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  1. Jan 21, 2022
    • Florian Fischer's avatar
      add semaphore using futex_waitv(2) supporting notify_specific · 96a846a1
      Florian Fischer authored
      The SpuriousFutex2Semaphore is able to notify a specific worker
      by using two futexes two wait on.
      One working like a normal semaphore used for global non specific
      notifications via notify() and notify_many().
      And a second one per worker which is based on a SleeperState.
      To notify a specific worker we change its SleeperState to Notified
      and call FUTEX_WAKE if needed.
    • Florian Fischer's avatar
      pass a fiberHint through the onNewWork notifications · 207fba4d
      Florian Fischer authored
      The FiberHint is needed to decide in the runtime which worker to wake up.
      * Hint(Worker, FiberSource::inbox) -> try to notify the specific worker
      * Hint(FiberSource::{local,anywhereQueue}) -> notify anyone
      The first case is needed because due to the new worker local inbox queues
      we must notify the worker of the queue to prevent sleep locks.
      The SemaphoreSleepStrategy already has a notifySpecific implementation
      but it is very naive badly and we should implement new ones.
      The second case is the what the runtime has done before.
      Its WakeupStrategy decides how many workers the SleepStrategy should
      wake up.
      Also remove default CallerEnvironment template parameters to prevent
      errors where the CallerEnvironment was forgotten and not passed on a
      call side.
    • Florian Fischer's avatar
      generalize fiber hints with new emper::FiberHint class · 0ea46b9c
      Florian Fischer authored
      The new class is used when specific location of a Fiber is needed
      it combines a emper::FiberSource with an workerid_t.
      This replaces the hints using TaggedPtrs with IoContext::PointerTags.
      IoContext::PointerTags::NewWork{Wsq,Aq} becomes
    • Florian Fischer's avatar
      introduce new Scheduler::scheduleOn(fiber, workerId) function · 24993175
      Florian Fischer authored
      This function is needed to deal with worker local ressources: io_uring
      requests for example.
      Each worker now always has a MPSC inbox queue which was already used
      in the laws scheduling strategy.
      Fibers can be scheduled to a specific worker using the new
      Scheduler::scheduleOn method.
      Since the inbox queues are now always present we can use a single
      FiberSource enum combining AbstractWorkStealingStrategy::FiberSource
      and LawsStrategy::FiberSource.
      The laws strategy now uses the inbox queues as its priority queues.
      With the only differenze that when scheduling to a inbox queue
      using the Scheduler::scheduleOn the Fiber lifes only in the inbox
      queue and not also simultaneously in a WSQ.
      Unrelated code changes made while touching the code anyway:
      * Introduce FiberSource::io which hints that a Fiber comes from the
        worker's own CQ.
      * Strongly type the fiber's source in NextFiberResult.
      * Make all scheduler functions return std::optional<NextFiberResult>
      * Cleanup the identation in nextFiberResultViaWorkStealing
  2. Jan 18, 2022
  3. Jan 16, 2022
  4. Jan 15, 2022
  5. Jan 14, 2022
  6. Jan 13, 2022
  7. Jan 12, 2022
  8. Jan 11, 2022
  9. Jan 10, 2022
  10. Dec 27, 2021
  11. Dec 25, 2021
    • Florian Fischer's avatar
      make cancellation in all emper variants sound · 9c0f2143
      Florian Fischer authored
      * Document data races of a future's state.
      * Get and set a Future's state only through methods. This helps to
        add possibly needed atomic operations.
      * Use atomics to get/set cancel and prepare state in IO_SINGLE_URING vaiant
      * Add more IO debug messages
      * Use the BPS of Futures with callbacks similar to those of forgotten
        ones to signal their preparation. The preparation mark the
        last moment where the Future is used in EMPER and after that the memory
        can be dropped.
        ATTENTION: This means not that the used resources of the IO request
        can be dropped. The kernel may still use a supplied buffer for example.
      * Fix Future chain cancellation in SubmitActor
  12. Dec 24, 2021
    • Florian Fischer's avatar
      properly cancel future callbacks · 95722c1b
      Florian Fischer authored
      Currently canceling Futures would never happen because we
      issued the cancel request only with the pointer of the future.
      This works more by coincidence than by design because
      the PointerTags::Future tagged onto the submitted future pointer is 0.
      This does not work for callbacks because they are tagged with a
      PointerTags != 0 and they don't use their callback pointer rather
      than the future pointer.
      Fix this by exporting the tagging from IoContext::prepareFutureChain
      into IoContext::createFutureTag and use this when submitting a cancel
      Warn the user that they have to manually take care of the memory safety
      of the callback because we can not await the callback in Future::cancel.
      Add a test case to CancelFutureTest.
  13. Dec 22, 2021
  14. Dec 17, 2021