(* This module implements formulas with global box and global diamond (A, E) *)
type formula =
| AP of string (*named atom*)
| NOT of formula
| OR of formula * formula
| AND of formula * formula
| EQU of formula * formula
| IMP of formula * formula
| EX of string * formula (* exists, diamond of K *)
| AX of string * formula (* forall, box of K *)
| CONST of string (* constant functor with value string *)
| CONSTN of string (* constant functor with value other than string *)
| ID of formula (* modality of the identity functor *)
| NORM of formula * formula (* default implication *)
| NORMN of formula * formula (* \neg NORM (\neg A, \neg B) *)
| E of formula (* global diamond *)
| A of formula (* global box *)
val exportFormula : formula -> string
(* vim: set et sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 : *)