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  • flow/emper
  • aj46ezos/emper
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with 859 additions and 443 deletions
......@@ -153,6 +153,22 @@ const bool IO =
const bool IO_NOTIFICATION =
const bool IO_PUNT_WAITFD_READ =
const bool IO_STEALING =
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ enum class FiberSource : uintptr_t {
ioStolen, /*!< A other worker's io_uring completion queue */
anywhereQueue, /*!< The anywhere queue */
hintWsq, /*!< A known other worker's work-stealing queue */
hintIo, /*!< A known worker's io_uring completion queue */
hintAq, /*!< Straight from the anywhere queue */
......@@ -53,8 +53,10 @@ namespace log {
class LogBuffer;
namespace sleep_strategy {
class AbstractIoSleepStrategy;
class PipeSleepStrategy;
class WaitfdSleepStrategy;
} // namespace sleep_strategy
namespace stats {
class Worker;
class FromAnywhere;
......@@ -262,8 +264,10 @@ class Runtime : public Logger<LogSubsystem::RUNTI> {
template <typename>
friend class WorkerLocalData;
friend class Fibril;
friend class emper::sleep_strategy::AbstractIoSleepStrategy;
friend class emper::sleep_strategy::PipeSleepStrategy;
friend class emper::lib::ShardedFileBuffer;
friend class emper::sleep_strategy::WaitfdSleepStrategy;
friend void emper::log::log(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& message);
......@@ -11,9 +11,8 @@
class Runtime;
namespace emper::sleep_strategy {
class PipeSleepStrategy;
class AbstractIoSleepStrategy;
using emper::sleep_strategy::PipeSleepStrategy;
class Worker {
......@@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ class Worker {
friend Runtime;
friend class AbstractWorkStealingScheduler;
friend class PipeSleepStrategy;
friend class emper::sleep_strategy::AbstractIoSleepStrategy;
[[nodiscard]] auto getWorkerId() const -> workerid_t { return workerId; }
......@@ -33,11 +33,15 @@
#include "io/Stats.hpp"
#include "io/SubmitActor.hpp" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "lib/TaggedPtr.hpp"
#include "lib/adt/LockedSet.hpp" // for LockedSet
#include "sleep_strategy/PipeSleepStrategy.hpp" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "lib/adt/LockedSet.hpp"
#include "sleep_strategy/AbstractIoSleepStrategy.hpp" // IWYU pragma: keep
class AbstractWorkStealingScheduler;
namespace emper::sleep_strategy {
class WaitfdSleepStrategy;
namespace emper::io {
class IoContext : public Logger<LogSubsystem::IO> {
friend class ::Runtime;
......@@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ class IoContext : public Logger<LogSubsystem::IO> {
// IoContext pointer in GlobalIoContext::globalCompleterFunc
friend class GlobalIoContext;
friend class emper::sleep_strategy::PipeSleepStrategy;
friend class emper::sleep_strategy::AbstractIoSleepStrategy;
friend class emper::sleep_strategy::WaitfdSleepStrategy;
// Debug functions to access the mmaped memory of ring.
// gdb is not allowed to access the io mmaped memory of the io_uring fd.
......@@ -223,8 +228,8 @@ class IoContext : public Logger<LogSubsystem::IO> {
auto tag = static_cast<PointerTags>(tptr.getTag());
switch (tag) {
case PointerTags::NewWorkNotification: {
auto &sleepStrategy =
reinterpret_cast<PipeSleepStrategy &>(runtime.getWorkerSleepStrategy());
auto &sleepStrategy = reinterpret_cast<emper::sleep_strategy::AbstractIoSleepStrategy &>(
sleepStrategy.onNewWorkNotification<callerEnvironment>(*this, tptr);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
// Copyright © 2022 Florian Fischer
#include "sleep_strategy/AbstractIoSleepStrategy.hpp"
#include <liburing.h>
#include <sys/eventfd.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <mutex>
#include "CallerEnvironment.hpp"
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "Runtime.hpp"
#include "Worker.hpp"
#include "io/IoContext.hpp"
#include "lib/TaggedPtr.hpp"
using emper::io::IoContext;
using emper::lib::TaggedPtr;
namespace emper::sleep_strategy {
thread_local AbstractIoSleepStrategy::SleepState AbstractIoSleepStrategy::sleepState;
thread_local int AbstractIoSleepStrategy::specificEvfd;
AbstractIoSleepStrategy::AbstractIoSleepStrategy(Runtime& runtime, workerid_t workerCount)
: workerCount(workerCount), stats(runtime) {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
sleepStates = new SleepState*[workerCount];
evfds = new int[workerCount];
runtime.addNewWorkerHook([this](workerid_t workerId) {
specificEvfd = eventfd(0, 0);
if (specificEvfd == -1) {
DIE_MSG_ERRNO("Creating worker specific notification eventfd failed");
evfds[workerId] = specificEvfd;
sleepStates[workerId] = &sleepState;
AbstractIoSleepStrategy::~AbstractIoSleepStrategy() { delete[] sleepStates; }
auto AbstractIoSleepStrategy::prepareSleep(IoContext& io,
const std::function<bool(void)>& customLogic) -> bool {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(sleepState.lock);
// Check if we were notified specifically and should skip the sleep attempt
if (sleepState.isNotified()) {
LOGD("Reset notified state to running -> skip sleeping");
return false;
if (!sleepState.readingGlobal) {
const bool shouldSleep = customLogic();
if (!shouldSleep) return false;
sleepState.readingGlobal = true;
if (!sleepState.isSleeping()) {
struct io_uring_sqe* sqe = io.getSqe();
io_uring_prep_read(sqe, specificEvfd, &specificReadBuf, sizeof(specificReadBuf), 0);
const auto tag = static_cast<uint16_t>(IoContext::PointerTags::NewWorkNotification);
// Tag the sqe with a marked new work notification to reset the specific state
// when reaping the resulting cqe.
