- Jun 19, 2017
Dan Cashman authored
More changes went into oc-dev after the freeze-date. Reflect them. Bug: 37896931 Test: prebuilts - none. Change-Id: I3300751ea7362d5d96b327138544be65eb9fc483
- Jun 06, 2017
Dan Cashman authored
Copy the final system sepolicy from oc-dev to its prebuilt dir corresponding to its version (26.0) so that we can uprev policy and start maintaining compatibility files, as well as use it for CTS tests targeting future platforms. Bug: 37896931 Test: none, this just copies the old policy. Change-Id: Ib069d505e42595c467e5d1164fb16fcb0286ab93
Josh Gao authored
It appears that selinux requires the write permission to receive a writable pipe from dumpstate, for unclear reasons. Add the permission for now. Bug: http://b/62297059 Test: dumpstate Merged-In: I0f25682177115aacd5c2203ddc0008228b0380ad Change-Id: I0f25682177115aacd5c2203ddc0008228b0380ad (cherry picked from commit 7aa08523)
- Jun 05, 2017
Josh Gao authored
It appears that selinux requires the write permission to receive a writable pipe from dumpstate, for unclear reasons. Add the permission for now. Bug: http://b/62297059 Test: dumpstate Change-Id: I0f25682177115aacd5c2203ddc0008228b0380ad
- Jun 02, 2017
Josh Gao authored
Bug: http://b/62297059 Test: mma Merged-In: Ibcd93e5554a9c2dd75fbfb42294fbc9b96ebc8cc Change-Id: Ibcd93e5554a9c2dd75fbfb42294fbc9b96ebc8cc (cherry picked from commit 17885f14)
Josh Gao authored
Bug: http://b/62297059 Test: mma Change-Id: Ibcd93e5554a9c2dd75fbfb42294fbc9b96ebc8cc
- May 24, 2017
Josh Gao authored
Fix the following denial: avc: denied { append } for pid=1093 comm="mediaextractor" path="pipe:[68438]" dev="pipefs" ino=68438 scontext=u:r:mediaextractor:s0 tcontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tclass=fifo_file permissive=1 ppid=1 pcomm="init" pgid=1 pgcomm="init" Bug: http://b/38444258 Test: none Change-Id: I58162e3a28b744a58396e77d6b0e2becb5633d6a (cherry picked from commit 5efadd91)
Josh Gao authored
Fix the following denial: avc: denied { append } for pid=1093 comm="mediaextractor" path="pipe:[68438]" dev="pipefs" ino=68438 scontext=u:r:mediaextractor:s0 tcontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tclass=fifo_file permissive=1 ppid=1 pcomm="init" pgid=1 pgcomm="init" Bug: http://b/38444258 Test: none Change-Id: I58162e3a28b744a58396e77d6b0e2becb5633d6a
- May 15, 2017
Alex Vakulenko authored
Specify per-service rules for PDX transport. Now being able to grant permissions to individual services provided by processes, not all services of a process. Also tighter control over which permissions are required for client and server for individual components of IPC (endpoints, channels, etc). Bug: 37646189 Change-Id: I78eb8ae8b6e08105666445a66bfcbd2f1d69d0ea Merged-Id: I78eb8ae8b6e08105666445a66bfcbd2f1d69d0ea
- May 10, 2017
Alex Vakulenko authored
Specify per-service rules for PDX transport. Now being able to grant permissions to individual services provided by processes, not all services of a process. Also tighter control over which permissions are required for client and server for individual components of IPC (endpoints, channels, etc). Bug: 37646189 Change-Id: I78eb8ae8b6e08105666445a66bfcbd2f1d69d0ea
- May 04, 2017
Dimitry Ivanov authored
This is needed by linker to be able to load libraries from memfd which currently generated following denial: avc: denied { getattr } for path=2F6D656D66643A666F6F626172202864656C6574656429 dev="tmpfs" ino=902079 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_tmpfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 Bug: http://b/37245203 Bug: http://b/37916741 Test: builds Change-Id: I5b57b6cada50a62657c8daaaaaa56f1ee9cdb376 (cherry picked from commit a0d3ff8e)
Dimitry Ivanov authored
This is needed by linker to be able to load libraries from memfd which currently generated following denial: avc: denied { getattr } for path=2F6D656D66643A666F6F626172202864656C6574656429 dev="tmpfs" ino=902079 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_tmpfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 Bug: http://b/37245203 Bug: http://b/37916741 Test: builds Change-Id: I5b57b6cada50a62657c8daaaaaa56f1ee9cdb376
