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  • add_callback_wait_assert
  • async_network2
  • bisect_client
  • buffer-selection
  • build-without-filesystem-constexpr
  • burak
  • cactus_stack_devel
  • callback-fsearch
  • callback-fsearch-alternative
  • cancel-callbacks
  • cancel-callbacks-simple
  • cq_lock
  • current-fiber-in-context-memleak-fix
  • distributed-eventd-sleep-strategy
  • du
  • ebpf-wakeup
  • ebpf-wakeup-reg-buf
  • echo_client_semantic_echos
  • emper_exit
  • expose_context_memory_cache_configuration
20 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.04May3130Apr27222120191817161514131211108632129Mar2624232219181716151312111098732126Feb252423222019181716109876532129Jan28272625221413121165419Dec181714131097532130Nov2726252320191716111065428Oct2724614Sep111023Aug1131Jul161528Mar7626Feb2423222019181629Jan262522211211109874321add new WorkerWakeupSemaphore flavor using the workers IoContextsMerge branch 'io-use-affinity' into 'master'[Future] remove not used rvalue reference setCallback[IO] use our affinity capabilities in the io subsystem[laws] also schedule Fibers to their priorityQueues from anywhere[Runtime] switch batch schedule interface from STL to C array styleMerge branch 'laws-set-affinity' into 'master'[LAWS] Set fiber affinity *before* dispatching it, not after[Scheduler] introduce a worker hint to the scheduleFromAnywhere methodsspecialize_sche…specialize_schedule_from_anywhere[laws] also schedule Fibers to their priorityQueues from anywhere[Runtime] switch batch schedule interface from STL to C array styleMerge branch 'blockable-affinity' into 'master'Merge branch 'echo_client_dont_measure_shutdown' into 'master'[Future] Remove Runtime.hpp include[Blockable] Support worker affinity in PrivateSemaphore.signalFromAnywhere()[EchoClient] remember and output the time when the terminator thread wakes up[EchoClient] check for termination more repeatly and remeber the client termination time[EchoClient] add flag to disable the final quit message[EchoClient] don't include shutdown duration in echo durationMerge branch 'move_wakeup_strategy_out_of_sleep_strategy' into 'master'Make decision how many workers to notify in RuntimeMerge branch 'improve-check-license' into 'master'Merge branch 'disable-pinning' into 'master'[check-format] exclude subprojects[check-license] exclude subprojects and use year and git for autofixingMerge branch 'fix_AbstractWorkerSleepStrategy' into 'master'[WorkerSleepStrategy] call the correct implementation method[Runtime] override pinning behavior by setting EMPER_PIN_WORKERS environment variablenot working draft of sleep_strategy using a linked list and eventfdslinked-wakeup-q…linked-wakeup-queueMerge branch 'reapCompletions_provide_memory' into 'master'[IO] give each IoContext a completion bufferreapCompletions…reapCompletions_provide_memory_heap[IO] provide memory to store continuation Fiber* by the callerMerge branch 'fix_io_stats_without_globalIo' into 'master'[io/Stats] do not try to print the globalIo stats if there are noneMerge branch 'fix_resubmit_recursion' into 'master'[io] do not reap completions after resubmitting a PartialCompletableFutureMerge branch 'fix_echo_server' into 'master'[EchoServer] fix echo functionMerge branch 'echo_server_terminate_runtime' into 'master'[EchoServer] exit the echo server by terminate the runtime 