bluetooth_hidl_hal_test
      Bug: 34170079
      Change-Id: I05c3ccf1e98cbbc1450a81bb1000c4fb75eb8a83
    • Martijn Coenen's avatar
      Allow bootanimation to talk to hwservicemanager. · def85d07
      Martijn Coenen authored
      Because bootanimation uses the graphics mapper
      HIDL service (which is always passthrough), it makes
      a call to hwservicemanager to let it know it has
      obtained a reference to it.
      Bug: 35207188
      Test: no more denials from bootanim
      Change-Id: I99ea57a0d7777cb84eeaca26426ea38bf72ee933
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Switch Camera HAL policy to _client/_server · 3a8426bf
      Alex Klyubin authored
      This switches Camera HAL policy to the design which enables us to
      conditionally remove unnecessary rules from domains which are clients
      of Camera HAL.
      Domains which are clients of Camera HAL, such as cameraserver domain,
      are granted rules targeting hal_camera only when the Camera HAL runs
      in passthrough mode (i.e., inside the client's process). When the HAL
      runs in binderized mode (i.e., in another process/domain, with clients
      talking to the HAL over HwBinder IPC), rules targeting hal_camera are
      not granted to client domains.
      Domains which offer a binderized implementation of Camera HAL, such
      as hal_camera_default domain, are always granted rules targeting
      Test: Take non-HDR photo using Google Camera app
      Test: Take HDR photo using Google Camera app
      Test: Record video using Google Camera app
      Bug: 34170079
      Change-Id: I463646cf79fede57f11ccd4ec2cbc37a4fff141e
  6. Feb 16, 2017
  7. Feb 15, 2017
    • Eino-Ville Talvala's avatar
      System server: Allow get/setsched to hal_camera domain. · 6d9be831
      Eino-Ville Talvala authored
      Much like audio, the camera HAL may need to have key threads running
      in SCHED_FIFO or similar priority.  Allow system_server to raise
      thread priority for camera HALs to make this possible.
      Test: Video recording works, with EIS. No logspam about EIS failure.
      Bug: 35389145
      Change-Id: I1d92f9f10dc3aff22ce56b8b9cc57db043631919
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Use _client and _server for Audio HAL policy · ac2b4cd2
      Alex Klyubin authored
      This starts the switch for HAL policy to the approach where:
      * domains which are clients of Foo HAL are associated with
        hal_foo_client attribute,
      * domains which offer the Foo HAL service over HwBinder are
        associated with hal_foo_server attribute,
      * policy needed by the implementation of Foo HAL service is written
        against the hal_foo attribute. This policy is granted to domains
        which offer the Foo HAL service over HwBinder and, if Foo HAL runs
        in the so-called passthrough mode (inside the process of each
        client), also granted to all domains which are clients of Foo HAL.
        hal_foo is there to avoid duplicating the rules for hal_foo_client
        and hal_foo_server to cover the passthrough/in-process Foo HAL and
        binderized/out-of-process Foo HAL cases.
      A benefit of associating all domains which are clients of Foo HAL with
      hal_foo (when Foo HAL is in passthrough mode) is that this removes the
      need for device-specific policy to be able to reference these domains
      directly (in order to add device-specific allow rules). Instead,
      device-specific policy only needs to reference hal_foo and should no
      longer need to care which particular domains on the device are clients
      of Foo HAL. This can be seen in simplification of the rules for
      audioserver domain which is a client of Audio HAL whose policy is
      being restructured in this commit.
      This commit uses Audio HAL as an example to illustrate the approach.
      Once this commit lands, other HALs will also be switched to this
      Test: Google Play Music plays back radios
      Test: Google Camera records video with sound and that video is then
            successfully played back with sound
      Test: YouTube app plays back clips with sound
      Test: YouTube in Chrome plays back clips with sound
      Bug: 34170079
      Change-Id: I2597a046753edef06123f0476c2ee6889fc17f20
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Move hal_*_default policy to vendor image · ac1a6d44
      Alex Klyubin authored
      hal_*_default daemons whose policy is in common/device-agnostic policy
      are provided by the vendor image (see vendor/file_contexts). Thus,
      their policy should also reside in the vendor image, rather than in
      the system image. This means their policy should live in the vendor
      subdirectory of this project.
      Test: Device boots and appears to work
      Bug: 34135607
      Bug: 34170079
      Change-Id: I6613e43733e03d4a3d4726f849732d903e024016
    • Josh Gao's avatar
      Revert "crash_dump: temporarily make permissive." · 3067af14
      Josh Gao authored
      This reverts commit 9cfe34b5.
      Bug: http://b/34978531
      Change-Id: I0702641c48fad273f16fa1a5f0e4483dfe408c05
    • Josh Gao's avatar
      crash_dump: allow read of APK files. · 437d1c05
      Josh Gao authored
      Fixes type=1400 audit(0.0:3901): avc: denied { open } for comm="crash_dump32" path="/data/app/" dev="sda35" ino=1384523 scontext=u:r:crash_dump:s0:c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
      Bug: http://b/34978531
      Change-Id: I0374145f71059c3f104055bf4e8dcf08b1101f2a
  8. Feb 14, 2017
    • Treehugger Robot's avatar
      Merge changes from topic 'selinux-targetSdkVersion' · fb678339
      Treehugger Robot authored
      * changes:
        untrusted_app: policy versioning based on targetSdkVersion
        Add minTargetSdkVersion input selector to seapp_contexts
    • Jeff Vander Stoep's avatar
      untrusted_app: policy versioning based on targetSdkVersion · bacb6d79
      Jeff Vander Stoep authored
      Provide the ability to phase in new security policies by
      applying them to apps with a minimum targetSdkVersion.
      Place untrusted apps with targetSdkVersion<=25 into the
      untrustd_app_25 domain. Apps with targetSdkVersion>=26 are placed
      into the untrusted_app domain. Common rules are included in the
      untrusted_app_all attribute. Apps with a more recent targetSdkVersion
      are granted fewer permissions.
      Test: Marlin builds and boots. Apps targeting targetSdkVersion<=25
      run in untrusted_app_25 domain. Apps targeting the current development
      build >=26 run in the untrusted_app domain with fewer permissions. No
      new denials observed during testing.
      Bug: 34115651
      Bug: 35323421
      Change-Id: Ie6a015566fac07c44ea06c963c40793fcdc9a083
    • Michael Peck's avatar
      Add minTargetSdkVersion input selector to seapp_contexts · f54b3622
      Michael Peck authored
      This new input selector allows phasing in new security policies by
      giving app developers an opportunity to make any needed compatibility
      changes before updating each app's targetSdkVersion.
      When all else is equal, matching entries with higher
      minTargetSdkVersion= values are preferred over entries with lower
      minTargetSdkVersion= values.
      Test: Marlin builds and boots. Apps targeting targetSdkVersion<=25
      run in untrusted_app_25 domain. Apps targeting the current development
      build >=26 run in the untrusted_app domain with fewer permissions. No
      new denials observed during testing.
      Bug: 34115651
      Change-Id: I14bf4f51dbe26cb9bd3f62ad0b281085441d9806