- Apr 21, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This adds fine-grained policy about who can register and find which HwBinder services in hwservicemanager. Test: Play movie in Netflix and Google Play Movies Test: Play video in YouTube app and YouTube web page Test: In Google Camera app, take photo (HDR+ and conventional), record video (slow motion and normal), and check that photos look fine and videos play back with sound. Test: Cast screen to a Google Cast device Test: Get location fix in Google Maps Test: Make and receive a phone call, check that sound works both ways and that disconnecting the call frome either end works fine. Test: Run RsHelloCompute RenderScript demo app Test: Run fast subset of media CTS tests: make and install CtsMediaTestCases.apk adb shell am instrument -e size small \ -w 'android.media.cts/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner' Test: Play music using Google Play music Test: Adjust screen brightness via the slider in Quick Settings Test: adb bugreport Test: Enroll in fingerprint screen unlock, unlock screen using fingerprint Test: Apply OTA update: Make some visible change, e.g., rename Settings app. make otatools && \ make dist Ensure device has network connectivity ota_call.py -s <serial here> --file out/dist/sailfish-ota-*.zip Confirm the change is now live on the device Bug: 34454312 (cherry picked from commit 632bc494) Merged-In: Iecf74000e6c68f01299667486f3c767912c076d3 Change-Id: I7a9a487beaf6f30c52ce08e04d415624da49dd31
- Apr 20, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This adds fine-grained policy about who can register and find which HwBinder services in hwservicemanager. Test: Play movie in Netflix and Google Play Movies Test: Play video in YouTube app and YouTube web page Test: In Google Camera app, take photo (HDR+ and conventional), record video (slow motion and normal), and check that photos look fine and videos play back with sound. Test: Cast screen to a Google Cast device Test: Get location fix in Google Maps Test: Make and receive a phone call, check that sound works both ways and that disconnecting the call frome either end works fine. Test: Run RsHelloCompute RenderScript demo app Test: Run fast subset of media CTS tests: make and install CtsMediaTestCases.apk adb shell am instrument -e size small \ -w 'android.media.cts/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner' Test: Play music using Google Play music Test: Adjust screen brightness via the slider in Quick Settings Test: adb bugreport Test: Enroll in fingerprint screen unlock, unlock screen using fingerprint Test: Apply OTA update: Make some visible change, e.g., rename Settings app. make otatools && \ make dist Ensure device has network connectivity ota_call.py -s <serial here> --file out/dist/sailfish-ota-*.zip Confirm the change is now live on the device Bug: 34454312 Change-Id: Iecf74000e6c68f01299667486f3c767912c076d3
- Apr 13, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This unbreaks user builds broken by recently landed changes to secilc which is now aggressively removing attributes which aren't used in allow rules, even when they are used in other places, such as being referenced from *_contexts files. User builds are broken by vndservice_manager_type not being found when checkfc is run for *vndservice_contexts targets. Test: On a clean user build: mmma system/sepolicy Bug: 37319524 Bug: 36508258 Change-Id: I4a1727a74122ecd9020c3831462d56a65ee6d304
Alex Klyubin authored
ag/2106481 negatively interfered with ag/2106263... Test: mmm system/sepolicy Bug: 34454312 Change-Id: If3f5ef6696341ccfdd706350ec670f8426dac9c9
Alex Klyubin authored
This adds restrictions on which domains can register this HwBinder service with hwservicemanager and which domains can obtain tokens for this service from hwservicemanager. Test: Use Google Camera app to take HDR+ photo, conventional photo, record video with sound, record slow motion video with sound. Check that the photos display correctly and that videos play back fine and with sound. Check that there are no SELinux denials to do with camera. Bug: 34454312 Change-Id: Icfaeed917423510d9f97d18b013775596883ff64
- Apr 12, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
All HALs which are represented by hal_* attributes in SELinux policy are required to run in binderized mode on Treble devices. This commit thus makes the SELinux policy for Treble devices no longer associate domains in hal_x_client with hal_x attribute, which is what was granting domains hosting clients of hal_x the rules needed to run this HAL in-process. The result is that core components have now less access. This commit has no effect on non-Treble devices. Test: Device boots -- no new denials Test: Play movie using Google Play Movies and Netflix Test: Play YouTube clip in YouTube app and in Chrome Test: Unlock lock screen using fingerprint Test: Using Google Camera, take a photo, an HDR+ photo, record a video with sound, a slow motion video with sound. Photos and videos display/play back fine (incl. sound). Test: adb screencap Test: $ monitor take screenshot Test: In all tests, no deials to do with hal_*, except pre-existing denials to do with hal_gnss. Bug: 37160141 Bug: 34274385 Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: I1ca91d43592b466114af13898f5909f41e59b521
