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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. May 05, 2017
    • Jeff Sharkey's avatar
      Allow installd to delete files via sdcardfs. · 72f4c619
      Jeff Sharkey authored
      When installd clears cached files on external storage, the sdcardfs
      kernel filesystem needs to be kept in the loop to release any cached
      dentries that it's holding onto.  (Otherwise the underlying disk
      space isn't actually released.)
      installd can already delete the underlying files directly (via the
      media_rw_data_file rules), so this technically isn't expanding its
      avc: granted { search } for name="/" dev="tmpfs" ino=6897 scontext=u:r:installd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:tmpfs:s0 tclass=dir
      avc: denied { open } for path="/mnt/runtime/default/emulated/0/Android/data" dev="sdcardfs" ino=589830 scontext=u:r:installd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sdcardfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
      avc: denied { write } for name="" dev="sdcardfs" ino=590040 scontext=u:r:installd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sdcardfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
      avc: denied { remove_name } for name="cache_r.m" dev="sdcardfs" ino=589868 scontext=u:r:installd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sdcardfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
      avc: denied { getattr } for path="/mnt/runtime/default/emulated/0/Android/data/.nomedia" dev="sdcardfs" ino=589831 scontext=u:r:installd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sdcardfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
      Test: cts-tradefed run commandAndExit cts-dev -m CtsAppSecurityHostTestCases -t android.appsecurity.cts.StorageHostTest
      Bug: 37486230
      Change-Id: Icfd00a9ba379b1f50c48fe85849304cf9859bcb2
  2. May 04, 2017
    • Dimitry Ivanov's avatar
      Allow getattr on tempfs files · a0d3ff8e
      Dimitry Ivanov authored
      This is needed by linker to be able to load libraries from memfd
      which currently generated following denial:
      avc: denied { getattr } for path=2F6D656D66643A666F6F626172202864656C6574656429 dev="tmpfs" ino=902079 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_tmpfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
      Bug: http://b/37245203
      Bug: http://b/37916741
      Test: builds
      Change-Id: I5b57b6cada50a62657c8daaaaaa56f1ee9cdb376
  3. May 02, 2017
  4. Apr 29, 2017
    • Hassan Shojania's avatar
      Allow mediaserver to access fd allocated by hal_graphics_composer · a91e3e82
      Hassan Shojania authored
      Bug:  37713584
      Test: With GtsMediaTestCases.apk installed, try:
            adb shell am instrument -w
            -e class ''
      Change-Id: Icc2066e9d9bbc5c020b6d694e9627487771ef35e
    • Andreas Gampe's avatar
      Sepolicy: Fix new access from the linker for postinstall · bddd1893
      Andreas Gampe authored
      The linker now requires getattr rights for the filesystem. Otherwise
      linking otapreopt and patchoat/dex2oat will fail.
      Bug: 37776530
      Test: m
      Test: manual OTA
      Change-Id: I1351fbfa101beca4ba80f84b0dd9dbcabe2c9d39
  5. Apr 28, 2017
    • Jeff Vander Stoep's avatar
      Add default label and mapping for vendor services · 082eae4e
      Jeff Vander Stoep authored
      Adding the default label/mapping is important because:
      1.  Lookups of services without an selinux label should generate
          a denial.
      2.  In permissive mode, lookups of a service without a label should be
          be allowed, without the default label service manager disallows
      3.  We can neverallow use of the default label.
      Bug: 37762790
      Test: Build and flash policy onto Marlin with unlabeled vendor services.
          Add/find of unlabeled vendor services generate a denial.
      Change-Id: I66531deedc3f9b79616f5d0681c87ed66aca5b80
      (cherry picked from commit 639a2b84)
    • Steven Moreland's avatar
      Remove audio from socket_between.._violators · b0ed9363
      Steven Moreland authored
      Test: Play Music over BT headset
      Bug: 37640821
      Change-Id: I1fe6c9a289315dc0118888e19250cd64aee9a0d5
  6. Apr 27, 2017
  7. Apr 26, 2017
    • Nick Kralevich's avatar
      relax fuse_device neverallow rules · 45766d41
      Nick Kralevich authored
      The fuse_device neverallow rules are too aggressive and are inhibiting
      certain vendor customizations. Relax the /dev/fuse neverallow rules so
      that they better reflect the security invariants we want to uphold.
