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2- Marco Ammon authored
```caption``` automatically loads ```hypcap``` with correct settings for moving a hyperlink target to the begin of the surrounding floating environment. When ```hypcap``` has been loaded manually before, the target of links to minted-provided listings is placed at the caption, which is below the listing. While the ```hypcap``` option is a default setting for ```caption```, setting it explicitly helps documentation.
+ 28
− 16
@@ -186,29 +186,41 @@ Based on the periodically transmitted \texttt{hello} messages, the joining node
To further evaluate the applicability of our definition, we analyzed sensor network applications as surveyed in~\cite{akyildiz2002survey,arampatzis2005survey,khemapach2005survey}. Concerning the importance of different lifetime criteria, most of the application scenarios can be grouped into two main classes with two sub-classes each~\cite{dietrich2009lifetime}.