- Apr 07, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
CTS includes general_sepolicy.conf built from this project. CTS then tests this file's neverallow rules against the policy of the device under test. Prior to this commit, neverallow rules which must be enforced only for Treble devices we not included into general_sepolicy.conf. As a result, these rules were not enforced for Treble devices. This commit fixes the issue as follows. Because CTS includes only one policy, the policy now contains also the rules which are only for Treble devices. To enable CTS to distinguish rules needed for all devices from rules needed only on Treble devices, the latter rules are contained in sections delimited with BEGIN_TREBLE_ONLY and END_TREBLE_ONLY comments. This commit also removes the unnecessary sepolicy.general target. This target is not used anywhere and is causing trouble because it is verifying neverallows of the policy meant to be used by CTS. This policy can no longer be verified with checkpolicy without conditionally including or excluding Treble-only neverallows. Test: mmm system/sepolicy Test: Device boots -- no new denials Bug: 37082262 Change-Id: I15172a7efd9374543ba521e17aead1bdda7451bf
- Apr 05, 2017
Sandeep Patil authored
The CL splits /vendor labeling from /system. Which was allowing all processes read, execute access to /vendor. Following directories will remain world readable /vendor/etc /vendor/lib(64)/hw/ Following are currently world readable but their scope will be minimized to platform processes that require access /vendor/app /vendor/framework/ /vendor/overlay Files labelled with 'same_process_hal_file' are allowed to be read + executed from by the world. This is for Same process HALs and their dependencies. Bug: 36527360 Bug: 36832490 Bug: 36681210 Bug: 36680116 Bug: 36690845 Bug: 36697328 Bug: 36696623 Bug: 36806861 Bug: 36656392 Bug: 36696623 Bug: 36792803 All of the tests were done on sailfish, angler, bullhead, dragon Test: Boot and connect to wifi Test: Run chrome and load websites, play video in youtube, load maps w/ current location, take pictures and record video in camera, playback recorded video. Test: Connect to BT headset and ensure BT audio playback works. Test: OTA sideload using recovery Test: CTS SELinuxHostTest pass Change-Id: I278435b72f7551a28f3c229f720ca608b77a7029 Signed-off-by:
Sandeep Patil <sspatil@google.com>
- Apr 04, 2017
Steven Moreland authored
Test: works on internal marlin Bug: 34274385 Change-Id: Idd35e5cdccb595b4e5994eb1d78fdeece0aec0a6
Steven Moreland authored
Test: works on internal marlin Bug: 34274385 Change-Id: Idd35e5cdccb595b4e5994eb1d78fdeece0aec0a6
- Mar 24, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This change associates all domains which are clients of Allocator HAL with hal_allocator_client and the, required for all HAL client domains, halclientdomain. This enables this commit to remove the now unnecessary hwallocator_use macro because its binder_call(..., hal_allocator_server) is covered by binder_call(hal_allocator_client, hal_allocator_server) added in this commit. Unfortunately apps, except isolated app, are clients of Allocator HAL as well. This makes it hard to use the hal_client_domain(..., hal_allocator) macro because it translates into "typeattribute" which currently does not support being provided with a set of types, such as { appdomain -isolated_app }. As a workaround, hopefully until typeattribute is improved, this commit expresses the necessary association operation in CIL. private/technical_debt.cil introduced by this commit is appended into the platform policy CIL file, thus ensuring that the hack has effect on the final monolithic policy. P. S. This change also removes Allocator HAL access from isolated_app. Isolated app shouldn't have access to this HAL anyway. Test: Google Play Music plays back radios Test: Google Camera records video with sound and that video is then successfully played back with sound Test: YouTube app plays back clips with sound Test: YouTube in Chrome plays back clips with sound Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: Id00bba6fde83e7cf04fb58bc1c353c2f66333f92
Alex Klyubin authored