io_uring_sqe_set_data(sqe, TaggedPtr((void*)nullptr, tag, true));
LOGD("prepared specificEvfd read");
return true;
void AbstractIoSleepStrategy::submitAndWaitForCompletionsIn(IoContext& io) {
LOGD("sleep until IO completions occur");
LOGD("wakeup due to available IO completions");
void AbstractIoSleepStrategy::prepareSleepRead(IoContext& io, int fd, uint8_t sqe_flags) {
struct io_uring_sqe* sqe = io.getSqe();
// We read directly into the workers dispatchHint
// TODO: Think about the race between the two reads
io_uring_prep_read(sqe, fd, &io.worker->dispatchHint, sizeof(io.worker->dispatchHint), 0);
sqe->flags = sqe_flags;
sqe, TaggedPtr((void*)nullptr,
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
void AbstractIoSleepStrategy::onNewWorkNotification(IoContext& io,
const emper::lib::TaggedPtr& data) {
if constexpr (callerEnvironment != CallerEnvironment::OWNER) {
DIE_MSG("Others reaping new work notification from " << io.worker->getWorkerId() << " CQ");
assert(data.getTag() == static_cast<uint16_t>(IoContext::PointerTags::NewWorkNotification));
if (data.isMarked()) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(sleepState.lock);
LOGD("Got specific notification");
// Reset specific and notified flag to indicate that a new specific notification
// was consumed, a new specific read must be prepared and other notifySpecific
// calls must notify again.
} else {
LOGD("Got new work notification");
// Reset global flag to indicate that a new sleep cqe must be prepared
sleepState.readingGlobal = false;
template void AbstractIoSleepStrategy::onNewWorkNotification<CallerEnvironment::OWNER>(
IoContext& io, const TaggedPtr& data);
template void AbstractIoSleepStrategy::onNewWorkNotification<CallerEnvironment::EMPER>(
IoContext& io, const TaggedPtr& data);
template void AbstractIoSleepStrategy::onNewWorkNotification<CallerEnvironment::ANYWHERE>(
IoContext& io, const TaggedPtr& data);
} // namespace emper::sleep_strategy
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
// Copyright © 2022 Florian Fischer
#pragma once
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include "CallerEnvironment.hpp"
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "Debug.hpp"
#include "FiberHint.hpp"
#include "emper-common.h"
#include "lib/TaggedPtr.hpp"
#include "sleep_strategy/SleeperState.hpp"
#include "sleep_strategy/Stats.hpp"
class Runtime;
namespace emper::io {
class IoContext;
namespace emper::sleep_strategy {
* @brief An abstract IO based sleep strategy combining the IO subsystem with the sleep strategy
* Design goals
* ============
* * Wakeup either on external new work notifications or on local IO completions
* -> Sleep strategy is sound without the IO completer
* * Do as less as possible in a system saturated with work
* * Pass a hint where to find new work to suspended workers
* Algorithm
* =========
* Data:
* Global:
* global IO object
* sleepers count
* Per worker:
* dispatch hint buffer
* specific IO object
* lockable sleep state
* PrepareSleep(customLogic):
* Lock state
* Defer unlock state
* If state is notified
* Reset to running
* Return
* If stats not reading global
* Return false if customLogic returns false
* Set state reading global
* If state is not sleeping
* Mark state sleeping
* Prepare read from specificEvfd
* Return true
* WriteNotifications : implementation specific
* NotifyEmper(n):
* if observed sleepers <= 0
* return
* // Determine how many we are responsible to wake
* do
* toWakeup = min(observed sleepers, n)
* while (!CAS(sleepers, toWakeup))
* write toWakeup hints
* NotifyAnywhere(n):
* // Ensure all n notifications take effect
* while (!CAS(sleepers, observed sleepers - n))
* if observed sleeping <= -n
* return
* toWakeup = min(observed sleeping, n)
* write toWakeup hints
* NotifySpecific(w):
* Get w's state
* Lock state
* Defer unlock state
* Return if already notified
* Mark state notified
* If state was sleeping
* Write specific notification
* onNewWorkCompletion(data):
* If data is marked
* lock state
* Mark state running
* Else
* Reset readingGlobal
* Notes
* =====
* * We must decrement the sleepers count on the notifier side to
* prevent multiple notifiers to observe all the same amount of sleepers,
* trying to wake up the same sleepers by writing to the e.g a pipe will jam
* it up with unconsumed hints and thus block in writeNotifications resulting
* in a deadlock.
* * The CAS loops on the notifier side are needed because decrementing
* and incrementing is racy: Two notifier can observe the
* sum of both their excess decrement and increment to much resulting in a
* broken counter.
* * Add the dispatch hint code in AbstractWorkStealingScheduler::nextFiber.
* This allows workers to check the dispatch hint after there
* where no local work to execute.
* This is a trade-off where we trade slower wakeup - a just awoken worker
* will check for local work - against a faster dispatch hot path when
* we have work to do in our local WSQ.
* * Other thread must not reap new work notifications because this
* would introduces a race for cqes and a possible
* lost wakeup if the other consumes the completions before the worker
* is actually waiting for them.
* * When notifying sleeping workers from anywhere we must ensure that all
* notifications take effect. This is needed for example when terminating
* the runtime to prevent sleep attempt from worker thread which are
* about to sleep but have not incremented the sleeper count yet.
* We achieve this by always decrementing the sleeper count by the notification
* count.
class AbstractIoSleepStrategy : public Logger<LogSubsystem::SLEEP_S> {
friend class emper::io::IoContext;
* @brief decrement the sleep count and return how many workers should be notified
* As mentioned in the AbstractIoSleepStrategy documentation We need to decrement
* the sleeper count on the notification side to prevent overcommiting notifications.
* And the CAS loop is needed because we don't want to decrement the sleepers
* count to much.
