#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.012;
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use IPC::Open2;
my @hlwords = qw/immer nie jede jedem jedes muss keine alle nicht/;
my @markdown = qw/pandoc -f markdown --html-q-tags --ascii/;
my $question;
my $single_choice;
my $source;
my $media;
my %last_option;
my @options;
my @questions = ();
sub md { # pipe through $markdown
my ($input) = @_;
my $pid = open2(\*OUT, \*IN, @markdown)
or die "open2() failed $!";
print IN $input;
waitpid($pid, 0);
my $html = do { local $/; <OUT> };
my $match = join("|", @hlwords);
$html =~ s!\b($match)\b!<span class="hl">$1</span>!;
return $html;
if ($last_option{"comment"}) {
if (defined $last_option{"correct"}) {
if (($last_option{"correct"} eq JSON::true) and
($last_option{"comment"} =~ /^\s*Nein,/)) {
warn "$ARGV:$.: Correct answer starting with \"Nein\"\n";
if (($last_option{"correct"} eq JSON::false) and
($last_option{"comment"} =~ /^\s*Ja,/)) {
warn "$ARGV:$.: Wrong answer starting with \"Ja\"\n";
$last_option{"comment"} = md($last_option{"comment"});
push(@options, {%last_option});
while (<>) {
die "end of block without a question at line $ARGV:$.\n"
my $any = 0;
foreach my $opt (@options) {
$opt->{"option"} = md($opt->{"option"})
if $opt->{"option"};
$any = 1 if (not (defined $opt->{"correct"})) or ($opt->{"correct"} eq JSON::true);
die "no correct option at \"$question\" ($ARGV)\n"
if not($any) and $single_choice;
"id" => md5_base64($ARGV . $question),
"question" => md($question),
"options" => [@options],
"multiple" => ($single_choice eq "0" ? \0 : \1)
$ent{"source"} = $source if defined $source;
$ent{"media"} = $media if defined $media;
push(@questions, { %ent });
undef $question;
undef $single_choice;
undef $source;
undef $media;
undef %last_option;
undef @options;
} elsif (/^([01])(.*?)$/) {
$single_choice = $1;
$question = $2;
chomp $question;
if ($question =~ /\(([[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2})\)/) {
$source = $1;
$question =~ s/\Q($source)\E//;
chomp $source;
if ($last_option{"option"}) {
} elsif (/^@(.*)/) {
$media = $1;
chomp $media;
} elsif (/^([-+?])\s*(.*)/) {
%last_option =
"option" => $2,
"correct" => $1 eq "+" ? JSON::true : $1 eq "-" ? JSON::false : JSON::null
} elsif (/^.*$/) { # non-empty line
$last_option{"comment"} .= $_
if %last_option;
say (to_json [@questions]);