On PRODUCT_FULL_TREBLE devices, non-vendor domains (except vendor apps) are not permitted to use Binder. This commit thus: * groups non-vendor domains using the new "coredomain" attribute, * adds neverallow rules restricting Binder use to coredomain and appdomain only, and * temporarily exempts the domains which are currently violating this rule from this restriction. These domains are grouped using the new "binder_in_vendor_violators" attribute. The attribute is needed because the types corresponding to violators are not exposed to the public policy where the neverallow rules are. Test: mmm system/sepolicy Test: Device boots, no new denials Test: In Chrome, navigate to ip6.me, play a YouTube video Test: YouTube: play a video Test: Netflix: play a movie Test: Google Camera: take a photo, take an HDR+ photo, record video with sound, record slow motion video with sound. Confirm videos play back fine and with sound. Bug: 35870313 Change-Id: I0cd1a80b60bcbde358ce0f7a47b90f4435a45c95
- Mar 23, 2017
Martijn Coenen authored
vndservicemanager is the context manager for binder services that are solely registered and accessed from vendor processes. Bug: 36052864 Test: vendorservicemanager runs Merged-In: Ifbf536932678d0ff13d019635fe6347e185ef387 Change-Id: I430f1762eb83825f6cd4be939a69d46a8ddc80ff
- Mar 22, 2017
Jeff Vander Stoep authored
ASAN builds may require additional permissions to launch processes with ASAN wrappers. In this case, system_server needs permission to execute /system/bin/sh. Create with_asan() macro which can be used exclusively on debug builds. Note this means that ASAN builds with these additional permission will not pass the security portion of CTS - like any other debug build. Addresses: avc: denied { execute } for name="sh" dev="dm-0" ino=571 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 tclass=file Test: lunch aosp_marlin-userdebug; cd system/sepolicy; mm SANITIZE_TARGET=address; Verify permissions granted using with_asan() are granted. Test: lunch aosp_marlin-userdebug; cd system/sepolicy; mm; Verify permissions granted using with_asan() are not granted. Test: lunch aosp_marlin-user; cd system/sepolicy; mm SANITIZE_TARGET=address; Verify permissions granted using with_asan() are not granted. Bug: 36138508 Change-Id: I6e39ada4bacd71687a593023f16b45bc16cd7ef8
Martijn Coenen authored
vndservicemanager is the context manager for binder services that are solely registered and accessed from vendor processes. Bug: 36052864 Test: vendorservicemanager runs Change-Id: Ifbf536932678d0ff13d019635fe6347e185ef387
- Mar 21, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
All previous users of this macro have been switched to hal_server_domain macro. Test: no hal_impl_domain in system/sepolicy/ and device/**/sepolicy Test: mmm system/sepolicy Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: I4a71b3fd5046c0d215b056f1cae25fe6bda0fb45
- Mar 20, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This switches Allocator HAL policy to the design which enables us to identify all SELinux domains which host HALs and all domains which are clients of HALs. Allocator HAL is special in the sense that it's assumed to be always binderized. As a result, rules in Camera HAL target hal_allocator_server rather than hal_allocator (which would be the server and any client, if the Allocator HAL runs in passthrough mode). Test: Device boots up, no new denials Test: YouTube video plays back Test: Take photo using Google Camera app, recover a video, record a slow motion video Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: Ifbbca554ec221712361ee6cda94c82f254d84936
Alex Klyubin authored
This adjusts the grants for recovery to make it explicit that recovery can use the Boot Control HAL only in passthrough mode. Test: Device boots up, no new denials Test: Reboot into recovery, sideload OTA update succeeds Test: Apply OTA update via update_engine: 1. make dist 2. Ensure device has network connectivity 3. ota_call.py -s <serial here> out/dist/sailfish-ota-*.zip Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: I0888816eca4d77939a55a7816e6cae9176713ee5
- Mar 13, 2017
Josh Gao authored
Allows the following denials: avc: denied { use } for pid=9099 comm="mediacodec" path="/data/tombstones/tombstone_08" dev="sda35" ino=877473 scontext=u:r:mediacodec:s0 tcontext=u:r:tombstoned:s0 tclass=fd permissive=1 avc: denied { append } for pid=9099 comm="mediacodec" path="/data/tombstones/tombstone_08" dev="sda35" ino=877473 scontext=u:r:mediacodec:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:tombstone_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 Bug: http://b/36156624 Test: killall -ABRT media.codec Test: killall -ABRT media.extractor Change-Id: I3dde1879b44e3e63c747a3ff8dd4bf213cb8afb6
- Mar 07, 2017
Josh Gao authored
Let mediacodec and mediaextractor talk directly to tombstoned to generate tombstones/ANR traces. Bug: http://b/35858739 Test: debuggerd -b `pidof media.codec` Change-Id: I091be946d58907c5aa7a2fe23995597638adc896