* Decrement the sleeper count for each sleeper we are going to wakeup
virtual auto getSleeperCountToWakeupEmper(int64_t& sleeping, int64_t count) -> uint64_t {
int64_t toWakeup;
do {
// No one is sleeping -> we don't need to notify
if (sleeping <= 0) {
return 0;
// Count of sleepers we notify
toWakeup = std::min(sleeping, count);
} while (!sleepers.compare_exchange_weak(sleeping, sleeping - toWakeup,
std::memory_order_release, std::memory_order_acquire));
LOGD("notifyFromEmper writes "
<< toWakeup << " notifications and set sleepers count to: " << sleeping - toWakeup);
assert(toWakeup >= 0);
return static_cast<uint64_t>(toWakeup);
* @brief decrement the sleep count and return how many workers should be notified
* If we observe nobody sleeping we need to prevent sleep locks when
* everybody is about to sleep but none has incremented the sleepers count yet.
* We prevent the next sleep from blocking by setting the sleeper count to
* the negative amount we want to prevent from sleeping.
* More general if we notify from anywhere we need all notifications to take
* effect. Only notifying the sleepers we observe may not be enough.
* For example when terminating the runtime we notify all workers if we
* only wakeup the ones we observe sleeping we may never terminate because
* after we notified all we observed new one went to sleep which will never
* be notified.
* To prevent this we make sure that all count notifications take effect
* by making the sleepers count negative and thus preventing at least count
* sleep attempts.
virtual auto getSleeperCountToWakeupAnywhere(int64_t& sleeping, int64_t count) -> uint64_t {
int64_t newSleeping;
do {
// We already prevent enough sleep attempts
if (sleeping <= -count) {
LOGD("notifyFromAnywhere sleeper count already preventing enough sleep attempts");
return 0;
// Don't decrease the sleeper count in the CAS loop further than -count,
// which is the threshold we need to ensure that the notifications will be
// observed.
// Decreasing it further than this threshold is not faulty it just
// results in unnecessary skipped sleeps.
newSleeping = std::max(-count, sleeping - count);
} while (!sleepers.compare_exchange_weak(sleeping, newSleeping, std::memory_order_release,
// toWakeup should not be negative but could be if sleeping was already negative
const int64_t toWakeup = std::max(std::min(sleeping, count), 0L);
LOGD("notifyFromAnywhere writes "
<< toWakeup << " notifications and set sleepers count to: " << newSleeping);
assert(toWakeup >= 0);
return static_cast<uint64_t>(toWakeup);
* @brief State of a worker
class SleepState {
friend class AbstractIoSleepStrategy;
bool readingGlobal = false;
std::mutex lock;
emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState s = emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Running;
auto markNotified() -> bool {
auto oldS = s;
s = emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Notified;
return oldS == emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Sleeping;
void markSleeping() { s = emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Sleeping; }
void markRunning() { s = emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Running; }
auto isNotified() const -> bool { return s == emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Notified; }
auto isSleeping() const -> bool { return s == emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Sleeping; }
SleepState** sleepStates;
static thread_local SleepState sleepState;
int* evfds;
static thread_local int specificEvfd;
// Buff used by all specirfic reads since their results are meaningless
uint64_t specificReadBuf;
// Make sure the shared counter lives in an exclusive cache line
CACHE_LINE_EXCLUSIVE(std::atomic<int64_t>, sleepers);
workerid_t workerCount;
Stats stats;
AbstractIoSleepStrategy(Runtime& runtime, workerid_t workerCount);
virtual ~AbstractIoSleepStrategy();
virtual void writeNotificationsFromEmper(emper::FiberHint hint, unsigned count) = 0;
virtual void writeNotificationsFromAnywhere(emper::FiberHint hint, unsigned count) = 0;
void writeSpecificNotification(workerid_t workerId) {
const uint64_t b = 1;
ssize_t res = write(evfds[workerId], &b, sizeof(b));
if (unlikely(res) < 0) {
DIE_MSG_ERRNO("writing to the worker " << workerId << " evfd failed");
using CustomLogic = std::function<bool(void)>;
* @brief Prepare everything to sleep until new work is available
* @param io The IoContext used to sleep
* @param customLogic Code specific to the actual IO sleep strategy. Reads are only prepared
* if customLogic returns true.
* @return True if any read was prepared and IO completions should be awaited
auto prepareSleep(emper::io::IoContext& io, const CustomLogic& customLogic) -> bool;
* @brief prepare a new work notification read request
* @param io The IoContext where the read request will be prepared
* @param fd The file descriptor to read from
* @param sqe_flags The flags set on the issued SQE
static void prepareSleepRead(emper::io::IoContext& io, int fd, uint8_t sqe_flags = 0);
void submitAndWaitForCompletionsIn(emper::io::IoContext& io);
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
void onNewWorkNotification(emper::io::IoContext& io, const emper::lib::TaggedPtr& data);
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
auto getSleeperCountToWakeup(int64_t& sleeping, unsigned count) -> unsigned {
auto signedCount = static_cast<int64_t>(count);
if constexpr (callerEnvironment == CallerEnvironment::EMPER) {
return getSleeperCountToWakeupEmper(sleeping, signedCount);
} else {
return getSleeperCountToWakeupAnywhere(sleeping, signedCount);
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
void notify(emper::FiberHint hint, unsigned count) {
int64_t sleeping = getSleeping();
const unsigned toWakeup = getSleeperCountToWakeup<callerEnvironment>(sleeping, count);
