- Jan 26, 2021
Florian Fischer authored
Florian Fischer authored
Empers IO design is based on a proactor pattern where each worker can issue IO requests through its exclusive IoContext object which wraps an io_uring instance. IO completions are reaped at 4 places: 1. After a submit to collect inline completions 2. Before dispatching a new Fiber 3. When no new IO can be submitted because the completion queue is full 4. And by a global completer thread which gets notified about completions on worker IoContexts through registered eventfds All IO requests are modeled as Future objects which can be either instantiated and submitted manually, retrieved by POSIX-like non-blocking or implicitly used by posix-like blocking functions. User facing API is exported in the following headers: * emper/io.hpp (POSIX-like) * emper.h (POSIX-like) * emper/io/Future.hpp Catching short write/reads/sends and resubmitting the request without unblocking the Fiber is supported. Using AlarmFuture objects Fibers have a emper-native way to sleep for a given time. IO request timeouts with TimeoutWrapper class. Request Cancellation is supported with Future::cancel() or the CancelWrapper() Future class. A proactor design demands that buffers are committed to the kernel as long as the request is active. To guaranty memory safety Futures get canceled in their Destructor which will only return after the committed memory is free to use. Linking Futures to chains is supported using the Future::SetDependency() method. Future are submitted when their last Future gets submitted. A linked Request will start if the previous has finished. Error or partial completions will cancel the not started tail of a chain. TODO: Handle possible situations where the CQ of the global completer is full and no more sqe can be submitted to the SQ.
Florian Fischer authored
This feature must be activated using the blocked_context_set meson option.
- Jan 25, 2021
Florian Schmaus authored
De-duplicate work-stealing scheduling code See merge request i4/manycore/emper!69
- Jan 22, 2021
Florian Schmaus authored
[tools] Add script to fix the includes with IWYU Closes #8 See merge request i4/manycore/emper!70
Florian Schmaus authored
This introduces AbstractWorkStealingScheduler which holds the common work-stealing scheduling strategy.
Florian Schmaus authored
Fixes #8.
- Jan 14, 2021
Florian Schmaus authored
[test] Add EMPER test runner See merge request i4/manycore/emper!48
Florian Schmaus authored
Florian Schmaus authored
Add option to include timestamp in EMPER log messages See merge request i4/manycore/emper!68
- Jan 13, 2021
Florian Schmaus authored
This also changes emper_log so that a std::ostringstream is used to assemble the log message.
Florian Schmaus authored
Florian Schmaus authored
[tests] Include fiberNum in SimpleActorTest WDBG() log See merge request i4/manycore/emper!67
- Jan 12, 2021
Florian Schmaus authored
[LAWS] Attempt to steal from all other workers instead of just one Closes #6 See merge request i4/manycore/emper!66
Florian Schmaus authored
Florian Schmaus authored
The LAWS strategy, unlike the WS strategy, previously only attempted to steal from one victim, instead of trying all other workers. This probably caused SimpleActorTest to sporadically timeout, as all workers went to sleep. With this change, LAWS attempts, just like WS, to steal from all other workers. In a next step, we may want to reduce the duplicated code resulting from this. Fixes #6.
Florian Schmaus authored
[Runtime] Add missing constexpr See merge request i4/manycore/emper!65
Florian Schmaus authored
Florian Fischer <florian.fl.fischer@fau.de>
- Jan 11, 2021
Florian Schmaus authored
Worker wakeup strategy enum See merge request i4/manycore/emper!62
Florian Schmaus authored
Florian Schmaus authored
Initiailze the WORKER_WAKEUP_STRATEGY via the contents of the EMPER_WORKER_WAKEUP_STRATEGY macro. This makes it easier to add additional strategies later on.
Florian Schmaus authored
emper/emper/Worker.hpp:10:7: error: Excessive padding in 'class Worker' (123 padding bytes, where 59 is optimal). Optimal fields order: seed, workerId, consider reordering the fields or adding explicit padding members [clang-analyzer-optin.performance.Padding,-warnings-as-errors]
Florian Schmaus authored
[tests] Increase test timeout from 60 seconds to 180 seconds See merge request i4/manycore/emper!64
Florian Schmaus authored
We see SimpleActorTest timing out a lot in our CI when LAWS is used, and from the logs it appears likely that this is a valid timeout (versus the test just being stuck). Let us increase the test timeout and see if it helps. Or if it is a "real" timeout.