- Mar 01, 2017
Keun-young Park authored
- compared to ro.boottime, this one does not pass time info bug: 35178781 bug: 34274385 Test: reboot Change-Id: I6a7bf636a3f201653e2890751d5fa210274c9ede
- Feb 28, 2017
Keun-young Park authored
- hal clients checking hal_binderization prop also need to check ro.boottime.persistent_properties. bug: 35178781 Test: reboot Change-Id: I413c663537dc118e0492416e3e5a2af721b18107
- Feb 21, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This removes the compile-time deprecation warning about hal_impl_domain macro. The warning was introduced in 86e87806f5777a7fc09ea962e694442297e4f8d6. We don't want to spam all Android platform developers about something internal to the ongoing SELinux policy restructuring. Test: Policy compiles without any warnings Test: Google Play Movies plays back movies (i.e., DRM HAL works) Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: Icbd4d1283196f7ccc84c2a041c5601113d3c9f21
- Feb 15, 2017
Alex Klyubin authored
This starts the switch for HAL policy to the approach where: * domains which are clients of Foo HAL are associated with hal_foo_client attribute, * domains which offer the Foo HAL service over HwBinder are associated with hal_foo_server attribute, * policy needed by the implementation of Foo HAL service is written against the hal_foo attribute. This policy is granted to domains which offer the Foo HAL service over HwBinder and, if Foo HAL runs in the so-called passthrough mode (inside the process of each client), also granted to all domains which are clients of Foo HAL. hal_foo is there to avoid duplicating the rules for hal_foo_client and hal_foo_server to cover the passthrough/in-process Foo HAL and binderized/out-of-process Foo HAL cases. A benefit of associating all domains which are clients of Foo HAL with hal_foo (when Foo HAL is in passthrough mode) is that this removes the need for device-specific policy to be able to reference these domains directly (in order to add device-specific allow rules). Instead, device-specific policy only needs to reference hal_foo and should no longer need to care which particular domains on the device are clients of Foo HAL. This can be seen in simplification of the rules for audioserver domain which is a client of Audio HAL whose policy is being restructured in this commit. This commit uses Audio HAL as an example to illustrate the approach. Once this commit lands, other HALs will also be switched to this approach. Test: Google Play Music plays back radios Test: Google Camera records video with sound and that video is then successfully played back with sound Test: YouTube app plays back clips with sound Test: YouTube in Chrome plays back clips with sound Bug: 34170079 Change-Id: I2597a046753edef06123f0476c2ee6889fc17f20
- Feb 14, 2017
Jeff Vander Stoep authored
Motivation: Provide the ability to phase in new security policies by applying them to apps with a minimum targetSdkVersion. Place untrusted apps with targetSdkVersion<=25 into the untrustd_app_25 domain. Apps with targetSdkVersion>=26 are placed into the untrusted_app domain. Common rules are included in the untrusted_app_all attribute. Apps with a more recent targetSdkVersion are granted fewer permissions. Test: Marlin builds and boots. Apps targeting targetSdkVersion<=25 run in untrusted_app_25 domain. Apps targeting the current development build >=26 run in the untrusted_app domain with fewer permissions. No new denials observed during testing. Bug: 34115651 Bug: 35323421 Change-Id: Ie6a015566fac07c44ea06c963c40793fcdc9a083
- Feb 09, 2017
Nick Bray authored
Bug: 30989383 Bug: 34731101 Test: manual Change-Id: Icf9d48568b505c6b788f2f5f456f2d709969fbeb
- Jan 31, 2017
Mark Salyzyn authored
Create an event_log_tags_file label and use it for /dev/event-log-tags. Only trusted system log readers are allowed direct read access to this file, no write access. Untrusted domain requests lack direct access, and are thus checked for credentials via the "plan b" long path socket to the event log tag service. Test: gTest logd-unit-tests, liblog-unit-tests and logcat-unit-tests Bug: 31456426 Bug: 30566487 Change-Id: Ib9b71ca225d4436d764c9bc340ff7b1c9c252a9e
- Jan 26, 2017
Steven Moreland authored
- Added set_prop to shell so that you can set it from shell. - Added set_prop to sytem_app so that it can be updated in settings. Bug: 34256441 Test: can update prop from Settings and shell. nfc and lights work with ag/1833821 with persist.hal.binderization set to on and off. There are no additional selinux denials. Change-Id: I883ca489093c1d56b2efa725c58e6e3f3b81c3aa