if (toWakeup) {
if constexpr (callerEnvironment == CallerEnvironment::EMPER) {
writeNotificationsFromEmper(hint, toWakeup);
} else {
writeNotificationsFromAnywhere(hint, toWakeup);
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
void notifySpecificInternal(workerid_t workerId) {
auto& specificState = *sleepStates[workerId];
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(specificState.lock);
LOGD("Specifically notify worker " << workerId << " from " << callerEnvironment);
if (specificState.isNotified()) {
LOGD(workerId << " already marked notified");
const bool isSleeping = specificState.markNotified();
if (isSleeping) {
LOGD(workerId << " has specific read -> write notification");
void printStats(std::ostream& out = std::cout) { stats.print(out); }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto getSleeping() const -> long { return sleepers.load(); }
virtual void sleep() = 0;
} // namespace emper::sleep_strategy
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
// Copyright © 2021 Florian Fischer
// Copyright © 2021-2022 Florian Fischer
#include "sleep_strategy/PipeSleepStrategy.hpp"
#include <liburing.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include "CallerEnvironment.hpp"
#include "Runtime.hpp"
#include "Worker.hpp"
#include "io/IoContext.hpp"
#include "lib/TaggedPtr.hpp"
using emper::io::IoContext;
using emper::lib::TaggedPtr;
namespace emper::sleep_strategy {
thread_local PipeSleepStrategy::Pipe PipeSleepStrategy::pipe;
thread_local PipeSleepStrategy::SleepState PipeSleepStrategy::sleepState;
PipeSleepStrategy::PipeSleepStrategy(Runtime& runtime, workerid_t workerCount)
: workerCount(workerCount), stats(runtime) {
LOGD("init pipe sleep startegy");, std::memory_order_relaxed);
sleepStates = new SleepState*[workerCount];
pipes = new Pipe*[workerCount];
runtime.addNewWorkerHook([this](workerid_t workerId) {
sleepStates[workerId] = &sleepState;
pipes[workerId] = &pipe;
PipeSleepStrategy::~PipeSleepStrategy() {
delete[] sleepStates;
delete[] pipes;
void PipeSleepStrategy::sleep() {
LOGD("going to sleep");
IoContext& io = *IoContext::getWorkerIo();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(sleepState.lock);
// Check if we were notified specifically and should skip the sleep attempt
if (sleepState.isNotified()) {
LOGD("Reset notified state to running -> skip sleeping");
auto customSleepLogic = [this, &io] {
// increment the sleeper count if it was negative we should skip sleeping
int64_t sleeping = this->sleepers.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acquire);
if (sleeping < 0) {
LOGD("observed sleeper count as: " << sleeping << " -> skip sleeping");
return false;
if (!sleepState.globalReadInflight) {
// increment the sleeper count if it was negative we should skip sleeping
int64_t sleeping = sleepers.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acquire);
if (sleeping < 0) {
LOGD("observed sleeper count as: " << sleeping << " -> skip sleeping");
assert(sleeping <= workerCount);
sleepState.globalReadInflight = true;
struct io_uring_sqe* sqe = io.getSqe();
// We read directly into the workers dispatchHint
io_uring_prep_read(sqe, global.sleepFd, &io.worker->dispatchHint,
sizeof(io.worker->dispatchHint), 0);
// Mark the sqe as a new work notification to reset the Global flag when reaping the
// resulting cqe
sqe, TaggedPtr(0, static_cast<uint16_t>(IoContext::PointerTags::NewWorkNotification)));
LOGD("prepared global.sleepFd read and set sleepers count to: " << sleeping + 1);
if (!sleepState.isSleeping()) {
struct io_uring_sqe* sqe = io.getSqe();
// We read directly into the workers dispatchHint
// TODO: Think about the race between the two reads
io_uring_prep_read(sqe, pipe.sleepFd, &io.worker->dispatchHint,
sizeof(io.worker->dispatchHint), 0);
// Tag the sqe with a marked new work notification to reset the specific state
// when reaping the resulting cqe.
sqe, TaggedPtr((void*)nullptr,
static_cast<uint16_t>(IoContext::PointerTags::NewWorkNotification), true));
LOGD("prepared pipe.sleepFd read");
// Wait for IO completions
LOGD("sleep until IO completions occur");
LOGD("wakeup due to available IO completions");
prepareSleepRead(io, this->global.sleepFd);
LOGD("prepared sleepFd read and set sleepers count to: " << sleeping + 1);
return true;
const bool shouldSleep = prepareSleep(io, customSleepLogic);
if (!shouldSleep) return;
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
void PipeSleepStrategy::notifySpecific(workerid_t workerId) {
auto& specificState = *sleepStates[workerId];
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(specificState.lock);
LOGD("Specifically notify worker " << workerId << " from " << callerEnvironment);
if (specificState.isNotified()) {
LOGD(workerId << " already marked notified");
const bool isSleeping = specificState.markNotified();
if (isSleeping) {
LOGD(workerId << " has specific read -> write notification");
template void PipeSleepStrategy::notifySpecific<CallerEnvironment::EMPER>(workerid_t workerId);
template void PipeSleepStrategy::notifySpecific<CallerEnvironment::ANYWHERE>(workerid_t workerId);
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
void PipeSleepStrategy::onNewWorkNotification(IoContext& io, TaggedPtr data) {
if constexpr (callerEnvironment != CallerEnvironment::OWNER) {
DIE_MSG("Others reaping new work notification from " << io.worker->getWorkerId() << " CQ");
assert(data.getTag() == static_cast<uint16_t>(IoContext::PointerTags::NewWorkNotification));
if (data.isMarked()) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(sleepState.lock);
LOGD("Got specific notification");
// Reset specific and notified flag to indicate that a new specific notification
// was consumed, a new specific read must be prepared and other notifySpecific
// calls must notify again.
