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Commit da112e2d authored by Mackie Loeffel's avatar Mackie Loeffel
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Hilbert style until or elim

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Require Import GQM.Base.
Require Import GQM.GQM.
Definition context := Ensemble form.
Definition empty_con : context := Empty_set form.
Definition context_cons (c : context) (o : form) : context :=
Add form c o.
(** Definition *)
Definition elem (o : form) (c : context) := In form c o.
Inductive GQMded: form -> Prop :=
| gqm_mp A B: GQMded (A ->> B) -> GQMded A -> GQMded B
| gqm_I1 A B: GQMded (A ->> B ->> A)
| gqm_I2 A B C: GQMded ((A ->> B ->> C) ->> (A ->> B) ->> A ->> C)
| gqm_I3 A B: GQMded ((-! A ->> -! B) ->> B ->> A)
| gqm_swap A B C: GQMded ((A ->> B ->> C) ->> (B ->> A ->> C)) (* TODO prove that this follows from the rest *)
(* | gqm_dneg f: GQMded (-! (-! f) ->> f) *)
Notation " '{}' " := empty_con (at level 50).
Notation " c ',,' o " := (context_cons c o)
(at level 45, left associativity).
| gqm_ADist A B: GQMded ([A](A ->> B) ->> ([A]A ->> [A]B))
| gqm_AE A B: GQMded ([A]A ->> (A.[B.: ids])).
Notation "'|--' A" := (GQMded A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Hint Constructors GQMded : GQMDB.
(** Definition *)
(** Lemmas for classical tautologies *)
Inductive GQMded: context -> form -> Prop :=
| gqm_in G f1: elem f1 G -> GQMded G f1
| gqm_impI G f1 f2: GQMded (G,,f1) f2 -> GQMded G (f1 ->> f2)
| gqm_impE G f1 f2: GQMded G f1 -> GQMded G (f1 ->> f2) -> GQMded G f2
Lemma gqm_negE : forall f, |-- (Bot ->> f).
move => f.
by apply: gqm_AE.
| gqm_dneg G f: GQMded G (-! (-! f) ->> f)
Lemma gqm_id : forall A, |-- (A ->> A).
move => A.
have H1 : (|-- A ->> (A ->> A) ->> A) by apply: gqm_I1.
have H2 : (|-- (A ->> (A ->> A) ->> A) ->> (A ->> A ->> A) ->> A ->> A) by apply: gqm_I2.
have H3 : (|-- (A ->> A ->> A) ->> A ->> A) by apply: gqm_mp; eauto.
have H4 : (|-- A ->> A ->> A) by apply: gqm_I1.
apply: gqm_mp.
- by apply: H3.
- by eauto.
| gqm_ADist G f1 f2: GQMded G ([A](f1 ->> f2) ->> ([A]f1 ->> [A]f2))
| gqm_AE G f1 f2: GQMded G ([A]f1 ->> (f1.[f2.: ids])).
Lemma gqm_id' : forall A, |-- (A ->> A).
eauto with GQMDB.
apply: (Var 0).
apply: (Var 0).
Infix "|--" := GQMded (at level 80, no associativity).
Hint Constructors GQMded : GQMDB.
Lemma gqm_id'' : forall A, |-- (A ->> A).
move => A.
apply: (gqm_mp (A ->> A ->> A)); last by apply: gqm_I1.
apply: (gqm_mp (A ->> (A ->> A) ->> A)); last by apply: gqm_I1.
by apply: gqm_I2.
(** Basic facts *)
(** cut elimination *)
Lemma gqm_appl : forall A B, |-- ((A ->> B) ->> A ->> B).
eauto with GQMDB.
Lemma cut_elim : forall G f1 f2, G |-- f1 -> G,,f1 |-- f2 -> G |-- f2.
Lemma gqm_appl2 : forall A B, |-- (A ->> (A ->> B) ->> B).
eauto with GQMDB.
apply: (Var 0).
apply: (Var 0).
(** context *)
Lemma gqm_chain : forall A B C, |-- (B ->> C) ->> (A ->> B) ->> (A ->> C).
move => A B C.
apply: gqm_mp.
- apply: gqm_mp.
+ apply: (gqm_I2 (B ->> C) (A ->> B ->> C) ((A ->> B) ->> A ->> C)).
+ apply: gqm_mp.
* apply: (gqm_I1 ((A ->> B ->> C) ->> (A ->> B) ->> A ->> C) (B ->> C)).
* apply: (gqm_I2 A B C).
- apply: (gqm_I1 (B ->> C) A).
Lemma context_weakening : forall G G' f, Included form G G' -> G |-- f -> G' |-- f.
Lemma gqm_discard : forall A B C, |-- (A ->> C) ->> (B ->> A ->> C).
move => G f1 f2 Hin H.
elim: H f1 Hin; eauto with GQMDB; clear G f2.
- move => G f1 Helem G2 Hinc.
apply: gqm_in.
by apply: Hinc.
- move => G f1 f2 Hi IH G2 Hinc.
apply: gqm_impI.
apply: IH.
unfold Included.
move => _ [x Hx| x Hx].
+ apply: Union_introl.
by eauto.
+ by apply: Union_intror.
eauto with GQMDB.
(** Lemmas for classical tautologies *)
Lemma gqm_discardr : forall A B C, |-- (A ->> C) ->> (A ->> B ->> C).
eauto with GQMDB.
