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  • Justin Lebar's avatar
    [CUDA] Add Sema::CUDADiagBuilder and Sema::CUDADiagIf{Device,Host}Code(). · fff8e6c7
    Justin Lebar authored
    Together these let you easily create diagnostics that
     - are never emitted for host code
     - are always emitted for __device__ and __global__ functions, and
     - are emitted for __host__ __device__ functions iff these functions are
    At the moment there are only three diagnostics that need this treatment,
    but I have more to add, and it's not sustainable to write code for emitting
    every such diagnostic twice, and from a special wrapper in SemaCUDA.cpp.
    While we're at it, don't emit the function name in
    err_cuda_device_exceptions: It's not necessary to print it, and making
    this work in the new framework in the face of a null value for
    dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(CurContext) isn't worth the effort.
    Reviewers: rnk
    Subscribers: cfe-commits, tra
    Differential Revision:
    git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8