} else {
LOGD("Got new work notification");
// Reset global flag to indicate that a new sleep cqe must be prepared
// and allow the completer to reap completions again
sleepState.globalReadInflight = false;
template void PipeSleepStrategy::onNewWorkNotification<CallerEnvironment::OWNER>(IoContext& io,
TaggedPtr data);
template void PipeSleepStrategy::onNewWorkNotification<CallerEnvironment::EMPER>(IoContext& io,
TaggedPtr data);
template void PipeSleepStrategy::onNewWorkNotification<CallerEnvironment::ANYWHERE>(IoContext& io,
TaggedPtr data);
} // namespace emper::sleep_strategy
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
// Copyright © 2021 Florian Fischer
// Copyright © 2021-2022 Florian Fischer
#pragma once
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
#include "CallerEnvironment.hpp"
......@@ -16,158 +12,20 @@
#include "Debug.hpp"
#include "FiberHint.hpp"
#include "emper-common.h"
#include "lib/TaggedPtr.hpp"
#include "sleep_strategy/AbstractIoSleepStrategy.hpp"
#include "sleep_strategy/AbstractWorkerSleepStrategy.hpp"
#include "sleep_strategy/SleeperState.hpp"
#include "sleep_strategy/Stats.hpp"
class Runtime;
namespace emper::io {
class IoContext;
namespace emper::sleep_strategy {
* @brief A pipe(2) based sleep strategy combining the IO subsystem with the sleep strategy
* implement a pipe based sleep strategy using the IO subsystem
* Design goals
* ============
* * Wakeup either on external newWork notifications or on local IO completions
* -> Sleep strategy is sound without the IO completer
* * Do as less as possible in a system saturated with work
* * Pass a hint where to find new work to suspended workers
* Algorithm
* =========
* Data:
* Global:
* global pipe
* sleepers count
* Per worker:
* dispatch hint buffer
* specific pipe
* state lock
* sleep state
* Sleep:
* Lock state
* If state == notified
* Set state = running
* return
* If we have no global sleep request in flight
* Atomic increment sleep count
* Skip sleeping if sleep count was < 0
* Mark sleep requests in flight
* Prepare read cqe from the global pipe to dispatch hint buffer
* If state == running
* Set state = sleeping
* Prepare marked read cqe from the specific pipe to dispatch hint buffer
* Unlock state
* Wait until IO completions occurred
* NotifyEmper(n):
* if observed sleepers <= 0
* return
* // Determine how many we are responsible to wake
* do
* toWakeup = min(observed sleepers, n)
* while (!CAS(sleepers, toWakeup))
* write toWakeup hints to the hint pipe
* NotifyAnywhere(n):
* // Ensure all n notifications take effect
* while (!CAS(sleepers, observed sleepers - n))
* if observed sleeping <= -n
* return
* toWakeup = min(observed sleeping, n)
* write toWakeup hints to the hint pipe
* NotifySpecific(w):
* Get w's state
* Lock state
* Return if already notified
* Mark state notified
* Write hint if was stat was sleeping
* onNewWorkCompletion:
* If data is marked
* lock state
* set state = running
* return
* Reset global read inflight
* Notes
* =====
* * We must decrement the sleepers count on the notifier side to
* prevent multiple notifiers to observe all the same amount of sleepers,
* trying to wake up the same sleepers by writing to the pipe and jamming it up
* with unconsumed hints and thus blocking in the notify write resulting
* in a deadlock.
* * The CAS loops on the notifier side are needed because decrementing
* and incrementing the excess is racy: Two notifier can observe the
* sum of both their excess decrement and increment to much resulting in a
* broken counter.
* * Add the dispatch hint code in AbstractWorkStealingScheduler::nextFiber.
* This allows workers to check the dispatch hint after there
* where no local work to execute.
* This is a trade-off where we trade slower wakeup - a just awoken worker
* will check for local work - against a faster dispatch hot path when
* we have work to do in our local WSQ.
* * Other thread must not reap new work notifications because this
* would introduces a race for cqes and a possible
* lost wakeup if the other consumes the completions before the worker
* is actually waiting for them.
* * When notifying sleeping workers from anywhere we must ensure that all
* notifications take effect. This is needed for example when terminating
* the runtime to prevent sleep attempt from worker thread which are
* about to sleep but have not incremented the sleeper count yet.
* We achieve this by always decrementing the sleeper count by the notification
* count.
class PipeSleepStrategy : AbstractWorkerSleepStrategy<PipeSleepStrategy>,
public Logger<LogSubsystem::SLEEP_S> {
friend class emper::io::IoContext;
* @brief State of a worker
class SleepState {
friend class PipeSleepStrategy;
bool globalReadInflight = false;
std::mutex lock;
emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState s = emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Running;
auto markNotified() -> bool {
auto oldS = s;
s = emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Notified;
return oldS == emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Sleeping;
void markSleeping() { s = emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Sleeping; }
void markRunning() { s = emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Running; }
auto isNotified() const -> bool { return s == emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Notified; }
auto isSleeping() const -> bool { return s == emper::sleep_strategy::SleeperState::Sleeping; }
SleepState** sleepStates;
static thread_local SleepState sleepState;
class PipeSleepStrategy : public AbstractWorkerSleepStrategy<PipeSleepStrategy>,
public AbstractIoSleepStrategy {
class Pipe {
friend class PipeSleepStrategy;
int sleepFd;
......@@ -186,21 +44,9 @@ class PipeSleepStrategy : AbstractWorkerSleepStrategy<PipeSleepStrategy>,
const workerid_t workerCount;
Pipe global;
* @brief Per worker pipe to notify specific workers
Pipe** pipes;
static thread_local Pipe pipe;
Stats stats;
// Make sure the shared counter lives in an exlusive cache line
CACHE_LINE_EXCLUSIVE(std::atomic<int64_t>, sleepers);
void writeNotifications(emper::FiberHint hint, int64_t count) {
void writeNotifications(emper::FiberHint hint, unsigned count) {
std::vector<void*> hints(count, hint);
......@@ -211,113 +57,18 @@ class PipeSleepStrategy : AbstractWorkerSleepStrategy<PipeSleepStrategy>,
void writeSpecificNotification(workerid_t workerId) {
const void* b = nullptr;
ssize_t res = write(pipes[workerId]->notifyFd, &b, sizeof(b));
if (unlikely(res) < 0) {
DIE_MSG_ERRNO("writing to the notifyFd of worker " << workerId << " failed");
void writeNotificationsFromEmper(emper::FiberHint hint, unsigned count) override {
writeNotifications(hint, count);
void notifyFromEmper(int64_t& sleeping, emper::FiberHint hint, int64_t count) {
int64_t toWakeup;
// We need to decrement the sleeper count on the notification side
// to prevent overcommiting notifications, filling up the pipe which results
// in notify calls to block on write.
// And the CAS loop is needed because we don't want to decrement the sleepers
// count to much.
// Decrement the sleeper count for each sleeper we are going to wakeup
do {
// No one is sleeping -> we don't need to notify
if (sleeping <= 0) {
// Count of sleepers we notify
toWakeup = std::min(sleeping, count);
} while (!sleepers.compare_exchange_weak(sleeping, sleeping - toWakeup,
std::memory_order_release, std::memory_order_acquire));
// increment the notify stat if we actually have to notify someone
writeNotifications(hint, toWakeup);
LOGD("notifyFromEmper written "
<< toWakeup << " notifications and set sleepers count to: " << sleeping - toWakeup);
void notifyFromAnywhere(int64_t& sleeping, emper::FiberHint hint, int64_t count) {
// If we observe nobody sleeping we need to prevent sleep locks when
// everybody is about to sleep but none has incremented the sleepers count yet.