      Bug: 37496487
      Test: policy compiles.
      Change-Id: Ie73b0ba7c76446afc2a7a23ebed1275c977d932d
  8. Apr 25, 2017
    • Jeff Tinker's avatar
      Allow DRM hal to access fd allocated by mediaserver · 3bc24e68
      Jeff Tinker authored
      Test: gts-tradefed run gts -m GtsMediaTestCases -t
      Change-Id: I9c2d446118d3a5f729730b75ec117954e383159b
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Assert ban on framework <-> vendor comms over VndBinder · 00657834
      Alex Klyubin authored
      This adds neverallow rules which enforce the prohibition on
      communication between framework and vendor components over VendorBinder.
      This prohibition is similar in spirit to the one for Binder
      Most changes consist of adding neverallow rules, which do not affect
      runtime behavior. The only change which does affect runtime behavior
      is the change which takes away the right of servicemanager domain to
      transfer Binder tokens to hwservicemanager and vndservicemanager. This
      grant was there by accident (because it was overly broad) and is not
      expected to be needed: servicemanager, hwservicemanager, and
      vndservicemanager are not supposed to be communicating with each
      P. S. The new neverallow rules in app_neverallows.te are covered by
      the new rules in domain.te. The rules were nevertheless added to
      app_neverallows.te for consistency with other *Binder rules there.
      Test: mmm system/sepolicy
      Bug: 37663632
      Change-Id: I7c2ae23924bf0f2fed3f1e3a8d4d603129286329
  9. Apr 24, 2017
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Assert apps can access only approved HwBinder services · 2a7f4fb0
      Alex Klyubin authored
      App domains which host arbitrary code must not have access to
      arbitrary HwBinder services. Such access unnecessarily increases the
      attack surface. The reason is twofold:
      1. HwBinder servers do not perform client authentication because HIDL
         currently does not expose caller UID information and, even if it
         did, many HwBinder services either operate at a layer below that of
         apps (e.g., HALs) or must not rely on app identity for
         authorization. Thus, to be safe, the default assumption is that
         a HwBinder service treats all its clients as equally authorized to
         perform operations offered by the service.
      2. HAL servers (a subset of HwBinder services) contain code with
         higher incidence rate of security issues than system/core
         components and have access to lower layes of the stack (all the way
         down to hardware) thus increasing opportunities for bypassing the
         Android security model.
      HwBinder services offered by core components (as opposed to vendor
      components) are considered safer because of point #2 above.
      Always same-process aka always-passthrough HwBinder services are
      considered safe for access by these apps. This is because these HALs
      by definition do not offer any additional access beyond what its
      client already as, because these services run in the process of the
      This commit thus introduces these two categories of HwBinder services
      in neverallow rules.
      Test: mmm system/sepolicy -- this does not change on-device policy
      Bug: 34454312
      Change-Id: I4f5f4dd10b3fc3bb9d262dda532d4a23dcdf061d
  10. Apr 21, 2017
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Relax neverallow for video_device access · 3ef2d51b
      Alex Klyubin authored
      On fugu, surfaceflinger is Graphics Allocator HAL. surfaceflinger
      needs access to video_device. This commit thus relaxes the neverallow
      rule which says that out of all HALs, only Camera HAL can access
      video_device. The rule is relaxed to exclude HALs offered by
      framework/system image.
      Test: fugu boots
      Bug: 37575062
      Change-Id: I9b9be55fe0bf3928f1a6342113a7d6f9a2eb0260
    • Daniel Nicoara's avatar
      Allow vr_hwc and virtual_touchpad to query for permissions · 1fc07550
      Daniel Nicoara authored
      Allow the services to do binder calls to system_server in order to check
      for app permissions.
      Bug: 37542947
      Test: Compiled and ran on device ensuring no permission errors
      Change-Id: If91895607eb118f689cf2e11c63945e9f83bf2a0
    • Sandeep Patil's avatar
      Make sure all public types are defined regardless of build variants · 35e308cf
      Sandeep Patil authored
      The types need to be exported so userdebug system.img
      can still build the policy with a user vendor.img at boot time.
