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Commit eef08bbd authored by Mackie Loeffel's avatar Mackie Loeffel
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-Q theories GQM
-arg -w -arg -notation-overridden
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From Coq Require Export ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
Require Export Coq.Lists.List.
Export ListNotations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Require Import Autosubst.Autosubst.
Require Import GQM.Base.
Inductive form :=
| Var (x : var)
| App (s t : form)
| Lam (s : {bind form}).
| Neg (f : form)
| And (f g : form)
| Box (f : form)
| SquareAll (f : {bind form}).
Instance Ids_form : Ids form. derive. Defined.
Instance Rename_form : Rename form. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_form : Subst form. derive. Defined.
Instance SubstLemmas_form : SubstLemmas form. derive. Qed.
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Instance SubstLemmas_form : SubstLemmas form. derive. Qed.
Infix "&" := And (at level 75, right associativity).
Notation "'[A]' B" := (SquareAll B) (at level 74, right associativity).
Notation "|[]| A" := (Box A) (at level 74, right associativity).
Notation "'-!' A" := (Neg A) (at level 73, right associativity).
Definition Or A B := (-! (-! A & -! B)).
Notation "A '|||' B" := (Or A B) (at level 76, right associativity).
Definition Imp A B := ((-! A) ||| B).
Notation "A '->>' B" := (Imp A B) (at level 77, right associativity).
Notation "A '<<->>' B" := ((A ->> B) & (B ->> A)) (at level 78).
Notation context := (list form).
(** ** Decidable Equality *)
Lemma dceq_v : forall n n0, {Var n = Var n0} + {Var n <> Var n0}.
- case; by [ left | right].
- move => n IH.
case; try by right.
move => n0.
case: (IH n0).
+ case => ->.
by left.
+ move => Hneq.
move => [Heq].
apply: Hneq.
by rewrite Heq.
Lemma dceq_f: forall (A B: form), {A = B} + {A <> B}.
elim; intros; case: B; try by [right];
try by [ move => f2; case: (X f2); try by [move => ->; left];
move => Hneq;
move => [Heq]].
- apply: dceq_v.
- move => f2 g2.
case: (X f2);case: (X0 g2);move => H1 H2;subst; try by [left]; right; by move => [].
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Require Import GQM.Base.
Require Import GQM.GQM.
Inductive GQMded: context -> form -> Prop :=
| gqm_in G f: In f G -> GQMded G f
| gqm_andE1 G f1 f2: GQMded G (f1 & f2) -> GQMded G f1
| gqm_andE2 G f1 f2: GQMded G (f1 & f2) -> GQMded G f2
| gqm_andI G f1 f2: GQMded G f1 -> GQMded G f2 -> GQMded G (f1 & f2)
| gqm_negI G f g: GQMded G (f ->> g) -> GQMded G (f ->> -! g) -> GQMded G (-! f) (* TODO neg intro*)
| gqm_negE G f: GQMded G (Neg (Neg f)) -> GQMded G f. (* TODO neg intro*)
Hint Constructors GQMded : GQMDB.
Lemma gqm_orE1 : forall G f1 f2, GQMded G f1 -> GQMded G (f1 ||| f2).
move => G f1 f2 Hf1.
unfold Or.
apply: (gqm_negI _ _ f1).
- unfold Imp.
unfold Or.
Lemma gqm_impE : forall G f1 f2, GQMded G f1 -> GQMded G (f1 ->> f2) -> GQMded G f2.
move => G f1.
elim: f1 G.
- move => x G f2 Hvar Himp.
inversion Himp; subst.
elim: Himp.
Lemma gqm_impI : forall G f1 f2, GQMded (f1 :: G) f2 -> GQMded G (f1 ->> f2).
move => G f1 f2.
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