// We prevent the next sleep from blocking by setting the sleeper count to
// the negative amount we want to prevent from sleeping.
// More general if we notify from anywhere we need all notifications to take
// effect. Only notifying the sleepers we observe may not be enough.
// For example when terminating the runtime we notify all workers if we
// only wakeup the ones we observe sleeping we may never terminate because
// after we notified all we observed new one went to sleep which will never
// be notified.
// To prevent this we make sure that all count notifications take effect
// by making the sleepers count negative and thus preventing at least count
// sleep attempts.
int64_t newSleeping;
do {
// We already prevent enough sleep attempts
if (sleeping <= -count) {
LOGD("notifyFromAnywhere sleeper count already preventing enough sleep attempts");
// Don't decrease the sleeper count in the CAS loop further than -count,
// which is the threshold we need to ensure that the notifications will be
// observed.
// Decreasing it further than this threshold is not faulty it just
// results in unnecessary skipped sleeps.
newSleeping = std::max(-count, sleeping - count);
} while (!sleepers.compare_exchange_weak(sleeping, newSleeping, std::memory_order_release,
// To wakeup should not be negative but could be if sleeping was already negative
int64_t toWakeup = std::max(std::min(sleeping, count), 0L);
if (toWakeup > 0) {
writeNotifications(hint, toWakeup);
LOGD("notifyFromAnywhere written "
<< toWakeup << " notifications and set sleepers count to: " << newSleeping);
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
void notify(emper::FiberHint hint, uint32_t count) {
// The hint must be != nullptr so sleep() knows when to prepare and submit
// a sleepFd read sqe.
int64_t sleeping = getSleeping();
auto signedCount = static_cast<int64_t>(count);
if constexpr (callerEnvironment == CallerEnvironment::ANYWHERE) {
notifyFromAnywhere(sleeping, hint, signedCount);
} else {
notifyFromEmper(sleeping, hint, signedCount);
void writeNotificationsFromAnywhere(emper::FiberHint hint, unsigned count) override {
writeNotifications(hint, count);
PipeSleepStrategy(Runtime& runtime, workerid_t workerCount);
PipeSleepStrategy(Runtime& runtime, workerid_t workerCount)
: AbstractIoSleepStrategy(runtime, workerCount) {}
void printStats(std::ostream& out = std::cout) { stats.print(out); }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto getSleeping() const -> long { return sleepers.load(); }
void printStats(std::ostream& out = std::cout) { AbstractIoSleepStrategy::printStats(out); }
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
inline void notifyOne() {
......@@ -336,10 +87,10 @@ class PipeSleepStrategy : AbstractWorkerSleepStrategy<PipeSleepStrategy>,
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
void notifySpecific(workerid_t workerId);
inline void notifySpecific(workerid_t workerId) {
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
void onNewWorkNotification(emper::io::IoContext& io, emper::lib::TaggedPtr data);
void sleep();
void sleep() override;
} // namespace emper::sleep_strategy
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
// Copyright © 2021 Florian Fischer
#include "sleep_strategy/WaitfdSleepStrategy.hpp"
#include <liburing.h>
#include <syscall.h>
#include "Emper.hpp"
#include "FiberSource.hpp"
#include "Runtime.hpp"
#include "io/IoContext.hpp"
using emper::io::IoContext;
static const unsigned IOURING_REGISTER_WAITFD = 20;
struct io_uring_waitfd_registration {
void* hint;
int fd;
namespace emper::sleep_strategy {
uint32_t WaitfdSleepStrategy::WAITFD_NOTIFY_AND_PREVENT_SLEEP = 1;
WaitfdSleepStrategy::WaitfdSleepStrategy(Runtime& runtime, workerid_t workerCount,
unsigned waitfdFlags)
: AbstractIoSleepStrategy(runtime, workerCount), waitfdFlags(waitfdFlags) {
long res = syscall(__NR_waitfd, &sleepers, waitfdFlags);
if (res < 0) {
DIE_MSG_ERRNO("creating waitfd failed");
waitfd = static_cast<int>(res);
if constexpr (emper::IO_NOTIFICATION) {
auto registerWaitFd = [this](workerid_t workerId) {
IoContext& io = *IoContext::getWorkerIo();
emper::FiberHint hint(workerId, emper::FiberSource::hintIo);
struct io_uring_waitfd_registration reg {
hint, this->waitfd
long ret = syscall(__NR_io_uring_register, io.ring.ring_fd, IOURING_REGISTER_WAITFD, &reg,
if (ret) {
DIE_MSG_ERRNO("failed to register waitfd for worker " << workerId);
WaitfdSleepStrategy::~WaitfdSleepStrategy() {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < workerCount; ++i) close(evfds[i]);
delete[] evfds;
void WaitfdSleepStrategy::sleep() {
IoContext& io = *IoContext::getWorkerIo();
auto customLogic = [this, &io] {
// waitfd non-blocking reads will always return -EAGAIN and waitfd is not pollable
// therefore we can skip that and immediately issue the read in an async manner.
