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Full rebase of Marco's changes

Open Simon Schuster requested to merge marcos-full-changes-rebased into master
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+ 11
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+ 28
@@ -186,29 +186,41 @@ Based on the periodically transmitted \texttt{hello} messages, the joining node
\subsection{Program Code}
Program code should be omitted, but if absolutely necessary, it should be set as seen in \cref{lst:code}.
\begin{lstlisting}[style=txt,caption=Sample application,label=lst:code]{}
APPLICATION("printU", 192, arg)
// Set Priority
// main() loop
for (;;) {
Program code should be omitted, but if absolutely necessary, it should be set as seen in \Cref{lst:example-full,lst:example-partial,lst:example-document}.
\captionof{listing}{Listing from example file, fully included}
\inputminted[firstline=1, lastline=2]{C}{example.c}
\captionof{listing}{Listing from example file, partially included}
#include <stdio.h>
void main (int argc, char **argv) {
for (int i = 0; i < 42; i++) {
printf("\%d\n", i);
\captionof{listing}{Listing defined in document}
To further evaluate the applicability of our definition, we analyzed sensor network applications as surveyed in~\cite{akyildiz2002survey,arampatzis2005survey,khemapach2005survey}. Concerning the importance of different lifetime criteria, most of the application scenarios can be grouped into two main classes with two sub-classes each~\cite{dietrich2009lifetime}.
\subsection{Acronyms, such as \glsfmtshort{wsn}}
Acronyms should be explained when first used. Latex helps, e.g.\ \acp{MANET} have been frequently used as examples for the development of \ac{WSN} applications.
Acronyms should be explained when first used. Latex helps, e.g.\ \glspl{manet} have been frequently used as examples for the development of \gls{wsn} applications. Later references to \gls{manet} are shortened.
\subsection{References to Data}