      All permissions and attributes for these types are still kept under
      conditional userdebug_or_eng macro
      Bug: 37433251
      Test: Boot sailfish-user build with generic_arm64_ab system.img on
            sailfish and make sure sepolicy compilation succeeds
      Change-Id: I98e8428c414546dfc74641700d4846edcf9355b1
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSandeep Patil <>
    • Chia-I Wu's avatar
      Allow dumping hal_graphics_composer_server and fix watchdog · e4d21465
      Chia-I Wu authored
      Bug: 37152880
      Bug: 37554633
      Test: adb shell am hang --allow-restart
      Test: adb shell dumpstate
      Change-Id: Ie68607f3e3245a40056bdde7dd810ddf212b4295
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Grant dumpstate hwservermanager list permission · 09423b50
      Alex Klyubin authored
      This lets dumpstate obtain the list of currently registered HwBinder
      Test: adb bugreport -- no denials to do with dumpstate access to
            hwservicemanager list functionality.
      Bug: 37554633
      Change-Id: I95512168948ca45a0dd830c20922e3c776ffaf41
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      Restrict access to hwservicemanager · 53656c17
      Alex Klyubin authored
      This adds fine-grained policy about who can register and find which
      HwBinder services in hwservicemanager.
      Test: Play movie in Netflix and Google Play Movies
      Test: Play video in YouTube app and YouTube web page
      Test: In Google Camera app, take photo (HDR+ and conventional),
            record video (slow motion and normal), and check that photos
            look fine and videos play back with sound.
      Test: Cast screen to a Google Cast device
      Test: Get location fix in Google Maps
      Test: Make and receive a phone call, check that sound works both ways
            and that disconnecting the call frome either end works fine.
      Test: Run RsHelloCompute RenderScript demo app
      Test: Run fast subset of media CTS tests:
            make and install CtsMediaTestCases.apk
            adb shell am instrument -e size small \
                -w ''
      Test: Play music using Google Play music
      Test: Adjust screen brightness via the slider in Quick Settings
      Test: adb bugreport
      Test: Enroll in fingerprint screen unlock, unlock screen using
      Test: Apply OTA update:
            Make some visible change, e.g., rename Settings app.
            make otatools && \
            make dist
            Ensure device has network connectivity
   -s <serial here> --file out/dist/sailfish-ota-*.zip
            Confirm the change is now live on the device
      Bug: 34454312
      (cherry picked from commit 632bc494)
      Merged-In: Iecf74000e6c68f01299667486f3c767912c076d3
      Change-Id: I7a9a487beaf6f30c52ce08e04d415624da49dd31
    • Jeff Vander Stoep's avatar
      Fix build time warning · 2db1cd48
      Jeff Vander Stoep authored
      Fixes warning:
      system/sepolicy/public/install_recovery.te:14:WARNING 'unrecognized character' at token ''' on line 13335:
      allow install_recovery vendor_file:file { { getattr open read ioctl lock } { getattr execute execute_no_trans } };'
      Bug: 37105075
      Test: Fugu policy builds without this warning.
      Change-Id: I8f417c51a816f3983a918c7e36dd804c5b85543f
    • Pavel Grafov's avatar
      Let shell and bugreport read logging related properties. · a283ac71
      Pavel Grafov authored
      Currently ro.device_owner and aren't accessible
      without root, so "adb shell getprop" returns empty reply which is
      confusing. Also these properties aren't seen from bugreport unless
      their change happened recently.
      Bug: 37053313
      Test: manual, took bugreport and ran getprop after "adb unroot".
      Change-Id: Id41cdabc282f2ebcdfc0ac7fe9df756322a0863d
    • Jaekyun Seok's avatar
      Allow installd to read vendor_overlay_file · aeada247
      Jaekyun Seok authored
      installd needs to check whether idmap is outdated or not compared to
      vendor overlay file.
      Test: building succeeded and tested on sailfish.
      Bug: 37179531
      Change-Id: I934c1ae39e3f806bca1e3d68cf8190addeebb499
  11. Apr 20, 2017
  12. Apr 19, 2017
    • Sandeep Patil's avatar
      Allow access to /proc/config.gz for priv_app and recovery · 04654427
      Sandeep Patil authored
      Bug: 37485771
      Test: sideloaded OTA through recovery on sailfish
      Change-Id: I98bb4e0e919db585131391f57545f1a9a0096701
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSandeep Patil <>
    • Jeff Hao's avatar
      Add dex2oat permissions to open and read the tmp apk. · 37f5c2d9
      Jeff Hao authored
      The PackageManager now passes previous code paths to dex2oat as shared
      libraries. dex2oat needs extra permissions in order to access and open
      the oat files of these libraries (if they were compiled).