uint8_t sqe_flags = 0;
if constexpr (emper::IO_PUNT_WAITFD_READ) sqe_flags |= IOSQE_ASYNC;
prepareSleepRead(io, waitfd, sqe_flags);
LOGD("prepared waitfd read");
return true;
const bool shouldSleep = prepareSleep(io, customLogic);
if (!shouldSleep) return;
} // namespace emper::sleep_strategy
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
// Copyright © 2021 Florian Fischer
#pragma once
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "CallerEnvironment.hpp"
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "Debug.hpp"
#include "FiberHint.hpp"
#include "emper-common.h"
#include "emper-config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "lib/LinuxVersion.hpp"
#include "sleep_strategy/AbstractIoSleepStrategy.hpp"
#include "sleep_strategy/AbstractWorkerSleepStrategy.hpp"
class Runtime;
#ifndef __NR_waitfd
static const unsigned __NR_waitfd = []() -> unsigned {
if (EMPER_LINUX_GE("5.17"))
return 451;
else if (EMPER_LINUX_GE("5.16"))
return 450;
return 449;
namespace emper::sleep_strategy {
class WaitfdSleepStrategy : public AbstractWorkerSleepStrategy<WaitfdSleepStrategy>,
public AbstractIoSleepStrategy {
int waitfd;
enum class WaitfdFlags {
none = 0,
accounting = 1,
waitFree = 2,
bestEffort = 4,
const unsigned waitfdFlags;
struct WaitfdNotification {
void* d;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t count;
static auto getDefaultWaitfdFlags() -> unsigned {
unsigned flags = 0;
flags = static_cast<unsigned>(WaitfdFlags::EMPER_WAITFD_FLAGS);
const auto* flagsEnvVal = std::getenv("EMPER_WAITFD_FLAGS");
if (flagsEnvVal) {
const std::string envValStr(flagsEnvVal);
if (envValStr == "accounting")
flags = static_cast<unsigned>(WaitfdFlags::accounting);
else if (envValStr == "wait-free")
flags = static_cast<unsigned>(WaitfdFlags::waitFree);
else if (envValStr == "best-effort")
flags = static_cast<unsigned>(WaitfdFlags::bestEffort);
DIE_MSG("Unknown waitfd flags specified in environment: " << envValStr);
return flags;
void writeNotifications(emper::FiberHint hint, uint32_t flags, int32_t count) {
struct WaitfdNotification notification = {hint, flags, static_cast<uint32_t>(count)};
LOGD("write: {" << notification.d << ", " << notification.flags << ", " << notification.count
<< "}");
ssize_t res = write(waitfd, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&notification), sizeof(notification));
if (unlikely(res) < 0) {
DIE_MSG_ERRNO("writing to waitfd failed");
void writeNotificationsFromEmper(emper::FiberHint hint, unsigned count) override {
writeNotifications(hint, 0, count);
void writeNotificationsFromAnywhere(emper::FiberHint hint, unsigned count) override {
writeNotifications(hint, WAITFD_NOTIFY_AND_PREVENT_SLEEP, count);
// If the waitfd implementation does the sleeper accounting in kernel space
// we must not decrement the sleeper count in userspace.
auto getSleeperCountToWakeupEmper(int64_t& sleeping, int64_t count) -> uint64_t override {
if (waitfdFlags != static_cast<unsigned>(WaitfdFlags::accounting))
return AbstractIoSleepStrategy::getSleeperCountToWakeupEmper(sleeping, count);
const int64_t toWakeup = std::min(sleeping, count);
LOGD("notifyFromEmper writes " << toWakeup << " notifications");
return toWakeup > 0 ? static_cast<uint64_t>(toWakeup) : 0;
auto getSleeperCountToWakeupAnywhere(int64_t& sleeping, int64_t count) -> uint64_t override {
if (waitfdFlags != static_cast<unsigned>(WaitfdFlags::accounting))
return AbstractIoSleepStrategy::getSleeperCountToWakeupAnywhere(sleeping, count);
if (sleeping <= -count) {
LOGD("notifyFromAnywhere sleeper count already preventing enough sleep attempts");
return 0;
LOGD("notifyFromAnywhere writes " << count << " notifications");
return static_cast<uint64_t>(count);
WaitfdSleepStrategy(Runtime& runtime, workerid_t workerCount,
unsigned waitfdFlags = getDefaultWaitfdFlags());
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
inline void notifyOne() {
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
inline void notifyMany(unsigned count) {
if (count > 1) LOGD("notify(hint, " << count << ")");
notify<callerEnvironment>(emper::FiberHint::createNewWorkHint<callerEnvironment>(), count);
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
inline void notifyAll() {
template <CallerEnvironment callerEnvironment>
inline void notifySpecific(ATTR_UNUSED workerid_t workerId) {
void printStats(std::ostream& out = std::cout) { AbstractIoSleepStrategy::printStats(out); }
void sleep() override;
} // namespace emper::sleep_strategy
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
// Copyright © 2021 Florian Fischer
// Copyright © 2021-2022 Florian Fischer
#pragma once
......@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
#include "sleep_strategy/PipeSleepStrategy.hpp"
#include "sleep_strategy/WaitfdSleepStrategy.hpp"
#error Unknown WorkerSleepStrategy implementation
......@@ -19,5 +22,8 @@ using WorkerSleepStrategy = SemaphoreWorkerSleepStrategy;
using WorkerSleepStrategy = PipeSleepStrategy;
using WorkerSleepStrategy = WaitfdSleepStrategy;
} // namespace emper::sleep_strategy
emper_cpp_sources += files(
......@@ -149,11 +149,24 @@ auto AbstractWorkStealingScheduler::nextFiberViaAnywhereQueue() -> std::optional
return std::nullopt;
auto AbstractWorkStealingScheduler::tryStealFiberFrom(workerid_t victim)
auto AbstractWorkStealingScheduler::tryStealIoCompletionFrom(workerid_t victim)
-> std::optional<NextFiberResult> {
auto* victimIo = runtime.ioContexts[victim];
Fiber* fiber = victimIo->reapSingleCompletion<CallerEnvironment::EMPER>();
if (fiber) {
return NextFiberResult{fiber, emper::FiberSource::ioStolen};
return std::nullopt;
