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  • Glenn Jocher's avatar
    Merge `develop` branch into `master` (#3518) · f3c3d2ce
    Glenn Jocher authored
    * update ci-testing.yml (#3322)
    * update ci-testing.yml
    * update greetings.yml
    * bring back os matrix
    * update ci-testing.yml (#3322)
    * update ci-testing.yml
    * update greetings.yml
    * bring back os matrix
    * Enable direct `--weights URL` definition (#3373)
    * Enable direct `--weights URL` definition
    @KalenMike this PR will enable direct --weights URL definition. Example use case:
    python --weights
    * cleanup
    * bug fixes
    * weights = attempt_download(weights)
    * Update
    * Update
    * return bug fix
    * comment mirror
    * min_bytes
    * Update tutorial.ipynb (#3368)
    add Open in Kaggle badge
    * `cv2.imread(img, -1)` for IMREAD_UNCHANGED (#3379)
    * Update
    * comment
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGlenn Jocher <>
    * COCO evolution fix (#3388)
    * COCO evolution fix
    * cleanup
    * update print
    * print fix
    * Create `is_pip()` function (#3391)
    Returns `True` if file is part of pip package. Useful for contextual behavior modification.
    def is_pip():
        # Is file in a pip package?
        return 'site-packages' in Path(__file__).absolute().parts
    * Revert "`cv2.imread(img, -1)` for IMREAD_UNCHANGED (#3379)" (#3395)
    This reverts commit 21a9607e
    * Update FLOPs description (#3422)
    * Update
    * Changing FLOPS to FLOPs.
    Co-authored-by: default avatarBuildTools <>
    * Parse URL authentication (#3424)
    * Parse URL authentication
    * urllib.parse.unquote()
    * improved error handling
    * improved error handling
    * remove %3F
    * update check_file()
    * Add FLOPs title to table (#3453)
    * Suppress jit trace warning + graph once (#3454)
    * Suppress jit trace warning + graph once
    Suppress harmless jit trace warning on TensorBoard add_graph call. Also fix multiple add_graph() calls bug, now only on batch 0.
    * Update
    * Update MixUp augmentation `alpha=beta=32.0` (#3455)
    Per VOC empirical results
     by @developer0hye
    * Add `timeout()` class (#3460)
    * Add `timeout()` class
    * rearrange order
    * Faster HSV augmentation (#3462)
    remove datatype conversion process that can be skipped
    * Add `check_git_status()` 5 second timeout (#3464)
    * Add check_git_status() 5 second timeout
    This should prevent the SSH Git bug that we were discussing @KalenMike
    * cleanup
    * replace timeout with check_output built-in timeout
    * Improved `check_requirements()` offline-handling (#3466)
    Improve robustness of `check_requirements()` function to offline environments (do not attempt pip installs when offline).
    * Add `output_names` argument for ONNX export with dynamic axes (#3456)
    * Add output names & dynamic axes for onnx export
    Add output_names and dynamic_axes names for all outputs in torch.onnx.export. The first four outputs of the model will have names output0, output1, output2, output3
    * use first output only + cleanup
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSamridha Shrestha <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGlenn Jocher <>
    * Revert FP16 `` and `` inference to FP32 default (#3423)
    * fixed inference bug ,while use half precision
    * replace --use-half with --half
    * replace space and PEP8 in
    * PEP8
    * update --half help comment
    * Update
    * revert space
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGlenn Jocher <>
    * Add additional links/resources to stale.yml message (#3467)
    * Update stale.yml
    * cleanup
    * Update stale.yml
    * reformat
    * Update stale.yml HUB URL (#3468)
    * Stale `` bug fix (#3483)
    * Explicit `model.eval()` call `if opt.train=False` (#3475)
    * call model.eval() when opt.train is False
    call model.eval() when opt.train is False
    * single-line if statement
    * cleanup
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGlenn Jocher <>
    * check_requirements() exclude `opencv-python` (#3495)
    Fix for 3rd party or contrib versions of installed OpenCV as in
    * Earlier `assert` for cpu and half option (#3508)
    * early assert for cpu and half option
    early assert for cpu and half option
    * Modified comment
    Modified comment
    * Update tutorial.ipynb (#3510)
    * Reduce results spacing (#3511)
    * Update (#3512)
    * Update
    Minor modifications
    * 850 width
    * Update greetings.yml
    revert greeting change as PRs will now merge to master.
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPiotr Skalski <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSkalskiP <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPeretz Cohen <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatartudoulei <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarchocosaj <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarBuildTools <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarYonghye Kwon <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSam_S <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSamridha Shrestha <>
    Co-authored-by: default avataredificewang <>