      Part of a multi-project change.
      Bug: 34169257
      Test: cts-tradefed run singleCommand cts -d --module
      CtsAppSecurityHostTestCases -t android.appsecurity.cts.SplitTests
      (cherry-picked from commit 1103f963)
      Change-Id: I3cf810ef5f4f4462f6082dc30d3a7b144dcce0d9
    • Chong Zhang's avatar
      grant mediadrmserver permission to read dir from /system/* · 492dab2a
      Chong Zhang authored
      hal_client_domain no longer allows read dir permission, in order
      to load .so from /system/lib, we have to add this permission ourselves.
      bug: 37476803
      Change-Id: I1711d158c2f4580f50ac244da10c489df003cc18
    • Andy Hung's avatar
      Extend mediaextractor file read permissions · f239fcf5
      Andy Hung authored
      Permit mediaextractor its own file source for apk and ringtone files.
      Previously we fall back to the mediaserver file source.
      This does not affect behavior as the fallback works fine; however,
      the log messages may cause confusion.
          [73402.683908] type=1400 audit(1491338955.878:121): avc: denied { read }
          for pid=18381 comm="generic"
          path="/data/system_de/0/ringtones/alarm_alert_cache" dev="sda35"
          ino=2490374 scontext=u:r:mediaextractor:s0
          tcontext=u:object_r:ringtone_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
          [73402.683932] type=1400 audit(1491338955.884:122): avc: denied { read }
          for pid=18383 comm="generic"
          path="/data/system_de/0/ringtones/ringtone_cache" dev="sda35"
          ino=2490376 scontext=u:r:mediaextractor:s0
          tcontext=u:object_r:ringtone_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
      Test: Ringtone and CTS
      Bug: 37500781
      Change-Id: Ie6d8e6d2b7301d00957733f173aeebbe9d0d1998
  13. Apr 18, 2017
    • Carmen Jackson's avatar
      Add selinux rules for additional file contexts in userdebug · 25788df1
      Carmen Jackson authored
      These rules allow the additional tracepoints we need for running traceur
      in userdebug builds to be writeable.
      Bug: 37110010
      Test: I'm testing by running atrace -l and confirming that the
      tracepoints that I'm attempting to enable are available.
      Change-Id: Ia352100ed67819ae5acca2aad803fa392d8b80fd
    • Dan Cashman's avatar
      Remove vndservice_manager object classes. · 2f1c7ba7
      Dan Cashman authored
      vndservicemanager is a copy of servicemanager, and so has the exact
      same properties.  This should be reflected in the sharing of an object
      manager in SELinux policy, rather than creating a second one, which is
      effectively an attempt at namespacing based on object rather than type
      labels.  hwservicemanager, however, provides different and additional
      functionality that may be reflected in changed permissions, though they
      currently map to the existing servicemanager permissions.  Keep the new
      hwservice_manager object manager but remove the vndservice_manager one.
      Bug: 34454312
      Bug: 36052864
      Test: policy builds and device boots.
      Change-Id: I9e0c2757be4026101e32ba780f1fa67130cfa14e
    • Alex Klyubin's avatar
      surfaceflinger and apps are clients of Configstore HAL · 75ca4832
      Alex Klyubin authored
      This commit marks surfaceflinger and app domain (except isolated_app)
      as clients of Configstore HAL. This cleans up the policy and will make
      it easier to restrict access to HwBinder services later.
      Test: Play YouTube clip in YouTube app and YouTube web page in Chrome
      Test: Take an HDR+ photo, a normal photo, a video, and slow motion
            video in Google Camera app. Check that photos show up fine and
            that videos play back with sound.
