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You are able to easily create two types of horizontal timeline with this jQuery plugin.

Browser Support

jQuery.Timeline supports the following browsers:

  • Chrome : Recommended latest version as active support
  • Firefox : Recommended latest version as active support
  • Safari : Not checked the working yet
  • Opera : Recommended latest version as active support
  • Edge : Recommended latest version as active support
  • IE : Not checked the working yet


JQuery.Timeline works normal operation with jQuery version 1.9.0 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version 3.x.


Use resources in the dist directory in the repository package.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./dist/timeline.min.css">
<script src="./dist/timeline.min.js"></script>


<!-- Timeline Block -->
<div id="myTimeline">
  <ul class="timeline-events">
    <li data-timeline-node="{ start:'2017-05-26 10:00',end:'2017-05-26 13:00',content:'text text text text ...' }">Event Label</li>
    <li data-timeline-node="{ start:'2017-05-26 23:10',end:'2017-05-27 1:30',content:'<p>In this way, you can include <em>HTML tags</em> in the event body.<br>:<br>:</p>' }">Event Label</li>

<!-- Timeline Event Detail View Area (optional) -->
<div class="timeline-event-view"></div>

Note: The tag of the event list wrapped in the timeline block is not "ul" fixed. If the class name is a "timeline-events", it can be a "div" tag or the like.


$(function () {


You can pass options on plugin initialization. For example:

  startDatetime: '2017-05-25',
  rows: 6,
  rangeAlign: 'center'
Option Type Default Description
type String bar View type of timeline event is either "bar" or "point"
scale String days Timetable's top level scale is either "years" or "months" or "days"
startDatetime String currently Default set datetime as viewing timetable; format is "^[-+]d{4}(/|-)d{2}(/|-)d{2}\sd{2}:d{2}:d{2}$" or "currently"
datetimePrefix String The prefix of the date and time notation displayed in the headline
showHeadline Boolean true Whether to display headline
datetimeFormat Object {full:"Y/m/d", year:"Y", month:"n", day:"n/j"} Available formats are here:
minuteInterval Integer 30 Recommend more than 5 minutes; only if top scale is "days" (Deprecated)
zerofillYear Boolean false It's outputted at the "0099" if true, the "99" if false
range Integer 3 The default view range of the timetable starting from the "startDatetime"
rows Integer 5 Rows of timeline event area
rowHeight Integer 40 Height of one row
height Mixed auto Fixed height (pixel) of timeline event area; default "auto" is (rows * rowHeight)px
minGridPer Integer 2 Minimum grid per
minGridSize Integer 30 Minimum size (pixel) of timeline grid; It needs 5 pixels or more
rangeAlign String current Possible values are "left", "center", "right", "current", "latest" and specific event id
naviIcon Object {left:"jqtl-circle-left", right:"jqtl-circle-right"} Define class name
showPointer Boolean true Whether to display needle pointer on the current datetime
i18n Object (omission) Define translated text for internationalization of datetime format converted by datetime format