(** * Proofs for Section 5
everything here is based on the numbering in the extendend report
Require Import GQM.Base.
Require Import GQM.GQM.
Require Import GQM.GQMDeduction.
Require Import GQM.GQMClassicalWithTactics.
Lemma lemma_A_1 : forall A B, |-- A ->> B -> |-- [A]A ->> [A]B.
move => A B HA.
have HB := (gqm_Anec _ HA).
eauto with GQMDB.
(** *** Lemma A.2 *)
Lemma lemma_A_2_1 : forall A, |-- <E>A <<->> -![A]-!A.
move => A.
unfold DiamondExists.
apply: gqm_equiv_id.
Lemma lemma_A_2_2 : forall A, |-- <A>A <<->> -![E]-!A.
move => A.
rewrite /DiamondAll /SquareExists /Exists /DiamondExists.
apply: gqm_dnegEquiv.
Lemma lemma_A_2_3 : forall A, |-- [A]A <<->> -!<E>-!A.
move => A.
hRewrite (gqm_dnegEquiv A) (fun X => [A]X <<->> -!<E>-!A).
hAndDestruct (lemma_A_2_1 (-! A)) => H1 H2.
- by apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_contrap3.
- by apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_contrap2.
Lemma lemma_A_2_4 : forall A, |-- [E]A <<->> -!<A>-!A.
move => A.
hAndDestruct (lemma_A_2_2 (-! A)) => ? ?.
hRewrite (gqm_dnegEquiv A) (fun X => [E]X <<->> -!(<A>-!A)).
- by apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_contrap3.
- by apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_contrap2.
Lemma lemma_A_2 : forall Q A, |-- (quant_to_neg_form Q)A <<->> -!((quant_to_form Q) (-! A)).
case => /=.
- apply: lemma_A_2_1.
- apply: lemma_A_2_4.
- apply: lemma_A_2_2.
- apply: lemma_A_2_3.
(** *** Proof of Lemma 5.2 *)
Var 0 in A: p
Global Naming Context: 0 -> q
Lemma lemma_A_3 : forall A, (|-- [A]A <<->> [A]A).
hSplit; first by apply: gqm_id.
(* (1) *)
have H1 := (gqm_Aglob (A._[ren_ (0 .: (+2))]) (Var 0)).
rewrite /subst_ /ren_ in H1.
asimpl in H1.
(* (2) *)
have Hr : (([A] A.[ren (0 .: (+2))]) = ([A]A).[ren (+1)]) by asimpl.
rewrite Hr in H1.
have H2 := (gqm_univgen _ _ H1).
asimpl in H2.
(* (3) *)
have H3 := (gqm_AE (A._[ren_ (+1)]) Bot).
rewrite /subst_ /ren_ in H3.
asimpl in H3.
(* (4) *)
have H4 := (lemma_A_1 _ _ H3).
(* (5) *)
apply: gqm_mp; last by apply: H2.
apply: gqm_mp; last by apply: H4.
apply: gqm_chain.
phi/A: 0->p, 1 -> r
psi/B: 0->r
Global Naming Context: 0 -> r
.[ren (+1)] to express, that the global r cannot occur in the left term, because it is shadowed by the r in the binder
Lemma lemma_A_4_1 : forall A B, |-- (([A]A.[B/]).[ren (+1)])->> [E]A.
(* have ? : (|-- (([A]((Var 3).[B/])).[ren (+1)])->> [E](Var 3)). { asimpl. } *)
rewrite /SquareExists /DiamondExists /All.
(* (1) is a noop here*)
(* (2) is a noop as well*)
(* (3) *)
have H3 := (gqm_AE (-])) B).
rewrite /subst_ /ren_ in H3.
(* (4) *)
asimpl in H3.
(* (5) *)
(* ._[ren (0 .: (+2))] to express the fact, that the global r does not occur in phi^p_psi, because it is shadowed by the r in the binder *)
have H5 := (gqm_Aglob (A._[B/]._[ren (0 .: (+2))]) (Var 0)).
rewrite /subst_ /ren_ /ids_ in H5.
(* 6 *)
apply: gqm_mp; last by apply: H5.
apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_chain.
Lemma lemma_A_4_2 : forall X Phi A, |-- (X & [A](Phi.[ren (+1)])) ->> A -> |-- (X & [E]Phi) ->> A.
move => X Phi A H.
have H2 : (|-- (X & -! A) ->> -])) by apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_contrapAndR.
Fail have H3 : (|-- (X & -! A) ->> [A](-])).[ren(+1)]) by apply: gqm_univgen.
(* TODO: fix *)
(** *** Lemma A.5 *)
Lemma lemma_A_5_1_1 : forall A B, |-- A ->> B -> |-- [A]A ->> [A]B.
by apply: lemma_A_1.
Lemma lemma_A_5_1_2 : forall A B, |-- A ->> B -> |-- [E]A ->> [E]B.
move => A B Himp.
have H2 : (|-- [A](A.[ren (+1)]) ->> [A](B.[ren (+1)])). {
apply: lemma_A_5_1_1.
have H := (gqm_subst _ (@ren _ Ids_form (+1)) Himp).
by asimpl in H.
have H3 : (|-- [A](B.[ren (+1)]) ->> [E]B). {
suff ->:(@ren _ Ids_form (+1) = change_top (Var 0)) by apply: lemma_A_4_1.
apply: functional_extensionality => n.
case: n => // /=.