      Test: Play movie using Google Play Movies
      Test: Google Maps app displays the Android's correct location
      Bug: 34454312
      Change-Id: I0f468a4289132f4eaacfb1d13ce4e61604c2a371
  14. Apr 16, 2017
    • Martijn Coenen's avatar
      Allow mediadrmserver to call mediacodec. · ed1c3827
      Martijn Coenen authored
      Bug: 36604251
      Test: Netflix protected content, Play movies
      Change-Id: I5c2c542007abddbe56b933ff44d65bd376b6691e
    • Martijn Coenen's avatar
      Remove mediacodec from binder violators. · fc80f480
      Martijn Coenen authored
      The new binder_call() lines had to be added
      because this change removes mediacodec from
      binderservicedomain (on full-treble), hence
      domains that could previously reach mediacodec
      with binder_call(domain, binderservicedomain)
      now need explicit calls instead.
      Test: Youtube, Netflix, Maps, Chrome, Music
      Change-Id: I3325ce20d9304bc07659fd435554cbcbacbc9829
  15. Apr 15, 2017
    • Martijn Coenen's avatar
      Allow mediacodec access to sync fences. · b4d701bf
      Martijn Coenen authored
      Test: WIP
      Change-Id: I678b0d0e9750b25628b86060574fd516d3749cdf
    • Sandeep Patil's avatar
      Add vendor_executes_system_violators attribute · b99676ee
      Sandeep Patil authored
      Temporary attribute (checked against in CTS) to point out vendor
      processes that run /system executables. These are currently only down to
      2-3 of them that are related to telephony on sailfish
      Bug: 36463595
      Test: Build succeeds for sailfish
      Test: ./cts-tradefed run cts -m CtsSecurityHostTestCases -t \
                --skip-device-info --skip-preconditions --skip-connectivity-check \
                --abi arm64-v8a
      Change-Id: I9eb40ad259aefba73869d6a1b40186d33fa475dd
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSandeep Patil <>
    • Sandeep Patil's avatar
      add netutils_wrappers · c6d89024
      Sandeep Patil authored
      Bug: 36463595
      Test: Boot sailfish, make wifi call, internet over data and wifi
      Change-Id: I81259b6412d7197725afe2fe4976aa0a03b8df6e
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSandeep Patil <>
  16. Apr 14, 2017
    • Martijn Coenen's avatar
      Give apps, cameraserver, and system_server access to sync fences. · de2e79c5
      Martijn Coenen authored
      Since hal_graphics_composer_default is now no longer
      a member of binderservicedomain, these domains would
      no longer be able to use filedescriptors from it.
      Bug: 36569525
      Bug: 35706331
      Test: marlin boots, YouTube, Maps, Camera, video
      Change-Id: I4c110cf7530983470ae079e4fbc8cf11aa0fab7f
    • Tianjie Xu's avatar
      Allow recovery to read thermal info on sailfish · 71bccc7a
      Tianjie Xu authored
      Encountered more denials on sailfish:
      avc:  denied  { read } for  pid=439 comm="recovery" name="thermal"
      dev="sysfs" ino=28516 scontext=u:r:recovery:s0
      tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_thermal:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
      avc:  denied  { read } for  pid=441 comm="recovery"
      name="thermal_zone9" dev="sysfs" ino=40364 scontext=u:r:recovery:s0
      tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_thermal:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=0
      Bug: 36920500
      Test: sideload a package in sailfish
      (cherry picked from commit b4e4565d)
      Change-Id: I46b14babd47168e87c0d30ec06281aaa237563bf
    • Iliyan Malchev's avatar
      Transition mediacodec to /dev/hwbinder and /dev/vndbinder · 56cdcd48
      Iliyan Malchev authored
      This change disables /dev/binder access to and by mediacodec on
      full-Treble devices.
      b/36604251 OMX HAL (aka mediacodec) uses Binder and even exposes a
      	   Binder service
      Test: marlin
      Change-Id: I1e30a6c56950728f36351c41b2859221753fd91a
      Signed-off-by: default avatarIliyan Malchev <>
    • Jeff Vander Stoep's avatar
      restore permissions to /vendor for non-treble devices · f627e558
      Jeff Vander Stoep authored
      Relabeling /vendor and /system/vendor to vendor_file removed
      previously granted permissions. Restore these for non-treble devices.
      avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for pid=2944 comm="dumpstate"
      path="/system/vendor/bin/wpa_cli" dev="mmcblk0p10" ino=1929
      scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_file:s0
      And potentially some other bugs that have yet to surface.
      Bug: 37105075
      Test: build Fugu
      Change-Id: I8e7bd9c33819bf8206f7c110cbce72366afbcef8