Lemma gqm_botE : forall G f, G |-- (Bot ->> f).
move => G f.
by apply: gqm_AE.
Lemma gqm_discardI : forall A B, |-- (A ->> A ->> B) ->> (A ->> B).
move => A B.
apply: gqm_mp.
- apply: gqm_mp.
+ apply: gqm_I2.
apply: (A ->> A).
+ apply: gqm_I2.
- apply: gqm_mp.
+ apply: gqm_discard.
+ apply: gqm_id.
Lemma gqm_em : forall G f, G |-- (-! f ||| f).
Lemma gqm_discardIr : forall A B C, |-- (A ->> B ->> A ->> C) ->> (A ->> B ->> C).
by apply: gqm_dneg.
eauto with GQMDB.
Lemma gqm_andI : forall G f1 f2, G |-- f1 -> G |-- f2 -> G |-- (f1 & f2).
Lemma gqm_dnegI : forall A, |-- (A ->> -! -! A).
move => G f1 f2 Hf1 Hf2.
unfold And.
apply: gqm_impI.
move => A.
unfold Neg.
have Hn : (G,, (f1 ->> f2 ->> Bot) |-- f2 ->> Bot). {
apply: (gqm_impE _ f1).
- apply: (context_weakening G); eauto.
by apply: Union_introl.
- apply: gqm_in.
by apply: Union_intror.
apply: (gqm_impE _ f2).
- apply: (context_weakening G); eauto.
by apply: Union_introl.
- apply: cut_elim.
+ by apply: Hn.
+ apply: gqm_in.
by apply: Union_intror.
Lemma gqm_andE1 : forall G f1 f2, G |-- (f1 & f2) -> G |-- f1.
apply: gqm_mp.
- apply: gqm_swap.
- apply: gqm_appl.
Lemma gqm_dnegE : forall A, |-- (-! -! A ->> A).
move => G f1 f2 Hand.
unfold And in Hand.
move => A.
apply: gqm_mp.
- apply: gqm_I3.
- apply: gqm_dnegI.
Lemma gqm_em : forall A, |-- (-! A ||| A).
apply: gqm_dnegE.
(* Lemma gqm_em : forall f, |-- (-! f ||| f). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* unfold Or. *)
(* Qed. *)
Lemma gqm_andI : forall A B, |-- (A ->> B ->> A & B).
move => A B.
unfold And.
unfold Neg.
apply: gqm_mp.
- apply: gqm_mp.
+ apply: gqm_chain.
apply: ((A ->> B ->> Bot) ->> B ->> Bot).
+ apply: gqm_swap.
- apply: gqm_mp.
+ apply: gqm_swap.
+ apply: gqm_id.
Lemma gqm_orI1 : forall G f1 f2, G |-- f1 -> G |-- (f1 ||| f2).
Lemma gqm_andE1 : forall A B, |-- (A & B) ->> A.
move => G f1 f2 Hf1.
unfold Or.
apply: gqm_impI.
apply: gqm_impE; last by apply: gqm_botE.
apply: (gqm_impE _ f1).
- apply: cut_elim.
+ apply: (context_weakening G); try by apply: Union_introl.
by apply: Hf1.
+ apply: gqm_in.
by apply: Union_intror.
- apply: gqm_in.
by apply: Union_intror.
Lemma gqm_orI2 : forall G f1 f2, G |-- f2 -> G |-- (f1 ||| f2).
move => A B.
unfold And.
unfold Neg.
apply: gqm_mp.
- apply: gqm_mp.
+ apply: gqm_chain.
apply: (-! -! A).
+ apply: gqm_dnegE.
- unfold Neg.
apply: gqm_mp.
+ apply: gqm_swap.
+ apply: gqm_mp.
* apply: gqm_mp.
-- apply: gqm_chain.
apply: (A ->> B ->> Bot).
-- apply: gqm_appl2.
* eauto with GQMDB.
Lemma gqm_andE2 : forall A B, |-- (A & B) ->> B.
move => G f1 f2 Hf1.
unfold Or.
apply: gqm_impI.
apply: (context_weakening G); eauto.
apply: Union_introl.
move => A B.
unfold And.
unfold Neg.
apply: gqm_mp.
- apply: gqm_mp.
+ apply: gqm_chain.
apply: (-! -! B).
+ apply: gqm_dnegE.
- unfold Neg.
apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_swap.
apply: gqm_mp.
+ apply: gqm_mp.
* apply: gqm_chain.
apply: (A ->> B ->> Bot).
* apply: gqm_appl2.
+ apply: gqm_I1.
Lemma gqm_orE : forall G f1 f2 f3, G |-- (f1 ||| f2) -> G,,f1 |-- f3 -> G,,f2 |-- f3 -> G |-- f3.
Lemma gqm_orI1 : forall A B, |-- A ->> A ||| B.
move => G f1 f2 f3 Hor Hf1 Hf2.
unfold Or in Hor.
move => A B.
rewrite /Or /Neg.
apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_swap.
apply: gqm_mp; first by apply: gqm_chain.
apply: gqm_negE.
Lemma gqm_orI2 : forall A B, |-- B ->> A ||| B.
move => A B.
rewrite /Or.
apply: gqm_I1.
(* Lemma gqm_orE : forall A B C, |-- (A ->> C) ->> (B ->> C) ->> (A ||| B) ->> C. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* move => A B C. *)
(* rewrite /Or. *)
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