auto AbstractWorkStealingScheduler::tryStealWorkFrom(workerid_t victim)
-> std::optional<NextFiberResult> {
constexpr int maxRetries = emper::WAITFREE_WORK_STEALING ? 0 : -1;
AbstractFiber* fiber;
StealingResult res = queues[victim]->popTop<maxRetries>(&fiber);
if (res == StealingResult::Stolen) {
......@@ -163,13 +176,16 @@ popTop:
return NextFiberResult{fiber, emper::FiberSource::stolen};
return std::nullopt;
auto AbstractWorkStealingScheduler::tryStealFiberFrom(workerid_t victim)
-> std::optional<NextFiberResult> {
auto result = tryStealWorkFrom(victim);
if (result) return result;
if constexpr (emper::IO_STEALING) {
auto* victimIo = runtime.ioContexts[victim];
fiber = victimIo->reapSingleCompletion<CallerEnvironment::EMPER>();
if (fiber) {
return NextFiberResult{fiber, emper::FiberSource::ioStolen};
return tryStealIoCompletionFrom(victim);
return std::nullopt;
......@@ -204,7 +220,7 @@ popBottom:
switch (source) {
case emper::FiberSource::hintWsq: {
const auto victim = dispatchHint.getWorker();
const auto stolen = tryStealFiberFrom(victim);
const auto stolen = tryStealWorkFrom(victim);
if (stolen) {
......@@ -220,6 +236,15 @@ popBottom:
case emper::FiberSource::hintIo: {
const auto victim = dispatchHint.getWorker();
const auto stolenIo = tryStealIoCompletionFrom(victim);
if (stolenIo) {
return NextFiberResult{(*stolenIo).fiber, emper::FiberSource::hintIo};
DIE_MSG("invalid dispatch hint");
......@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ class AbstractWorkStealingScheduler : public Scheduler {
auto nextFiberViaAnywhereQueue() -> std::optional<NextFiberResult>;
auto tryStealWorkFrom(workerid_t victim) -> std::optional<NextFiberResult>;
auto tryStealIoCompletionFrom(workerid_t victim) -> std::optional<NextFiberResult>;
auto tryStealFiberFrom(workerid_t victim) -> std::optional<NextFiberResult>;
bool queueFullWarningEmitted = false;
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ void AbstractWorkStealingStats::print(std::ostream& out) {
<< std::to_string(comulatedWorkerStats.nextFiberFromHintLocal) << std::endl
<< "total-next-fiber-hint-anywherequeue: "
<< std::to_string(comulatedWorkerStats.nextFiberFromHintAnywhere) << std::endl
<< "total-next-fiber-hint-io: " << std::to_string(comulatedWorkerStats.nextFiberFromHintIo)
<< std::endl
<< "total-next-fiber-stolen: " << std::to_string(comulatedWorkerStats.nextFiberStolen)
<< std::endl
<< "total-next-io-fiber-stolen: " << std::to_string(comulatedWorkerStats.nextIoFiberStolen)
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ auto AbstractWorkStealingWorkerStats::operator+=(const AbstractWorkStealingWorke
nextFiberFromLocal += other.nextFiberFromLocal;
nextFiberFromHintLocal += other.nextFiberFromHintLocal;
nextFiberFromHintAnywhere += other.nextFiberFromHintAnywhere;
nextFiberFromHintIo += other.nextFiberFromHintIo;
nextFiberStolen += other.nextFiberStolen;
nextIoFiberStolen += other.nextIoFiberStolen;
nextFiberFromAnywhereQueue += other.nextFiberFromAnywhereQueue;
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class AbstractWorkStealingWorkerStats {
uint64_t nextFiberFromLocal = 0;
uint64_t nextFiberFromHintLocal = 0;
uint64_t nextFiberFromHintAnywhere = 0;
uint64_t nextFiberFromHintIo = 0;
uint64_t nextFiberStolen = 0;
uint64_t nextIoFiberStolen = 0;
uint64_t nextFiberFromAnywhereQueue = 0;
......@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ conf_data.set('EMPER_STATS_STACK_USAGE', stats_stack_usage)
conf_data.set('EMPER_STATS_WORKER_SLEEP', stats_worker_sleep)
conf_data.set('EMPER_STATS_BLOCKED_CONTEXT', stats_blocked_context)
conf_data.set('EMPER_STATS_BLOCKED_CONTEXT_COUNT', stats_blocked_context_count)
conf_data.set('EMPER_WAITFD_FLAGS', get_option('waitfd_flags'))
context_alignment = get_option('context_alignment')
if context_alignment == 'none'
......@@ -142,14 +143,9 @@ endif
semaphore_impl = get_option('wakeup_semaphore_implementation')
conf_data.set('EMPER_' + semaphore_impl.to_upper() + '_WAKEUP_SEMAPHORE', true)
sleep_stratey = get_option('worker_sleep_strategy')
if sleep_stratey == 'semaphore'
elif sleep_stratey == 'pipe'
conf_data.set('EMPER_PIPE_SLEEP_STRATEGY', true)
error('Unsupported sleep strategy')
sleep_strategy = get_option('worker_sleep_strategy')
sleep_strategy_var_name = sleep_strategy.to_upper().replace('-', '_')
conf_data.set('EMPER_' + sleep_strategy_var_name + '_SLEEP_STRATEGY', true)
locked_unbounded_queue_impl = get_option('locked_unbounded_queue_implementation')
if locked_unbounded_queue_impl == 'boost_shared_mutex'
......@@ -195,7 +191,11 @@ io_bool_options = [
{'option': 'try_syscall'},
{'option': 'waitfree_stealing',
'dependencies': {'io_stealing': true, 'io_lockless_cq': true}},
{'option': 'notification',
'dependencies': {'worker_sleep_strategy': 'waitfd'}},
{'option': 'synchronous'},
{'option': 'punt_waitfd_read',
'dependencies': {'worker_sleep_strategy': 'waitfd'}},
io_raw_options = [
......@@ -63,9 +63,22 @@ option(
type: 'combo',
description: 'The used algorithm to suspend and wakeup workers',
choices: ['semaphore', 'pipe'],
choices: ['semaphore', 'pipe', 'waitfd'],
value: 'semaphore',
type: 'combo',
description: 'The flags of the used waitfd',
choices: ['none', 'accounting', 'waitFree', 'bestEffort'],
value: 'none',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Punt the sleep watfd read to the io_wq',
value: false,
type: 'combo',
......@@ -314,6 +327,12 @@ option(
description: 'Use synchronous blocking systemcalls instead of the emper::io subsystem',
value: false,
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Let the kernel notify suspended EMPER workers about new IO completions',
value: false,
type: 'combo',