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  1. Mar 03, 2017
    • Roshan Pius's avatar
      sepolicy: Allow hal_wifi to set wlan driver status prop · e62805d7
      Roshan Pius authored
      The new wifi HAL manages the wlan driver and hence needs to be able to
      load/unload the driver. The "wlan.driver.status" is used to indicate the
      state of the driver to the rest of the system. There are .rc scripts for
      example which wait for the state of this property.
      03-01 13:31:43.394   476   476 W android.hardwar: type=1400
      audit(0.0:7243): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:wifi_prop:s0"
      dev="tmpfs" ino=10578 scontext=u:r:hal_wifi_default:s0
      tcontext=u:object_r:wifi_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
      03-01 13:31:43.399   476   476 E libc    : Access denied finding
      property "wlan.driver.status"
      Bug: 35765841
      Test: Denials no longer seen
      Change-Id: I502494af7140864934038ef51cb0326ba3902c63
  2. Feb 22, 2017
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Switch Wi-Fi HAL policy to _client/_server · 1d2a1476
      Alex Klyubin authored
      This switches Wi-Fi HAL policy to the design which enables us to
      conditionally remove unnecessary rules from domains which are clients
      of Wi-Fi HAL.
      Domains which are clients of Wi-Fi HAL, such as system_server domain,
      are granted rules targeting hal_wifi only when the Wi-Fi HAL runs in
      passthrough mode (i.e., inside the client's process). When the HAL
      runs in binderized mode (i.e., in another process/domain, with clients
      talking to the HAL over HwBinder IPC), rules targeting hal_wifi are
      not granted to client domains.
      Domains which offer a binderized implementation of Wi-Fi HAL, such as
      hal_wifi_default domain, are always granted rules targeting hal_wifi.
      Test: Setup Wizard (incl. adding a Google Account) completes fine with
            Wi-Fi connectivity only
      Test: Toggle Wi-Fi off, on, off, on
      Test: Use System UI to see list of WLANs and connect to one which does
            not require a password, and to one which requries a PSK
      Test: loads fine in Chrome over Wi-Fi
      Bug: 34170079
      Change-Id: I7a216a06727c88b7f2c23d529f67307e83bed17f
  3. Jan 18, 2017
  4. Dec 14, 2016
  5. Dec 12, 2016
    • Roshan Pius's avatar
      hal_wifi: Allow HAL to reload wifi firmware · 85e3e7d6
      Roshan Pius authored
      Need write permissions on the specified sysfs path for reloading
      01-21 23:39:01.650  4669  4669 W android.hardwar: type=1400
      audit(0.0:103): avc: denied { write } for name="fwpath" dev="sysfs"
      ino=6847 scontext=u:r:hal_wifi:s0
      tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_wlan_fwpath:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
      01-21 23:39:01.653  4669  4669 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service:
      Failed to open wlan fw path param: Permission denied
      Bug: 32018162
      Test: Denials no longer present in the logs.
      Change-Id: I1a468e7c2a2a4360a2b61f04f1940471d52d0dd6
    • Roshan Pius's avatar
      hal_wifi: Allow system_server to access wifi HIDL services · 02ed21e8
      Roshan Pius authored
      We're going to be using Android framework directly to invoke Wifi HIDL
      calls. So, change permissions appropriately.
      Bug: 33398154
      Test: Verfied that framework is able to make HIDL calls using
      Change-Id: I4d0d88961753ad73f3876aec58b26b89486cc02a
  6. Oct 28, 2016
    • Roshan Pius's avatar
      wifi_hal: Rename to 'hal_wifi' · 8224596a
      Roshan Pius authored
      Renaming the wifi HIDL implementation to 'hal_wifi' from 'wifi_hal_legacy'
      to conform with HIDL style guide.
      01-01 21:55:23.896  2865  2865 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service:
      wifi_hal_legacy is starting up...
      01-01 21:55:23.898  2865  2865 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service:
      /odm/lib64/hw/ does not exit.
      01-01 21:55:23.899  2865  2865 F android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service:
      service.cpp:59] Check failed: service->registerAsService("wifi") ==
      android::NO_ERROR (service->registerAsService("wifi")=-2147483646,
      android::NO_ERROR=0) Failed to register wifi HAL
      01-01 21:55:23.899  2865  2865 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT),
      code -6 in tid 2865 (android.hardwar)
      01-01 21:55:23.901   377   377 W         : debuggerd: handling request:
      pid=2865 uid=2000 gid=2000 tid=2865
      01-01 21:55:23.907  2867  2867 E         : debuggerd: Unable to connect
      to activity manager (connect failed: Connection refused)
      01-01 21:55:23.908  2867  2867 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
      *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
      01-01 21:55:23.908  2867  2867 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint:
      01-01 21:55:23.908  2867  2867 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
      01-01 21:55:23.908  2867  2867 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm64'
      01-01 21:55:23.908  2867  2867 F DEBUG   : pid: 2865, tid: 2865, name:
      android.hardwar  >>> /system/bin/hw/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service
      01-01 21:55:23.909  2867  2867 F DEBUG   : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6
      (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
      01-01 21:55:23.910  2867  2867 F DEBUG   : Abort message:
      'service.cpp:59] Check failed: service->registerAsService("wifi") ==
      android::NO_ERROR (service->registerAsService("wifi")=-2147483646,
      android::NO_ERROR=0) Failed to register wifi HAL'
      Bug: 31821133
      Test: Compiled and ensured that the selinux denials are no longer
      present in logs.
      Change-Id: I5bbbcad307e9bb9e59fff87e2926751b3aecc813