Florian Schmaus authored
[tests] Increase test timeout from 60 seconds to 180 seconds See merge request i4/manycore/emper!63
Florian Schmaus authored
We see SimpleActorTest timing out a lot in our CI, and from the logs it appears likely that this is a valid timeout (versus the test just being stuck). Let us increase the test timeout and see if it helps.
- Jan 06, 2021
Florian Schmaus authored
Fix headers when EMPER_LOG_OFF is defined See merge request !59
Florian Schmaus authored
make worker wakeup strategy compile time configurable See merge request i4/manycore/emper!61
- Jan 05, 2021
Florian Fischer authored
- Jan 04, 2021
Florian Schmaus authored
[Runtime] notify only one sleeping worker on new work See merge request !60
- Dec 19, 2020
Florian Fischer authored
This prevents a trampling herd effect on the AnywhereQueue and the workerSleep mutex. On workloads where not all workers are busy it greatly reduces used CPU time because not all workers wake up just to sleep again. For hight intensity workloads when al workers are busy handling there own work this change should not have any impact because then sleeping workers are rare. This claim is backed by the experiments I did on faui49big02 (40 cores / 80 hw threads). I measured the time and resources used by our tests/Echoserver handling incremental amount of connections (one connection per client process, each connection issued 100000 echos) con 100k echos time[ns] user-time[s] sys-time[s] cpu-used notify_all 1 49008685297 217.86 626.26 1650% notify_one 1 31304750273 9.40 8.33 53% notify_all 10 76487793595 665.45 1295.19 2484% notify_one 10 35674140605 188.77 68.26 656% ... notify_all 40 102469333659 4255.30 363.86 4399% notify_one 40 105289161995 4167.43 322.69 4169% notify_all 80 76883202092 3418.44 409.64 4762% notify_one 80 68856748614 2878.56 397.66 4548% Although I would not absolutely trust the numbers because there are from only one run and quit a bit of randomness is inherent to emper because of the work stealing scheduling. Nonetheless they show three interesting points: 1. CPU usage for low intensity workloads is drastically reduced. 2. Impact of notify_one get smaller the more intense the workload gets. 3. Somehow emper performs significantly worse for 40 than for 80 connections Command used to generate results: for i in 1 10 20 30 40 80; do /usr/bin/time -v build-release/tests/EchoServer 2>> notify_all.txt & sleep 2; tests/echo_client.py -p ${i} -c 1 -i 100000 >> notify_all.txt && echo "quit" | nc localhost 12345; done Full results can be found here: notify_all: https://termbin.com/6zba notify_one: https://termbin.com/3bsi
- Dec 18, 2020
Florian Fischer authored
Florian Schmaus authored
[Runtime] don't allocate threads array twice See merge request i4/manycore/emper!58
- Dec 17, 2020
Florian Schmaus authored
handle UnboundedBlockingMpscQueue spurious wake-ups Closes #4 See merge request i4/manycore/emper!57
Florian Schmaus authored
Add meson option for scheduling strategy and according CI jobs See merge request i4/manycore/emper!53
Florian Fischer authored
A spurious wake-up can be produced by the new UnblockOnMainActorTest which triggers the assert(!mpscQueue.empty()) in UnboundedBlockingMpscQueue::get. Those spurious wake-ups are possible because the push and wake-up pair in UnboundedBlockingMpscQueue::put are not atomic. The following sequence diagram demonstrates a spurious wake-up: T1 T2 Q . . { } put(e) . { } push 54-57 . {e} . get() {e} . consume e { } . . { } . get() { } . block { } unblock . { } . . { } . wakeup { } . . { } X assert(!queue.Empty()) To deal with spurious wake-ups we recheck the wake-up condition (a non empty queue) and block again if we find it empty. We assume spurious wake-ups are rare because it was difficult to reproduce them even with a dedicated Test (the new UnblockOnMainActorTest) therefore we declare the empty queue branch as unlikely. Fixes #4.
Florian Fischer authored
the threads array is initialized using the Runtime::Runtime initializer list and afterwards again in the constructor.
Florian Schmaus authored
Florian Fischer <florian.fl.fischer@fau.de>
- Dec 14, 2020
Florian Schmaus authored
Various small changes See merge request i4/manycore/emper!55
Florian Schmaus authored