module CR = CoAlgReasoner
(* sort should be of the form:
sorts = [| (parseFunctor Sys.argv.(2), [0]) |]
type testResult = | Sat
| Unsat
| ParseError
(* sat * functors * formula *)
type satCheck = testResult * (CoAlgMisc.sortTable) * string
let colored_string_of_testResult tr =
match tr with
| Sat -> ("1;33","sat")
| Unsat -> ("1;34","unsat")
| ParseError -> ("31","unparseable")
let colored_string col str =
let terminal_string_of_testResult tr =
let (col,str) = colored_string_of_testResult tr in
colored_string col str
let runSatCheck (_,logic,input) =
let nomTable name =
assert (CoAlgFormula.isNominal name);
Some 0
let (tbox, f) = CoAlgFormula.importQuery input in
let res = CoAlgReasoner.isSat logic nomTable tbox f in
if res then Sat else Unsat
with | Stream.Error _ -> ParseError
| CoAlgFormula.CoAlgException _ -> ParseError
let stringCrop width str =
if (String.length str <= width) then str
else ((Str.string_before str (width-1)) ^ "…")
let columnCreate width str =
let shorten = (stringCrop width str) in
let pad = String.make (max 0 (width - (String.length shorten))) ' ' in
(shorten ^ pad)
let runSatCheckVerbose (sc:satCheck) =
let cs = colored_string in
let sotr = terminal_string_of_testResult in
let (expectation,_,title) = sc in
PF.printf "Is %s " (cs "1" (columnCreate 60 title));
PF.printf "%s? → " (sotr expectation);
else PF.printf "%s, cool claims it is %s\n"
(* vim: set et sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 : *)