(** * Proofs for Section 5 starting with Definiton 5.5
everything here is based on the numbering in the extendend report
Require Import GQM.Base.
Require Import GQM.GQM.
Require Import GQM.GQMDeduction.
Require Import GQM.GQMClassicalWithTactics.
Require Import GQM.Section5.
(** ** Defintion *)
Inductive GQMdedWithContext: list form -> form -> Prop :=
| gqmc_context c A: In A c -> GQMdedWithContext c A
| gqmc_gqm c A: |-- A -> GQMdedWithContext c A
| gqmc_mp c A B: GQMdedWithContext c (A ->> B) -> GQMdedWithContext c A -> GQMdedWithContext c B
| gqmc_Anec c A: GQMdedWithContext c A -> GQMdedWithContext c (|A|A).
Notation "c '|--' A" := (GQMdedWithContext c A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Hint Constructors GQMdedWithContext : GQMDB.
Lemma gqmc_context_weakening : forall c A B, c |-- A -> B::c |-- A.
move => c A B.
by elim; clear c A; eauto using in_cons with GQMDB.
Definition context_to_and := fold_right (fun A B => A & B) Top.
Lemma lemma_5_6_1 : forall c A, c |-- A <-> |-- |A| (context_to_and c) ->> |A|A.
move => c A.
- elim; clear c A => c A.
+ elim: c A; first by move => ? Hi; inverts Hi.
move => f l IH A Hi /=.
inverts Hi as.
* apply: lemma_A_1.
apply: gqm_subst_imp.
by apply: gqm_andE1.
* move => Hi.
apply: gqm_mp; last by apply: (IH _ Hi).
apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_chain2.
apply: lemma_A_1.
apply: gqm_subst_imp.
by apply: gqm_andE2.
+ move => Hgqm.
apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_I1.
apply: gqm_Anec.
by apply: gqm_subst.
+ move => B _ H1 _ H2.
apply: gqm_mp; last by apply: H2.
apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_I2.
apply: gqm_mp; last by apply: H1.
apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_chain.
by apply: lemma_A_7_1.
+ move => _ IH.
by apply: (tac_rewrite (fun X => _ ->> X) (lemma_A_7_8_1 _)).
- move => Hgqm.
suff H : (c |-- |A|A). {
have He := (gqmc_gqm c _ (gqm_AE (A._[ren_ (+1)]) (Var 1))).
asimpl in He.
by apply: gqmc_mp; first by apply: He.
apply: gqmc_mp; first by apply: (gqmc_gqm c _ Hgqm).
clear Hgqm A.
apply: gqmc_Anec.
elim: c => /=.
+ apply: gqmc_gqm.
by apply: gqm_topI.
+ move => A l IH.
apply: gqmc_mp; last by apply: (gqmc_context_weakening _ _ A IH).
clear IH.
apply: (gqmc_mp _ A); last by eauto using in_eq with GQMDB.
apply: gqmc_gqm.
by apply: gqm_andI.