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Commit 4da723e3 authored by dario's avatar dario
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common: data types, parse/serialize for them

parent 6372c08a
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{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module Pad.ChangeSet where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Word
import Pad.NetProtocol
-- TODO: use template haskell for the newtype and fromT/toT stuff?
newtype Pos = Pos { fromPos :: Word64 } deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype Len = Len { fromLen :: Word64 } deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype RemoteAddr = RemoteAddr BS.ByteString
newtype UserName = UserName BS.ByteString
-- TODO: maybe have an IdentType typeclass for NetProtocolShow
data AuthorId = AuthorId BS.ByteString
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- TODO: something real
data Color = Color String
-- authors live in a global (across pads) table and are identified by
-- an evercookie or else by username+originating hostname
data Author = Author {
getAuthorId :: AuthorId,
getUserName :: UserName,
getColor :: Color,
getRemoteAddr :: RemoteAddr
data TextAttribute = AttrAuthorId AuthorId
| AttrFontBold
| AttrFontItalic
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ChangeSet = ChangeSet Author Change
data Change = AddText Pos BS.ByteString
| RemoveText Pos Len
| SetAttribute Pos Len TextAttribute
| ClearAttribute Pos Len TextAttribute
deriving (Show, Eq)
module Pad.NetProtocol where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
{- everything that can be sent through the network connection to clients
- typical instances are: changesets, chat messages, meta-messages
- (userjoin, userleave, …)
class NetSendable a where
netProtoShow :: a -> Builder
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Pad.NetProtocol.Instances where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char.Utf8 (fromShow)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Monoid
import Pad.NetProtocol
import Pad.ChangeSet
instance NetSendable ChangeSet where
netProtoShow :: ChangeSet -> Builder
netProtoShow (ChangeSet author change) =
fromByteString "E:" <>
netProtoShow (getAuthorId author) <>
netProtoShow change
-- helper stuff
pos :: Pos -> Builder
pos p = fromByteString "@" <> fromShow (fromPos p)
len :: Len -> Builder
len = fromShow . fromLen
attr :: Pos -> Len -> BS.ByteString -> TextAttribute -> Builder
attr p l op a =
pos p
<> fromByteString op
<> len l
<> fromByteString ":"
<> netProtoShow a
-- TODO: document network protocol properly
instance NetSendable Change where
netProtoShow :: Change -> Builder
netProtoShow (AddText p txt) =
pos p
<> fromByteString "+"
<> fromByteString txt
-- TODO: end-mark(->escaping)? checksum? length-field(marydyd
-- says nope..)
netProtoShow (RemoveText p l) =
pos p
<> fromByteString "-"
<> len l
netProtoShow (SetAttribute p l a) =
attr p l "S" a
netProtoShow (ClearAttribute p l a) =
attr p l "C" a
instance NetSendable AuthorId where
netProtoShow :: AuthorId -> Builder
netProtoShow (AuthorId aid) =
fromByteString "A:"
<> fromByteString aid
-- TODO: maybe enable setting multiple attributes in one go?
instance NetSendable TextAttribute where
netProtoShow :: TextAttribute -> Builder
netProtoShow (AttrAuthorId aid) = netProtoShow aid
netProtoShow (AttrFontBold) = fromByteString "B"
netProtoShow (AttrFontItalic) = fromByteString "I"
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Pad.NetProtocol.Parse where
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
-- warning: do only use stuff from here if sure that ASCII
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (decimal)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
import Data.Word8 (isDigit)
import Pad.NetProtocol
import Pad.ChangeSet
import Pad.PadMessage
import Control.Applicative ( (<*>), (<|>) )
parseClientMessage :: Parser PadMessage
parseClientMessage = word8 (fromIntegral . fromEnum $ 'h') >> return PMPadChange
parsePos :: Parser Pos
parsePos = word8c '@' >> Pos <$> decimal
parseLen :: Parser Len
parseLen = Len <$> decimal
parseAttr :: Parser TextAttribute
parseAttr =
(AttrAuthorId <$> parseAuthorId)
<|> (pure AttrFontBold <* string "B")
<|> (pure AttrFontItalic <* string "I")
-- TODO: geht nur wenns am ende steht..
parseAuthorId :: Parser AuthorId
parseAuthorId = string "A:" >> AuthorId <$> takeByteString
word8c :: Char -> Parser Word8
word8c = word8 . fromIntegral . fromEnum
parseChange :: Parser Change
parseChange =
(AddText <$> parsePos <* word8c '+' <*> takeByteString)
<|> (RemoveText <$> parsePos <* word8c '-' <*> parseLen)
<|> (SetAttribute <$> parsePos <* word8c 'S' <*> parseLen <* word8c ':' <*> parseAttr)
<|> (ClearAttribute <$> parsePos <* word8c 'C' <*> parseLen <* word8c ':' <*> parseAttr)
<?> "unable to parse Change"
module Pad.PadMessage where
import Control.Concurrent
{- PadMessage s are the internal communication form of the different
- parts of this server
-- TODO: extend params to reflect real-world usage and add missing constructors
data PadMessage = PMClientConnect (Chan PadMessage) String
| PMClientDisconnect String
| PMPadChange
| PMPadChatMsg
| PMNewClientNotify String
instance Show PadMessage where
show (PMClientConnect _ s) = "PMClientConnect _ " ++ (show s)
show (PMClientDisconnect s) = "PMClientDisconnect " ++ (show s)
show PMPadChange = "PMPadChange"
show PMPadChatMsg = "PMPadChatMsg"
show (PMNewClientNotify s) = "PMNewClientNotify" ++ (show s)
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